2023 Case Study Select a patient population pediatric young adult adult or geriatric and

Nursing 2023 clinical case Study

Case Study Select a patient population pediatric young adult adult or geriatric and 2023 Assignment


Case Study

Select a patient population ( pediatric, young adult, adult or geriatric) and briefly analyses a common /acute EENT condition (Sinuses, Pharyngitis, Epiglottitis, Infectious Mono, Epistaxis, Allergy rhinitis, hearing loss, common eye conditions etc…. there are several to choose from) that may affects this population. Briefly tell how it impacts the patient s quality of life and analyze the current research evidence on this topic and gold standard of care if any for your chosen population. ( You may use any clinical example) Describe how you the Family Nurse practitioner can or have made a difference In the care of patients with this specific disease and tell of one specific patient care teaching That he/she may do to help minimize disease symptoms.

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2023 hi dear can help me to finish this assignment with good quality and be on time

Nursing 2023 HP Strategies & Tactics

hi dear can help me to finish this assignment with good quality and be on time 2023 Assignment


hi dear,

 can help me to finish this assignment with good quality and be on time please?

 I just need to response to the Discussions, and about 50 words for each responses.

1)  The two populations I chose to discuss smoking behavior and prevalence are young adults and the elderly people. Nearly 9 out of 10 cigarette smokers first tried smoking by age 18, and 98% first tried smoking by age 26 (CDC, 2019). Each day in the United States, about 2,000 youth less than 18 years of age smoke their first cigarette, and each day in the Unite States more than 300 youth under 18 years of age become daily cigarette smokers (CDC, 2019). Smoking prevalence in the United States is lower among older adults (8.3%) compared with younger adults (22.2%); however older adults are half as likely to try to quit as smokers aged 18 to 24 years (25.3% vs. 53.1%) (Kleykamp & Heishman, 2011).  Lung cancer, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and heart disease are some the main disease that is resulted from bad smoking habits. The long-term aspect of smoking causes these diseases and is difficult to reverse the effects of smoking. Overall, it is important to continue educating the youth about the consequences of smoking and as well as providing resources for the elderly to help them stop smoking. Determining readability should come with these points such as using common words, concrete language, conversational tone, explaining technical terms and writing in an active voice. Learning about the local populations is important to developing relevant, appropriate materials. Many health messages are lost on members of minority populations because of poor translation (Bensley & Brookins-Fisher, 2009). It should be highly prioritized to have the intended audience understand what is being conveyed through these campaigns so they are able to fully grasp the material. Furthermore, communicating these health messages are important to reach out to the populations have a successful campaign.The article I chose was the article in regards to Asian American, there was a total of 18 sentences and within those sentences I was able to count 37 3 or more syllables. I multiplied 37 by 1.67 and got 61.79, which means that the article is at an 11th grade reading level.  If my calculations and counting are correct, this would mean that the article does not comply with the regulated 6th to 8th grade reading level. However, the article addressed diversity in connection to the group it was created for, which served it’s purpose. Furthermore, it is important that the targeted audiences are able to understand the material so they are able to practice what is being preached to them.

2) Current smoking rates for Asian American’s are 9% smoke and 16.5% African American’s smoke. (CDC, 2018a/c) The top three leading causes of death for Asian Americans are cancer, heart disease, and stroke. The top three leading causes of death for African Americans are heart disease, cancer, and stroke. Smoking puts people at an increased risk for all three of these health concerns. Cigarette smokers has fallen from 2005 to 2016 in Asian Americans; from 13.3% to 9% (this is roughly 1 in 11 down from 1 in 7). Print materials should have a clear targeted audience and there must be a specific goals/objective. After these have been decided the content and visual aids can be developed. This means taking key points rather than long paragraphs and that the layout is not confusing. Once the material has been developed it is reviewed and evaluated internally, so that it can be tested within a small test group and any fixed can be made before mass production. (Bensley & Brookins-Fisher, 2009)  Utilizing the SMOG Readability Formula on the Tips Campaign for African Americans the grade level equaled out to grade 11. (CDC, 2018c)  This is a word count between 57-72; the article word count for the article was 65. The article Tips Campaign for African Americans is above the recommended grade level for health materials, however there could be some error in that as the article was just 30 sentences and I could have possibly miscounted. This particular article, I feel didn’t reach out to the African American public enough, the interviews were from two African American women. I think there should have been more health related facts to health concerns that African Americans face, rather than personal testimonies. 


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2023 Comment1 My EBP project is on type 2 diabetes management through lifestyle changes I have chosen my place of employment

Nursing 2023 Comment

Comment1 My EBP project is on type 2 diabetes management through lifestyle changes I have chosen my place of employment 2023 Assignment


My EBP project is on type 2 diabetes management through lifestyle changes. I have chosen my place of employment as a research facility being that huge percentage of the population is diabetic. Potential barriers that may prevent my EBP change proposal is the lack of knowledge and unpreparedness of the rest of the team. The company in which I work for has a total of 13 facilities. Each facility has at least one RN and various providers. In order for my EBP change proposal to be successful, the company will have to invest money in training the RNs. Budget is something that has to be meticulously analyzed before approving any type of training. However, the company believes in providing quality patient care and managing our patient’s diabetes will not only reflect in their blood glucose, but also their overall health. According to the article Budget Management Tips for New Managers, it is cost effective to invest time to learn right initially (McCarthy, 2018). At this time, the company is investing time and money to train all medical assistants into working universally throughout the 13 facilities. Being that diabetes is on the rise, and I have conducted evidence-based practice research, I have a good feeling that the company may want to invest time and money into training not only RNs in providing education to patients living with diabetes, but also mental health providers to support these patients.


Maintaining safe staffing is key.  Keeping staff engaged in the hourly rounding process and not accepting anything less as practice on our CLC is paramount to keeping the residents safe and continue to keep falls at a minimum.  Maintaining an alarm free environment, no matter what the staffing ratios are, will be important. If management is serious about the alarm free environment, then they will need to actively enforce the rounding and not allow it to slide. Lastly, to maintain staff compliance, on-going education needs to be reinforced regarding proper rounding and alarm/restraint statistics on alarm free environments.

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2023 Chief executive officer CEO Beranger is aware that there are many ethical issues that arise

Nursing 2023 Ip 3

Chief executive officer CEO Beranger is aware that there are many ethical issues that arise 2023 Assignment

Chief executive officer (CEO) Beranger is aware that there are many ethical issues that arise as health care organizations struggle to balance the commitment to their mission and maintain their profit margin. She would like you to discuss how the financial complexity of the health care organization can lead to ethical challenges. She would also like you to discuss the delicate balance between mission and profit margin that Silver Creek Hospital must consider.  To respond to CEO Beranger, you prepare a Power Point presentation of 6-8 slides not including title and reference slides.  Include for each slide 75-100 words of speaker notes.  Include at least 2 scholarly resources using APA formatting.

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2023 Comprehensive exams in women s health need to As with any assessment the chief complain is often what drives what

Nursing 2023 reply to jennifer

Comprehensive exams in women s health need to As with any assessment the chief complain is often what drives what 2023 Assignment


Comprehensive exams in women’s health need to

As with any assessment, the chief complain is often what drives what our questions are and what clinical pathways we explore.  With women’s health that approach is not any different, as we need to explore the “what was”, “what is” and “what will be” for the patient.  The comprehensive assessment is one that is longer in nature and normally saved for the first visit, as if this patient will be a returning patient a more focused examine comes during their following appointments.  The follow is a “blanket” comprehensive assessment that can be tweaked for any patient (Elson, 2008);

  1. Chief complaint (is this a focused complaint or a first meeting or annual meeting)
  2. History of present illness
  3.  Menstrual History
    1.  Age at menarche
    2. Last menstrual period
    3. Menstrual characteristics
      1. Length
      2. How long is flow
      3. Amount of flow
  4. Other symptoms? (breast tenderness, pelvic pain, etc)5
  5. Pain?
  6. Intermenstrual bleeding
  7. Perimenopause/menopause
    1. Bleeding pattern
    2. Vasomotor symptoms
  8.  Contraception
    1. Current method; is it working?
    2. Previous method; any complications and reason for change
  9. Cervical and vaginal cytology
    1. Results and date of most recent pap
    2. Hx of abnormal paps? Why? Treatment?
  10.  Infections
    1. Hx of STD?
    2. Hx of vaginitis (types, frequency and treatment)
    3. Hx of PID
  11.  Fertility/infertility
    1. Any desire for future?
    2. Difficulty conceiving? Treatments in past?
  12. Sexual hx
    1. Type
    2. Concerns about libido, orgasm, dyspareunia
    3. Any hx of abuse? Assault?
  13. Obstetric hx
    1. Describe each pregnancy and outcome
    2. Any maternal, fetal or neonatal complications?
  14. Past medical history
    1. Current and past illnesses
    2. Hospital admissions
    3. Surgical hx
      1. GYN and Non-gyn
    4.  Medications/allergies
      1. OTC, prescribed, herbal
      2. Allergies to meds, food, environment and reactions?
  15. Family hx
    1. Significant illnesses of family
    2. Hereditary concerns
  16. Social hx
    1. Relationship status
    2. Level of education
    3. Occupation
  17. R.O.S.
  18. Abdomino-pelvic
    1. GYN
    2. GI
    3. GU
  19. Breast
  20. Others

18.Health Maintenance

  1. Smoking, alcohol use, drug use
  2. Diet
  3. Supplement intake
  4. Exercise
  5. Regular screenings (mammo, pap, colonoscopy)
  6. Immunizations and dates

Health maintenance is very important for all ages when related to women’s health.  The following are some ideas of health maintenance for each age group (Well-Woman Recommendations, 2018);

  1. Adolescents
    1. If sexually active the patient should have discussion with provider on sexually transmitted diseases and contraceptive use
    2. Drugs and alcohol use
    3. Peer pressure with sexual situations
  2. Childbearing
    1. Annual blood work to identify challenges in anemia, TSH, Cholesterol and minerals.
    2. Breast self-awareness
    3. Reproductive health plan
    4. Imitate partner violence
  • Peri-menopausal
    1. Hormone therapy
    2. Mammograms
    3. Advance directives
    4. Problems with sexual encounters (pain, dry, etc)
  1. Menopausal
    1. Sleep patterns
    2. Changes of the body (hair growth, hormonal changes, sexual changes)
    3. Breast self-awareness
  2. Geriatric Women
    1. Sexual function
    2. Injury prevention
    3. Neglect/abuse

Elson, N. B. (2008, July). The Gynecologic History and Examination. Retrieved from The Global Library of Womens Health: https://www.glowm.com/section_view/heading/TheGynecologicHistoryandExamination/item/3#3521

Well-Woman Recommendations. (2018, January 5). Retrieved from The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists: https://www.acog.org/About-ACOG/ACOG-Departments/Annual-Womens-Health-Care/Well-Woman-Recommendations?IsMobileSet=false

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2023 The physical examination should include components that are relevant to the patient s complaint and with the patient s history in mind

Nursing 2023 reply to hollie discussion

The physical examination should include components that are relevant to the patient s complaint and with the patient s history in mind 2023 Assignment



The physical examination should include components that are relevant to the patient’s complaint and with the patient’s history in mind. Thyroid palpation and an abdominal assessment are appropriate for all individuals with complaints of painful menstruation. A pelvic examination and bimanual exam are appropriate tests for sexually active individuals (Osavande & Mehulic, 2014). Adolescents that are not sexually active with histories consistent with primary dysmenorrhea do not need to have a pelvic examination (Osavande & Mehulic, 2014). Laboratory tests may be used pending the relevance determined by the provider. Laboratory tests may include: pregnancy test, CBC, thyroid function tests, vaginal and endocervical swabs, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and urinalysis (Osayande & Mehulic, 2014). Additional tests may be ordered as necessary.

Diagnosis and Differentials

Without more information, the initial diagnosis in this case would be unspecified dysmenorrhea (ICD-10: N94.6). Further information and evaluations may be needed to rule out secondary causes of dysmenorrhea, if clinical findings are suspicious for secondary dysmenorrhea. Differential diagnoses may be: primary dysmenorrhea, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, fibroids, or uterine cancer (Hackley & Kriebs, 2017).


Pharmacological therapies for primary dysmenorrhea include NSAIDs or oral contraceptives (Osavande & Mehulic, 2014). Strong evidence supports the use of NSAIDs as the first line treatment for primary dysmenorrhea (Osavande & Mehulic, 2014). The choice of NSAID should be made on an individual basis, though over-the-counter ibuprofen, Aleve, or Midol are popular and effective choices (Osavande & Mehulic, 2014). The decision to use oral contraceptives should be made by the patient after thorough education and risks are explained to the patient.

The most effective non-pharmacological therapy used to treat primary dysmenorrhea is the topical application of heat (Osavande & Mehulic, 2014). Some dietary supplements, such as omega 3 fatty acids and B vitamins, have shown mixed effectiveness for controlling menstrual pain (Osavande & Mehulic, 2014). Lifestyle modifications can also assist in decreasing painful menstruation. Some evidence suggests low fat or vegetarian diets can decrease intensity and duration of menstrual cramps (Alsaleem, 2018). Obesity and smoking are other factors that can be modified to improve menstrual cramps, through weight loss and smoking cessation, respectfully (Hackley & Kriebs, 2017). Stress reduction techniques may also improve symptoms in stressed individuals (Osavande & Mehulic, 2014).


If symptoms of primary dysmenorrhea improve with the pharmacological adjustments and non-pharmacological interventions, Osavande and Mehulic (2014) recommend continuing treatment and reassessing every six months. If symptoms are not relieved, the patient should return to the clinic for further evaluation after menstruation.  


Alsaleem M. A. (2018). Dysmenorrhea, associated symptoms, and management among students at King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia: An exploratory study. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care7(4), 769-774. https://dx.doi.org/10.4103%2Fjfmpc.jfmpc_113_18

Hackley, B. & Kriebs, J. (2017). Primary care of women. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Osayande, A. & Mehulic, S. (2014). Diagnosis and initial management of dysmenorrhea. American Family Physician, 89(5), 341-346. Retrieved from https://www.aafp.org/afp/2014/0301/p341.html

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2023 Vertigo is a sensation that comes on suddenly and makes the patient feel like they are spinning or that the


Vertigo is a sensation that comes on suddenly and makes the patient feel like they are spinning or that the 2023 Assignment

  Vertigo is a sensation that comes on suddenly and makes the patient feel like they are spinning or that the inside of their head is spinning. Some other symptoms associated with this condition include dizziness, loss of balance, nausea, and vomiting (Mayo Clinic, 2018).
The cause for this condition may be unknown. Possible causes of this condition could be related to a blow to the head, damage to the inner ear, or an association to migraines. If this condition has a severe headache, vision changes, a fever, extremity weakness, or trouble speaking with it, seeking medical attention is warranted. If the patient mentions these other symptoms, a referral would be appropriate (Mayo Clinic, 2018).
       Some treatment options for vertigo include canalith repositioning and surgical interventions, Canalith repositioning is the process of slowly positioning the head in different ways. The hope of this process is to help loose particles return to the semicircular canals of the inner ear. Surgery could be used to add a bone plug to the inner ear where the dizziness is originating (Mayo Clinic, 2018).
       Feeling lightheaded differs from vertigo in that lightheadedness is more a feeling of being dizzy or that one might faint. If someone has this feeling mixed with severe headache, vision changes, slurred speech, seizures, chest pain, or extremity numbness or weakness, seeing a provider is necessary. The causes of dizziness range from inner ear troubles, to medication reactions, possible cardiac conditions, infection, or even blood sugar related issues. Determining the cause of dizziness is needed in order to determine the best possible treatment needed. Treatment could be related to medication education or alteration, treating blood sugar, or treating something else (Mayo Clinic, 2018). 

Mayo Clinic. (2018). Dizziness. Retrieved from https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dizziness/symptoms-causes/syc-20371787

Mayo Clinic. (2018). Vertigo. Retrieved from

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Vertigo is defined as a hallucination of motion of the body or the environment and


Vertigo is defined as a hallucination of motion of the body or the environment and 2023 Assignment


“Vertigo is defined as a hallucination of motion of the body or the environment and may be rotatory or linear… it is a cardinal symptom of vestibular system disease” (Smouha, 2013, pp. 456). The most common causes of vertigo include benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), Meniere’s disease, inner ear infections and/or vestibular neuritis. When treating vertigo, the provider will focus on the cause rather than the symptoms. For example, if a patient has Meniere’s disease, then the provider may prescribe them a diuretic or recommend a low sodium diet to help reduce the amount of fluid pressure on the inner ear. If the patient is experiencing BPPV, then they are usually treated with exercises, physical therapy and slow-positioning maneuvers.


“Lightheadedness (syncope or near-syncope) is cardiovascular or cerebrovascular in origin, or occasionally metabolic (e.g., hypoglycemia), but almost never vestibular” (Smouha, 2013, pp. 456). The most common causes of lightheadedness include orthostatic hypotension (sudden drop in blood pressure when a patient stands up), illnesses (cold, flu, allergies, etc.), certain medications, arrhythmia, anxiety stroke, anemia and/or neurological conditions. Treating lightheadedness is like treating vertigo even though it is not the same causes – you would treat a patient that is lightheaded with potential medications, head position maneuvers, balance therapy or psychotherapy for something caused by an anxiety disorder.


With treating an individual with either vertigo or lightheadedness, a referral to Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) should be recommended when the patient is experiencing reoccurring episodes – regardless of the cause because there may be an underlying condition that should be further evaluated by a specialist.


Smouha, E. (2013). Inner ear disorders. NeuroRehabilitation32(3), 455–462.

https://doi.org/10.3233/NRE-130868 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

  • Levo, H., Kentala, E., Rasku, J., Pyykko, I. (2013). Fatigue in Meniere’s Disease. Hearing, Balance,
    and Communication, 11, 191-197. DOI: 10.3109/21695717.2013.835090
  • Amanda DavisAmanda Davis

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2023 You have to determine the topic of interest You might see what health

Nursing 2023 Matrix

You have to determine the topic of interest You might see what health 2023 Assignment

You have to determine the topic of interest.You might see what health care legislation is being proposed in my area that is Miami, Florida since I will have to identify those legislation in the course. Remember I,m doing my nurse practitioner.

I have to choose a topic and complete the Matrix, only to fill what is going to be about. The matrix is attached.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Application Clinical Supervision Topic Paper For this Assignment you complete additional reading on

Nursing 2023 I need this done ASAP

Application Clinical Supervision Topic Paper For this Assignment you complete additional reading on 2023 Assignment

 Application: Clinical Supervision Topic Paper
For this Assignment, you complete additional reading on a clinical supervision topic or area of interest and write a paper about the clinical supervision topic you selected.
To prepare
Select a specific topic or area of interest related to clinical supervision. When choosing a topic, avoid broad topic areas (e.g., multicultural issues in supervision, legal issues in supervision, models of supervision). Instead, select a narrow (specific) topic that will allow for in-depth study of a particular supervision issue. Examples of narrow topic areas include:
Rationale for a “competency-based approach” to clinical supervision
Dual relationship issues in clinical supervision
Malpractice issues in clinical supervision in school settings
Gender issues in clinical supervision
Effective methods and interventions for live supervision
The clinical supervisor’s role in dealing with issues of supervisee “impairment”
Clinical supervision using online medium
Seek out scholarly articles and complete additional reading on the topic you selected.
Write a position paper about the topic.
The paper will be evaluated on the extent to which it:
Defines the topic of interest
Explains associated problem(s) and/or issue(s)
Addresses the relevance to the field of clinical supervision
Summarizes previous research and/or contemporary thinking in the field
Identifies any gaps or contradictions in the literature
Recommends next steps for research, training, and/or policy
Follows APA format, with clarity and organization
Assignment (8–10 pages):
Submit a paper in which you analyze issues related to a specific clinical supervision topic or area of interest. The paper should be approximately 8–10 pages in length (typed and double spaced), in APA format, and should be of publishable quality. 

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.