2025 Woodall M DeLetter M 2018 Colorectal cancer A collaborative approach to improve education and screening in a rural

Advance Nursing Research 2025

Woodall, M., & DeLetter, M. (2018). Colorectal cancer: A collaborative approach to improve education and screening in a rural population . Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 22 (1), 69–75. Based on the research article you read, respond to the following prompts: 1. What, if any, was the theoretical framework that was used by article author(s)? 2. Describe the framework; was it from nursing or a borrowed theory? 3. Describe how the framework was used to inform the research study. 4. How much did the researchers write about it in the journal article? For example, was it weaved throughout the paper or mentioned only in the beginning? 5. In your opinion, what other nursing theory might have worked with this research study? Why? APA style. TURNITIN ASSIGNSMENT (FREE OF PLAGIARISM)

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Clinical Judgment is the process of integrating evidence based practice critical thought the Nursing Process knowledge skills and

Nursing 2 2025

Clinical Judgment is the process of integrating evidence-based practice, critical-thought, the Nursing Process, knowledge, skills, and attitudes, as well as application of theory to practice in order to promote safe, quality care to clients in all settings. Keeping that in mind, answer the following scenario: You are the Charge Nurse in a large Urban Emergency Department (ED). You nursing staff include: RN with 12 years of Trauma ED experience New RN with 6 months ED experience RN from the Medical Surgical floor with 8 years of experience The following patients are in the ED, which patient will you give to each of the nurses and why? A 76-year-old client who was involved in a motor vehicle accident and has hematuria. A 38-year-old client with kidney stones complaining of severe pain. A 24-year-old diabetic client with an acute urinary tract infection who will require discharge teaching. An 80-year-old client that has not had a bowel movement for 4 days.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Discussion Assignment Respond to the following Response Post 1 2

Selection Of Your Colleagues’ Responses. 2025

Discussion Assignment: Respond to the following Response Post # 1 & 2 Explain how you might apply knowledge gained from the Response case studies to your own practice in clinical settings. · Share additional interview and communication techniques that could be effective with your colleague’s selected patient. · · Suggest additional health-related risks that might be considered. · · Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research. · · Explain your reasoning using at least TWO different references from current evidence-based literature in APA Format. Response Post #: 1 Case 1: Volume 2, Case #16: The woman who liked late-night TV Case Study This is a case study of a 70-year-old female who lives at home by herself. The patient struggles with depression. She is sad, has lost interest in things she used to enjoy, and is fatigued with poor focus and concentration. The patient reports trouble sleeping. The patient also likes to watch late-night TV. Questions Sleeping disturbances affect 1/3 of Americans. Sleep can affect an individual’s memory, health, immune system, and pain. Some questions that we may need to ask the client: How much sleep do you usually get? Do you feel rested when you wake up? Do you have trouble falling asleep, or difficulty getting back to sleep when you wake up in the middle of the night? (Siengsukon, Al-Dughmi, & Stevens, 2017) Family Questions When assessing a patient, it is nice to allow the family to be involved, with the patient’s permission, if they are supportive and want to help the patient’s health improve. Some questions that the provider may want to ask the family are: How are the family dynamics, Does the patient’s symptoms nap during the day, and What does the family member suffering from sleep react throughout the day? These are important questions to help develop a picture of what is going on with the patient (Laff, 2016). Physical Exam and Diagnostic Testing When assessing the patient for a sleeping disorder you want to perform a physical examination to see if the patient has difficulty initiating sleep, maintaining sleep, and their routine before going to bed. As practitioners, we want to look to see if the patient is in pain. Does the patient use any substances such as alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, or any illegal drugs? Laboratory diagnostic tools may include blood work such as blood count, thyroid panel, comprehensive metabolic panel, C-Reactive Protein, ferritin, and vitamin B12. We may need to have the patient have echocardiograms, CT, or EEG performed depending on the lab results. Looking at the patient’s psychiatric history and sleep history. These are just a few tools to help diagnose and help determine the treatment (Riemann et al. 2017). Differential Diagnoses Three differential diagnoses that the patient fits the criteria for are Chronic insomnia disorder, sleep apnea syndrome, and Psychological insomnia. Chronic Insomnia disorder is when the individual has trouble sleeping three-four nights per week for three or more months. sleep apnea syndrome criteria include feeling tired throughout the day and snoring while sleeping. Psychological insomnia criteria are hyperarousal and learned sleep- preventing associations (Suzuki, Miyamoto, & Hirata, 2017). Drug Therapy Doxepin is a medication recommended to help with sleep at lower dosages. The recommended dosages are 3-6 mg (Sateia, Buysse, Krystal, Neubauer, & Heald, 2017). Doxepin binds with high specificity and affinity to the histamine H1 receptor compared with other receptors. At low doses, doxepin selectively antagonizes H1 receptors, which is believed to promote the initiation and maintenance of sleep (Weber, Siddiqui, Wagstaff, & McCormack, 2010). The next treatment option I would choose is Trazodone. The Therapeutic dose for Trazodone in 50 mg -200 mg. Trazodone can help with sleep and depression (Sateia, Buysse, Krystal, Neubauer, & Heald, 2017). Trazodone is an antagonist/blocker for all the targets except for the serotonin receptor, where it acts as an agonist/agonist (Settimo & Taylor, 2018). Follow-up Follow-ups are used to evaluate the progression of the patient’s symptoms. Practitioners evaluate medication side effects, the effectiveness of the medication, and the patient’s symptoms. It can take 4-8 weeks to know the effectiveness of a medication. In the case study, they followed up with the patient every four weeks. Response Post #: 2 Case Study 3 Case Study 3: Volume 1, Case 5: The sleepy woman with anxiety Insomnia is a common household occurrence with many people. This disorder can be attributed to medication, trauma, anxiety, and pain. According to Stahls (2013), sleep is considered to be a vital psychiatric sign during treatment evaluations Additional Evaluation Questions The case study included a lot of information; however, additional information is needed for an accurate diagnosis. 1. How long have you been experiencing a disruption of your sleep? 2. Do you have a problem falling asleep? 3. Do you drink caffeinated beverages before sleep? 4. What is your sleep routine? Do you have a TV in your room? 5. Have you tried nonpharmacological inventions such as (relaxation techniques)? 6. Do you have stressors, trauma, flashbacks that keep you awake? The following questions are asked to find additional information about the patient’s sleep history. Inquiring about past medications and nonpharmacological intervention is important to know when determining the new treatment options. Anxiety and the trauma-related event could cause an individual to lose sleep, especially if the event happens in the night hours. Many victims that experience night time trauma often has flashbacks during that time or increases anxiety. Also, drinking high caffeinated drinks could cause insomnia. The timing of drinking caffeinated beverages could be adjusted to be more beneficial to the patient. Family Questioning I would also include questions for other family members. I would ask them about the patient’s sleep pattern. Also, questions such as “have you witnessed bizarre behaviors from the patient that could affect the lack of sleep.” How much time do you think the patient sleeps daily? Do you think the patient has stressors or anxiety that keep her from sleeping? Many times the family members’ views on the patient’s insomnia can be different from the patient’s account. Testing and Diagnostic When patients are prescribed an antipsychotic, it important for the providers to start with a baseline EKG. According to Brown University Psychopharmacology (2014), Geodon is has known to cause QT prolongation for an individual with a personal or family of cardiac issues. Possible Diagnosis The patient presents with several symptoms and has an intensive mental health history. The three diagnoses that I considered a) post-traumatic syndrome (PTSD), Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Insomnia Disorder. I think the patient should be treated for insomnia disorder. According to Stahl (2013), insomnia disorders can be linked to other psychiatric disorders and can advance to depressive occurrences. Pharmacological Agents The two-agents that I would consider for this patient are Trazodone and Ambien. Trazodone is a serotonin receptor antagonist, that has an immediate effect on insomnia (Stahl, 2014). The recommended starting dose is 50mg PO nightly. The dose can tamper to produced the desired effect. Ambien is non-benzodiazepine hypnotic and is used to treat short term insomnia (Stahl. 2014). Ambien recommended starting dose is 5mg PO nightly immediate release. This medication would only be prescribed for 7-10 days due to the risk of dependence and worsening symptoms of depression and suicidal ideations. Lesson Learned This case study includes many variables about the patient’s past and present medical history.  Lagerberg et al. (2019) stated that incidents with polypharmacy increase with age and children have the highest incident with 3 or more psychotic drug classes. As an advanced practice nurse, it’s important to assess the medication and the patient history before determining the treatment. The patient indicated that several medications did not work for her but more information was needed to determine if that was an accurate assumption of the medication.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 1 You have been implementing your change project for a few weeks now What adjustments from your original plan have

Brilliant Answers **1 Page Each, Thanks** 2025

1. You have been implementing your change project for a few weeks now. What adjustments from your original plan have you made, or do you foresee needing to make in order for your change project to be successful? Explain in detail why these changes are needed. 2. With the ever-changing world of technology and nursing, discuss what types of technology you will utilize during your change project. 3. Discuss your change project events or obstacles that are new this week and share them with your peers. What adjustments did you make, if any? Describe the progress you have made thus far. 4. Which type of measurement tool are you using to collect data to demonstrate that your change project is worthwhile? Explain why you chose to use the specific measurement tool. 5. What process did you use to figure out your budget and available resources for your specific change project? Who did you have to talk to, get approvals from, etc.? Do you think this process is similar at all facilities? Why? 6. You should be educating the staff at your facility regarding your change project. Describe some methods you have used to ensure there is a smooth transition when you leave the facility and the project continues. 7. How was your project accepted at the facility? Share the responses you received from the facility’s employees who were affected by this new change. 8. Now that you have completed your change project, share what worked well and what you would do differently if you had the opportunity to do it again.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Minimum of 250 words with at least 2 peer review reference in 6th edition APA format Explain the differences between

NUR-631-D2Q2R2 2025

Minimum of 250 words with at least 2 peer review reference in 6th edition APA format. Explain the differences between the primary and secondary line of defense. What factors interfere with these mechanisms? How are these levels of immunity affected in a child, an elderly person, or a person with a chronic disease?

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Review the Resources and reflect on the impact of clinical systems on outcomes and efficiencies within the context

Literature Review 2025

Review the Resources and reflect on the impact of clinical systems on outcomes and efficiencies within the context of nursing practice and healthcare delivery. Conduct a search for recent (within the last 5 years) research focused on the application of clinical systems. The research should provide evidence to support the use of one type of clinical system to improve outcomes and/or efficiencies, such as “the use of personal health records or portals to support patients newly diagnosed with diabetes.” Identify and select 5 peer-reviewed articles from your research. The Assignment: (4-5 pages) In a 4- to 5-page paper, synthesize the peer-reviewed research you reviewed. Be sure to address the following: Identify the 5 peer-reviewed articles you reviewed, citing each in APA format. Summarize each study, explaining the improvement to outcomes, efficiencies, and lessons learned from the application of the clinical system each peer-reviewed article described. Be specific and provide examples.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Clinical Judgment is the process of integrating evidence based practice critical thought the Nursing

Module 1 Discussion 2025

Clinical Judgment is the process of integrating evidence-based practice, critical-thought, the Nursing Process, knowledge, skills, and attitudes, as well as application of theory to practice in order to promote safe, quality care to clients in all settings. Keeping that in mind, answer the following scenario: You are the Charge Nurse in a large Urban Emergency Department (ED). You nursing staff include: RN with 12 years of Trauma ED experience New RN with 6 months ED experience RN from the Medical Surgical floor with 8 years of experience The following patients are in the ED, which patient will you give to each of the nurses and why? A 76-year-old client who was involved in a motor vehicle accident and has hematuria. A 38-year-old client with kidney stones complaining of severe pain. A 24-year-old diabetic client with an acute urinary tract infection who will require discharge teaching. An 80-year-old client that has not had a bowel movement for 4 days. Please answer all questions including in-text citation and Three references

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Reply to the following two posts In your replies discuss what surprised you about

Advance Nursing Research 2025

Reply to the following two posts. In your replies, discuss what surprised you about the theory your peers wrote about, and how it’s integrated into the study? What other type of research might this theory be useful in? – THERE IS NOT AN AMOUNT OF WORDS REQUIRED!!! (Just reply to post 1, and then reply to post 2.) – FREE OF PLAGIARISM. – TURNITIN ASSIGNMENT. SEE ATTACHED POSTS

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 This assignment uses a rubric Please review the rubric prior to beginning

Therapeutical Communication 2025

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal Planning and Topic Directions: Develop an educational series proposal for your community using one of the following four topics: Teaching Plan Criteria Your teaching plan will be graded based on its effectiveness and relevance to the population selected. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. Nursing Diagnosis: Readiness for Learning: Identify the factors that would indicate the readiness to learn for the target aggregate. Include emotional and experiential readiness to learn. Learning Theory to Be Utilized: Explain how the theory will be applied. Goal: Healthy People 2020 (HP2020) objective(s) utilized as the goal for the teaching. Include the appropriate objective number and rationale for using the selected HP2020 objective (use at least one objective from one of the 24 focus areas). If an HP2020 objective does not support your teaching, explain how your teaching applies to one of the two overarching HP2020 goals. How Does This HP2020 Objective Relate to Alma Ata’s Health for All Global Initiative Develop Behavioral Objectives (Including Domains), Content, and Strategies/Methods: Behavioral Objective and Domain More detail here Teaching Plan Criteria Your teaching plan will be graded based on its effectiveness and relevance to the population selected. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. Nursing Diagnosis : Readiness for Learning: Identify the factors that would indicate the readiness to learn for the target aggregate. Include emotional and experiential readiness to learn. Learning Theory to Be Utilized: Explain how the theory will be applied.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 1 Explain how interprofessional collaboration will help reduce errors provide higher quality care and increase safety Provide an example

DQs 2025

1. Explain how interprofessional collaboration will help reduce errors, provide higher-quality care, and increase safety. Provide an example of a current or emerging trend that will require more, or change the nature of, interprofessional collaboration. 2. Describe one innovative health care delivery model that incorporates an interdisciplinary care delivery team. Explain how this model is advantageous to patient outcomes.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025