2025 Conflict Handling Style This assignment will help you understand conflict at the individual team and organizational levels Based on

Based on your research and understanding, create a white paper in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document that: Includes a description of change theories, conflict theories, and leader as a change agent. Integrates how your ability to handle conflict can 2025

Conflict Handling Style This assignment will help you understand conflict at the individual, team and organizational levels. Based on your research and understanding, create a white paper in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document that: Includes a description of change theories, conflict theories, and leader as a change agent. Integrates how your ability to handle conflict can either enhance or hinder effective leadership in the health care environment. Support your responses with examples.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Qualitative Annotated Bibliography For this assignment you will continue to review current research

Qualitative Annotated Bibliography 2025

Qualitative Annotated Bibliography For this assignment you will continue to review current research from South’s Online Library and provide a critical evaluation on that research through an annotated bibliography. An annotated bibliography is a brief summary and analysis of the journal article reviewed. For more information on annotated bibliographies please visit Purdue’s OWL: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/614/01/ A total of four annotated bibliographies are to be submitted (not to exceed one page each). The articles must come from nursing scholarly literature and may not be older than 5 years since publication. Please note that the articles must be research based and reflect a qualitative methodology (review our reading assignments). Web pages, magazines, textbooks, and other books are not acceptable. Each annotation must address the following critical elements: Explanation of the main purpose and scope of the cited work Brief description of the research conducted Value and significance of the work (e.g., study’s findings, scope of the research project) as a contribution to the subject under consideration Possible shortcomings or bias in the work Conclusions or observations reached by the author Summary as to why this research lends evidence to support the potential problem identified specific to your role specialization. Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Articles selected are appropriate to role option and support the potential problem identified. 20 Addresses required elements for each of the 4 nursing research articles that provide supportive evidence for the problem. 40 Articles selected meet guidelines (qualitative methodology, nursing scholarly literature, no older than 5 years since publication). 30 Followed APA guidelines for writing style, format, spelling, and grammar. 10 Total: 100

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Leadership Theories Styles and Application Criteria Non performance Basic Proficient Distinguished Identify the major


Leadership Theories, Styles, and Application Criteria Non-performance Basic Proficient Distinguished Identify the major tenets of nursing leadership styles. 33% Does not identify the major tenets of nursing leadership styles. Partially identifies the major tenets of nursing leadership styles. Identifies the major tenets of nursing leadership styles. Identifies the major tenets of nursing leadership styles with superior clarity and provides a well-reasoned pro and con to various nursing leadership styles. Examine how leaders use critical thinking to influence their decision-making processes. 33% Does not examine how leaders use critical thinking to influence their decision-making processes. Explains at a minimal level how leaders use critical thinking to influence their decision-making processes. Examines how leaders use critical thinking to influence their decision-making processes. Examines how leaders use critical thinking to influence their decision -making processes and recognizes how various nursing leadership styles apply to different situations. Write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics, and correctly format citations using APA style. 34% Does not write clearly and logically and writing shows little attention to spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics, and does not correctly format citations using APA style. Uses sentence structure that is mostly clear, with a few minor spelling or grammatical errors but fails to attribute quotes and citations in a few places, or allows some inconsistencies in APA style. Writes clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics, and formats citations correctly, using APA style. Writes clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics, with no errors, and formats citations correctly using APA style, and all information is accurate and up-to-date. There are multiple leadership styles available to nurses. When you look at an appropriate leadership style, you must take into consideration personal style, the situation being addressed, the environment in which the situation is taking place, and other people who may be involved. With this in mind, complete the following for this assignment: Think of three different situations that might occur in a practice setting. At least one of the situations must include an aspect that involves financial reimbursement and patient outcomes. Identify and describe the situations and the people involved. Choose the leadership style that you believe would be appropriate for handling each situation. Describe, briefly, the major tenets of each leadership style and explain how the leadership style applies to the situation. Offer one pro and one con to using each leadership style. Support your choices with references from your unit readings, your journal selections, and any additional resources. Writing Requirements Your paper must be 3–5 pages in length, excluding title page and reference page. Use double spacing in between entries and annotations with one-inch margins. Use Times New Roman, 12-point font. Sources: Support your choices with references from both your unit readings, and at least two resources not required for this course. These may come from the journals you used in your annotated bibliography. Format the paper (including references) according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting guidelines.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Workflow analysis aims to determine workflow patterns that maximize the effective use of resources

nursing 2025

Workflow analysis aims to determine workflow patterns that maximize the effective use of resources and minimize activities that do not add value. There are a variety of tools that can be used to analyze the workflow of processes and clarify potential avenues for eliminating waste. Flowcharts are a basic and commonly used workflow analysis method that can help highlight areas in need of streamlining. In this Assignment, you select a common event that occurs regularly in your organization and create a flowchart representing the workflow. You analyze the process you have diagrammed and propose changes for improvement. To prepare: Identify a common, simple event that frequently occurs in your organization that you would like to evaluate. Consider how you would design a flowchart to represent the current workflow. Consider what metrics you would use to determine the effectiveness of the current workflow and identify areas of waste. To complete: Write a 3- to 5-page paper which includes the following: Create a simple flowchart of the activity you selected. (Review the Sample Workflow of Answering a Telephone in an Office document found in this week’s Learning Resources for an example.) Next, in your paper: Explain the process you have diagrammed. For each step or decision point in the process, identify the following: Who does this step? (It can be several people.) What technology is used? What policies and rules are involved in determining how, when, why, or where the step is executed? What information is needed for the execution of this step? Describe the metric that is currently used to measure the soundness of the workflow. Is it effective? Describe any areas where improvements could occur and propose changes that could bring about these improvements in the workflow. Summarize why it is important to be aware of the flow of an activity. Remember to include a cover page, introduction, and summary for your paper. Course Readings McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2015). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning. Chapter 14, “Nursing Informatics: Improving Workflow and Meaningful Use” Huser, V., Rasmussen, L. V., Oberg, R., & Starren, J. B. (2011). Implementation of workflow engine technology to deliver basic clinical decision support functionality. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 11 (1), 43–61. Koppel, R., & Kreda, D. A. (2010). Healthcare IT usability and suitability for clinical needs: Challenges of design, workflow, and contractual relations. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 157 , 7–14. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (n.d.b). Workflow assessment for health IT toolkit . Retrieved, June 18, 2012, from http://healthit.ahrq.gov/portal/server.pt/community/health_it_tools_and_resources/919/workflow_assessment_for_health_it_toolkit/27865

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Critique of Research Studies For Part 1 of the critique focus only on

Nursing Research 2025

Critique of Research Studies For Part 1 of the critique, focus only on the following segments for each article: Please see the research article below. This is the research article to be critique QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH ARTRICLE Coleman, K. P. (2011). Abortion and mental health: quantitative synthesis and analysis of research published 1995–2009. The British Journal of Psychiatry (2011) 199: 180-186 doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.110.077230 • Title • Abstract • Introduction o Statement of the problem o Hypotheses or research questions o Literature review o Conceptual/theoretical framework QUALITATIVE RESEARCH ARTICLE Please see the research article below. This is the research article to be critique. Niederdeppe J, Robert SA, Kindig DA. (2011). Qualitative research about attributions, narratives, and support for obesity policy. Prev Chronic Dis 2011;8(2) Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2011/mar/10_0067.htm . • Title • Abstract • Introduction o Statement of the problem o Research questions o Literature review o Conceptual underpinnings

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Here is the criteria Be a minimum of 100 words References citations repeating the question and quoting your peer


Here is the criteria Be a minimum of 100 words. References, citations, repeating the question, and quoting your peer do not count towards the 100 word minimum. Responses to Peers: You are required to make two (2) responses to the initial posts of two (2) different peers. In each response to your peers’ comment on the different types of technology, the advantages and disadvantages they chose and strategies the RN can employ noting differences and/or similarities to your own selected technology, advantages and disadvantages, and strategies. In your responses to your peers’ posts provide constructive and insightful comments that go beyond that of agree or disagree. All Posts (Initial and Response) All posts (initial and response) must: Display use of academic writing. Academic writing is expected to be precise, semi-formal, impersonal, and objective. ( Nordquist , 2015, para. 2) Two (2) samples of academic writing are provided at the end of this document. Have all sources cited within discussion post and on reference list formatted correctly using APA guidelines. REF must no be more that 5 years old and must be american based. ————————————————————————————————————————————————- Here is the respopnce needing a responce using the criteria that i just submited above. Please adress the responce with the persons name. RENAE PARIS Technology has allowed for many advances in patient outcome. It has allowed for increased benefits in overall health including quality of life, longevity, and possibilities for effective treatment, where in the past, these possibilities did not exist. One advantage of technology in this setting use of the internet for patients to retrieve provider recommended information and further education through visual demonstrations and subject matter. This may include videos of the prenatal period as well as caring for the infant after birth. Other advantages are diagnostics and imaging. The parents of an unborn child are able to see more details during an ultrasound, and because of advances, a trained professional can detect abnormalities in early stages of pregnancy. With advancements in imaging, fewer invasive procedures may be required to effectively monitor, diagnose, and treat. These advantages are aesthetically pleasing for parents and families as well as useful in early detection and planning early treatment for the best possible outcome ( Khong & Malcomson , 2015). One disadvantage in the perinatal setting is over use of continuous fetal monitoring during labor. This practice was implemented before experts could complete research as to level of authenticity and accuracy of output from monitors ( Gaikwad , 2013). Inaccurate readings, indicating a problem with the fetus, when there may be no problem at all may be an issue for unnecessary measures taken with the unborn and stress on the parent’s during this time of labor and delivery (American Academy of Nursing, 2015). Lack of fetal monitoring or inaccuracies while being monitored can lead to complications such as hypoxia during birth (Kellen, 2014). A second disadvantage in this setting is that advances in technology risk loss of personalized care. With the use of monitors, advanced diagnostic technologies and laboratories to define the current status of the patient, there is less required of the RN in critical thinking. For example, monitoring a patient’s vital signs, is often done with automated systems recorded electronically, whereas when a manual system is used, the RN is taking more time with the patient. There are observations that can be made and conversations with patient that enable the RN to get her know her patient and give the quality of time and personalized care needed. It is the duty of the RN to identify “actual or potential risks” of her patient through conducting regular assessments of physical and mental health, as well as provide a culturally friendly environment (ANA, 2015). The RN will ensure equipment used to monitor, it used correctly and that there has been education provided with a competency evaluation to ensure accurate and timely follow up of abnormal indicators (ANA, 2015). To address the second disadvantage, the RN must be competent to recognize whether any type of alarm or monitoring system is functioning correctly and ensure settings are appropriate for the patient using a patient centered approach (QSEN, 2014). This includes data collection on baselines for vital signs and laboratory values. The RN should be able to confirm the results by frequent follow up of clinical correlation. A personalized approach not only to the patient’s baseline, but also to being present for the patient to allow and encourage questions and expression of concerns. Potential risks and complications will be identified in the initial and ongoing assessment and evaluation process to ensure the highest standard ensuring quality care is provided. References American Nurses Association. (2015). Nursing: Scope and standards of Practice (3 rd ed.). Retrieved from http :// www . nursingworld . org / scopeandstandardsofpractice Electronic Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring. (2015). American Academy of Nursing . Retrieved from http://www.aannet.org/initiatives/choosing-wisely/electronic-fetal-heart-rate-monitoring Gaikwad , M. (2013). Evidence summary: Fetal heart rate monitoring. Joanna Briggs Institute Evidence Summaries. Retrieved from http :// ovidsp . tx . ovid .com. ezp 2.lib. umn . edu Kellen, T. (2014). External fetal monitoring. Retrieved from http://pregnancy.familyeducation.com/signs-and-stages-of-labor/monitoring-during- labor/66198. html Khong , T., Malcomson , R., (2015). Keeling’s Fetal and Neonatal Pathology. (5 th ed.). doi 1.01007/978-3-319-19207-9 QSEN Institute, (2014). Pre – Licensure KSAS. Retrieved from http://qsen.org/competencies/pre- licensure – ksas

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Here is the criteria Be a minimum of 100 words References citations repeating the question


Here is the criteria Be a minimum of 100 words. References, citations, repeating the question, and quoting your peer do not count towards the 100 word minimum. Responses to Peers: You are required to make two (2) responses to the initial posts of two (2) different peers. In each response to your peers’ comment on the different types of technology, the advantages and disadvantages they chose and strategies the RN can employ noting differences and/or similarities to your own selected technology, advantages and disadvantages, and strategies. In your responses to your peers’ posts provide constructive and insightful comments that go beyond that of agree or disagree. All Posts (Initial and Response) All posts (initial and response) must: Display use of academic writing. Academic writing is expected to be precise, semi-formal, impersonal, and objective. ( Nordquist , 2015, para. 2) Two (2) samples of academic writing are provided at the end of this document. Have all sources cited within discussion post and on reference list formatted correctly using APA guidelines. REF must no be more that 5 years old and must be american based. ————————————————————————————————————————————————- Here is the respopnce needing a responce using the criteria that i just submited above. Please adress the responce with the persons name. RENAE PARIS Technology has allowed for many advances in patient outcome. It has allowed for increased benefits in overall health including quality of life, longevity, and possibilities for effective treatment, where in the past, these possibilities did not exist. One advantage of technology in this setting use of the internet for patients to retrieve provider recommended information and further education through visual demonstrations and subject matter. This may include videos of the prenatal period as well as caring for the infant after birth. Other advantages are diagnostics and imaging. The parents of an unborn child are able to see more details during an ultrasound, and because of advances, a trained professional can detect abnormalities in early stages of pregnancy. With advancements in imaging, fewer invasive procedures may be required to effectively monitor, diagnose, and treat. These advantages are aesthetically pleasing for parents and families as well as useful in early detection and planning early treatment for the best possible outcome ( Khong & Malcomson , 2015). One disadvantage in the perinatal setting is over use of continuous fetal monitoring during labor. This practice was implemented before experts could complete research as to level of authenticity and accuracy of output from monitors ( Gaikwad , 2013). Inaccurate readings, indicating a problem with the fetus, when there may be no problem at all may be an issue for unnecessary measures taken with the unborn and stress on the parent’s during this time of labor and delivery (American Academy of Nursing, 2015). Lack of fetal monitoring or inaccuracies while being monitored can lead to complications such as hypoxia during birth (Kellen, 2014). A second disadvantage in this setting is that advances in technology risk loss of personalized care. With the use of monitors, advanced diagnostic technologies and laboratories to define the current status of the patient, there is less required of the RN in critical thinking. For example, monitoring a patient’s vital signs, is often done with automated systems recorded electronically, whereas when a manual system is used, the RN is taking more time with the patient. There are observations that can be made and conversations with patient that enable the RN to get her know her patient and give the quality of time and personalized care needed. It is the duty of the RN to identify “actual or potential risks” of her patient through conducting regular assessments of physical and mental health, as well as provide a culturally friendly environment (ANA, 2015). The RN will ensure equipment used to monitor, it used correctly and that there has been education provided with a competency evaluation to ensure accurate and timely follow up of abnormal indicators (ANA, 2015). To address the second disadvantage, the RN must be competent to recognize whether any type of alarm or monitoring system is functioning correctly and ensure settings are appropriate for the patient using a patient centered approach (QSEN, 2014). This includes data collection on baselines for vital signs and laboratory values. The RN should be able to confirm the results by frequent follow up of clinical correlation. A personalized approach not only to the patient’s baseline, but also to being present for the patient to allow and encourage questions and expression of concerns. Potential risks and complications will be identified in the initial and ongoing assessment and evaluation process to ensure the highest standard ensuring quality care is provided. References American Nurses Association. (2015). Nursing: Scope and standards of Practice (3 rd ed.). Retrieved from http :// www . nursingworld . org / scopeandstandardsofpractice Electronic Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring. (2015). American Academy of Nursing . Retrieved from http://www.aannet.org/initiatives/choosing-wisely/electronic-fetal-heart-rate-monitoring Gaikwad , M. (2013). Evidence summary: Fetal heart rate monitoring. Joanna Briggs Institute Evidence Summaries. Retrieved from http :// ovidsp . tx . ovid .com. ezp 2.lib. umn . edu Kellen, T. (2014). External fetal monitoring. Retrieved from http://pregnancy.familyeducation.com/signs-and-stages-of-labor/monitoring-during- labor/66198. html Khong , T., Malcomson , R., (2015). Keeling’s Fetal and Neonatal Pathology. (5 th ed.). doi 1.01007/978-3-319-19207-9 QSEN Institute, (2014). Pre – Licensure KSAS. Retrieved from http://qsen.org/competencies/pre- licensure – ksas

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Critique of Research Studies For Part 1 of the critique focus only on the following segments

Nursing Research 2025

Critique of Research Studies For Part 1 of the critique, focus only on the following segments for each article: Please see the research article below. This is the research article to be critique QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH ARTRICLE Coleman, K. P. (2011). Abortion and mental health: quantitative synthesis and analysis of research published 1995–2009. The British Journal of Psychiatry (2011) 199: 180-186 doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.110.077230 • Title • Abstract • Introduction o Statement of the problem o Hypotheses or research questions o Literature review o Conceptual/theoretical framework QUALITATIVE RESEARCH ARTICLE Please see the research article below. This is the research article to be critique. Niederdeppe J, Robert SA, Kindig DA. (2011). Qualitative research about attributions, narratives, and support for obesity policy. Prev Chronic Dis 2011;8(2) Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2011/mar/10_0067.htm . • Title • Abstract • Introduction o Statement of the problem o Research questions o Literature review o Conceptual underpinnings

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Critique of Research Studies For Part 1 of the critique focus only on the following segments for each

Nursing Research 2025

Critique of Research Studies For Part 1 of the critique, focus only on the following segments for each article: Please see the research article below. This is the research article to be critique QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH ARTRICLE Coleman, K. P. (2011). Abortion and mental health: quantitative synthesis and analysis of research published 1995–2009. The British Journal of Psychiatry (2011) 199: 180-186 doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.110.077230 • Title • Abstract • Introduction o Statement of the problem o Hypotheses or research questions o Literature review o Conceptual/theoretical framework QUALITATIVE RESEARCH ARTICLE Please see the research article below. This is the research article to be critique. Niederdeppe J, Robert SA, Kindig DA. (2011). Qualitative research about attributions, narratives, and support for obesity policy. Prev Chronic Dis 2011;8(2) Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2011/mar/10_0067.htm . • Title • Abstract • Introduction o Statement of the problem o Research questions o Literature review o Conceptual underpinnings

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 US policy sometimes differs from policy approaches in other countries The OSHA is the agency that enforces standards

Assignment 2: US Environmental Policy vs. European Environmental Policy: Benzene in the Workplace 2025

US policy sometimes differs from policy approaches in other countries. The OSHA is the agency that enforces standards designed to protect employees from hazardous exposures in the work environment. OSHA standards are a form of public policy about workplace safety. The European Environmental Agency is an agency within the European Union that includes functions that are similar to those of OSHA. For this assignment: Locate and review the important 1980 US Supreme Court decision regarding the proposed change in OSHA benzene permissible occupational exposure limit by searching the Internet for ” I.U.D. v. A.P.I., 448 U.S. 607, 655 .” OSHA had proposed lowering the occupational exposure limit from 10 ppm (parts per million over eight hours as a time weighted average) to 1 ppm. The Supreme Court overturned OSHA’s decision and required that the exposure limit remain at 10 ppm on the grounds that there was insufficient evidence of harm to workers from exposure at 1 ppm. Review the majority opinion of the Supreme Court and the scientific issues discussed in the decision. Using the Internet, your textbook, and the South University Online Library, research comparisons between the European Environmental Agency policies and regulations and the policy and regulation approaches in the United States. Write a 2- to 3-page report in a Microsoft Word document highlighting major differences and similarities between the US policy compared to the European policy on benzene in the workplace. Describe what happened in the US Supreme Court decision in 1980 with regard to benzene, with a brief overview of the historical context of the decision and OSHA’s role in regulating US workplace safety. Describe some of your own observations and opinions regarding this case. Justify your response using at least two resources beyond your course textbook and lectures.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025