2023 For this you will be asked to generate posts on social media as it is

Nursing 2023 Communication 5

For this you will be asked to generate posts on social media as it is 2023 Assignment


For this, you will be asked to generate posts on social media as it is used by businesses.

Your current employer is interested in using various social media to increase the company/organization’s profile in the area. The company/organization has also recently introduced a new product or service that your boss wants the general public to know about. You have been asked to create the initial contact to the public on both Facebook and Twitter.

1. Select a product or service that is appropriate either for your current job or for the career you intend to have.

2. Create two Facebook posts of up 100 words each announcing the product/service to the company’s Facebook audience and two tweets (limit 140 characters including spaces) for the company’s Twitter audience announcing the new product or service. These should be written as if they will be posted to social media, but should be submitted as a Word document.

3. Keep in mind the conventions of social media. Grammar and spelling are critically important, as is maintaining professionalism while still being fun and welcoming to customers or clients.

4. Write a 2-3 paragraph reflection on how you approached these posts and how writing social media posts for a professional entity like a business differs from your personal use of social media.

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