2025 Topic Autism in the united states The following is a brief outline of what capstone should consist of

Looking ONLY for professional writer for “Capstone Project” NO FIRST TIME capstone writer PLEASE. Prefer from England, America, India, Australia. 2025

Topic: Autism in the united states The following is a brief outline of what capstone should consist of. Title Page (1 page) Abstract (1 page) Dedication (1 page) Acknowledgements (1 page) Table of Contents (1-3 pages) List of Tables (1 page) List of Figures (1 page) Background (5-7 pages total) Introduction paragraph (1/2 page) General Problem Statement (1 page) Specific Problem Statement (1 page) Purpose Statement (1 page) Research Questions (1/2 page) Hypotheses (1/2 page) Definition of terms (if needed) (1/2 page – 2 pages) Literature Review (10-16 pages total; minimum 25 scholarly references) Introduction paragraph (1 page) Concept 1 (3-5 pages) Concept 2 (3-5 pages) Concept 3 (3-5 pages) Method (5-7 pages total) a. Introduction paragraph (1/2 page) Research Method and Design Appropriateness (1 page) Population (1 page) Sampling Frame (1/2 page) Data Collection (1 page) Data Analysis (1 page) Findings (5-7 pages total) Introduction paragraph (1/2 page) Limitations (1 page) Use and Application of Findings (1/2 page) Recommendation 1 (1 page) Recommendation 2 (1 page) Recommendation 3 (1 page) Conclusion (1-2 pages) Reference Page (1+ pages; minimum of 35 scholarly references) Kindly only need professional writer who have already done work with capstone project, as a proof writer have to send me any previous capstone project to make it confirm that he can work on it. its a progressive assigenmnt and I have already worked on background so if you want then I will send that to you then you can start ahead. **NO FIRST TIME CAPSTONE WRITER PLEASE. Below is the manuscript that will help you how to make assignemnt. NO grammar mistake acceptable

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 In a formal paper of 1 000 1 250 words you will discuss the work of the Robert

Future of Nursing Report 2025

In a formal paper of 1,000-1,250 words you will discuss the work of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Committee Initiative on the Future of Nursing and the Institute of Medicine research that led to the IOM report, “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.” Identify the importance of the IOM “Future of Nursing” report related to nursing practice, nursing education and nursing workforce development. What is the role of state-based action coalitions and how do they advance goals of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action? Explore the Campaign for Action webpage: http://campaignforaction.org/states Review your state’s progress report by locating your state and clicking on one of the six progress icons for: education, leadership, practice, interpersonal collaboration, diversity, and data. You can also download a full progress report for your state by clicking on the box located at the bottom of the webpage. In a paper of 1,000-1,250 words : Discuss the work of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Committee Initiative on the Future of Nursing and the Institute of Medicine research that led to the IOM report, “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.” Identify the importance of the IOM “Future of Nursing” report related to nursing practice, nursing education and nursing workforce development. What is the role of state-based action coalitions and how do they advance goals of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action? Summarize two initiatives spearheaded by your state’s Action Coalition . In what ways do these initiatives advance the nursing profession? What barriers to advancement currently exist in your state? How can nursing advocates in your state overcome these barriers? A minimum of three scholarly references are required for this assignment. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 The student will write a 5 10 page paper on a current issue in healthcare related to a personal interest area

Nursing Leadership 2025

The student will write a 5-10 page paper on a current issue in healthcare related to a personal interest area or personal view of a healthcare issue or concern. The paper will consist of 1. Pros and Cons of the issue through a literature search with APA guidelines followed. 2. After pros and cons are stated, you will write an analysis and synthesis of both and write a summary paragraph (s) on your personal views. Suggested topics to consider patient safety concerns, end of life issues, access to care, Affordable Care Act, ethical issues, mental health care, drug use, patient education, delivery of care models, scope of practice etc Be careful of APA style and form. Please reference the content within Module 4 titled, “Issues Brief Template” to complete this assignment. Some Rubric (1) Criteria Ratings Pts Description of criterion: Pros and Cons Full Marks 5 pts No Marks 0 pts APA Full Marks 5 pts No Marks 0 pts Summarization of Pros and Cons Full Marks 10 pts No Marks 0 pts 10 pts Total Points: 20 Previous Issues Brief Template When an issue or problem arises that has impacts outside of an individual unit or manager’s control, writing a briefing paper serves several purposes. The process of writing a paper forces clarity to the issue and the impacts, allows for explanation of competing viewpoints, and provides a basis for raising the issue for decision or discussion. Following is a general structure to use when raising issues. While any particular format is necessarily limiting in its rigor, having a consistent presentation is beneficial when there are many issues to deal with. Each segment of the general structure includes strategic questions to guide the writer through a thought process. Not all questions will be applicable or appropriate for every situation and there may be additional questions to consider that are not listed below. The most critical elements of the structure are clarity, conciseness, and the complete description of all sides of the issue. Constructing an argument to move in any one direction is relatively simple if potential concerns or opposition are glossed over (or not even recognized). If options are presented, they should provide a balanced (with all other options) description of the impacts. In other words, a briefing paper should be used only partially to make a particular case; the broader purpose should be to inform a discussion of an issue and its impacts. Structure Issue Statement • What problem/issue needs to be resolved? • If the remainder of the paper is extensive, an Executive Summary should be included Discussion/Background • Why does the issue exist/how did the issue originate? • What is the situation that causes it to surface or be elevated now? • What are the impacts of the issue? • Who is impacted by it? • What is the statewide significance? • What are the arguments in support of and in opposition to potential resolutions? • What work has been undertaken around the issue and what are the results? • What constraints exist that limit the range of alternatives to addressing the issue? • What are the risks or ramifications of not resolving the issue? • What references exist to inform this issue (i.e. Op Notice, policy, manual, etc.) Options and/or Recommendations (typically, choose one) • What are the proposed options? o How do the options address the issue? o What are the opposing arguments (whether they’ve been made or could be made) o Financial implications? o Precedent implications? o Political implications? • What is the proposed approach to developing options or recommendation? o Should a sub-team be developed to explore options and/or develop a recommendation for resolution? o Should the issue be delegated or elevated to another leadership team? o Other method/approach to develop options or a recommendation? • What is the proposed recommendation or solution? o How does the proposed recommendation resolve the issue? o What are the benefits? o What are the risks? o What are the opposing arguments (whether they’ve been made or could be made) o Financial implications? o Precedent implications? o Political implications? Implementation • How will the solution be implemented? • Who will implement? • What are the key steps or deliverables involved? • What are the timeframes for implementation? • What does “success” look like? • How will the recommendation be documented? (i.e. Op Notice, manual changes, policy changes, etc.) Communication • Who needs to approve? • Who needs to know? • How will the recommendation be communicated? Is a communication plan needed?

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 The student will write a 5 10 page paper on a current issue in healthcare

Nursing Leadership 2025

The student will write a 5-10 page paper on a current issue in healthcare related to a personal interest area or personal view of a healthcare issue or concern. The paper will consist of 1. Pros and Cons of the issue through a literature search with APA guidelines followed. 2. After pros and cons are stated, you will write an analysis and synthesis of both and write a summary paragraph (s) on your personal views. Suggested topics to consider patient safety concerns, end of life issues, access to care, Affordable Care Act, ethical issues, mental health care, drug use, patient education, delivery of care models, scope of practice etc Be careful of APA style and form. Please reference the content within Module 4 titled, “Issues Brief Template” to complete this assignment. Some Rubric (1) Criteria Ratings Pts Description of criterion: Pros and Cons Full Marks 5 pts No Marks 0 pts APA Full Marks 5 pts No Marks 0 pts Summarization of Pros and Cons Full Marks 10 pts No Marks 0 pts 10 pts Total Points: 20 Previous Issues Brief Template When an issue or problem arises that has impacts outside of an individual unit or manager’s control, writing a briefing paper serves several purposes. The process of writing a paper forces clarity to the issue and the impacts, allows for explanation of competing viewpoints, and provides a basis for raising the issue for decision or discussion. Following is a general structure to use when raising issues. While any particular format is necessarily limiting in its rigor, having a consistent presentation is beneficial when there are many issues to deal with. Each segment of the general structure includes strategic questions to guide the writer through a thought process. Not all questions will be applicable or appropriate for every situation and there may be additional questions to consider that are not listed below. The most critical elements of the structure are clarity, conciseness, and the complete description of all sides of the issue. Constructing an argument to move in any one direction is relatively simple if potential concerns or opposition are glossed over (or not even recognized). If options are presented, they should provide a balanced (with all other options) description of the impacts. In other words, a briefing paper should be used only partially to make a particular case; the broader purpose should be to inform a discussion of an issue and its impacts. Structure Issue Statement • What problem/issue needs to be resolved? • If the remainder of the paper is extensive, an Executive Summary should be included Discussion/Background • Why does the issue exist/how did the issue originate? • What is the situation that causes it to surface or be elevated now? • What are the impacts of the issue? • Who is impacted by it? • What is the statewide significance? • What are the arguments in support of and in opposition to potential resolutions? • What work has been undertaken around the issue and what are the results? • What constraints exist that limit the range of alternatives to addressing the issue? • What are the risks or ramifications of not resolving the issue? • What references exist to inform this issue (i.e. Op Notice, policy, manual, etc.) Options and/or Recommendations (typically, choose one) • What are the proposed options? o How do the options address the issue? o What are the opposing arguments (whether they’ve been made or could be made) o Financial implications? o Precedent implications? o Political implications? • What is the proposed approach to developing options or recommendation? o Should a sub-team be developed to explore options and/or develop a recommendation for resolution? o Should the issue be delegated or elevated to another leadership team? o Other method/approach to develop options or a recommendation? • What is the proposed recommendation or solution? o How does the proposed recommendation resolve the issue? o What are the benefits? o What are the risks? o What are the opposing arguments (whether they’ve been made or could be made) o Financial implications? o Precedent implications? o Political implications? Implementation • How will the solution be implemented? • Who will implement? • What are the key steps or deliverables involved? • What are the timeframes for implementation? • What does “success” look like? • How will the recommendation be documented? (i.e. Op Notice, manual changes, policy changes, etc.) Communication • Who needs to approve? • Who needs to know? • How will the recommendation be communicated? Is a communication plan needed?

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 This paper is a proposal for change paper meaning how and what Nurse Practitioners a leader

Proposal for Change Paper 2025

This paper is a proposal for change paper, meaning how and what Nurse Practitioners (a leader) can do to enact the change. attached you will see a list of change theories, you have to select a change theory and use it as a framework for the change you want to implement. Make sure in the first part of the paper you discuss the topic licensing/credentialing issues, why its a problem, and the change model you chose, the purpose statement/ thesis. the second part would be about how to enact the change, how you will communicate with people, how to get peoplel to collaborate, what strategies will you use. and the 3rd part is about the disadvantages and advantages. please include an intro and conclusion

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Quantitative Research Designs In order to find the best information on a

Quantitative Research Designs 2025

Quantitative Research Designs In order to find the best information on a topic, not only should you develop a question and search for resources, but you should also know how to analyze the value of the resources that you identify. There are different ways to evaluate resources, such as using the hierarchy of evidence, which you explored in Week 4 of this course. Another way to evaluate resources is to consider the appropriateness of the research design. Understanding how research designs contribute to the quality of a study is essential for being able to analyze resources when conducting a literature review or locating evidence for practice. In this Discussion, you consider the different research designs and evaluate how these designs have been used to research a specific topic. You also consider strategies for selecting an appropriate research design. To prepare: Review the information in the course texton quantitative research designs. Focus on the information in Box 9.1, “Guidelines for Critiquing Research Designs in Quantitative Studies” located on page 230 of the course text. Select a topic from the list below and search the Walden Library to find two different quantitative research studies addressing that issue: Caregiver stress Anxiety in children Sleep apnea Depression in college freshmen Rural health care issues Post-traumatic stress syndrome Traumatic brain injury in veterans Health effects of environmental contaminants Bipolar disorder End-of-life ethical issues Alternative medicine For each of the sources that you select, identify the type of quantitative research design used, and evaluate whether it is the most appropriate approach to the research. Consider the ramifications of choosing an inappropriate design for a research study. Post (1) the topic you selected, references for the two sources you identified, and the quantitative research design used in each. (2) Critique the appropriateness of the design used and justify your comments with information from the Learning Resources. (3) Discuss the ramifications of choosing an inappropriate design for a research study. REQUIRED RESOURCES Readings Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2012). Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice (Laureate Education, Inc., custom ed.).Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Chapter 8, “Planning a Nursing Study” This chapter focuses on the necessary steps for planning a research study. It describes different research designs and their key features and discusses how to plan for data collection. Chapter 9, “Quantitative Research Design” This chapter explores quantitative research in greater depth including the importance of experimental design and the role of randomization in conducting research. The chapter also describes quasi-experimental design and observational research. Media Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012m). Quantitative research for evidence-based practice. Baltimore, MD: Author. Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 5 minutes. In this video, Dr. Kristen Mauk explains specific quantitative research designs, methods, and considerations related to her Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) project. She discusses how she developed her research design and how she used sound quantitative research methods throughout her project .

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 15 dollars is what i can afford to pay anyone to do

anatomy and phsiology 2 2025

15 dollars is what i can afford to pay anyone to do this assigmight you are generating 50 questions 10 per topic. it is no different than writing an essay. please do not ask me how much. 15 is my final offer to anyone. i am a part time worker and a full time student 15 dollars is what i can afford.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 The term information governance is well understood in corporate organizations and in the healthcare environment it

CT #4 Health Information 2025

The term “information governance” is well understood in corporate organizations, and in the healthcare environment it is being used with greater frequency than in the past. This is due in large part to health informatics and the use of technology to transmit, store, share, and manipulate data from health records. Data is an organizational asset to be managed and valued. Policies, controls, procedures and technologies all need to be in alignment in order for an organization to utilize the full value of this asset—information—which is now found everywhere within the organization. The challenges to growing a culture of information governance in healthcare organizations today are significant, but these challenges are still being tackled by corporate America, as you will read in the following article, located in the CSU Library: Information Governance’s Big Payback . After reading the article, write a 2- to 3-page essay, providing your opinion on these questions: What surprised you about the results of the survey found in this article? Which parts of this survey would be applicable to the healthcare environment? What can healthcare CEOs learn from the information governance practices of large corporations? Complete your 2- to 3-page response in Microsoft Word using Times New Roman or a similar font, 12 point, double-spaced. Your paper should be formatted according to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements , with any sources and references properly cited.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Note Read the given article carefully and answer the discussion in 200 250 words Your answer must be 100 original

only for nyamaimule 2025

Note: Read the given article carefully and answer the discussion in 200-250 words. Your answer must be 100% original. Discussion: Read the following article and address the discussion below; http://www.emedicinehealth.com/bicycle_safety/article_em.htm Describe the inferential tests that were used in the article (in other words, t-tests and chi-squares). Given the p-values related to the tests, how do you interpret the results? Are statistically significant findings also clinically significant? What are the recommendations based on this paper? Share some alternate explanations (mediating or intervening variables) for the results of the study.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Social Marketing Campaigns Choose a social marketing campaign that is working to bring

u5 discussion HS315 2025

Social Marketing Campaigns Choose a social marketing campaign that is working to bring awareness regarding a health condition or problem. Briefly describe the four P’s (product, price, place, and promotion) of the marketing campaign. How does the campaign effectively communicate the risks associated with the health condition they are marketing? Suggest at least two ways the campaign can improve for future success.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025