2025 Unit outcomes addressed in this activity Discuss the various ways that health information is

Healthcare Information Management Paper 2025

Unit outcomes addressed in this activity: ● Discuss the various ways that health information is used within and without health care facilities. ● Explain performance improvement and identify performance improvement tools Course Outcome Plan reimbursement compliance strategies. Instructions From electronic health records (EHR) to telemedicine, the use of information technology is rapidly expanding. Discuss how individuals, professionals, and organizations use health information. How can health information improve the provision of quality? Finally, after conducting research, discuss the possible future of information technology in healthcare. 1. Title page 2. Introduction ○ Discuss the importance of health information (2 pages) ○ Discuss how individuals, professionals, and organizations use health information (2 pages) ○ Discuss how health information may improve the provision of quality (2 pages) ○ Discuss the possible future of information technology (2 pages) 3. Conclusion 4. References Requirements The Assignment should meet all APA standards, be grammatically correct, appropriate and consistent research citation and documentation, appropriate graphics to display data and the results of analysis, and visual materials to support presentation of the overall document. Each section is to be a minimum of two (2) pages and should include a separate title and reference page. R eferences are to be scholarly peer reviewed resources ONLY, with a minimum of four (4) references.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Foodborne Illness Module 13 Foodborne illnesses and their effects were in the news many times over the past

Foodborne Illness – Module 13 Foodborne illnesses and their effects were in the news many times over the past couple of years. Some recent incidents include spinach and peanut butter. How can we make certain what we buy and consume if free from food pat 2025

Foodborne Illness – Module 13 Foodborne illnesses and their effects were in the news many times over the past couple of years. Some recent incidents include spinach and peanut butter. How can we make certain what we buy and consume if free from food pathogens? Wasted Food – Discussion Board Module 14 Today the hot topic of local food is present in the media. Read the Highlight section of Chapter 20 and discuss your feelings on Environmentally Friendly Food Choices. Make at least 2 points and give your thoughts.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Q1 Consider the following assertion from Health Policymaking in the United States Implementation of the Affordable Care Act ACA

Healthcare 2025

Q1: Consider the following assertion from Health Policymaking in the United States: “Implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)… is proving to be a monumental and challenging management undertaking (Jost 2014)” (p. 197). Based on what you know of the ACA and the implementation process, why might this be? What about managing this act can be so “monumental and challenging”? You may support your answers by referring to Appendix 1, “Overview of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,” or from additional Internet searches. Q2: for this post, imagine that you are an interest group member, stakeholder, or lobbyist intent on influencing a certain piece of health policy. This health policy should fall under CMS’s implementation duties. Identify the role you would take on and the health policy that concerns you. Then, explain how you would advocate for this policy in this role, whether that would be through writing letters, meeting with one of your government representatives, or communicating with CMs members. Include a portion of the letter you would write or the conversation you would have to try to impact CMS through the creation or modification or rules.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Based on your research complete the following tasks Identify and describe the research problems purpose objectives and hypothesis of the

Based on your research, complete the following tasks: Identify and describe the research problems, purpose, objectives, and hypothesis of the research. Evaluate the credibility and validity of the study. Suggested References: Shisana, O., Rice, K., Zung 2025

Based on your research, complete the following tasks: Identify and describe the research problems, purpose, objectives, and hypothesis of the research. Evaluate the credibility and validity of the study. Suggested References : Shisana, O., Rice, K., Zungu, N., & Zuma, K. (2010). Gender and poverty in South Africa in the era of HIV/AIDS: A quantitative study. Journal of Women’s Health (15409996) , 19 (1), 39–46. Ko, E., Nelson-Becker, H., Park, Y., & Shin, M. (2013). End-of-Life decision making in older Korean adults: Concerns, preferences, and expectations. Educational Gerontology , 39 (2), 71–81. Witzke, J., Rhone, R., Backhaus, D., & Shaver, N. (2008). How sweet the sound: Research evidence for the use of music in Alzheimer’s dementia. Journal of Gerontological Nursing , 34 (10), 45–52. Sandvik, A., Melender, H., Jonsén, E., Jönsson, G., Salmu, M., & Hilli, Y. (2012). Nursing students’ experiences of the first clinical education: A nordic quantitative study. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research & Clinical Studies / Vård I Norden , 32 (3), 20–25. Cooper, C., Taft, L., & Thelen, M. (2004). Examining the role of technology in learning: An evaluation of online clinical conferencing. Journal of Professional Nursing , 20 (3), 160–166. Roulston, A., Bickerstaff, D., Haynes, T., Rutherford, L., & Jones, L. (2012). A pilot study to evaluate an outpatient service for people with advanced lung cancer. International Journal of Palliative Nursing , 18 (5), 225–233.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 A 2 year old girl is being seen for intermittent fever and almost continuous crying Her


A 2 year old girl is being seen for intermittent fever and almost continuous crying. Her mother reports the child was potty-trained but for the last 2 days, has been incontinent. Also, when the parents try to hold the child to try to comfort her, she screams and cries harder. Initial Post: Formulate the possible diagnoses for this child. Explain why you believe these are the most likely causes of her symptoms. Be sure to include the pathophysiologic basis for your differential diagnoses.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Consider the following scenario Progress Healthcare a local hospital in South Carolina recently

Consider the following scenario: 2025

Consider the following scenario: Progress Healthcare, a local hospital in South Carolina, recently installed a nurse tracking system. This Real Time Locating System (RTLS) from Stanley Healthcare is an expansion of the commonly known Aeroscout, which is used for asset tracking. The goal is to understand workflow streams and utilize the data to streamline the workflows through a LEAN event. Data is captured from the employee badges and sent wirelessly to a local server and then sent to an online database for business intelligence analysis and reporting. Progress Healthcare also sends patient monitoring information to the floor monitoring server and then to the electronic medical record (EMR). The monitoring data is also stripped of personal health information (PHI) and sent to the same Internet server to correlate tracking information with each room. Understanding staff movement is seen by leadership and management as efficient. It is also a way to justify chargers and to validate the level of care a patient receives. Many of the staff nurses and assistants see it as a distraction and as another time consuming measure that diminishes patient care. Write a 350-to-700-word summary in which you address the following: Analyze the impact of using the Internet to communicate consumer information. Assess the impact of organizational research and the use of IT to collect data. Discuss the ethical implications of clinical efficiency research with monitoring and tracking data. Use a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed references, not counting the textbook, that directly support your analysis. Format your reference page according to APA guidelines.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Assignment 2 Core Competencies Each advanced care provider role has specific core competencies specific to the specialization Following


Assignment 2: Core Competencies Each advanced care provider role has specific core competencies specific to the specialization. Following are links to websites describing core competencies that are relevant to the South University College of Nursing and Public Health advanced practice role specializations: Indirect Care Provider Roles: Nurse Administrator Nurse Informaticist Nurse Educator Direct Care Provider Roles: NP (Adult, Gerontology, or Family Health) To prepare for this assignment, review all core competencies and then provide a response in a 3- to 5-page paper ( excluding the title and reference page ) your review of these competencies considering the following: Compare and contrast the core competencies of a direct care provider advanced role and indirect care provider advanced role. For example, if you are a nurse informaticist or nurse administrator student, compare your role’s core competencies to the NP core competencies. If you are a NP student, compare your role’s core competencies to that of the nurse informaticist or the nurse administrator. Analyze the similarities and differences in implementation of the competencies within the selected roles. URLs to assist you in preparing your assignment: AACN for Nurse Informatics Adult-Gerontology NP Competencies AONE for Nurse Administrators/Executives Family NP Competencies NLN for Nurse Educators NONFP-NP Core Competencies and Content AANP Association for NPs Name your document: SU_NSG5000_W4A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc. Submit your document to the W4 Assignment 2 Dropbox by Friday, August 19, 2016 .

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Pick from Questions 1 or 2 Only answer one of the two


Pick from Questions 1 or 2 (Only answer one of the two questions) Thanks Due Date is August, Tuesday 9 2016 Discussion Question 1 There is no right or wrong answer for this ethical question; however, you will need to discuss an ethical consideration or dilemma of the APRN. Please remember what is correct for one person may not be correct for another. Look at the Nuremburg Code (US Department of Health & Human Services, 2005; Washington, 2012) as it was the major start of ethics in research and that can carry over to nursing practice. US Department of Health & Human Services. (2005). The Nuremberg code . Retrieved from http://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/archive/ nurcode.html Washington, H. A. (2012). Non-consenting adults . Retrieved from http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/new_ scientist/2012/01/the_nuremberg_code_set_up_to_protect_the_human_subjects_of_research_is_being_routinely_ ignored_.html In this week’s lecture material, ethical considerations of the advanced practice nurse have been discussed. Please expand on the following points: Choose a potential ethical dilemma that you may face in your chosen advanced practice nursing role. Describe the situation and potential solutions, including collaboration methods with other healthcare professionals. Examine the potential cost and benefits to your solution. Predict who would potentially oppose your stance. Support your stance with current research (minimum of one research article) Discussion Question 2 There is no right or wrong answer for this ethical question; however, you will need to discuss an ethical consideration or dilemma of the APRN. Please remember what is correct for one person may not be correct for another. Look at the Nuremburg Code (US Department of Health & Human Services, 2005; Washington, 2012) as it was the major start of ethics in research and that can carry over to nursing practice. US Department of Health & Human Services. (2005). The Nuremberg code . Retrieved from http://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/archive/ nurcode.html Washington, H. A. (2012). Non-consenting adults . Retrieved from http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/new_ scientist/2012/01/the_nuremberg_code_set_up_to_protect_the_human_subjects_of_research_is_being_routinely_ ignored_.html Review the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics and the ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements (ANA, 2011a, 2011b) and identify one barrier to ethical practice. Please expand on the following points: Choose a potential barrier to ethical practice that you may face in your chosen advanced practice nursing role. Discuss if there is a relationship between your personal beliefs and values and this barrier. Describe at least one mechanism to overcome the barrier discussed. Examine the potential cost and benefits to this barrier. American Nurses Association. (2011a). Code of ethics . Retrieved from http://www.nursingworld.org/Mobile/Code-of-Ethics American Nurses Association. (2011b). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements . Retrieved from http://www. nursingworld.org/code-of-ethics-preface

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Wellness Program Proposal Health care initiatives focus on changing demographics and emerging health problems Health care professionals need


Wellness Program Proposal Health care initiatives focus on changing demographics and emerging health problems. Health care professionals need to develop skills in conducting gap analyses within their own communities, to design effective health education and wellness programs to address those gaps, and to remain mindful that effective care depends on the ability to build trust within the community being served. For this assignment, you will develop a proposal for a wellness program that will help bridge the gaps in health care service delivery for the population you identified in your Windshield Survey assignment. Use the Capella library and the Internet to find scholarly and professional resources that will help you design a wellness program for the health concern of your population. Find at least four resources to use in this assignment. Requirements Building on your Windshield Survey and Organizational Evaluation assignments, complete the following: Design an evidence-based wellness program to address the primary health concern of the population that integrates: Cultural considerations: Will you need to consult with someone from the population on how to approach the delivery of your program? CAM, traditional medicine, holistic health, and spirituality considerations Linguistic considerations: Will you need interpreters or translators for either written or oral presentations? Educational considerations: What will be the best way to educate the population? Describe how you will market or advertise the wellness program. What are the benefits the program offers the population? Will you need incentives to ensure participation and completion of the program? Explain the ethical, legal, and economic factors that impact the health and wellness of the population. For example: The ethical considerations (such as justice, non-malfeasance, and duty) that can affect preventative care and health promotion. Local laws, federal laws, and the Affordable Health Care Act that can affect preventative care and health promotion. The potential economic impact of clinical prevention and health promotion related to health disparities of your population. The format for this assignment should be a professional proposal. If possible, ask about the format used for proposals in your organization and follow that. Follow current APA style for your in-text citations and references. Additional Requirements Length of pape r: 5–7 double-spaced pages, not including a title page and reference page. References : At least four current scholarly or professional resources. Formatting : APA format for in-text citations and references. Font : Times New Roman, 12 pt. Wellness Program Proposal Scoring Guide Grading Rubric Criteria Non-performance Basic Proficient Distinguished Integrate cultural considerations into an evidence-based wellness plan for a population. 13% Does not integrate cultural considerations into an evidence-based wellness plan for a population. Integrates cultural considerations into an evidence-based wellness plan, but the cultural considerations are not specific to any population. Integrates cultural considerations into an evidence-based wellness plan for a population. Integrates cultural considerations into an evidence-based wellness plan for a population, and shows a clear relationship between the considerations and the population. Integrate CAM, traditional medicine, holistic health and spirituality into an evidence-based wellness plan for a population. 13% Does not integrate CAM, traditional medicine, holistic health and spirituality into an evidence-based wellness plan for a population. Integrates aspects of CAM, traditional, medicine, holistic health and spirituality into an evidence-based wellness plan, but the aspects are not specific to any population. Integrates CAM, traditional medicine, holistic health and spirituality into an evidence-based wellness plan for a population. Integrates CAM, traditional medicine, holistic health and spirituality into an evidence-based wellness plan for a population, and explains how it will promote positive outcomes. Integrate linguistic considerations into an evidence-based wellness plan for a population. 13% Does not integrate linguistic considerations into an evidence-based wellness plan for a population. Integrates linguistic considerations into an evidence-based wellness plan, but the linguistic considerations are broad and not specific to any population. Integrates linguistic considerations into an evidence-based wellness plan for a population. Integrates linguistic considerations into an evidence-based wellness plan for a population and shows how errors in communication can negatively impact the health of a population. Explain strategies for educating a population about health promotion and disease prevention 13% Does not explain strategies for educating a population about health promotion and disease prevention. Identifies strategies for educating a population about health promotion and disease prevention. Explains strategies for educating a population about health promotion and disease prevention. Explains strategies for educating a population about health promotion and disease prevention, and identifies ways to market an education plan to the population. Explain the benefits of a health and wellness plan for a population. 13% Does not explain the benefits of a health and wellness plan for a population. Lists the benefits of a health and wellness plan for a population. Explains the benefits of a health and wellness plan for a population. Explains the long-term and short-term benefits of a health and wellness plan for a population. Describe the ethical principles that can affect preventative care and health promotion. 10% Does not describe the ethical principles that can affect preventative care and health promotion. Lists the ethical principles that can affect preventative care and health promotion. Describes the ethical principles that can affect preventative care and health promotion. Describes the ethical principles that can affect preventative care and health promotion in both positive and negative ways for the organization and the population. Explain how local laws, federal laws, and the Affordable Health Care Act can affect preventative care and health promotion. 10% Does not explain how local laws, federal laws, and the Affordable Health Care Act can affect preventative care and health promotion. Explains how local laws or federal laws or the Affordable Health Care Act can affect preventative care and health promotion, but not all three. Explains how local laws, federal laws, and the Affordable Health Care Act can affect preventative care and health promotion. Explains how local laws, federal laws, and the Affordable Health Care Act can affect preventative care and health promotion in both positive and negative ways for the organization and the population. Explain the economic impact of clinical prevention and health promotion related to health disparities for a population. 10% Does not explain the economic impact of clinical prevention and health promotion related to health disparities for a population. Explains the economic impact of clinical prevention and health promotion related to health disparities for a population, but omits key elements. Explains the economic impact of clinical prevention and health promotion related to health disparities for a population. Explains the economic impact of clinical prevention and health promotion related to health disparities for a population in terms of both positive and negative aspects for the organization and the population. Write content clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics. 3% Does not write content clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics. Writes content clearly and logically, but grammar, punctuation, and mechanics have frequent errors. Writes content clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics. Writes clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics; and uses relevant evidence to support a central idea. Correctly format paper, citations, and references using APA style. 2% Does not correctly format paper, citations, and references using APA style. Correctly formats paper, but inconsistently formats citations and references using APA style. Correctly formats paper, citations, and references using APA style. Citations contain few errors. Correctly formats paper, citations, and references using APA style. Citations are free from all errors.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Please click on this link http www ncbi nlm nih gov pmc articles PMC2732244 Let s discuss the Ten AMIA working groups

Please click on this link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2732244/ Let’s discuss the Ten AMIA working groups together with the IMIA work group findings on Organizational and Social Issues for project failures and how to lessen those risks 2025

Please click on this link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2732244/ Let’s discuss the Ten AMIA working groups together with the IMIA work group findings on Organizational and Social Issues for project failures and how to lessen those risks. Specifically, let’s discuss communication, workflow, and quality; the complexity of IT undertakings; the need to integrate all aspects of projects, work environments, and regulatory and policy requirements; and the difficulty of getting all the parts and participants in harmony. How do you address what “success” and “failure” mean, what contributes to making successful or unsuccessful systems, how to use failure as an enhanced learning opportunity for continued improvement, how system successes or failures should be studied, and what AMIA should do to enhance opportunities for successes?

Nursing Assignment Help 2025