2023 1 posts Re Topic 5 DQ 2 This catastrophic earthquake took place

Nursing 2023 response

1 posts Re Topic 5 DQ 2 This catastrophic earthquake took place 2023 Assignment

1 postsRe: Topic 5 DQ 2

This catastrophic earthquake took place on January 12, 2010, in the country of Haiti. With a magnitude of 7.0. on the Richter scale, this earthquake took many lives. An international relief operation was initiated soon after the earthquake happened. The United States sent thousands of military troops to Haiti to provide resources, help with finding lost loved ones and friends and help sustain peace.

According to Green (2018), “Primary prevention in disaster management involves planning prior to the disaster.” Thinking of the situation that is taking place and planning how to overcome the obstacles to help treat and save people. For instance, access to surgical, medical and emergency equipment, plans set in place to handle burns, trauma or other issues that might occur. Access needs to also be available to medications like antibiotics and IV fluid. Additionally, Green (2018) adds that “Secondary prevention may occur when the onset of the disaster has occurred or within hours of its impact; this is when the response occurs during a disaster.” This could be priority immunizations, including mass vaccination campaigns for tetanus immunization as part of wound care. This happens in the second phase to insure that once people are not in danger, they do not get an infection from a secondary situation. Secondary situations to educate on would be wound care and proper dressing change Finally, Green (2018 ) describes the last stage as “Tertiary prevention occurs after the offending event has ceased and the focus is on recovery.” This stage is when the recovery process begins. The duration of the recovery phase varies and can focus on the mental health of persons involved in the tragedy. Spiritual guidance and prayer are highly recommended at this stage to help people cope with the disaster.

There are many organizations that manage a crisis to this magnitude. One organization that I would work with is FEMA. FEMA is trained to respond to crisis situations and has a protocol already in place to follow to ensure the safest and most effective rescue and treatment for the public. I would also work with the American Red Cross. This organization is also highly trained to deal with disaster situations and getting proper supplies to people in need. I would also work with community churches and faith-based organizations to help people spiritually and mentally.


Community and Public Health: The Future of Health Care. (2018). Retrieved from Grand Canyon University (Ed.): https://lc.

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