2025 Have uploaded 2 attachment please read the first and you will know what all the assessment is about

What specific education needs might you need address to alleviate Matt’s family’s anxiety 2025

Have uploaded 2 attachment please read the first and you will know what all the assessment is about then you will read the second one. please complete these both assignment Ok thanks and you know what the assessment is all about? and i need it for tomorrow by 4pm. please Ok can you please read both attachments more clearly. The attachment of the case study you can see Pt 1, 2&3 of matter progression. in PT 3 you can see that he has already had surgery . so that were ur focus should be. by answering only Question 5 , As a nurse what • What specific education needs might you need address to alleviate Matt’s family’s anxiety? please answer it in a standard way .Please you headings dots points, but not all should be dots points please you have to know where its needed to be. Please send it back tonight cuz have got more assessments to send if you do this properly i want a writer in the medical or nursing field to do this wrk. Thanks

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Recognizing the Role of Adhering to the Standard of Care to Avoid Malpractice For this

6551 WK 4 ASSGN 1 2025

Recognizing the Role of Adhering to the Standard of Care to Avoid Malpractice For this Assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that explains any legal implications that exist for failure to adhere to a standard of care, the key elements of malpractice, and compare the differences in malpractice policy options. To prepare: Consider the importance of using professional resources such as the National Guideline Clearinghouse to guide care delivered Create a PowerPoint presentation no more than 15 slides in length that addresses the following: Identify and explain any legal implications that exist for failure to adhere to a standard of care Identify and explain the key elements of malpractice Compare the differences in malpractice policy options Reference Required Readings Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (2016). National Guideline Clearinghouse. Retrieved from http://www.guidelines.gov Buppert, C. (2015). Risk Management. In Nurse Practitioner’s Business Practice and Legal Guide (5th ed.) (285 – 302). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett. Buppert, C. (2015). Negligence and Malpractice. In Nurse Practitioner’s Business Practice and Legal Guide (5th ed.) (285 – 302). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett. Jordan, L. M., Quraishi, J. A., & Liao, J. (2013). The National Practitioner Data Bank and CRNA Anesthesia-Related Malpractice Payments. American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Journal, 81(3), 178-182. Stelmach, E. I. (2015). Dismissal of the Noncompliant Patient: Is this What We Have Come to? The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 11(7), 723-725. Watson, E. (2014). Nursing Malpractice: Costs, Trends and Issues. Journal of Legal Nurse Consulting, 25(1), 26-31. Westrick, Susan J., & Jacob, N. (2016). Disclosure of Errors and Apology: Law and Ethics. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 12(2), 120-126.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 For your Final Paper choose one of the following health care organizations Hospital Corporation of America HCA Tenet Health System

HCA 421 Final 2025

For your Final Paper, choose one of the following health care organizations: Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) Tenet Health System Mayo Clinic Henry Ford Health System Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Children’s Miracle Network Deborah Heart and Lung Center Medtronic Veterans Health Administration (VHA) National Institutes of Health (NIH) Planned Parenthood Indian Health Service (IHS) Health Markets Conduct an evaluation of the organization based on strategic planning analysis, which includes the strengths and/or weaknesses that are internal to the organization and opportunities and/or threats external to the organization. Your strategic plan analysis must include at least three strengths and three weaknesses that are internal to the organization and at least three opportunities and three threats that are external to the organization. You must utilize at least five valid sources in your analysis. Examples of valid sources include organizational websites, annual reports, personal interviews with organizational leadership, investigative reports, government reports, and conference transcripts. Your Final Paper must address at least five key areas, concepts, and strategies that are outlined in the course text. These include: Internal and external assessments Competitive marketing analysis Identification of stakeholders Overview and assessments of services provided Competencies and resource Public entities and regulatory requirements Demographics served Strategic financial planning Financial and operational outcomes Current and future direction of the organization of choice Writing the Final Paper The Final Paper: Must be 8 to 10 double-spaced pages in length, excluding the title and references pages, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Must include a title page with the following: Title of paper Student’s name Course name and number Instructor’s name Date submitted Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis. Must use at least five scholarly sources, including a minimum of two from the Ashford University Library. Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Discussion Workflow Issues Have you ever carefully edited a paper you have written and then when it is

Workflow Issues 2025

Discussion: Workflow Issues Have you ever carefully edited a paper you have written and then, when it is proofread by someone else, he or she finds a glaring typo? Sometimes we get so close to a project that we may fail to notice important details. The complexity of health care processes means that there can be a number of different gaps and varied areas of inefficiency in a single workflow. This is why it can be beneficial to get an outsider’s perspective on workflow issues you are investigating. In this Discussion , you outline the workflow issue ( Incomplete Medication Reconciliation ) you plan to use for Part 1 of the Course Project in order for your colleagues to provide their perspectives and feedback. This Discussion serves as an opportunity for you to refine you workflow issue before submitting Part 1 of the Course Project in Week 5. It also builds on the Week 3 Discussion, which provided you with general information about meaningful use and its ties to common workflow issues in health care. You will apply that knowledge in this Discussion by critically analyzing your colleague’s selected workflow issues, which will assist you in gaining a stronger grasp of the Course Project. The Instructor in this course will also respond to your preliminary workflow issue and provide guidance for any necessary revisions or refinements you should make to better meet the requirements for the Course Project. To prepare: Reflect on the workflow issue that you are planning to use for Part 1 of your Course Project ( Incomplete Medication Reconciliation ) . Consider the inefficiencies and gaps based on your preliminary knowledge about the workflow. Examine how the workflow issue ( Incomplete Medications Reconciliation ) relates to electronic health records (EHRs). How could the workflow issue be addressed through either the implementation or optimization of an EHR system ? Identify one or more specific meaningful use objectives that connect to your workflow issue ( Incomplete Medication Reconciliation ). Refer to the Learning Resources in Week 3 for a review of the meaningful use objectives. Review your initial thoughts on how you will conduct a gap analysis (your Gap Analysis Plan paper). What information will you need to obtain about the current-state workflow? How will you gather this information, and who will you consult in your organization? With these thoughts in mind: Post in 24 hour, a minimum of 550 words essay in APA format, and a minimum of 3 references which include: 1) A description of the workflow issue you plan to use for your Course Project. The workflow issue I plan to use is “Incomplete Medication Reconciliation”. 2) Describe where the inefficiencies lie based on your current knowledge about the workflow, and identify the meaningful use objective(s) related to the workflow issue. 3) Provide a brief overview of your plans for conducting a gap analysis, including your data-collection methods and who you will contact in the organization. Note: As you write your initial posting, keep in mind that you will revisit this workflow issue throughout the Course Project, so you are not expected to have a perfectly structured and finalized workflow issue. It is understandable that your workflow issue may evolve throughout later weeks of this course as you gain new knowledge and gather more information about the workflow. This is the reality of the systems development life cycle (SDLC)—it is an iterative process in which later steps often help to inform and clarify earlier efforts in the process. Consider your workflow issue a living, developing element that has the potential for later growth and change. Required Readings McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2015). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning. Chapter 15, “The Electronic Health Record and Clinical Informatics” This chapter explores the components of electronic health records and explains their significance in patient care. The authors evaluate the political facets of implementing these records and project how their implementation will benefit health care as a whole. Dennis, A., Wixom, B. H., & Roth, R. M. (2015). Systems analysis and design (6th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Chapter 3, “Requirements Determination” (pp. 81–115) Adherence to business requirements is important during a project. It is integral to plan the project with said requirements in mind. In this chapter, the authors demonstrate the processes of familiarizing one’s self with requirements and implementing them in the project plan. Helmers, S. (2011). Microsoft Visio 2010 step by step . Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly. Chaper 1, “A Visual Orientation to a Visual Product” (pp. 1–36) This introductory chapter walks the user through the basic desktop and tools necessary to get started in using Microsoft Visio. It provides instructions on the Visio ribbon, explores the drawing window, and offers tips on using and manipulating the variety of shapes available. Chapter 2, “Creating a New Drawing” (pp. 37–68) This chapter outlines the steps necessary for actually creating a drawing, and covers such topics as selecting the correct shape, connecting shapes, and using the Auto features. Bayer, S., Petsoulas, C., Cox, B., Honeyman, A., & Barlow, J. (2010). Facilitating stroke care planning through simulation modelling. Health Informatics Journal, 16 (2), 129–143. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. This article provides an example of how workflow can be used to improve the level of health care being provided. In this particular case, data analysis and modeling were used to determine the optimal workflow for dealing with stroke patients. Campbell, E. M, Guappone, K. P., Sittig, D. F., Dykstra, R. H., & Ash, J. S. (2009). Computerized provider order entry adoption: Implications for clinical workflow. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 24 (1), 21–26. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. This article assesses the impact of computerized provider order entry (CPOE) on clinical workflow. The mass adoption of advanced data capture and access methods can effect change in both positive and negative ways, so care needs to be taken in the design phase to provide a user friendly system. Crosson, J. C., Etz, R. S., Wu, S., Straus, S. G., Eisenman, D., & Bell, D. S. (2011). Meaningful use of electronic prescribing in 5 exemplar primary care practices. Annals of Family Medicine, 9 (5), 392–397. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. One benefit of the widespread use of electronic health records (EHRs) is the opportunity to have electronic prescription capabilities. This article suggests practices that will help ensure e-prescribing that is high quality, efficient, and safe. Effken, J. A., & Carrington, J. (2011). Communication and the electronic health record: Challenges to achieving the meaningful use standard. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics, 15 (2). Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. Transitioning into a heavier use of health IT requires the adoption of more effective means of applying and deriving meaning from the data available. This article addresses the optimal relationship between user/IT communication and proper use of EHRs for achieving high-quality patient care. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (n.d.). Workflow assessment for health IT toolkit. Retrieved October 22, 2012, from http://healthit.ahrq.gov/health-it-tools-and-resources/workflow-assessment-health-it-toolkit This web page provides a number of resources that examine how to plan, design, implement, and use workflows and how to analyze current systems to ensure optimum workflow. Optional Resources There are a wide variety of online tutorials available to assist you with using Visio. Below are two you might consider, as needed: Microsoft. (2011). The Visio 2010 MVP sessions. Retrieved from http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/visio/ This free resource, developed by Microsoft, provides video tutorials in the use of all aspects of Visio 2010. Edson, D. (2011). Visio 2010 essential training . Retrieved from http://www.lynda.com/Visio-2010-tutorials/Essential-Training/75921-2.html This series of videos provides detailed instruction on all aspects of Visio use. This resource requires a paid subscription.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Tasks Each response to a task below should be 500 1000 words All responses

Research Design Nursing 6 pages/1650 words one source due in 24 hours 2025

Tasks:Each response to a task below should be 500-1000 words. �All responses should be combined into a single document for submission. �APA formatting required. 1. Explore the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) website: http://www.ninr.nih.gov/ Review its publication Bringing science to life: NINR strategic plan (2011, p. 7) to identify the current priorities for nursing research. Do you agree with the priorities or would you recommend addition or elimination of some of the priorities? What effect do the nursing research priorities have on nursing researchers? 2. What criteria must be met in order to consider a practice, evidence-based? Provide examples. Explain the role quality plays in evidence-based practice. 3. Based on the information you learned to this point, write a research proposal that relates to the topics you chose for a previous assignment. Be sure to include the following information in your proposal: �Hypothesis �Theory �Design model �Method �Anticipated results �Potential Dissemination Avenues

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Discussion Workflow Issues Have you ever carefully edited a paper you have written and then when

Workflow Issues 2025

Discussion: Workflow Issues Have you ever carefully edited a paper you have written and then, when it is proofread by someone else, he or she finds a glaring typo? Sometimes we get so close to a project that we may fail to notice important details. The complexity of health care processes means that there can be a number of different gaps and varied areas of inefficiency in a single workflow. This is why it can be beneficial to get an outsider’s perspective on workflow issues you are investigating. In this Discussion , you outline the workflow issue ( Incomplete Medication Reconciliation ) you plan to use for Part 1 of the Course Project in order for your colleagues to provide their perspectives and feedback. This Discussion serves as an opportunity for you to refine you workflow issue before submitting Part 1 of the Course Project in Week 5. It also builds on the Week 3 Discussion, which provided you with general information about meaningful use and its ties to common workflow issues in health care. You will apply that knowledge in this Discussion by critically analyzing your colleague’s selected workflow issues, which will assist you in gaining a stronger grasp of the Course Project. The Instructor in this course will also respond to your preliminary workflow issue and provide guidance for any necessary revisions or refinements you should make to better meet the requirements for the Course Project. To prepare: Reflect on the workflow issue that you are planning to use for Part 1 of your Course Project ( Incomplete Medication Reconciliation ) . Consider the inefficiencies and gaps based on your preliminary knowledge about the workflow. Examine how the workflow issue ( Incomplete Medications Reconciliation ) relates to electronic health records (EHRs). How could the workflow issue be addressed through either the implementation or optimization of an EHR system ? Identify one or more specific meaningful use objectives that connect to your workflow issue ( Incomplete Medication Reconciliation ). Refer to the Learning Resources in Week 3 for a review of the meaningful use objectives. Review your initial thoughts on how you will conduct a gap analysis (your Gap Analysis Plan paper). What information will you need to obtain about the current-state workflow? How will you gather this information, and who will you consult in your organization? With these thoughts in mind: Post by 6pm today, a minimum of 550 words essay in APA format and a minimum of 3 references which include the level 1 headings as numbered below: 1) A description of the workflow issue you plan to use for your Course Project. The workflow issue I plan to use is “Incomplete Medication Reconciliation”. 2) Describe where the inefficiencies lie based on your current knowledge about the workflow, and identify the meaningful use objective(s) related to the workflow issue. (read Meaningful Use stage 1 & 2 on medication reconciliation) 3) Provide a brief overview of your plans for conducting a gap analysis, including your data-collection methods and who you will contact in the organization. Required Readings McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2015). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning. Chapter 15, “The Electronic Health Record and Clinical Informatics” This chapter explores the components of electronic health records and explains their significance in patient care. The authors evaluate the political facets of implementing these records and project how their implementation will benefit health care as a whole. Dennis, A., Wixom, B. H., & Roth, R. M. (2015). Systems analysis and design (6th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Chapter 3, “Requirements Determination” (pp. 81–115) Adherence to business requirements is important during a project. It is integral to plan the project with said requirements in mind. In this chapter, the authors demonstrate the processes of familiarizing one’s self with requirements and implementing them in the project plan. Helmers, S. (2011). Microsoft Visio 2010 step by step . Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly. Chaper 1, “A Visual Orientation to a Visual Product” (pp. 1–36) This introductory chapter walks the user through the basic desktop and tools necessary to get started in using Microsoft Visio. It provides instructions on the Visio ribbon, explores the drawing window, and offers tips on using and manipulating the variety of shapes available. Chapter 2, “Creating a New Drawing” (pp. 37–68) This chapter outlines the steps necessary for actually creating a drawing, and covers such topics as selecting the correct shape, connecting shapes, and using the Auto features. Bayer, S., Petsoulas, C., Cox, B., Honeyman, A., & Barlow, J. (2010). Facilitating stroke care planning through simulation modelling. Health Informatics Journal, 16 (2), 129–143. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. This article provides an example of how workflow can be used to improve the level of health care being provided. In this particular case, data analysis and modeling were used to determine the optimal workflow for dealing with stroke patients. Campbell, E. M, Guappone, K. P., Sittig, D. F., Dykstra, R. H., & Ash, J. S. (2009). Computerized provider order entry adoption: Implications for clinical workflow. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 24 (1), 21–26. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. This article assesses the impact of computerized provider order entry (CPOE) on clinical workflow. The mass adoption of advanced data capture and access methods can effect change in both positive and negative ways, so care needs to be taken in the design phase to provide a user friendly system. Crosson, J. C., Etz, R. S., Wu, S., Straus, S. G., Eisenman, D., & Bell, D. S. (2011). Meaningful use of electronic prescribing in 5 exemplar primary care practices. Annals of Family Medicine, 9 (5), 392–397. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. One benefit of the widespread use of electronic health records (EHRs) is the opportunity to have electronic prescription capabilities. This article suggests practices that will help ensure e-prescribing that is high quality, efficient, and safe. Effken, J. A., & Carrington, J. (2011). Communication and the electronic health record: Challenges to achieving the meaningful use standard. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics, 15 (2). Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. Transitioning into a heavier use of health IT requires the adoption of more effective means of applying and deriving meaning from the data available. This article addresses the optimal relationship between user/IT communication and proper use of EHRs for achieving high-quality patient care. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (n.d.). Workflow assessment for health IT toolkit. Retrieved October 22, 2012, from http://healthit.ahrq.gov/health-it-tools-and-resources/workflow-assessment-health-it-toolkit This web page provides a number of resources that examine how to plan, design, implement, and use workflows and how to analyze current systems to ensure optimum workflow.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Prepare a 750 to 950 word paper examining substance abuse trends in the United States Include

need assistance with homework 2025

Prepare a 750 to 950-word paper examining substance abuse trends in the United States. Include the following: Identify past and current trends of the use and abuse of substances in the United States. Discuss when the use of illicit drugs may be considered culturally appropriate (e.g., medicinal purposes, religious ritual). Analyze health and social problems in the United States that occur due to drug abuse and addiction (e.g., cocaine, ecstasy, prescription drugs). Use at least two peer reviewed sources, such as articles from the University Library. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Select one of the behavioral risk factors from the Healthy Population 2010 Objectives listed

Assignmemt 2025

Select one of the behavioral risk factors from the Healthy Population 2010 Objectives (listed in Table 7.1 on p. 122 of the course text) that is of interest to you. With your selected risk factor in mind, review the information on the Population-Based Intervention Model on pp. 132-137 in the course text, Health Care Delivery in the United States . In particular, focus on the concept of downstream, midstream, and upstream interventions. Consider at least one intervention that could be put into place at each stage. Post a description of the behavioral risk factor you selected and how this factor is impacting your community or state. Using the Population-Based Intervention Model, suggest at least one intervention that could be put into place at each stage (downstream, midstream, and upstream) to ensure that a health prevention program addressing the behavioral risk factor would have a greater chance at succeeding. Justify why each intervention you identified would be effective. art Two will have approximately 3–4 pages of content plus a title page and references. Part Two will address the following: Explain whether your proposed policy could be enacted through a modification of existing law or regulation or the creation of new legislation/regulation. Explain how existing laws or regulations could affect your advocacy efforts. Be sure to cite and reference the laws and regulations using primary sources. Provide an analysis of the methods you could use to influence legislators or other policymakers to support your policy. In particular, explain how you would use the “three legs” of lobbying in your advocacy efforts. Summarize obstacles that could arise in the legislative process and how to overcome these hurdles.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 select one of the behavioral risk factors from the Healthy Population 2010 Objectives listed

Questions 2025

select one of the behavioral risk factors from the Healthy Population 2010 Objectives (listed in Table 7.1 on p. 122 of the course text) that is of interest to you. With your selected risk factor in mind, review the information on the Population-Based Intervention Model on pp. 132-137 in the course text, Health Care Delivery in the United States . In particular, focus on the concept of downstream, midstream, and upstream interventions. Consider at least one intervention that could be put into place at each stage. Post a description of the behavioral risk factor you selected and how this factor is impacting your community or state. Using the Population-Based Intervention Model, suggest at least one intervention that could be put into place at each stage (downstream, midstream, and upstream) to ensure that a health prevention program addressing the behavioral risk factor would have a greater chance at succeeding. Justify why each intervention you identified would be effective. art Two will have approximately 3–4 pages of content plus a title page and references. Part Two will address the following: Explain whether your proposed policy could be enacted through a modification of existing law or regulation or the creation of new legislation/regulation. Explain how existing laws or regulations could affect your advocacy efforts. Be sure to cite and reference the laws and regulations using primary sources. Provide an analysis of the methods you could use to influence legislators or other policymakers to support your policy. In particular, explain how you would use the “three legs” of lobbying in your advocacy efforts. Summarize obstacles that could arise in the legislative process and how to overcome these hurdles.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Read When doctors have to lie http www nytimes com 2014 02 23 opinion sunday when doctors need to lie html r 0 Based on the concepts and arguments in this

One to one in a half paper anaylizing a paper and asking other questions. 2025

Read When doctors have to lie. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/23/opinion/sunday/when-doctors-need-to-lie.html?_r=0 Based on the concepts and arguments in this unit – critically discuss this article, along with Dr. Jaujar’s decision to intubate his patent, making sure to follow these four steps: 1. Clear exposition of text – Describe (i.e. give a clear exposition or summary of) what the author is saying and doing; An effective way to do this is by pre -reading, reading, re-reading, making notes and summarizing them. 2. Critical evaluation of text- Analyze and interpret what the author is saying and doing; (e.g. is the author making an ethical claim or just describing a problem?) 3. Evaluate the author‟s claims, argument and approach using the concepts, theories and arguments from this unit. 4. You may also relate these claims to other literature or scholarship on this topic – making sure to cite your references and to provide the class with access to it.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025