2025 H07 Medical Coding I Directions Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before

H07 Medical Coding I 2025

H07 Medical Coding I Directions : Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be two (2) to four (4) pages in length; refer to the “Assignment Format” page for specific format requirements. Lesson 1, 2, 3, and 4 of this course has covered a wide variety of topics. Thus far, you have learned a great deal of information on health insurance, medical contracts, HIPAA, physician and hospital medical billing, and Medicare and Medicaid. For this writing assignment, please explain why the following course objectives are important for medical billers and coder to understand: 1. Understand the history and impact of health insurance on health care reimbursement process and recognize various types of health insurance coverage. 2. Identify the key elements of a managed care contract and identify the role HIPAA plays in the health care industry. 3. Recognize and explain the different components of physician and hospital billing and differentiate between the two types of services. 4. Explain the difference between Medicare and Medicaid billing. Please include at least 3 scholarly articles within your response. Overall response will be formatted according to APA style and the total assignment should be between 2-4 pages not including title page and reference page.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Review the general guidelines for writing a reflection paper Reflection 1 Sentimental Women Need Not Apply 1 Watch the 60

refection paper 2025

Review the general guidelines for writing a reflection paper. Reflection #1: Sentimental Women Need Not Apply 1. Watch the 60 min video; Sentimental Women Need Not Apply: Historical Context of Nursing link to watch video http://www.lehman.edu/academics/health-human-services-nursing/nursing/undergrad-docs-forms.php 2. Reflect on the film and your thoughts about the history of nursing that was presented. Do not summarize the film. 3. What did the film make you think about? Were there any surprises or information that was new to you? Did it change your perceptions about nursing? 4. Write a one- two page paper reflecting on the film and your thoughts or personal experiences. Do not summarize the film, but reflect on the content and what it made you think about or feel. And how it may relate to your own personal experiences as a nursing student or a current nurse. Use APA format

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Discussion Nursing Informatics Competencies Today s fast paced health care environment demands nurses to

Discussion: Nursing Informatics Competencies 2025

Discussion: Nursing Informatics Competencies Today’s fast-paced health care environment demands nurses to be skilled not only in their clinical practice or specialty area but in the use of technology tools that improve practice and lead to better patient care. Basic and advanced technology competencies are required and expected as technology increasingly touches and changes the job of every nurse. Numerous organizations, including the American Nurses Association (ANA), the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA), and Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), have developed nurse-specific technology competencies. The challenge for nurses is to identify both needs and training opportunities. In this Discussion, you identify the role informatics plays in your professional responsibilities. You pinpoint personal gaps in skills and knowledge and then develop a plan for self-improvement. To prepare: Review Nursing Informatics : Scope and Standards of Practice in this week’s Learning Resources, focusing on the different functional areas it describes. Consider which areas relate to your current nursing responsibilities or to a position you held in the past. For this Discussion, identify one or two of the most relevant functional areas. Review the list of competencies recommended by the TIGER Initiative. Identify at least one skill in each of the main areas (basic computer competencies, information literacy competencies, and information management competencies) that is pertinent to your functional area(s) and in which you need to strengthen your abilities. Consider how you could improve your skills in these areas and the resources within your organization that might provide training and support. By Day 3 MUST BE 2 PAGES. Post the key functional area(s) of nursing informatics relevant to your current position or to a position you recently held, and briefly describe why this area(s) is relevant. Identify the TIGER competencies you selected as essential to your functional area(s) in which you need improvement. Describe why these competencies are necessary and outline a plan for developing these competencies. Include any resources that are available to you within your organization and the ways you might access those resources. Assess how developing nursing informatics competencies would increase your effectiveness as a nurse.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Discussion Question 1 Physician Negligence and Risk Management Read the following scenario and respond to it as

HCM4002 S01 Risk Management in Healthcare Settings W2 Assignment 1 Discussion 2025

Discussion Question 1: Physician Negligence and Risk Management Read the following scenario and respond to it as a risk manager. Mr. And Mrs. Watros came to the Memorial Hospital for the delivery of their first child. While Mrs. Watros was in labor, the couple had to wait for nearly two hours to get a room. During that time, no hospital nurse attended to her. As the waiting room was full of patients, an exhausted Mrs. Watros sat on the floor. Mr. Watros reported this to a nurse. The nurse responded that it was past her shift, and she could do nothing. These problems were later reported to a physician. The physician said, “It is just the way things go wrong here sometimes. You just have to get used to it.” After delivery, the nurse carrying the infant slipped. The baby was unharmed. The explanation given was, “there was disinfectant fluid on the floor, which makes the floor a little slippery.” On discharge, Mr. and Mrs. Watros decided to sue the hospital. The physician admitted negligence and poor treatment, but did not see a reason to apologize. Put yourself in the position of all the people involved (as well as the hospital), and describe what could have been done differently. Discussion Question 2: Relationship between Risk Management and Patient Satisfaction Would you support the idea that patient satisfaction ratings should be tied to reimbursement payments? Is this idea appropriate? As a risk manager, how might you respond to a nurse who says, “That’s not fair because some patients will never be happy”? How will you go about explaining the importance of this metric to staff?

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Risk management uses certain documents to track incidents It will help you to become familiar with the kind of

HCM4002 S01 Risk Management in Healthcare Settings W4 Assignment 2: Course Project, Part IV: Design a Chart 2025

Risk management uses certain documents to track incidents. It will help you to become familiar with the kind of information that goes into these documents. This week, you will create and fill in a quality improvement chart for the high-risk area you selected in Week 1 . Design a chart to show the indicators, their measurements, and the expected and actual performance. Use the template to design your chart. Further, use 5 out of the 10 standards listed. Click here to review and download the template. Select one of the fictional incidents you created last week. Describe the incident under Status . For this incident, complete the Compliance section using fictitious data. The tracking of the indicators should correspond to the incident. That is, some failure of compliance may have led to the incident. Develop a plan of correction to address the incident. Write a brief description under Plan of Correction . Submit your assignment to the W4: Assignment 2 Dropbox by Tuesday, August 16, 2016 . Name your document SUO_HCM4002_W4_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc . On a separate page, cite all sources using the APA format.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 At times the needs of our families conflict with our work responsibilities Could this possibly

Conflict and Collaboration 2025

At times the needs of our families conflict with our work responsibilities. Could this possibly be the underlying issue here? Explain the conflict resolution skills displayed by the leader in the scenario. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate those of the leader. How might earlier collaboration have been beneficial? Some organizations utilize non Registered Nurses in the Case Manager role. What additional skills, knowledge and attributes would the BSN-prepared Registered Nurse bring to case management in this scenario? ESCENARIO: Visual Two nurses are sitting in the conference room. One is a home care leader dressed in business attire, and the other is a staff nurse dressed in sweater and slacks, the outfit appropriate for a home health nurse. Audio Staff Nurse: Thank you for agreeing to talk to me about the discussion we had the other day about assigning patient load. As I started to say in the meeting, but got interrupted, is that I really don’t like the new plan that we have. I liked the old one better. I don’t understand why we need to change. Leader: You did get to express one concern about visiting patients in Iron Ridge and that is the community’s high crime rate. We all recognize this issue, and I do understand. But the new patient assignment scheme is meant to match you with patients who will most benefit from your specialty, and not where you live geographically. There are many patients in Iron Ridge who have diabetes that need your expertise. Staff Nurse: Well… I really do love my patients and I don’t hold it against them that they live in a bad part of town. But frankly, I’m afraid! Every night when I watch the news, there is somebody that’s been involved in a shooting or a carjacking. I talked to my husband about it and he said that if you insist I go over there, he wants me to quit. It’s not safe! Leader: [audible pause] I have an idea I would like to explore with you. What if we sent an escort to accompany you on your visits? Would this help you feel safer in that neighborhood? Staff nurse: Sure, it would, but do you think that’s realistic? The last I heard, we didn’t have any money to give us nurses raises and bonuses. I mean, do we even have the budget for something like security? Leader: It’s realistic as long as I can justify the safety of our nurses. Let’s say the cost is not a barrier to this scheme. What do you think? Staff Nurse: [hesitation] Please let me think about it. I need to talk to my husband, too. I can’t decide right now, but you’ve given me something to consider. End Transcript

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Where do you find scholarly articles that you read on a regular basis

Where do you find scholarly articles that you read on a regular basis? Search a scholarly database such as CINAHL, which is available in the CCN online library. Choose a topic of interest to you and your practice and find a scholarly article. Write a shor 2025

Where do you find scholarly articles that you read on a regular basis? Search a scholarly database such as CINAHL, which is available in the CCN online library. Choose a topic of interest to you and your practice and find a scholarly article. Write a short paragraph about what you learned in the article and include a properly formatted citation in APA format.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Where do you find scholarly articles that you read on a regular basis Search a scholarly database

Where do you find scholarly articles that you read on a regular basis? Search a scholarly database such as CINAHL, which is available in the CCN online library. Choose a topic of interest to you and your practice and find a scholarly article. Write a shor 2025

Where do you find scholarly articles that you read on a regular basis? Search a scholarly database such as CINAHL, which is available in the CCN online library. Choose a topic of interest to you and your practice and find a scholarly article. Write a short paragraph about what you learned in the article and include a properly formatted citation in APA format.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Here are the discussion questions answer each questions and make references to where u

discussion nursing question 2025

Here are the discussion questions. answer each questions and make references to where u got ur ans from….aka APA style and also use the links below 1. Integration of Evidence-Based Practice Into Professional Nursing practice. As the professional nurse, you realize that your nursing care area often sees patients with the same particularly challenging nursing care issue (NOT medical care issue). Include all of the following in your answer to this discussion: Identify the nursing care issue or problem and justify why it is a nursing care issue in need of implementation of evidence. Remember, this should not be a medical issue. Explain how you would search the nursing literature for evidence on this topic (including search terms you would use) and how you would critically appraise the evidence found in your search. NOTE: You do not need to perform the search and provide an article for this discussion, but you may do so if you like. 2. Nursing Roles in Quality Improvement. How do nurses promote patient safety and improve quality at your workplace? How do you report errors and near misses? What changes would you suggest be made on your unit or facility to improve a non-punitive culture of safety? 3. Leadership in Diverse Situations Nurses demonstrate leadership in many situations. For this discussion, select one of the following situations that you have not previously experienced and tell us how the nurse would demonstrate leadership in that situation: Communicating with legislators to influence health policy1 Clinical leadership at the bedside Nursing management of units or facilities Impact of systems-based practice on leadership 4. Use of Informatics in Professional Nursing. How do you use informatics and technology in your nursing practice? How do you see that use changing in the future? What ethical issues have arisen or might arise from use of technology and informatics in professional nursing? 5.AACN BSN Essentials and Your Future Practice. Question : Select one of the AACN BSN Essentials and elaborate on its meaning and importance in your own future professional nursing practice. In your post intended to clearly and thoroughly address the topic of this TD, be sure to: Identify the AACN BSN Essential that you have selected by name and number. Clearly and thoroughly explain why you selected this Essential. Clearly and thoroughly explain how this Essential will be used in your future professional nursing career. Pls chose any topic from the link I attached in AACN below for question 5. Thanks The links to answer the topic questions. http://www.aacn.nche.edu/ > [8/15/2016] 6.Topic: Application of Nursing Theory to Practice. You are a professional nurse caring for Mr. R, a 58-year-old patient who recently underwent surgery for colon cancer resulting in a temporary colostomy. Select one of the assigned or unassigned nursing theories from our textbook and address the following: How you would provide professional nursing care for Mr. R. using the theory you have selected. Be sure to use terminology from the selected nursing theory to explain your interventions. Relate application of legal and/or ethical standards to this case study. http://www.mass.edu/currentinit/documents/NursingCoreCompetencies.pdf > [8/15/2016] you may use any other references with them pls.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Answer the following Coaching and mentoring should be a core competency of nurses prepared

teacher Charles 2025

Answer the following: Coaching and mentoring should be a core competency of nurses prepared at the graduate level. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Defend your response. Based on your graduate specialization, identify one coaching activity that you can do in this advanced practice role. What strategies would you employ for this activity? Describe one mentoring activity you might complete with a mentor that would help you to acclimate to your new advance practice role. Should this activity be structured or unstructured?

Nursing Assignment Help 2025