2023 Identify a clinical issue of interest that can form the basis of a clinical

Nursing 2023 Clinical Inquiry

Identify a clinical issue of interest that can form the basis of a clinical 2023 Assignment

 Identify a clinical issue of interest that can form the basis of a clinical inquiry.

  • Using keywords related to this clinical issue of interest and Boolean search terms, search at least four different databases in the Walden Library to identify at least four peer-reviewed articles relevant to your clinical issue of interest.
  • Create a 4- to 5-slide narrated PowerPoint presentation that addresses the following:
    • Identify and briefly describe your chosen clinical issue of interest.
    • Describe how you used keywords and Boolean search terms to search your chosen clinical issue of interest.
    • Identify the four research databases that you used to conduct your search.
    • Provide APA citations for the four peer-reviewed articles that you selected.

Nurses’ attitude and perceived barriers to pressure ulcer prevention

Nurses’ attitude and perceived barriers to pressure ulcer prevention

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Reducing hospital-acquired pressure ulcers in intensive care

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Healthy Skin Wins: A Glowing Pressure Ulcer Prevention Program That Can Guide Evidence‐Based Practice

Healthy Skin Wins: A Glowing Pressure Ulcer Prevention Program That Can …

Background In 2013, an observational survey was conducted among 242 in‐patients in a community hospital with a p…



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2023 Please check the grading criteria Browse File In this assignment you will assess a

Nursing 2023 Nursing, Change Paper

Please check the grading criteria Browse File In this assignment you will assess a 2023 Assignment

  Please check the grading criteria(Browse File)

 In this assignment, you will assess a current semi-direct or indirect nursing situation that is in need of change. Observe a healthcare environment, focusing on areas of the nursing process that are inefficient, unsafe, or problematic in nature. Diagnose the problem and choose a nursing change theory that suits the change(s) you want to make. Propose a detailed plan based on your chosen change theory, explaining how to implement change. Develop criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan and include a timeline for your change proposal. Finally, reflect on how your change affects the nursing profession. 

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2023 Based on your readings please answer the following discussion question What are the perceived challenges do

Nursing 2023 Nursing Research

Based on your readings please answer the following discussion question What are the perceived challenges do 2023 Assignment

Based on your readings, please answer the following discussion question.

What are the perceived challenges do you expect to find with validity and trustworthiness in qualitative research? What steps will you implement to ensure that your research is reliable?

The response must adhere to APA 6th edition guidelines. Resources must support your statements. 

250-300 words 

Turnitin assignment 

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2023 Complete a 2 3 page sociological analysis of your name looking at how your naming may have been

Nursing 2023 1000-1 The sociology of your name

Complete a 2 3 page sociological analysis of your name looking at how your naming may have been 2023 Assignment

Complete a 2-3 page sociological analysis of your name, looking at how your naming may have been impacted by culture, gender, and time period.


Sociology is interested in better understanding the social contexts of our social lives. Much of what we experience in life is impacted by the culture in which we live. The ways of life found around the world differ, not only in forms of dress, preferred foods, and musical tastes, but also in family patterns and beliefs about right and wrong. These differences can be attributed to culture—our collective beliefs, values, and objects. While we oftentimes see names as a reflection of who we are as individuals, they are the product of larger social forces. Using your sociological imagination, you can reflect on your name and how it is impacted by culture.

Note: Many resources will be coming from The Society Pages blog. While it is good to question the validity of most blogs, The Society Pages contains blog posts from experts in the field of sociology and thus have higher validity.

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 4: Analyze the influence of culture on both the individual and society.
    • Describe how your name is shaped by the social world around you.
    • Examine the role of culture in naming.
  • Competency 5: Analyze the impact of social change on society and social institutions.
    • Discuss the influence of social change regarding how we understand names.
  • Competency 6: Compose text that articulates meaning relevant to its purpose and audience.
    • Develop text using organization, structure, and transitions that demonstrate understanding of cohesion between main and subtopics.

This assessment requires you to do some research on your name. How popular was your name when you were born? What does your name mean? Based on what you learned from your research, discuss your own name. How is something as simple as a name shaped by the social world around us? How has your name been impacted by time period, culture, your gender, et cetera? How might your name be different if you had been born one hundred years earlier? Why?


Write an essay in which you complete all of the following:

Part 1 – Discuss your name.

  • What is your name?
  • Describe where your name comes from.
    • Discuss the origins of your name (if it is known).
  • Research the popularity of your name. Discuss other information you find regarding your name.

Part 2 – Examine your name from a sociological perspective.

  • Describe how your name has been impacted by time period, culture, gender, et cetera.
  • Identify other aspects of the social world that may be related to naming.

Part 3 – Reflect on your name.

  • Based on your research and sociological analysis of you name, share your thoughts or perspective on your name or names in general.

Additional Requirements

  • Written communication: Develop text using organization, structure, and transitions that demonstrate understanding of cohesion between main and subtopics. Written communication needs to be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • Sources: Cite at least two scholarly sources.
  • Length: 2–3 pages, not including title and reference pages.
  • Format: Include a title page and reference page. Use in-text citations to cite your sources. [Example: Writing becomes better as the child matures (Britton, Thomas, & Miller, 1996).]
  • Font and size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

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2023 ype of paperResearch Paper SubjectEnglish Number of pages6 Format of citationMLA Number of

Nursing 2023 Order 1186776: Mental Illness

ype of paperResearch Paper SubjectEnglish Number of pages6 Format of citationMLA Number of 2023 Assignment


  • ype of paperResearch Paper
  • SubjectEnglish
  • Number of pages6
  • Format of citationMLA
  • Number of cited resources8
  • Type of serviceWriting

I need a research paper on mental illness and health. I would like it to explain what is mental illness, how many people suffer from it, an in-depth review of depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder and how it can be treated.

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2023 Write a 2 3 page examination of an issue in the nursing field using each of the three

Nursing 2023 1000-2 Using Sociological Theory to Understand Your Field

Write a 2 3 page examination of an issue in the nursing field using each of the three 2023 Assignment

Write a 2-3 page examination of an issue in the nursing field using each of the three sociological perspectives.


Sociologists use theory to study society. In science, theory is used to develop a deeper understanding of the universe. Although abstract, sociologists use theory to expand on original ideas and develop practical solutions to problems. In sociology, there are three main sociological theories or perspectives: functionalist, conflict, and symbolic interactionist. Each of these perspectives has a distinct worldview, or interpretation, of the social world and human interaction:

  • The functionalist perspective presents the world as a system of inter-related parts, where all parts must work together for society to function.
    • For example, if we looked at sports teams, the functionalist perspective would argue that sports teams serve a purpose for society. They have a particular utility that helps society function properly. What purpose do sports teams have? Do they provide us with entertainment? Some people with jobs? Do they help to form a bond between people who otherwise would not be connected? The functionalist perspective would see all of these reasons as important functions of sports teams.
  • The conflict perspective disagrees, seeing society as an arena made up of groups competing over scarce resources in which there are issues of power and structural inequality.
    • The conflict perspective would see sports teams as groups competing over scarce resources. Those resources may be a title, fans, finances, or athletes. With this struggle between teams, some come out on top and others at the bottom. Thus, there is inherently inequality in sports teams.
  • Symbolic interactionism examines the symbols and social meanings we attach to individuals, behavior, objects, or interaction in face-to-face exchanges on a daily basis. The focus is more microcosmic than that of both functionalism and conflict perspective.
    • Since the symbolic interactionist perspective is a micro-level perspective it will look at the interactions that go on between individuals and small groups in sports teams. Are there symbols that exist between players on teams? Think of the gestures that are used by baseball players as an example. This perspective also looks at how communication differs for people on sports teams than it does for those in other groups. In football, for example, tackling is an acceptable form of interaction. That is not the case in an office setting.

As you can see, each of these three perspectives proposes a framework for interpreting encountered social phenomenon.

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Examine how theory and sociological concepts apply to everyday life.
    • Describe a current issue or event related to the learner’s field.
    • Examine an issue or event from the functionalist perspective.
    • Examine an issue or event from the conflict perspective.
    • Examine an issue or event from the symbolic interactionist perspective.
  • Competency 6: Compose text that articulates meaning relevant to its purpose and audience.
    • Develop text using organization, structure, and transitions that demonstrate understanding of cohesion between main and subtopics.

For this assessment, search the Internet or print resources for a popular (as opposed to scholarly) article concerning a larger issue or event that has occurred in the last six months to a year related to your field or the field you are considering working in (business, healthcare, technology, criminal justice, et cetera). For example, if your field of study is healthcare management, you could choose a recent article concerning the cost of prescription medicine.


Search for a popular article (magazine or newspaper) about an issue or event related to your field of interest.

Write an essay in which you complete all of the following:

  • Part 1 – Describe a current event or issue related to your field (1–2 paragraphs).
    • Describe the current event or issue objectively. What is the main issue?
  • Part 2 – Examine this event or issue from the three sociological perspectives: functionalist, conflict, and symbolic interactionist.
  • Address all three theories in your essay.
    • Use at least two scholarly sources when explaining your theories.
  • Examine how each perspective might explain or understand this event or issue.
  • Use the article you’ve chosen to support your use of the perspectives and to provide examples to highlight theoretical ideas.
  • It is expected that you use the vocabulary and concepts for each theory (for example, manifest and latent functions when discussing the functionalist perspective).

Additional Requirements

  • Written communication: Develop text using organization, structure, and transitions that demonstrate understanding of cohesion between main and subtopics. Write in a professional style using references and correct grammar, usage, and mechanics. Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • Sources: Cite at least two scholarly sources.
  • Length: 2–3 pages, not including title and reference pages
  • Format: Include a title page and reference page. Use in-text citations to cite your sources. [Example: Writing becomes better as the child matures (Britton, Thomas, & Miller, 1996).]
  • Font and size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

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2023 Develop a 4 5 page analysis of your experience with gender socialization In doing so analyze how

Nursing 2023 1000-3 An Analysis of Gender Socialization

Develop a 4 5 page analysis of your experience with gender socialization In doing so analyze how 2023 Assignment

  • Develop a 4-5 page analysis of your experience with gender socialization. In doing so, analyze how gender is created by society, specifically looking at children’s toys and/or clothing.
    Culture is the glue that holds a society together—it is what encourages the members of that society to cooperate with each other as much as possible. We learn culture through socialization, the lifelong social experience. From birth we are taught how to be members of our society.
    The most common agents of socialization are our family, peers, school, and media. The family, for example, influences a child’s development by such things as the way the parents hold the baby, look at it, talk to it, and respond to its needs. We take on typical gender roles from the beginning as girls are given pink clothes while boys are given blue. Family socialization is reinforced or modified by experiences at school and with peers, by the mass media, and by interaction with others. Socialization, the lifelong social experience through which we learn culture, is vital to becoming members of a society.
    In this assessment, we look at the sociological concepts of culture and socialization and how they impact our behavior and attitudes.
    Demonstration of Proficiency
    By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
    • Competency 1: Examine how theory and sociological concepts apply to everyday life. 
      • Identify gender-specific childhood clothing and/or toys.
    • Competency 2: Explain the basic tools of sociological inquiry. 
      • Summarize gender socialization sources. 
      • Explain the validity and helpfulness of gender socialization sources.
    • Competency 4: Analyze the influence of culture on both the individual and society. 
      • Describe the impact of gender-specific messages towards one’s self.
      • Analyze how gender-specific messages of childhood clothing and/or toys reflect larger societal expectations.
    • Competency 6: Compose text that articulates meaning relevant to its purpose and audience. 
      • Develop text using organization, structure, and transitions that demonstrate understanding of cohesion between main and subtopics. 
    • For this assessment, you analyze how gender is created by society, specifically looking at children’s toys and/or clothing. The purpose of this assessment is twofold: 
    • It helps you to start thinking about the impact of socialization on your life as a starting point.
    • This first analysis will be used again for Assessment 6.
    • It also requires you to locate and evaluate resources on socialization and these resources may be used in Assessment 6.
      Write an essay in which you complete all of the following:
      PART 1
      Examine the toys and clothing you had as a child.
    • Describe the clothing and toys from your childhood and identify which were gender-specific.
    • PART 2  
      Examine your experience with gender socialization.
    • Describe the message your toys and clothing sent you about gender. ​​​​​​
    • Analyze how gender-specific messages that arise from childhood clothing and toys reflect larger societal expectations.
    • Reflect on the impact these messages had on you. Describe how you feel about your experience with gender socialization.
    • PART 3
      Analyze and then include outside sources.
    • Your analysis should also include information from two additional outside resources regarding gender socialization—one from a popular source and one from a scholarly source. A critical component of this assessment involves evaluating these outside resources.
    • Summarize your outside articles (one scholarly and one popular) and explain how they helped you better understand your experience with gender socialization.
    • Explain the validity (quality) of each source and how helpful each was. What conclusions can you draw about the difference in these types of sources (popular versus scholarly)?
    • Additional Requirements  
    • Written communication: Develop text using organization, structure, and transitions that demonstrate understanding of cohesion between main and subtopics. Written communication needs to be free of errors that detract from the overall message. Write in a professional style using references and correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.
    • Sources: Cite at least three scholarly sources.
    • Length: 4–5 pages, not including title and reference pages.
    • Format: Include a title page and reference page. Use in-text citations to cite your sources. [Example: Writing becomes better as the child matures (Britton, Thomas, & Miller, 1996).]
    • Font and size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

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2023 Craft a 3 4 page response to the question Is income inequality inevitable In doing so

Nursing 2023 1000-4 Inequality

Craft a 3 4 page response to the question Is income inequality inevitable In doing so 2023 Assignment

  • Craft a 3-4 page response to the question, “Is income inequality inevitable?” In doing so be sure that you analyze factors that cause economic inequality, as well as propose solutions to reduce inequality.
    Inequality is a central concept in sociology. Every society has a stratification system—an arrangement of society into groups that are unequal with regard to things valued in that society. In the United States, for example, we stratify people based on social class (or how much income and wealth they have). Our location within the stratification system impacts much of our lives. How would your life be different if you came from a family with billions of dollars? Would you have gone to the same school? Played with the same toys? Gone on the same vacations?
    While inequality exists in every society, it tends to be different as to how it is structured according to time period or location. In earlier times, inequality was based on who owned the land. Today, it is shaped by a variety of factors including income, wealth, gender, race/ethnicity, age, and ability status. For example, women and some racial/ethnic groups make less for the same work as males. Despite this, we have a tendency in the United States to believe that neither social class nor class conflict exist. Unfortunately, research and data suggest otherwise. We still have a division of people based on their income and wealth, with some at the top and others at the bottom. While we belong to a wealthy, industrially developed country, poverty still exists.
    Sociologists examine these issues of poverty and inequality in a society and try to better understand why structures of inequality exist in society. Do you think inequality is always going to exist? Focus on this as you delve into the resources and prepare for the assessment.
    Demonstration of Proficiency
    By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
    • Competency 3: Explain the significance of social inequality for the individual and society. 
      • Explain whether or not economic inequality is inevitable.
      • Propose strategies to reduce inequality.
    • Competency 5: Analyze the impact of social change on society and social institutions. 
      • Examine potential changes to increase equality of opportunity.
      • Analyze factors that contribute to the growth of economic inequality.
    • Competency 6: Compose text that articulates meaning relevant to its purpose and audience. 
      • Develop text using organization, structure, and transitions that demonstrate understanding of cohesion between main and subtopics.
    • American culture emphasizes self-sufficiency and working hard to get where you want. It is assumed that everyone has the ability to succeed if they work hard enough. For this assessment, write a paper applying key concepts regarding social stratification to argue for or against the inevitability of economic inequality. While there are many forms of inequality in the United States, for this assessment we will be focusing solely on economic inequality.
      Write an essay in which you complete all of the following:
    • Part 1: Explain whether or not you think economic inequality is inevitable. 
      • Respond to the question: Is economic inequality inevitable? Why or why not?
    • Part 2: Analyze factors that contribute to growing economic inequality. 
      • Analyze what factors have contributed to the growth of economic inequality in the past few decades. What factors cause economic inequality?
      • Propose strategies to reduce economic inequality.
    • Part 3: Examine ways to increase equality of opportunity. 
      • Reflect on ideas of equal opportunity and analyze why or why not you think American society provides everyone with an equal opportunity for success.
      • Examine what kinds of changes would help establish greater equality of opportunity for everyone in American society.​​​​
    • Additional Requirements
    • Written communication: Develop text using organization, structure, and transitions that demonstrate understanding of cohesion between main and subtopics. Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
    • Sources: Cite at least three scholarly sources.
    • Length: 3–4 pages, not including title and reference pages.
    • Format: Include a title page and reference page. Use in-text citations to cite your sources. [Example: Writing becomes better as the child matures (Britton, Thomas, & Miller, 1996).]
    • Font and size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

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2023 Hello I need help urgently on all this papers Please bid only if you are

Nursing 2023 I need help

Hello I need help urgently on all this papers Please bid only if you are 2023 Assignment



I need help urgently on all this papers. Please bid only if you are capable of completing them all in 3 days. My budget is $200 but I can adjust that if I get a reliable tutor.

use these links to view each question.

  1. Indicators of health: Healthy people 2020
  2. Health, Culture and Identity
  3. BHE 310 Module 2

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Answer Sheet Variables List the major study variables and categorize them as research variables

Nursing 2023 Langa

Answer Sheet Variables List the major study variables and categorize them as research variables 2023 Assignment

Answer Sheet:


  1. List the major study variables, and categorize them as research variables or independent and dependent variables.
  2. Discuss how well the variables reflect the concepts from the theory framework.
  3. List the demographic variables measured in the study, and any extraneous variables identified by the authors. Evaluate whether or not there are missing demographic variables, in your opinion. 

Research Design

  1. Identify the specific study design. Explain whether the design was appropriate to answer the study’s research questions/ hypotheses. 
  2. Briefly describe the study procedures, including recruitment, screening for eligibility, consent, timing & method of measurement of demographic & key study variables, and intervention, if applicable.
  3. Discuss the clarity of description of study procedures. In other words, could another researcher replicate the study using the procedures described in the article? 
  4. If more than one group was included in the study, explain how participants were assigned to groups.
  5. Describe any threats to design validity mentioned by the authors.  If they did not describe that, then say so.
  6. Describe the limits of generalizability (external validity). 

Population, Sample, & Setting

  1. What was the population for the study?
  2. Identify the specific sampling method used for the study. Discuss the adequacy of the sampling method for producing a sample representative of the population. 
  3. Discuss potential biases with the sampling method used.
  4. Identify and evaluate the inclusion and exclusion criteria used in the study.
  5. Discuss how the planned sample size was determined (including power analysis & consideration of potential attrition if included).
  6. Discuss actual sample size attained for the study, including acceptance rate, refusal rate, and attrition rate.
  7. Describe study setting and its appropriateness for the study.

Reference List

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.