2025 What makes some healthy and others ill Healthy People 2020 identifies five

Determinants of health 2025

What makes some healthy and others ill? Healthy People 2020 identifies five Determinants of Health that influence the health of individuals and populations. Healthy People 2020 describes them this way as “a range of personal, social, economic, and environmental factors that influence health status are known as determinants of health” (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2014, About Determinants of Health, para 1. Determinants fall into five categories, including: a) policy making, b) social factors, c) health services, d) individual behavior, and e) biology and genetics. Go to the “Determinants of Health” link http://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/about/foundation-health-measures/Determinants-of-Health and click on each determinant to read about all of the determinants. Choose one of the five determinants. In your posting, describe this determinant and its importance. Discuss how this this determinant relates to one intervention from the Public Health Intervention Wheel (Nies & McEwen, 2015, pp. 14–15). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2014) Healthy People 2020: About Determinants of Health . Retrieved from http://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/about/foundation-health-measures/Determinants-of-Health APA Format reference: Nies, M. A., & McEwen, M. (2015). Community/Public health nursing: Promoting the health of populations (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier. Chapter 1: Health: A Community View Chapter 2: Historical Factors: Community Health Nursing in Context Chapter 3: Thinking Upstream: Nursing Theories and Population-Focused Nursing Practice Chapter 4: Health Promotion and Risk Reduction Optional: U. S. National Library of Medicine. (2012). Two centuries of health promotion: Images from the history of the Public Health Service . Retrieved from http://www.nlm.nih.gov/exhibition/phs_history/intro.html .

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Create a 350 to 700 word resource as a way to share this information Examples

Diabetes Presentation 2025

Create a 350- to 700-word resource as a way to share this information. Examples include the following: A social media page An information pamphlet A presentation Consider the best method so it is crafted in an appropriate and understandable way for your identified audience. Choose from the two following options, which kind of diabetes you’ll be reporting on: Option A: Type I How society views diabetes (what society thinks it is versus what it actually is, common beliefs and practices) Signs and symptoms Compliance with treatment regimens Impact on health care resources Option B: Type II How society views diabetes (what society thinks it is versus what it actually is) Preventive measures Making the right decisions to live a healthy life Compliance with common beliefs Impact on health care resources

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Research and analyze OREM s Theory of Self Care Theory used in family nursing and Critique the framework for o

Critique and Analysis of a Theory Useful in Family Nursing 2025

Research and analyze OREM’s Theory of Self Care Theory used in family nursing and: Critique the framework for: o Applicability, feasibility, and use in advanced practice nursing o Applicability to culturally diverse families o Potential to generate a research base for advanced practice nursing Use a minimum of three (3) professional references and 800 words DUE DATE: 7/2/16 (Saturday) at 1:00 pm California Time

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Week 4 Assignment 2 Week 4 Week 4 W4 Assignment 2 Turnitin Assignment Assignment 2 Course Project Task 4

assignment 2025

Week 4 Assignment 2. Week 4: Week 4 – W4 Assignment 2 Turnitin Assignment Assignment 2: Course Project Task 4: Federal Healthcare Organizations “Research a federal governmental organization related to healthcare, such as FEMA, FDA, NIH, CDC, or HHS. It is important to note that some federal agencies are interconnected and work collaboratively; therefore, it might be advantageous to compare and contrast roles and responsibilities of your selected organization”. (1) Describe the organization’s mission. Relate its stated mission to its activities. Include information to address their roles and responsibilities and provide a clear definition as to the charge of the federal agency. (2) Select one of the following public health issues and describe 2 –3 important activities of the organization to address the issue: infant mortality rates, reducing heart disease, infectious diseases, or airborne pathogens. (3) Examine resources utilization by the organization, particularly resources relevant the selected public health issue. (4) Discuss the organization’s effectiveness in decreasing/improving the selected public health issue. (5) Introduce 2–3 strategies or an action plan of public health priorities in the twenty-first century to create a healthier nation. Write a 5-page report about the organization you select. Format the paper in the current APA style and cite sources in the correct format. Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Described the organization’s mission and related it to its activities. 10 Described 2–3 important activities of the organization relevant to selected public health issue. 10 Examined resource utilization relevant selected public health issue. 15 Evaluated effectiveness in reducing selected public health issue. 15 Presented a structured document free of spelling and grammatical errors. 5 Properly cited sources using the APA format. 5 Total: 80

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Alcohol 7 What is the influence of alcohol in the body Please be specific and give

Alcohol 7 What is the influence of alcohol in the body? Please be specific and give at least 2 influences, ie influence in the GI tract, etc. Please be sure to enumerate these (so there is no confusion), ie. (1) and (2). Please also give 2 examples of 2025

Alcohol 7 What is the influence of alcohol in the body? Please be specific and give at least 2 influences, ie influence in the GI tract, etc. Please be sure to enumerate these (so there is no confusion), ie. (1) and (2). Please also give 2 examples of alcohol’s damage. Talk about at least 1 short-term effect and 1 long-term effect. Lastly, give your views on alcohol consumption and why you feel the way you do. You must complete at least 10 sentences and respond to 2 of your classmates to receive credit. Energy Balance and Body Composition 8 Please choose one eating disorder from the Chapter 8 Highlight. Compare and contrast the diagnoses, characteristics, and treatments of at least 1 eating disorder. Vitamins 9 Vitamins or vitamin rich foods? Please make a case for which of the two you think is the most effective way to get vitamins. Please make the case for whether a person should consume their vitamins as supplements or from foods that contain these vitamins. You should review the information in the Highlight in Chapter 10, begins on page 331 “Vitamin and Mineral Supplements” before attempting to respond to this question. Please respond in at least 300 words and reply to two of your classmates.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Planning for Data Collection Planning for Data Collection Data collection is an important part of both quantitative and

planning data collection 2025

Planning for Data Collection Planning for Data Collection Data collection is an important part of both quantitative and qualitative research. Although the actual approach to gathering information may vary, for either research design, researchers need to plan in advance how the data will be gathered, reported, and stored, and they need to ensure that their methods are both reliable and valid. As nurses review research when considering a new evidence-based practice, it is important to be familiar with sound collection practices in order to ascertain the credibility of the data presented. Consider the following scenario: Nurses and other health care professionals are often interested in assessing patient satisfaction with health care services. Imagine that you are a nurse working in a suburban primary care setting that serves 10,000 patients annually. Your organization is very interested in understanding the patient’s point of view to help determine areas of care that can be improved. With this focus in mind, consider how you would create a survey to assess patient satisfaction with the services your organization provides. You may wish to consider variables such as the ease of accessing care, patient wait time, friendliness of the staff, or the likelihood that a patient would recommend your organization to others. For this Discussion, you generate questions and an overall plan for data collection that would be appropriate for a patient satisfaction survey in relation to the above scenario. To prepare: · Consider the guidelines for generating questions presented in this week’s Learning Resources. · Review the scenario and formulate at least five questions that you could use to evaluate patient satisfaction. · Reflect on the different methods or instruments that can be used for gathering data described in Chapter 13 and Chapter 22 of the course text. Which methods or instruments would work well for the scenario? · Determine an appropriate sample size for the scenario. Please answer these as your outline for my assignment: 1. The questions that you created for gathering information about patient satisfaction based on the above scenario. 2. Explain which method or instrument you would use to gather data. 3. Describe the sample size appropriate for the population and how you would select participants. 4. Provide a rationale for your choices, and explain how you can ensure high standard of reliability and validity. All articles/references must be from the period of 2011 to 2016. Make 2-3 pages… Thank you. *This is for Masters of Science in Nursing. Required Resources Note: To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus. Readings · Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2012). Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice (Laureate Education, Inc., custom ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. o Chapter 12, “Sampling in Quantitative Research” This chapter introduces key concepts concerning sampling in quantitative research. This includes such concepts as a description of populations, different types of sampling and their uses, and how to determine a manageable, yet sufficient number to be included in a sample. The chapter also includes suggestions for implementing a sampling plan. o Chapter 13, “Data Collection in Quantitative Research” Once a sampling design is complete, the next step is to collect the data, and this is the focus of Chapter 13. The chapter describes how to develop a data collection plan, and provides information about the different types of instruments that can be used, such as structured observation and biophysiologic measures. o Chapter 21, “Sampling in Qualitative Research” The focus of this chapter is on the sampling process in qualitative research. The chapter describes the different types of sampling and when they are commonly used. Sampling techniques in the three main qualitative traditions (ethnography, phenomenological studies and grounded theory studies) are highlighted. o Chapter 22, “Data Collection in Qualitative Research” This chapter examines the process of data collection in qualitative research as well as key issues surrounding data collection. This includes such methods as self-reporting, surveys, interviews, and personal journal keeping. The chapter also highlights important considerations when utilizing unstructured observations to gather data and how to record field notes. · Keough, V. A., & Tanabe, P. (2011). Survey research: An effective design for conducting nursing research. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 1 (4), 37–44. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. This text emphasizes the advantages of survey research. The authors describe the nuances of survey research projects, including their design, methods, analysis, and limitations. · Walden University. (n.d.a). Paper templates. Retrieved July 23, 2012, from http://writingcenter.waldenu.edu/57.htm This website provides you access to the School of Nursing Sample Paper , which will serve as a template for formatting your papers. Media · Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012b). Data collection. Baltimore, MD: Author. Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 4 minutes. Dr. Kristen Mauk discusses how she collected data for her DNP project in this video. She describes the details of her pre- and post-tests used to track nurses’ knowledge in a rehabilitation unit

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Improving Quality Improving the quality of health care delivery and patient safety continues to be a political concern

Improving Quality 2025

Improving Quality Improving the quality of health care delivery and patient safety continues to be a political concern and has been at the heart of reform issues for many years. The American Nurses Association (ANA) and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) have increased awareness of health care quality and safety issues, as well as advocated for health care reform. The documents featured at the ANA and IOM websites listed in this week’s Learning Resources focus on many of the current issues surrounding quality and safety in the health care industry. To prepare: Review this week’s Learning Resources, focusing on the Six Aims for Improvement presented in the landmark report “Crossing the Quality Chasm: The IOM Health Care Quality Initiative.” Consider these six aims with regard to your current organization, or one with which you are familiar. In what areas have you seen improvement? What areas still present challenges? As a nurse leader, how can you contribute to improving the organization’s achievement of these aims? Select one specific quality or safety issue that is presenting a challenge in the organization. Consider at least one quality improvement strategy that could be used to address the issue, as well as which of the six aims for improvement would then be addressed. Reflect on your professional practice and your experiences with inter-professional collaboration to improve quality and safety. How has inter-professional collaboration contributed to your organization’s efforts to realize the IOM’s six aims for improving health care? Where has inter-professional collaboration been lacking? ASSIGNMENT Post a description of the quality or safety issue you selected and a brief summary of the impact that this issue has on health care delivery. Describe at least one quality improvement strategy used to address this issue. Then explain which of the six “aims for improvement” are addressed by the strategy. Finally, explain how inter-professional collaboration helps improve quality in this area. APA FORMAT 2 PAGES MINIMUM 3 REFERENCES

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Successful Implementation of Electronic Health Information Technology Since the inception of the HITECH Act health organizations have faced

Successful Implementation of Electronic Health Information Technology 2025

Successful Implementation of Electronic Health Information Technology Since the inception of the HITECH Act, health organizations have faced increased pressure to update their health information technology (HIT) resources. As discussed last week, many believe that the increased use of electronic health records and the quick and efficient communication afforded by HIT can lead to improved quality of patient care. Yet there are significant costs associated with implementing such systems. What can organizations do to ensure that the correct system is selected and that the system will be appropriate for those required to use it? Who should be involved in those decisions? This week introduces the systems development life cycle and discusses how it can guide an organization through the complexities of adopting a new HIT system. In this Discussion, you are asked to consider the role of nurses in the SDLC process. To prepare: Review the steps of the systems development life cycle. Think about your own organization, or one with which you are familiar, and the steps the organization goes through when purchasing and implementing a new HIT system. Consider what a nurse could contribute to decisions made at each stage when planning for new health information technology. What might be the consequences of not involving nurses? Reflect on your own experiences with your organization selecting and implementing new technology. As an end user, do you feel you had any input in the selection or and planning of the new HIT system? ASSIGNMENT Post an analysis of the ramifications of an organization not involving nurses in each stage of the systems development life cycle when purchasing and implementing a new HIT system. Give specific examples of potential issues at each stage and how the inclusion of nurses could help avoid such issues. APA FORMAT 2 PAGES MINIMUM 3 REFERENCES

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Successful Implementation of Electronic Health Information Technology Since the inception of the HITECH Act health organizations

Successful Implementation of Electronic Health Information Technology 2025

Successful Implementation of Electronic Health Information Technology Since the inception of the HITECH Act, health organizations have faced increased pressure to update their health information technology (HIT) resources. As discussed last week, many believe that the increased use of electronic health records and the quick and efficient communication afforded by HIT can lead to improved quality of patient care. Yet there are significant costs associated with implementing such systems. What can organizations do to ensure that the correct system is selected and that the system will be appropriate for those required to use it? Who should be involved in those decisions? This week introduces the systems development life cycle and discusses how it can guide an organization through the complexities of adopting a new HIT system. In this Discussion, you are asked to consider the role of nurses in the SDLC process. To prepare: Review the steps of the systems development life cycle. Think about your own organization, or one with which you are familiar, and the steps the organization goes through when purchasing and implementing a new HIT system. Consider what a nurse could contribute to decisions made at each stage when planning for new health information technology. What might be the consequences of not involving nurses? Reflect on your own experiences with your organization selecting and implementing new technology. As an end user, do you feel you had any input in the selection or and planning of the new HIT system? ASSIGNMENT Post an analysis of the ramifications of an organization not involving nurses in each stage of the systems development life cycle when purchasing and implementing a new HIT system. Give specific examples of potential issues at each stage and how the inclusion of nurses could help avoid such issues. APA FORMAT 2 PAGES MINIMUM 3 REFERENCES

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Improving Quality Improving the quality of health care delivery and patient safety

Improving Quality 2025

Improving Quality Improving the quality of health care delivery and patient safety continues to be a political concern and has been at the heart of reform issues for many years. The American Nurses Association (ANA) and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) have increased awareness of health care quality and safety issues, as well as advocated for health care reform. The documents featured at the ANA and IOM websites listed in this week’s Learning Resources focus on many of the current issues surrounding quality and safety in the health care industry. To prepare: Review this week’s Learning Resources, focusing on the Six Aims for Improvement presented in the landmark report “Crossing the Quality Chasm: The IOM Health Care Quality Initiative.” Consider these six aims with regard to your current organization, or one with which you are familiar. In what areas have you seen improvement? What areas still present challenges? As a nurse leader, how can you contribute to improving the organization’s achievement of these aims? Select one specific quality or safety issue that is presenting a challenge in the organization. Consider at least one quality improvement strategy that could be used to address the issue, as well as which of the six aims for improvement would then be addressed. Reflect on your professional practice and your experiences with inter-professional collaboration to improve quality and safety. How has inter-professional collaboration contributed to your organization’s efforts to realize the IOM’s six aims for improving health care? Where has inter-professional collaboration been lacking? ASSIGNMENT Post a description of the quality or safety issue you selected and a brief summary of the impact that this issue has on health care delivery. Describe at least one quality improvement strategy used to address this issue. Then explain which of the six “aims for improvement” are addressed by the strategy. Finally, explain how inter-professional collaboration helps improve quality in this area. APA FORMAT 2 PAGES MINIMUM 3 REFERENCES

Nursing Assignment Help 2025