2025 Evaluate the performance of your organization or department Identify an area that would significantly benefit from

Week 8 Assignment-Please see body for question and instructions 2025

Evaluate the performance of your organization or department. Identify an area that would significantly benefit from initiating a change. Write a paper (1,500-1,750 words) in which you describe the particular area you propose to address through a change initiative. Include the following for your company: Discuss the issues in this area and the current outcomes as a result of the issues. Describe the external and/or internal driving forces, contributing issues, and the people affected. Evaluate the stakeholders involved and discuss how they will be affected by your change initiative. Clarify your role and responsibility as a change leader. Discuss the leadership theory (or theories) you will use to guide the change process. Discuss the change agents you need to recruit in order to successfully implement your change. Describe the roles of these change agents. Utilize your change model to develop strategies: (a) Explain the relevance of this model to your organization; and (b) Present the strategic aspects using your model. Be sure to clearly define the purpose of each aspect, the people involved, and the actions that need to be taken. Identify, or predict, the potential barriers to change. Discuss possible ways to overcome these obstacles, including methods for dealing with emerging or unforeseen circumstances that could impede implementation. Describe the evaluation methods you will use to determine the level of success of your change initiative. Discuss what metrics or measureable determinates you will use. Propose strategies to anchor change or support continuous change. Establish how your change plan supports the organizational mission/goal, genuinely addresses stakeholder concerns, and will serve as an equitable contribution for the community or society overall. -This assignment must utilize the attached change model where is states “utilize your change model.” -Must have include citations and references in APA format -1500 to1750 words -The organization or unit has to be a hospital or nursing unit as it speaks about in the above directions

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 ll About Teamwork graded There are two components to this topic Please

make it about safety 2025

ll About Teamwork (graded) There are two components to this topic. Please address each component in your response. Collaboration is a term that has been used throughout the lesson. Cite an example from your practice experiences or your prelicensure clinical experiences of how teamwork could have been improved with collaboration. Should the registered nurse be the leader in coordinating a patient’s plan of care? What are the advantages to such a model?

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Note Throughout this course the term parent will be used to represent a pediatric

6541 DISCUS 1 2025

Note: Throughout this course, the term parent will be used to represent a pediatric patient’s caregiver, which may include a parent, stepparent, foster parent, guardian, and so on. To prepare: •Review this week’s RESOURCES , as well as “Child and Family Health Assessment,” “Cultural Perspectives for Pediatric Primary Care,” and “Developmental Management in Pediatric Primary Care” in the Burns et al. text. •Consider how a provider’s personal definition of family and family roles might impact the assessment of a child and the child’s family. •Reflect on how the culture of the provider and/or the patient may further influence the assessment. •Think about three strategies that a provider can use to assist families with making health-related decisions for children at different stages of growth and development. Consider how these strategies might change when assessing patients at different stages of growth and development and with different family backgrounds. POST 2 PAGES OR MORE ON : 1) An explanation of how a provider’s personal definition of family and family roles might impact the assessment of a child and his or her family. 2) Then, explain how culture (both the culture of the provider and that of the child and his or her family) may further influence the assessment. 3) Finally, explain at least three strategies that the provider can use to assist families with making health-related decisions for children at different stages of growth and development. 4) Also, explain how these strategies might change when assessing patients at different stages of growth and development and with different family backgrounds. REFERENCES Burns, C. E., Dunn, A. M., Brady, M. A., Starr, N. B., & Blosser, C. G. (2013). Pediatric primary care (5th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier. ◦ Chapter 2, “Child and Family Health Assessment” (pp. 10–31) Chapter 3, “Cultural Perspectives for Pediatric Primary Care” (pp. 32–41) U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2012). Healthy people 2020 topics and objectives. Retrieved from http://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topicsobjectives2020/default.aspx Hagan, J. F., Jr., Shaw, J. S., Duncan, P. M. (Eds.). (2008). Bright futures: Guidelines for health supervision of infants, children, and adolescents (3rd ed.). Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics. ◦“Promoting Family Support” (pp. 13–37)

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Health Care Database Systems in Practice Although we live in a world completely revolutionized by information

Health Care Database Systems in Practice 2025

Health Care Database Systems in Practice Although we live in a world completely revolutionized by information, it is important to remember that it is knowledge we are seeking, not information. —Margaret Wheatley Every day, nurses and other health care practitioners are challenged with managing large quantities of data and information. Unless this data and information can be translated into knowledge, it will have little meaningful value. Databases and data management techniques, if designed effectively, present health care organizations with the means to quickly and effectively transform data into useful knowledge. The ability to rapidly and accurately transform data into useable knowledge allows health care practitioners to make informed decisions on patient care. In this Discussion, you consider the types of data stored in a database system. You also examine how this information is used in nursing practice, and reflect on the benefits and challenges of using health care database systems and data. To prepare: Select a database system that you encounter at work or with which you are familiar. What data points are captured and used by nurses? Consider the kind of data collected and the different elements of that data. Ask yourself: How is information in this database used for nursing practice and patient care? What benefits does the database system provide? What are the challenges of using the system? Post: A minimum of 550 words with 3 references in APA format 1) A description of the system you selected and the types of data that are stored in the system. 2) Explain how this database and the data is used for nursing practice and patient care. 3) Evaluate the benefits and challenges of using the database system and the data. Required Resources Readings Coronel, C. & Morris, S. (2015). Database systems: Design, implementation, and management (11th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning. Chapter 1, “Database Systems” (pp. 4–32) This chapter defines data and database systems. It also introduces various terminologies and descriptions regarding database functions. Chapter 9, Sections 9.1–9.3, “Database Design” (pp. 412–431) This section of Chapter 9 focuses on the importance of thoughtful database design. Regardless of the quality of the data, if it is not easily accessed, it is of little value. Schraml, T. (2011). Success is an attitude. Database Trends & Applications, 25 (3), 28. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. This article highlights the importance of consistency and standardization when developing a database design. It also identifies circumstances where deviations from certain guiding principles may be necessary. Microsoft. Virtual Academy (2013). Database fundamentals. Retrieved from http://www.microsoftvirtualacademy.com/training-courses/database-fundamentals#?fbid=2MPiQPolSfc This website contains a series of lessons on database fundamentals. Topics covered include database design, database management, and database security.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 JOURNAL ENTERY 1 TO 2 PAGE To prepare Prepare this as a personal

6541 Assgn WK 1 2025

JOURNAL ENTERY 1 TO 2 PAGE To prepare : Prepare this as a personal Journal and give personal experience example too •Explain what most excites and/or concerns you about pediatric clinical experiences. Include a description of your strengths and weaknesses in terms of working with children and how these strengths and weaknesses might impact your Practicum experience. •Select and explain a nursing theory to guide your practice with pediatric patients. •Based on your strengths, weaknesses, and theory of nursing practice, develop goals and objectives for the Practicum experience in this course. Be sure to consider the NAPNAP Position Statement on Age Parameters for Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Practice RESOURCES National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners. (2008). NAPNAP position statement on age parameters for pediatric nurse practitioner practice. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 22(3), e1–e2. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2012). Healthy people 2020 topics and objectives. Retrieved from http://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topicsobjectives2020/default.aspx Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2012). Guidelines and recommendations. Retrieved from http://www.ahrq.gov/professionals/clinicians-providers/guidelines-recommendations/index.html

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Your topic is good but your PICOT is not in correct format Please redo your

section a 2025

Your topic is good but your PICOT is not in correct format. Please redo your question using the template I provided in the week 1 CAT and resubmit for a grade. Please send me a note in the IF so I can reset your assignment. P: Population/disease ( i.e. age, gender, ethnicity, with a certain disorder) I: Intervention or Variable of Interest (exposure to a disease, risk behavior, prognostic factor) C: Comparison: (could be a placebo or “business as usual” as in no disease, absence of risk factor, Prognostic factor B ) O: Outcome: (risk of disease, accuracy of a diagnosis, rate of occurrence of adverse outcome) T: Time: The time it takes to demonstrate an outcome (e.g. the time it takes for the intervention to achieve an outcome or how long participants are observed). Note: Not every question will have an intervention (as in a meaning question) or time (when it is implied in another part of the question) component. For an intervention/therapy: In _______(P), what is the effect of _______(I) on ______(O) compared with _______(C) within ________ (T)? For etiology: Are ____ (P) who have _______ (I) at ___ (Increased/decreased) risk for/of_______ (O) compared with ______ (P) with/without ______ (C) over _____ (T)? Diagnosis or diagnostic test: Are (is) _________ (I) more accurate in diagnosing ________ (P) compared with ______ (C) for _______ (O)? Prevention: For ________ (P) does the use of ______ (I) reduce the future risk of ________ (O) compared with _________ (C)? Prognosis/Predictions Does __________ (I) influence ________ (O) in patients who have _______ (P) over ______ (T)? Meaning How do ________ (P) diagnosed with _______ (I) perceive ______ (O) during _____ (T)? Based on Melnyk B., & Fineout-Overholt E. (2010). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare. New York: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Examples of Evidence-Based PICOT Questions 1. Population : Bariatric adolescents considering or undergoing gastric bypass surgery. Intervention : The nurse’s role as a primary member of the multidisciplinary team regarding perioperative care of the bariatric adolescent patient. Comparison : The nurse’s role as a secondary member of the multidisciplinary team without any specialized training and is only involved in perioperative care of the bariatric adolescent patient. Outcome : When the nurse is involved as one of the primary members in the multidisciplinary team approach, the bariatric adolescent patient has better continuity of care. Time: perioperative including the 6 weeks post recovery. PICOT Question : Does the bariatric adolescent patient undergoing gastric bypass have better continuity of care perioperatively and postoperatively when the nurse is a primary member of the multidisciplinary team versus when the nurse is a secondary member whose only role is in providing perioperative care and has no specialized training? 2. Intervention PICOT Question: An Intervention example: In adult patients with total hip replacements (Patient population) how effective is PCA pain medication (Intervention of interest) compared to prn IM pain medication (Comparison intervention) in controlling post operative pain (Outcome) during the perioperative and recovery time? Note: The IM pain medication would be called the control group. It would be unethical to have a control group that received NO pain medication. Many times the control group means they get “business as usual!” or the current standard of care. 3. Therapy PICOT Question: A non-intervention example: What is the duration of recovery (O) for patients with total hip replacement (P) who developed a post-operative infection (I) as opposed to those who did not (C) within the first six weeks of recovery (T)? 4. Etiology PICOT Question: Are kids (P) who have obese adoptive parents (I) at Increased risk for obesity (O) compared with kids (P) without obese adoptive parents (C) during the ages of five and 18 (T)? 5. Diagnostic PICOT Question: Is a PKU test (I) done on two week old infants (P) more accurate in diagnosis inborn errors in metabolism (O) compared with PKU tests done at 24 hours of age (C)? Time is implied in two weeks and 24 hours old. 6. Prevention PICOT Question: In OR nurses doing a five minute scrub (P) what are the differences in the presence and types of microbes (O) found on natural polished nails and nail beds (I) and artificial nails (C) at the time of surgery (T)? 7. Prognosis/Prediction PICOT question: Does telelmonitoring blood pressure (I) in urban African Americans with hypertension (P) improve blood pressure control (O) within the six months of initiation of the medication (T)? 8. Meaning PICOT Question: How do pregnant women (P) newly diagnosed with diabetes (I) perceive reporting their blood sugar levels (O) to their healthcare providers during their pregnancy and six weeks postpartum (T)?

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 How does healthcare policy impact various stakeholders in the healthcare industry Examine the role

Healthcare Policy CT 6 2025

How does healthcare policy impact various stakeholders in the healthcare industry? Examine the role of lobbyists and their role in the Affordable Care Act. Should lobby groups advocate for or against specific programs within the healthcare industry? Support your comments and cite the outside resources used in your research. Your presentation should be 8-10 slides. Include substantive slide notes that would lay out the text you would speak in an audience centered presentation. Review the grading rubric, which can be accessed in this week’s folder. Your presentation should conform to APA Requirements . Include at least three scholarly references.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Pathophysiology A Deeper Dive into Disease Part of developing expertise in reading medical charts

Research paper 2025

Pathophysiology: A Deeper Dive into Disease Part of developing expertise in reading medical charts is having a solid understanding of disease processes based on the disease – and in some cases multiple diseases – that is/are being documented. This short research paper will give you an opportunity to take a deeper dive into a disease that interests you over the next 3 weeks .For the assignment, choose 3 to 4 resources from the Health Science Guides or from an appropriate website related to the disease you are interested in learning more about to help you write the paper. Please write about Diabetes. Make sure type 1, type2 and gestational diabetes are covered. For the Week 5 submission: Write 3-page essay in APA format that addresses the following: What are the signs and symptoms of the disease? What are some of the potential causes (i.e. etiology) of the disease? Describe the pathophysiology of the disease: what is the body doing on the cellular or tissue level that is creating the signs/symptoms of the disease? What are some of the lab or imaging tests that are used to diagnose this disease? Once a definite diagnosis is made, what kinds of procedures might be used to treat it? What kinds of drug(s) might be used? Are the risk factors associated with this disease controllable (i.e. diet, lifestyle) or uncontrollable (gender or age factors?)

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Due 06 07 16 16 00 EST thats 4pm 1 Read and familiarize yourself with

Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Manual Therapies 2025

Due 06/07/16 16:00 EST thats 4pm 1 Read and familiarize yourself with all the manual therapy resources provided in the Lesson (list of manual therapies are below in red, and the links to obtain the info below that ) and write a scholarly 6-8 page paper in the correct APA Format, include titles and subtitles. 2 Answer the following questions: • What is manual therapy? • What are examples of manual therapy techniques and what are they used to treat: * Choose 2 techniques to write about* • What are the education, scope of practice and treatment claims of the different manual therapy practitioners? • Provide a detailed case study report from a book or journal , of a successful treatment with manual therapy. Be sure to indicate the source for in-text citation and in the reference page. • Answer all questions thoroughly 3 Your critique should be: • 6 – 8 pages includes the following: • Title and Reference page, titles and subtitles in the correct APA Format 2 of the 6 pages are the title and reference page. Follow APA guidelines for margins, double spacing, page numbers; must college level writing, using correct spelling, grammar, sentence, and paragraph formation Manual therapies include, but are not limited to, Chiropractic Therapy, Massage Therapy, Osteopathy, Cranial Sacral therapy, and techniques done by physical therapists and other practitioners; for example , Strain Counter Strain, Myofascial Release, Applied Kinesiology, Feldenkrais, Alexander Technique, Reflexology, and (NeuroFascial Processing -This info can be found in the 2 PDF files.) Doctor of Osteopath: This link explains the osteopathic doctor (DO). It includes information on their education, scope of practice, and treatment claims. If link doesn’t work, http://www.aacom.org/become-a-doctor/about-om Chiropractic: • This link is for the International Chiropractic Association . Pay close attention to the publication “The Chiropractic Choice”. http://www.chiropractic.org Physical Therapy: • This link is to the Institute of Integrative Manual Therapy describes the combination for many manual therapy and energy techniques for comprehensive healthcare treatment. http://www.instituteofimt.com Massage Therapy is all the way on the bottom • This link explains a manual therapy described as an advance physical therapy . Appear to be all direct techniques. I wouldn’t use this link, doesn’t have any good info Reflexology: • This is an excellent link to reflexology information with illustrations. http://www.reflexology-research.com Cranial Sacral Therapy: • This link is to the Upledger Institute where CranioSacral Therapy was developed and continues to be taught. Use this link http://upledger.com/therapies/index.php This link is to a video explaining Head Massage Therapy Craniosacral Techniques . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5qxu-c9yhU Manual therapies manipulate bone and soft tissue to promote healing. Manipulation as a form of treatment is an ancient healing art that has been shared across time by various cultures. Manipulation decreases pressure in the blood vessels and nerves and improves function of the manipulated area. Each type of manipulation emphasis a part of the body. Manipulation is currently categorized into mechanical, neurological, and physiological. For example chiropractic care is mechanical and manipulates the spine to produce effects on the nervous system. Massage therapy is also mechanical and emphasizes muscle. Cranial Sacral is neurological and manipulates the head and spinal cord. Myofacial release, NeuroFascial Processing (NFP), and other advanced manual therapies work on soft tissue and physiological function. Osteopathic Doctors (DOs) are license doctors and can prescribe medication. DOs take a holistic and manipulation approach to treatment. They, like all manual therapists, support the fact that if the body is structurally sound it can and will accomplish healing.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Information Management in Practice The applications of an information management system are only as functional as

Information Management in Practice 2025

Information Management in Practice The applications of an information management system are only as functional as the humans and computing processes working with the system. In her study in the Journal of Nursing Management , Phillips (2005) refers to good information management as “the use of all information, through organized systems of all forms, whether based on human endeavors, paper methods or information technology” (p. 525). Ultimately, all of an organization’s information use should be in support of its mission. In order for information to be as usable as Phillips suggests, it must progress through the data-information-knowledge continuum. Analyzing an organization’s information management practices helps streamline the conversion of raw data into information that can be used to create knowledge. In this Discussion, you focus on the information management practices within a health care organization and consider how these practices help support the mission statement of the Hospital. To prepare: Referring to the Phillips statement above and this week’s Learning Resources, consider how your current or previous work setting (hospital) could benefit from an information management analysis. Locate the mission statement for your health care organization or an organization with which you are familiar. Consider how current information management practices support the organization’s mission statement. If there is a lack of evidence of support, what changes could be made to strengthen these practices? Reflect on how data is organized into information, and the information is then used to create knowledge. How is this data-information-knowledge model used in your hospital? Consider how using this model could improve practice within your organization. Post on Tuesday 06/06/2016 a minimum of 550 words in APA format with a minimum of 4 references 1) A brief description of your selected hospital’s information management practices and an explanation of how the organization could benefit from an information management analysis. 2) Explain the degree to which the hospital’s current information management practices support its mission statement and provide suggestions for strengthening these practices. 3) Evaluate the use of the data-information-knowledge model within your selected hospital and provide suggestions for how it could be used to improve practice within the organization Required Resources Readings Eessaar, E., & Soobik, M. (2012). A decision support method for evaluating database designs. Computer Science & Information Systems , 9 (1), 81–106. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. There are several motivations and criterion guiding database development. The authors of this article evaluate a newer data modeling method and how it facilitates the relationship between the development process and the intended use of data. Corrao, S., Arcoraci, V., Anorne, S., Calvo, L., Scaglione, R., Di Bernardo, C. , …Licata, R. (2009). Evidence-based knowledge management: An approach to effectively promote good health-care decision-making in the Information Era. Internal and Emergency Medicine, 4 (2), 99–106. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. This article discusses the relationship between knowledge management and evidence-based medicine. The authors propose a new paradigm called Evidence-Based Knowledge Management . In addition, the article details the role of Evidence-Based Knowledge Management within clinical governance. Matney, S., Brewster, P. J., Sward, K. A., Cloyes, K. G., & Staggers, N. (2011). Philosophical approaches to the nursing informatics data-information-knowledge-wisdom framework. Advances in Nursing Science, 34 (1), 6–18. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. This article explores the linkage of theory and practice in nursing science and evidence-based patient care. It does so by examining the data-information-knowledge-wisdom framework through the lenses of different philosophical perspectives. Thompson, T. L., & Warren, J. J. (2009). Are they all data? Understanding the work of organizational knowledge. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 23 (4), 185–186. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. This article describes data in terms of its relevance to information, knowledge and wisdom development. It also explores the role that clinical nurse specialists play in applying that knowledge to patient care. Document: NURS 6411 Team Database Project Guidelines (PDF) This document provides guidance for the Team Database Project. Media Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012). A day in the life. Baltimore, MD: Author. Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 6 minutes. In this program, Linda McCauley talks about and guides you through various activities and responsibilities in her role as a Senior Nursing Applications Specialist at Washington Hospital Center in Washington, DC.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025