3 paragraphs | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

3 paragraphs | 2025 Custom Writing

watch this video and write 3 paragraphs (15 sentences) about ithttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvteZ_bq0nk


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WK 8 Suicide Prevention | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

WK 8 Suicide Prevention | 2025 Custom Writing

You are serving as consultants to help create a suicide prevention program for an at-risk population. For your project, it is assumed you have an unlimited budget and have access to any resources you would like. A resource list has been provided within the Topic Resources; however, you are not limited to these resources.Create a PowerPoint presentation consisting of 10 -12-slide, including title and reference slides. An optional outline has been provided. The presentation should address the following:Target Population: Select a target population (e.g., older individuals, individuals with economic problems, veterans, individuals with psychological disorders, LGBTQ, specific ethnic groups, prison populations, medical conditions, substance abuse, or individuals in public safety). Discuss demographics, general risk factors, and warning signs of suicide. Why is this population at greater risk? What are the specific issues or risk factors for this population?Identification: List ways the program will identify individuals or group most at risk for suicide (e.g., think beyond self-report surveys and consider including factors such as behavioral cues, psychophysiological measures, and brain scans). What are some ways the identification procedures can be implemented in the program so more at-risk individuals are identified?Barriers: What barriers exist for the chosen population. Who might need to seek help? (e.g., stigma, taboos, and shame). What can be done to eliminate these barriers? What role might faith and religion play (e.g., Christian Worldview)?Strategies: What strategies can be implemented to encourage individuals to reach out for help? What kind of public awareness/education strategies could be helpful?Prevention Plan: What is the plan to help individuals suffering from suicide ideation to prevent suicide? Are there established procedures that are helpful? Are there specific interventions that could be helpful for this population?Follow the recommended guide for creating effective PowerPoint presentations in the Student Success Center.You may use the optional outline provided for your PowerPoint presentation.1st Slide – Title slide2nd Slide – Objective Slide3rd Slide – Introduction to target population4th Slide – Why is this population at greater risk, describe risk factors5th Slide – How will the program identify those at greater risk6th Slide – Barriers to help7th Slide – How to eliminate barriers8th Slide – Specific strategies that might help9th Slide – Culmination of the program10th Slide – Reference slide


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WK 8 DQ 2 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

WK 8 DQ 2 | 2025 Custom Writing

Compare causes and treatments of various eating disorders. Identify the treatment you believe to be most effective and defend your position with current research.


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WK 8 DQ1 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

WK 8 DQ1 | 2025 Custom Writing

How could the suicide of a popular cultural figure or celebrity contribute to suicide rates in society? What is the potential impact of these suicides on adolescents and teens?


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Article Critique | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Article Critique | 2025 Custom Writing

Hello . Can you help me with my Article Critique. Attached are instructions and the Article that’s the Critique has to be on. Thanks .!


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WK 7 Abnormal Psychology | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

WK 7 Abnormal Psychology | 2025 Custom Writing

Societal and/or cultural implications.


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Homework help 3 questions | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Homework help 3 questions | 2025 Custom Writing

help with homework


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Microsoft Excel NO PLAGERIS | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Microsoft Excel NO PLAGERIS | 2025 Custom Writing

Utility and Considerations Regarding Microsoft ExcelIn many ways, Microsoft Excel is a practical and effective tool used to organize, process, and interpret data. Discuss the utility of Microsoft Excel with regard to variability that is inherent in studies. Identify 3 research scenarios that might provide a low, medium, and high degree of variability in the study data, and describe how the outcome of a given study can be influenced by variability in the data.Create a 1- to 2-page report in a Microsoft Word document.


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data analyze NO PLAGERISM | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

data analyze NO PLAGERISM | 2025 Custom Writing

troop and Native LanguageUse an independent t-test to analyze data from a fictitious study. This study compares the ability of native English speakers and native Spanish speakers to state the font color of words that are color names. Although some of the participants are nonnative English speakers, all participants are considered fluent in English at the time of the study. The tricky aspect of this task is that the words will be printed in colors that are incongruent to the color names. The independent variable is the native language, and the dependent variable is the time it takes to state the color of font for all the words. It is hypothesized the native English speakers will take longer to state the colors compared with the nonnative speakers.The data from the hypothetical study is given below. The explanations for the variable names used in the table are participant number (PID), time for native English speaker to read color words (NECW), age of participants in years (Age), and time for Spanish speaker to read color words (SSCW).


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responding | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

responding | 2025 Custom Writing

how do you respond to this?Ethically we have to consider the needs of participants whether they are animal or human. Even in animal studies we have to consider human needs too since there has to be safety protocols to ensure human handlers are not hurt. Some studies involve both human and animals. For example, there is a big interest in further understanding the role of support animals and animal companions/animals as companions. While the animal may or may not be an actual participant in those studies, they require thorough plans for the care and well-being of both humans and animals. That can make a study very complicated. I like that you mentioned legal here too. We focus a lot on ethical but sometimes there are also specific laws we need to understand and those can be federal, state, and even loca


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