2025 Competition in Health Care One of the trends marking the continuing transformation of the U S health care industry is the

Can anyone assist with this? 2025

Competition in Health Care One of the trends marking the continuing transformation of the U.S. health care industry is the dramatic increase in the pace of competition. The heightened competition is taking place among hospitals, health plans, physician groups, and drug companies, and between physicians and hospitals, and hospitals and health plans. Listen to the Looking Ahead: The Future of Health Care Policy podcast from National Public Radio (NPR). Then, prepare a three- to five-page paper in which you: Describe the different forms of competition that take place among various types of health care organizations. Evaluate the benefits and pitfalls of competition in health care and suggest alternatives if competition was not the primary driver of operations in the U.S. health care system. Explain the elements of successful competition and the use of competitive intelligence. Describe the influence competition has on the services offered by health care organizations and the choices patients have. Your paper must be three to five double-spaced pages (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Utilize a minimum of two scholarly sources that were published within the last five years. One source must be obtained from the Ashford University Library and focus on competition health care. All sources must be documented in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Discussion Characteristics of an Organization Large small Urban rural For profit non profit Acute care primary care Teaching organization research facility Myriad characteristics influence the experiences

Characteristics of an Organization 2025

Discussion: Characteristics of an Organization Large…small… Urban…rural… For profit…non–profit… Acute care…primary care Teaching organization…research facility Myriad characteristics influence the experiences of patients, nurses, and others in any health care setting. In addition to the factors noted above, the mission, vision, and values that guide an organization, as well as an institution’s commitments to patient care, teaching, and/or research, warrant significant consideration. As a nurse leader–manager, it is helpful to look at all of these aspects, especially as they relate to strategic planning and the sustainability of the organization. To that end, for this Discussion you compare multiple aspects of two organizations and consider the implications for nursing. In addition, you will apply a Strategic Planning tool, such as SWOT or Balanced Scorecard, or Six Sigma principles to establish one realistic goal or objective consistent with the mission of the organization. To Prepare Review the information in the Learning Resources regarding strategic planning; types of organizations; organizational commitments to patient care, teaching, and/or research; and the mission, vision, and values of organizations. Using the Internet, research various health care organizations (including those with which you are already familiar) that differ in focus, commitment, and mission, vision, and values. For the purposes of this Discussion, select two organizations with significant differences. Compare information about the two organizations. Based on the information presented in the Learning Resources, how do they differ? What are some possible implications of these differences for various stakeholders (e.g., nursing administration, patients, and community)? What does this mean for nursing’s role within each organization? Identify a goal or objective based on a strategic planning tool, such as SWOT or Balanced Scorecard, or Six Sigma consistent with the mission of the organization. By Day 3 Post and Contrast two differing health care organization’s mission, vision, and values, and describe at least two potential implications of these distinctions for stakeholders of each organization. Explain how this informs the focus for nursing, noting the role that nursing administration plays in supporting and fulfilling the mission, vision, and values, and organizational strategies. Write a goal or objective, based on a strategic planning tool, such as SWOT, Balanced Scorecard, or Six Sigma consistent with the mission of one of the organizations. Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses. By Day 6 Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days using one or more of the following approaches: Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information and evidence. Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives. Validate an idea with your own experience and additional sources. Make a suggestion based on additional evidence drawn from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 See attached template for better instructions The Impact of Health Insurance on the Delivery of Quality Care the

Unit 2 Health care Administration 2025

See attached template for better instructions. The Impact of Health Insurance on the Delivery of Quality Care- the Case of Medicaid Background This is an informative paragraph that helps the reader understand why you chose this topic. Review the background of the topic and elaborate here. Use language such as, The following section will discuss the background of the topic. This should be one paragraph in length. General Problem Statement Specific Problem Statement Purpose Statement Research Questions Hypotheses (if needed)

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Assignment 1 Discussion Questions Complete as directed by the facilitator By Saturday September 17


Assignment 1: Discussion Questions Complete as directed by the facilitator. By Saturday, September 17, 2016 , go to the Discussion Area and post responses to one discussion question as assigned by the facilitator. All responses should be posted to the appropriate topic in this Discussion Area . It is important to support what you say with relevant citations from both the course materials and outside resources. Include the South University Online Library in your research activities utilizing not only the nursing resource database, but also those pertaining to education, business, and human resources. By Wednesday, September 21, 2016 , comment on at least two of your peers’ responses. You can ask technical questions or respond generally to the overall experience of attempting the question. Be objective, clear, and concise. Always use constructive language. All comments should be posted to the appropriate topic in this Discussion Area . Select a discussion question from the topics menu below and click the question to begin. Use the Respond link to post responses and materials that pertain to that question. Use the Respond link beneath any existing postings to respond to it. Discussion Question 1 Since the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report, there have been many opportunities to look at quality and errors within health care. Health Grades is an organized system devoted to looking at some of this data. Look at their most current report and review the content. Identify at least two major issues described in the report and discuss the implications to the APN. https://d2dcgio3q2u5fb.cloudfront.net/56/90/e07df9f64a5fb741ab59924a9e0d/2013-american-hospital-quality-outcomes-2014-healthgrades-report-to-the-nation.pdf

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Assignment 2 Health Policy Presentation The purpose of this assignment is for you


Assignment 2: Health Policy Presentation The purpose of this assignment is for you to identify an issue of concern for your role as an advanced practice nurse and to formulate a potential policy change to address that issue. There are many potential issues which can influence your practice setting or other issue which may negatively affect the patients with whom you work. All of the course reading will help you to identify a topic for this assignment. You can think about the issue as related to your health promotion project. The policy you consider may be in reaction to the health promotion issue or something larger that is still related to that issue. There are hundreds of possible issues, but here is a list of a few to consider: Child and elder care Civil rights Domestic violence Drug abuse/addiction HIV/AIDS Homelessness Native American and migrant workers’ health Long-term care Immigration/illegal aliens Legislative issues affecting advanced practice nursing Barriers to practice Access to care As you begin to work on the possible policy change: the following ideas and steps should be considered: Definition and description of the issue Exploration of the background of the issue Stakeholders Issue statement or statement of clarity Possible methods of addressing the issue Goals and options for changes Risks and benefits of the changes Evaluation methodology Recommendation or solution By Monday, September 19, 2016 , submit a Power Point presentation to the W3 Assignment 2 Dropbox . This will include the notes pages to explain the content within each slide. Be sure to use APA style and include all of your references. Grading Criteria Maximum Points Identify the type of legislation, such as state, federal, scope of practice, reimbursement, loan repayment, or others. 20 Review of the literature consists of a minimum of 3–4 peer-reviewed articles and 6–7 other outside sources. 30 Describe the current policy or health policy issue and specify how it would impact nursing or healthcare. 10 Describe the specific aspects of the proposed policy or policy change. 20 Identify the individuals who would benefit from the policy change and explain where support for the change would be found. 20 Describe the impact of the policy change on nursing practice and health care. 10 Provide an analysis of the policy from your point of view and how this will influence your practice. 20 Uses good writing skills, appropriate grammar, and application of APA formatting throughout paper, citations, and references. 10 Total: 140

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 It is the same assignment but we were suppose to start working on it since week 1 here


It is the same assignment, but we were suppose to start working on it since week 1 here is the description for the Assignment Concept Synthesis Paper on Personal Nursing Philosophy Overview You are required to submit a scholarly paper in which you will identify, describe, research, and apply the concepts that underlie your personal philosophy for professional nursing practice. This will help you identify your own values and beliefs about the established metaparadigms and metatheories of the discipline. It will also help you identify and articulate concepts relevant to your specific practice. This paper is intended to be an exercise in clarification and organization of your professional foundation. You are also required to provide a list of assumptions from personal nursing practice that illustrate the concepts and framework of your theory. Your paper should follow a format that includes: Nursing Autobiography: A brief (1 page) discussion of your background in nursing. The Four Metaparadigms: Identification, discussion, and documentation from the literature of your perspective on the basic four metaparadigms/concepts of patient, nurse, health, and environment. Two Practice-Specific Concepts: Identification, discussion, and documentation from the literature of your perspective on at least two other concepts specific to your own practice. List of Propositions: A numbered list of at least five propositions or assumption statements that clearly connect the concepts described. Each week, you will complete various segments of your Concept Synthesis Paper and submit it to the W1: Assignment 3 Dropbox for facilitator feedback when necessary. Your paper should integrate these discrete elements and reflect your personal nursing philosophy. Your Concept Synthesis Paper on your Personal Nursing Philosophy is due i n Week 3 . However, it is recommended that you begin working on your paper from Week 1 onwards and complete the various components related to the paper week wise as you progress through the course. The suggested tasks for each week are: Week 1: Nursing Biography and The Four Metaparadigms of Nursing Week 2: Two Practice-specific Concepts, and List of Propositions/Assumptions Week 3: Due: Concept Synthesis Paper on Personal Nursing Philosophy Consider the following questions as you complete your various tasks related to this assignment. 1. How do I define and employ the four basic metaparadigms of nursing theory in my professional practice? 2. What are the major concepts I employ that are unique to my professional practice? 3. What philosophies and theories from the literature of nursing and other disciplines/domains are consistent with these concepts? 4. How are the concepts of transcultural nursing, the health promotion model, skill acquisition, role theory, and change theory specifically integrated into my philosophy and practice? 5. What research supports these theories and concepts? 6. How do I integrate role and change theory into my professional practice and how may these theories be applied to the organization in which I practice? The paper is to be thoroughly researched and well documented , with relevant material from the nursing theorists presented incorporated into the paper. Use the current edition of the APA Manual throughout the paper. Sources should focus on references from nursing theory but may also include conceptual and theoretical material from other professional domains. The paper, excluding references or appendices, is to be limited to 6-10 pages . Writing should be succinct and well organized, as it is impossible for the facilitator to evaluate form and content separately. Your philosophy/framework is to be given a title that is appropriate to its content and emphasis. Grading of the paper will be based on the following: Grading Criteria: Maximum Points Nursing Autobiography The nursing autobiography included personal experiences in the field of nursing. 8 Provided an account of the current professional role of the student. 8 Included factors that guided decision making. 8 Quality of Essay Enlisted the four metaparadigms. 8 The essay included a definition of the four metaparadigms of nursing with reference to professional practice. 8 The essay mentioned how the metapardigms were employed in nursing practice. 8 The essay enlisted two practice-specific concepts. 8 The essay included clinical examples for each of the chosen concepts. 8 The clinical examples illustrated the concepts in a manner, which further clarified the students’ use of the conceptual material. 8 The essay demonstrated consistency between concepts, assumptions, and clinical application. 8 The essay identified and discussed students’ perspective on two other concepts specific to their practice. 8 The essay included a numbered list of at least 5 propositions or assumptions. 8 The concepts were connected and integrated to reveal a meaningful sequence. 8 The essay demonstrated clarification and organization of the students’ professional foundation. 8 The essay demonstrated evidence of critical thinking in analysis and response. 8 The essay demonstrated understanding and integration of lecture material, reading assignments, and sources consulted. 8 Essay was well written, well organized, and articulate. 8 Presentation Criteria The paper clearly demonstrated understanding of theoretical principles (i.e., concept development, definitions, assumptions, etc.) 3 The paper revealed clarity, organization, and articulation of ideas. 3 The paper showed that ideas were well-documented. 3 The paper revealed the breadth of research effort. 2 The paper demonstrated appropriate use of APA format in references and citations. 3 Total 150 Format Your project paper should be in Microsoft Word 2010. Follow the current APA style. Your paper should be double-spaced, Times New Roman, and in 12 pt. font. Concept Synthesis Paper on Personal Nursing Philosophy Your Concept Synthesis Paper is due this week. By Tuesday, September 20, 2016 , submit your scholarly paper, in which you have identified, described, researched and applied the concepts that underlie your personal philosophy for professional nursing practice. Collate the work that you have done so far from Weeks 1–3 , and submit your paper in the prescribed format to the W3: Assignment 2 Dropbox . Your paper should include: Nursing Autobiography: A brief (1 page) discussion of your background in nursing. The Four Metaparadigms: Identification, discussion, and documentation from the literature of your perspective on the four metaparadigms of patient, nurse, health, and environment. Two Practice-Specific Concepts: Identification, discussion, and documentation from the literature of your perspective on at least two concepts specific to your own practice. List of Propositions: A numbered list of at least five propositions or assumption statements that clearly connect the concepts described. Your paper should integrate these discrete elements and reflect your personal nursing philosophy. The paper should be thoroughly researched and well documented , with relevant material from the nursing theorists presented incorporated into the paper. The current APA Manual is to be used throughout the paper. Sources should focus on references from nursing theory but may also include conceptual and theoretical material from other professional domains. The paper, excluding references or appendices, is to be limited to 6-10 pages . Writing should be succinct and well organized, as it is impossible for the facilitator to evaluate form and content separately. Your philosophy/framework is to be given a title that is appropriate to its content and emphasis. Grading Criteria: Maximum Points Nursing Autobiography The nursing autobiography included personal experiences in the field of nursing. 8 Provided an account of the current professional role of the student. 8 Included factors that guided decision making. 8 Quality of Essay Enlisted the four concepts of the nursing metaparadigm. 8 The essay included a definition of the four concepts of the nursing metaparadigm with reference to professional practice 8 The essay mentioned how the four concepts of the nursing metapardigm were employed in nursing practice. 8 The essay enlisted two practice-specific concepts. 8 The essay included a numbered list of at least 5 propositions or assumptions. 8 The assumptions illustrated the concepts in a manner, which further clarified the students’ use of the conceptual material. 8 The essay demonstrated consistency between concepts and assumptions. 8 The concepts were connected and integrated to reveal a meaningful sequence. 8 The essay demonstrated clarification and organization of the students’ professional foundation. 8 The essay demonstrated evidence of critical thinking in analysis and response. 8 The essay demonstrated understanding and integration of lecture material, reading assignments, and sources consulted. 8 Essay was well written, well organized, and articulate. 8 Presentation Criteria The paper clearly demonstrated understanding of theoretical principles (i.e., concept development, definitions, etc.) 5 The paper revealed clarity, organization, and articulation of ideas. 5 The paper showed that ideas were well documented. 5 The paper revealed the breadth of research effort. 5 Written responses are free of grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Citations and references are included and written in the correct APA Style. 10 Total 150

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Assignment 1 Discussion Questions Directions Just one question Discussion Question Response By Saturday October 1 2016


Assignment 1: Discussion Questions Directions: Just one question Discussion Question Response : By Saturday, October 1, 2016 , post your response to the assigned discussion questions in the appropriate threads in the Discussion Area . Participation Responses : No later than Wednesday, October 5, 2016 , review and comment on the discussion question responses posted by at least two of your peers. Guidelines: Support your responses with scholarly academic references using APA style format. Assigned course readings and online library resources are preferred. Weekly lecture notes are designed as overviews to the topic for the respective week and should not serve as a citation or reference. In your discussion question response, provide a substantive response that illustrates a well-reasoned and thoughtful response; is factually correct with relevant scholarly citations, references, and examples that demonstrates a clear connection to the readings. In your participation responses to your peers, comments must demonstrate thorough analysis of postings and extends meaningful discussion by building on previous postings. Note: Review South University’s Substantive Participation Policy Criteria , Helpful Tips , and Late Policy available by clicking on the South University Policy and Guidelines navigation tab. The late policy applies to late discussion question responses. Grading Criteria Maximum Points Discussion Question Responses : Displays an understanding of the course materials and the underlying concept discussed. Includes course materials and additional scholarly resources to support important points. 15 Participation Responses : Displays an understanding of topic under discussion by affirming statements, asking a related question, or making an oppositional statement. Position must be supported with related evidence. Responds to a minimum of two peers per question. 10 Professional Practice Connection : Demonstrates reflective thought pertaining to personal perspectives and professional development. Reflective statements include a theoretical rationale. 10 Quality of Academic Writing : Written responses are free of grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Citations and references are included and written in the correct APA Style. 10 Total: 45 Select a discussion question from the drop down menu below and click Go to begin. Use the Respond link to post responses and materials that pertain to that question. To respond to an existing posting use the Respond link beneath it. Topics Topic Discussion Question 1 Discussion Question 2 Discussion Question 3 Discussion Question 1 Professional socialization relates to the manner in which we learn the roles and functions of being a nurse once we enter the healthcare system. What are some of the ways this socialization occurs in your place of employment, and do you believe it leads to effective assumption of the nursing role? This socialization occurs in a patriarchal healthcare system that still remains predominantly male physician-based. Discuss the impact, you believe, this has on socialization to the nursing role. Discussion Question 2 Identify an area of practice where change theory may find applicability. Provide examples to support your answer. Comment on the inherent weaknesses in change theory that may impact real life situations or give rise to difficulties in the process of applying this theory. Discussion Question 3 Debate the applicability of role theory in your healthcare setting. Analyze its application in: Nursing practice Nursing education Nursing research Nursing administration

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Assignment 1 Discussion Questions Directions Discussion Question Response By Friday October 7


Assignment 1: Discussion Questions Directions: Discussion Question Response : By Friday, October 7, 2016 , post your response to the assigned discussion questions in the appropriate threads in the Discussion Area . Participation Responses : No later than Saturday, October 8, 2016 , review and comment on the discussion question responses posted by at least two of your peers. Guidelines: Support your responses with scholarly academic references using APA style format. Assigned course readings and online library resources are preferred. Weekly lecture notes are designed as overviews to the topic for the respective week and should not serve as a citation or reference. In your discussion question response, provide a substantive response that illustrates a well-reasoned and thoughtful response; is factually correct with relevant scholarly citations, references, and examples that demonstrates a clear connection to the readings. In your participation responses to your peers, comments must demonstrate thorough analysis of postings and extends meaningful discussion by building on previous postings. Note: Review South University’s Substantive Participation Policy Criteria , Helpful Tips , and Late Policy available by clicking on the South University Policy and Guidelines navigation tab. The late policy applies to late discussion question responses. Grading Criteria Maximum Points Discussion Question Responses : Displays an understanding of the course materials and the underlying concept discussed. Includes course materials and additional scholarly resources to support important points. 15 Participation Responses : Displays an understanding of topic under discussion by affirming statements, asking a related question, or making an oppositional statement. Position must be supported with related evidence. Responds to a minimum of two peers per question. 10 Professional Practice Connection : Demonstrates reflective thought pertaining to personal perspectives and professional development. Reflective statements include a theoretical rationale. 10 Quality of Academic Writing : Written responses are free of grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Citations and references are included and written in the correct APA Style. 10 Total: 45 Select a discussion question from the drop down menu below and click Go to begin. Use the Respond link to post responses and materials that pertain to that question. To respond to an existing posting use the Respond link beneath it. Topics Topic Discussion Question 1 Discussion Question 2 Discussion Question 3 Discussion Question 4 Discussion Question 1 Debate the utility of the knowledge of nursing theories and associated theoretical concepts in the process of assessing patient’s needs and implementing appropriate care. Discussion Question 2 Analyze the effectiveness of contemporary nursing theories in relation to your healthcare setting and comment whether theories shape your practice. Discussion Question 3 Theory critique and development serve as the underpinning for the progress of professional nursing. Justify. Discussion Question 4 Do you think that theories need to be further operationalized and simplified so as to make them more usable and applicable to clinical settings? Substantiate your viewpoint with appropriate examples.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Answer the following questions Given the complex problems of system interoperability resulting

Discussion Board Assignment #2 2025

Answer the following questions: Given the complex problems of system interoperability resulting from vendors’ differing software and data management platforms, should the federal government become involved in regulating the features and types of HIT software products available on the market? Discuss the definitions, roles and interplay among the three essential components of successful HIT implementation: technology, policies and procedures and organization culture. Describe and discuss some major reasons for HIT implementation failures. One goal of EHRs is to facilitate providers’ sharing of clinical information with patients to encourage patient involvement in decision-making about treatment plans. What might be some the potential advantages and disadvantages to providers and patients of sharing this information?

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Prioritize the main steps that the U S needs to take in order to develop

Week 9 2025

Prioritize the main steps that the U.S. needs to take in order to develop a prudent health policy plan for the growing number of underprivileged citizens, given the growing diverse demographics in the U.S. Interpret the primary manner in which accrediting entities or payors such as Medicare / Medicaid address and / or mandate health care quality.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025