2023 Instructions There are six different art genres listed horizontally across African Renaissance Impressionism Cubism Surrealism and Pop

Nursing 2023 Module 04 Art Appreciation

Instructions There are six different art genres listed horizontally across African Renaissance Impressionism Cubism Surrealism and Pop 2023 Assignment


Instructions: There are six different art genres listed horizontally across – African, Renaissance, Impressionism, Cubism, Surrealism, and Pop Art. These same six genres are listed vertically as well. Each box on the grid reflects a common meeting point for the genres listed horizontally and vertically. In these boxes, you are asked to explain either a similarity or a difference between the two genres. Similarities/differences could include artists, time period, style, geographic location, critical response, etc. Using information you included in the grid, write a 1-2 paragraph summary in the area below the grid, for each genre relationship that further analyzes the global, historical, and stylistic perspectives for each genre comparison.

Genre Grid and Summary

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