2025 Family Health Risks A nurse conducts an assessment on a young family with a new baby boy The husband

Family Health Risks A nurse conducts an assessment on a young family with a new baby boy. The husband has recently been promoted to a higher paying position but is not sure if he will be making enough money to move a new apartment in a safer neighborhood 2025

Family Health Risks A nurse conducts an assessment on a young family with a new baby boy. The husband has recently been promoted to a higher paying position but is not sure if he will be making enough money to move a new apartment in a safer neighborhood. Based on this information, the nurse determines that this family currently has risk factors. Identify those risk factors associated with the young family. Discuss possible interventions or resources for the family using the resources available in your community.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Family Health Risks A nurse conducts an assessment on a young family with a new

Family Health Risks A nurse conducts an assessment on a young family with a new baby boy. The husband has recently been promoted to a higher paying position but is not sure if he will be making enough money to move a new apartment in a safer neighborhood 2025

Family Health Risks A nurse conducts an assessment on a young family with a new baby boy. The husband has recently been promoted to a higher paying position but is not sure if he will be making enough money to move a new apartment in a safer neighborhood. Based on this information, the nurse determines that this family currently has risk factors. Identify those risk factors associated with the young family. Discuss possible interventions or resources for the family using the resources available in your community.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Health Information Create a file of five records that contain name address and telephone numbers Begin by defining

Health information mgmt 2025

Health Information Create a file of five records that contain name, address, and telephone numbers. Begin by defining the fields in data dictionary format, and then show how you would represent these fields if you were trying to explain them to someone else. You may elect to place a sample template record in a Word document and complete by filling in the data related to the imaginary patient. This assignment is late due to Dr Kathy Williams.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 please submit as specified in the instructions plagarism free APA title and referense page m4 assignments due 13 june at

for nite 2025

please submit as specified in the instructions plagarism free,APA, title and referense page. m4 assignments due 13 june at 0000 hrs central standard time zone (US) m1slp is also stat m3case is also stat m5 assignments are due 27 jun @ 0000 hrs central standard time zone (US) all others complete after please and thank you incluse turnitin score with assignment.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Please use the following outline to write a 5 7 page report on the role of

Managed Care and Disease Prevention – WITH Outline 2025

Please use the following outline to write a 5-7 page report on the role of preventive medicine in managed care. Please write in APA format, including in-text citations and a reference page at the end. Introduction Even though the cost barriers for insurance premiums these days ultimately prevent some individuals from obtaining preventive health care services, the Affordable Care Act requires that private insurance plans cover recommended preventive services at no cost to the patient. The coverage requirement attempts to remove cost barriers by reminding physicians and Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) of the theory behind managed care practices. A principle behind the theory of managed care is that combination of primary care and preventive care would reduce the need for costly chronic care (1). Body Research has shown that evidence-based preventive services can save lives and improve health by identifying illnesses earlier, managing them more effectively, and treating them before they develop into more complicated, debilitating conditions (2). Some services are also cost-effective, such as routine preventive screenings which facilitate the management of chronic diseases like tuberculosis or COPD. The physician plays a pivotal role in preventive services, such as mammograms, and many physicians become contracted with an MCO and retain the same patients long-term. Although the ACA requires these physicians offer free preventive services, the differences in which services actually qualify as preventive is confusing for patients and doctors alike. Prevention of crises that require hospitalization or expensive long-term services reduces costs for both the MCO and the consumer, emphasizing the long-term value of preventive services and putting a positive spin on the consumer’s perception of MCOs. MANAGED CARE THESIS AND OUTLINE The potential influence of prevention in calculating the morbidity and costs associated with chronic disease is substantial, potentially averting 70 percent of such cases. A large proportion of the chronic diseases of concern is preventable, providing an opportunity to exploit prevention as a strategy to bend the curve and reduce growth in disease burden and its associated costs (3). Conclusion A comprehensive approach to prevention necessitates clinical and behavioral interventions. Although the challenge for managed care plans to standardize preventive medicine has yet to be accepted, managed care plans have done more to promote prevention than fee-for-service medicine ever did (4). However, the medical community – physicians, plans, and purchasers – seems to lack a unified vision of what constitutes appropriate preventive care. The need for costly chronic care is still evident, even while Managed Care Organizations offer incentives which emphasize the long-term value of preventive services.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Topic Disease Process Alzheimer s Disease For a hypothetical patient who Alzheimer s Disease create a socioeconomic

Disease Process 2025

Topic: Disease Process: Alzheimer’s Disease For a hypothetical patient who Alzheimer’s Disease, create a socioeconomic profile of your choice. What is the level of this patient’s income, education, work experience, and cultural influences? How might these socioeconomic factors influence his or her ability to access the necessary healthcare? How can the patient engage in self-care practices, such as modifying diet and exercise, and understand the nature of the illness, treatment, and prognosis? What healthcare services for this disease does the patient has access to? Submit your answers in a 4- to 5-page Microsoft Word document. Support your answers with appropriate examples and research. Cite all references in APA forma

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Assignment 2 This week we are looking at MyPlate First you will have to

Assignment 2 This week we are looking at MyPlate. First you will have to visit the ChooseMyPlate.gov website to download your Daily Food Plan (cheat sheet is attached). You will not need to attach this document, but keep it, you will need it for an assi 2025

Assignment 2 This week we are looking at MyPlate. First you will have to visit the ChooseMyPlate.gov website to download your Daily Food Plan (cheat sheet is attached). You will not need to attach this document, but keep it, you will need it for an assignment later in the course. Next you will complete the Compare Your Food Intake Assignment (Attached). There is also a sample attached. If you do not understand what you are to do, please ask. You will need to complete this document and upload it for your assignment. This assignment is graded for completeness and accuracy.
Compare Your Food Intake to
Recommended Daily Amounts from Each Group List food item and amount that you consumed in this column. (below) Indicate amount consumed from each food group, using the appropriate unit of measurement (in parentheses).
Food Item Fruits (cups) Vegetables (cups) Grains (oz.) Protein foods (oz.) Dairy
(cups) Oils (tsp.)
Based on MyPlate (fill this in from your Daily Food Plan – you get this from the Choosemyplate.gov website)
Breakfast: Snack: Lunch: Snack: Dinner: Snack: Total consumed (add the servings you consumed)
Total Needed (subtract your column 1 from the total consumed)
Compare Your Food Intake to
Recommended Daily Amounts from Each Group List food item and amount that you consumed in this column. (below) Indicate amount consumed from each food group, using the appropriate unit of measurement (in parentheses).
Food Item Fruits (cups) Vegetables (cups) Grains (oz.) Protein foods (oz.) Dairy
(cups) Oils (tsp.)
Based on MyPlate (fill this in from your Daily Food Plan – you get this from the Choosemyplate.gov website) 2 cups 3 cups 7 oz. 6 oz. 3 cups 6 tsp
Breakfast: (write exactly what you ate in this column)
See below. You must have a measure of food in order for me to determine that you understand the appropriate measure that you find in the grain, vegetable, fruit, etc example)
1 apple = 1 cup fruit
1 cup corn flakes = 1 oz grain Go to fruit examples to see what 1 apple is equivalent to, in this case a small apple is = 1 cup) 1 apple 1 cup ½ bagel 2 oz 1 cup milk 1 cup 1 cup Orange Juice 1 cup 1 cup cornflakes 1 oz Snack: Lunch: Snack: Dinner: Snack: Total consumed (add the servings you consumed) 2 cups 3 oz 1 cup Total Needed (subtract your column 1 from the total consumed) 0 4 oz 2 cups

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 For the middle aged adult exercise can reduce the risk of various health problems Choose three

For the middle-aged adult, exercise can reduce the risk of various health problems. Choose three health issues that regular physical… 2025

For the middle-aged adult, exercise can reduce the risk of various health problems. Choose three health issues that regular physical exercise and activity can help prevent and manage. Discuss the prevalence of each of these health problems in society today. Describe measures that you would take as a nurse to assist clients with health promotion measures to incorporate exercise and physical activity into their lives. Include the kind of activities you would recommend, the amount of exercise, and the approach you would use to gain cooperation from the client. Support your response with evidenced-based literature.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Select a patient who you examined during the last 3 weeks With this patient in mind address

6541 WK3 SOAP 2025

Select a patient who you examined during the last 3 weeks. With this patient in mind, address the following in a 1 to 2 pages SOAP Note: CASE STUDY: HPI: 3 yo African American M here for Well Care visit . Mother reports pt. stools only 2 times per week. BMs described as hard, brown, and round. Has noticed this infrequent stooling pattern since began potty training at 2.5 yo. Pt. often cries and strains when trying to pass bowel movement. Pt. a “picky” eater who avoids fruits and vegetables. Mother has not tried any treatments and is unsure what makes better or worse. •Subjective: What details did the patient or parent provide regarding the personal and medical history? Include any discrepancies between the details provided by the child and details provided by the parent, as well as possible reasons for these discrepancies. •Objective: What observations did you make during the physical assessment? Include pertinent positive and negative physical exam findings. Describe whether the patient presented with any growth and development or psychosocial issues. Make sure you include Review of System for age appropriate •Assessment: What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a minimum of three possible diagnoses. List them from highest priority to lowest priority. What was your primary diagnosis and why? •Plan: What was your plan for diagnostics and primary diagnosis? What was your plan for treatment and management? Include pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatments, alternative therapies, and follow-up parameters, as well as a rationale for this treatment and management plan. •Reflection notes: What was your “aha” moment? What would you do differently in a similar patient evaluation? References Hagan, J. F., Jr., Shaw, J. S., Duncan, P. M. (Eds.). (2008). Bright futures: Guidelines for health supervision of infants, children, and adolescents (3rd ed.). Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics. ◦Review: “Promoting Healthy Nutrition” (pp. 121–145) Seidel, H. M., Ball, J. W., Dains, J. E., Flynn, J. A., Solomon, B. S., & Stewart, R. W. (2011). Mosby’s guide to physical examination (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. ◦Chapter 26, “Recording Information”

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Select a patient who you examined during the last 3 weeks With this patient in

6541 WK3 SOAP 2025

Select a patient who you examined during the last 3 weeks. With this patient in mind, address the following in a 1 to 2 pages SOAP Note: CASE STUDY: HPI: 3 yo African American M here for Well Care visit . Mother reports pt. stools only 2 times per week. BMs described as hard, brown, and round. Has noticed this infrequent stooling pattern since began potty training at 2.5 yo. Pt. often cries and strains when trying to pass bowel movement. Pt. a “picky” eater who avoids fruits and vegetables. Mother has not tried any treatments and is unsure what makes better or worse. •Subjective: What details did the patient or parent provide regarding the personal and medical history? Include any discrepancies between the details provided by the child and details provided by the parent, as well as possible reasons for these discrepancies. •Objective: What observations did you make during the physical assessment? Include pertinent positive and negative physical exam findings. Describe whether the patient presented with any growth and development or psychosocial issues. Make sure you include Review of System for age appropriate •Assessment: What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a minimum of three possible diagnoses. List them from highest priority to lowest priority. What was your primary diagnosis and why? •Plan: What was your plan for diagnostics and primary diagnosis? What was your plan for treatment and management? Include pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatments, alternative therapies, and follow-up parameters, as well as a rationale for this treatment and management plan. •Reflection notes: What was your “aha” moment? What would you do differently in a similar patient evaluation? References Hagan, J. F., Jr., Shaw, J. S., Duncan, P. M. (Eds.). (2008). Bright futures: Guidelines for health supervision of infants, children, and adolescents (3rd ed.). Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics. ◦Review: “Promoting Healthy Nutrition” (pp. 121–145) Seidel, H. M., Ball, J. W., Dains, J. E., Flynn, J. A., Solomon, B. S., & Stewart, R. W. (2011). Mosby’s guide to physical examination (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. ◦Chapter 26, “Recording Information”

Nursing Assignment Help 2025