2025 Leadership Style Throughout your career you will work with many people who display differing leadership styles As a nurse
Leadership styles 2025
Leadership Style Throughout your career, you will work with many people who display differing leadership styles. As a nurse leader, it is imperative that you communicate well and get along with those whose leadership style does not align with your preferences. It is also important to understand your own leadership style, as this can prompt insight into how others relate to you and what skills you may need to develop as your leadership responsibilities grow. To prepare: · Review the information in the Learning Resources, including the leadership styles identified in Chapter 2 of the course text. · Bring to mind a leader in your organization or one with which you are familiar. Would you describe his or her style as authoritative, democratic, or laissez-faire? Why? · Which characteristics or approaches demonstrated by this person would you integrate into your own leadership style? Which ones would you prefer not to integrate? · Think about how this leader’s style and resulting interactions may impact health care quality and patient outcomes. On the Week 9 Discussion Board, post 1 page response APA format 1. A description of a leader, distinguishing his or her style as authoritative, democratic, or laissez-faire. 2. Describe the characteristics that inform your perception, and explain which ones you would integrate into your own leadership style, as well as which ones you would prefer not to integrate. 3. Explain at least one potential effect of this leadership style on health care quality and patient outcomes. Course Reading · Marquis, B. L., & Huston, C. J. (2015). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application (8th ed.) . Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. o Review Chapters 2 and 3 · Azaare, J., & Gross, J. (2011). The nature of leadership style in nursing management. British Journal of Nursing , 20 (11), 672–676, 678–680. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. The authors examine the different styles of leadership that nurse managers use and discusses how staff nurses in their study preferred managers who use a proactive, articulate, and independent leadership style. · Benoliela, P. & Somecha, A. (2014). The health and performance effects of participative leadership: Exploring the moderating role of the Big Five personality dimensions European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 23 (2), 277-294. doi:10.1080/1359432X.2012.717689 Abstract excerpt: This study suggests that participative leadership may yield different results depending on employees’ personality traits from the Big Five typology. The proposed model aimed to investigate the moderating role of the Big Five traits on the participative leadership–in role performance relationship and on the participative leadership–psychological strain relationship. · Graham, S., & Melnyk, B. M. (2014). The Birth of a Healthcare Leadership Academy: Lessons Learned From The Ohio State University. Nurse Leader , 12 (2), 55-74. doi:10.1016/j.mnl.2014.01.001 Abstract excerpt: The ultimate goal of a leadership institute/initiative is to strengthen leadership confidence and competence for the ultimate purpose of improving healthcare quality and patient outcomes, as well as of reducing costs. · Zydziunaite, V, & Suominen, T. Leadership styles of nurse managers in ethical dilemmas: Reasons and consequences. Contemporary Nurse 48 (2):150-16. doi:10.5172/conu.2014.48.2.150 Abstract excerpt: To explain the associations between different leadership styles, reasons for their application and its consequences when nurse managers make decisions in ethical dilemmas. · Wall Street Journal staff. (n.d.). Leadership Styles. Retrieved from http://guides.wsj.com/management/developing-a-leadership-style/how-to-develop-a-leadership-style/?mod=WSJBlog This section of the Wall Street Journal website features a variety of articles and video clips on leadership. The Walden Library also has holdings of Wall Street Journal articles.
Nursing Assignment Help 2025