2025 For the next newsletter you have been asked to provide information about the role of government

Need within 24 hours 700 words – Research national, state, and local governmental health agency websites for information on your chosen health issue. 2025

For the next newsletter, you have been asked to provide information about the role of government in public health. Choose a health issue prevalent in your community. Research national, state, and local governmental health agency websites for information on your chosen health issue. Write a 700- to 1,050-word summary of your findings that includes the following: Analyze the structure and function of public health at national, state, and local levels. In your analysis, include: What type of structure you see between levels of government. What functions you see at each level of government. How the levels of government work together. Use specific examples from your research to validate your points. Include at least 3 APA formatted references. Click on the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 According to the assigned article Health Disparity and Structural Violence How Fear Undermines

Discussion Question # 1 W2 2025

According to the assigned article, “Health Disparity and Structural Violence: How Fear Undermines Health Among Immigrants at Risk for Diabetes,” narratives tell the story of the interconnectedness between fear and health. Thematically, the issue of fear is a dominant feature that affects how an individual approaches day-to-day living and health. Explain the relationship between fear and health identified by the researchers in the article. Do you agree that structural violence perpetuates health disparity? I WANT YOU TO WRITE ABOUT WHAT IS ASKED IN THE QUESTION. 2 REFERENCE NEEDED AND NO MORE THAN ONE PAGE NEEDED.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Diversity among individuals as well as cultures provides a challenge for nurses when

Discussion Question # 2 W2 2025

Diversity among individuals, as well as cultures, provides a challenge for nurses when it comes to delivering meaningful health promotion and illness prevention-based education. How do teaching principles, varied learning styles (for both nurses and patients), and teaching methodologies impact the approach to education? How do health care providers overcome differing points of view regarding health promotion and disease prevention? Provide an example. I WANT YOU TO WRITE ABOUT WHAT IS ASKED IN THE QUESTION. NO MORE THAN ONE PAGE NEEDED. 2 REFERENCES NEEDED.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Provide a 200 word response to the followind discussion question answer in apa format with

Wk3.2.1 2025

Provide a 200 word response to the followind discussion question answer in apa format with in-text citations and references: Answer: When appraisals of a quantitative study are conducted you look to see if the measurements are valid and reliable. Reliability is the degree to which the dependability with an instrument measures an attribute (Polit & Beck, 2013). Reliability also displays an effect on accuracy and can be a measure of the studies consistency, stability and dependability. Validity refers to if the study had been conducted with sound scientific methods because bias or confounding variables may cause a compromise to the validity of a study ( Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2014).Applicability is when you are looking to see if the study will help you with your patients. Can you apply it to your practice and is it helpful information. Will this translate to your patient care? I believe that together validity and reliability are the most important measures of a study with validity being the most important. They are not necessarily independent of each other. According to Polit and Beck (2013) a measuring device that is unreliable cannot be valid however it can be reliable but without validity (p.336). It is important to understand if the study is valid before you determine reliability. When looking at validity is the measurement measuring what it is supposed to measure and is it reliable. When you then you can determine if this is something that is applicable to your patient populations. Original Question: What factors must be assessed when critically appraising quantitative studies (e.g., validity, reliability, and applicability)? Which is the most important? Why?

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Provide a 200 word response to the followind discussion question answer in apa format with in text citations and references

Wk3.2.1 2025

Provide a 200 word response to the followind discussion question answer in apa format with in-text citations and references: Answer: When appraisals of a quantitative study are conducted you look to see if the measurements are valid and reliable. Reliability is the degree to which the dependability with an instrument measures an attribute (Polit & Beck, 2013). Reliability also displays an effect on accuracy and can be a measure of the studies consistency, stability and dependability. Validity refers to if the study had been conducted with sound scientific methods because bias or confounding variables may cause a compromise to the validity of a study ( Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2014).Applicability is when you are looking to see if the study will help you with your patients. Can you apply it to your practice and is it helpful information. Will this translate to your patient care? I believe that together validity and reliability are the most important measures of a study with validity being the most important. They are not necessarily independent of each other. According to Polit and Beck (2013) a measuring device that is unreliable cannot be valid however it can be reliable but without validity (p.336). It is important to understand if the study is valid before you determine reliability. When looking at validity is the measurement measuring what it is supposed to measure and is it reliable. When you then you can determine if this is something that is applicable to your patient populations. Original Question: What factors must be assessed when critically appraising quantitative studies (e.g., validity, reliability, and applicability)? Which is the most important? Why?

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Some nurses say that theory has no role in advance clinical practice How would you use nursing

TBD nursing homework 2025

Some nurses say that theory has no role in advance clinical practice. How would you use nursing theory to improve advanced clinical practice? Be sure to include an example that demonstrates your thoughts. Don’t forget to include a scholarly reference at least 300 words and has to have one scholarly source that is within 5 years..

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Due 11 25 16 8 00 100 original work Power Pointe with at least 10

help 2025

Due 11/25/16 @8:00 100% original work. Power Pointe with at least 10 slides at least 150 of speaker notes per slide. Speaker notes does not have to be on Title page or reference page with at least 2 references APA format The chief information officer (CIO) has asked you to choose any methodology to summarize the electronic data interchange (EDI) paradigm reflecting the valued application of the relational databases of the records, pharmacy, and lab departments within the hospital’s electronic health records (EHR) system. The presentation of this information will be made to the information technology (IT) department.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025


COMM TAMY NOV 21 6:09 AM 2025

I NEED A GOOD COMMENT BASED IN THIS ARGUMENT TO POST IN MY ONLINE CLASS.. BETWEEN 200-250 WORDS PLEASE. In reading the Health Disparity and Structural Violence study, it made sense to me and rang true in what I encounter. Fear and violence are the words that continued to jump out. Health is a fundamental human right and yet the disparities remain. This points out how violence is entrenched in people’s everyday lives as disparity, mainly health disparity, even going as far as “who will live, and who will die”. The structural violence framework covered 3 areas: 1. Cost 2. Language, discrimination, and immigration status 3. Cultural disconnect People without health insurance will often wait to go to the doctor’s office or don’t go at all. Their problems go untreated and undiagnosed which then it becomes more acute and ironically more expensive. People put their children first, providing the bread, milk, eggs, roof over their heads first. Illness may kill them, however, not today. Today they need to worry about requirements for human survival. The fear of disease itself is not the fear but it’s the cost of disease bringing stress and “debilitating fear”. This is not felt by those that can afford insurance. Those that speak another language, mainly Spanish, felt like they were discriminated against, starting from the receptionist, this being implied disapproval. Many Hispanic people felt like they were a burden or felt ashamed because they did not speak English. “You’re in America now, speak English”. How many times have you heard someone say that. The fear of feeling stupid, less than, keeps them from asking questions. It keeps them from even going to the doctor in the first place. Fear of being illegal is ever present. Illegal implies bad. Deportation is an ever-present fear. Living in this fear is described as debilitating fear. There is a cultural disconnect on the part of the provider. When patients utilize traditional remedies, they may not want to share this with the health care provider. Medicines interact with herbs, this can be dangerous. Ethnocentrism creates a stigma for those who have a world view. Something the person sees as value may be perceived as wrong, silly, or irrational. Voodoo medicine. This approach under appreciates diverse cultures (Page-Reeves et al., 2013) . People every day are being framed by fear, that fear that wakes you up in the wee hours of the morning. This makes me sad because it is so true. I had a patient that had planned a home delivery but it didn’t work out for her so she ended up with us. She wanted to save her placenta for encapsulating, the physician wanted it sent to pathology. In the end, she got to take it home with her because of her cultural beliefs and wishes. In another study that explored promotion of healthy choices and cost effective accessibility. It concluded that nurses need a new vision of the future of global health and present economic situations (Jadelhack, 2012, p. 68) . We are the agents of change. References Jadelhack, R. (2012, June 1, 2012). Health promotion in nursing and cost-effectiveness. Journal of Cultural Diversity, 19 , 65-68. Retrieved from http://eds.b.ebscohost.com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=b56ea719-89e5-4849-8f67-ab4b42461f58%40sessionmgr105&vid=1&hid=117 Page-Reeves, J., Niforatos, J., Mishra, S., Regino, L., Gingrich, A., & Bulten, J. (2013, Summer 2013). Health disparity and structural violence: how fear undermines health among immigrants at risk for diabetes. Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice , 6 , 30-48. Retrieved from http://eds.a.ebscohost.com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=382dea3a-286e-4b06-a5ab-6be7de24bd2d%40sessionmgr4010&vid=2&hid=

Nursing Assignment Help 2025


COMM TAM NOV 21 6:09 am 2025

I NEED A GOOD COMMENT BASED IN THIS ARGUMENT TO POST IN MY ONLINE CLASS.. BETWEEN 200-250 WORDS PLEASE. In reading the Health Disparity and Structural Violence study, it made sense to me and rang true in what I encounter. Fear and violence are the words that continued to jump out. Health is a fundamental human right and yet the disparities remain. This points out how violence is entrenched in people’s everyday lives as disparity, mainly health disparity, even going as far as “who will live, and who will die”. The structural violence framework covered 3 areas: 1. Cost 2. Language, discrimination, and immigration status 3. Cultural disconnect People without health insurance will often wait to go to the doctor’s office or don’t go at all. Their problems go untreated and undiagnosed which then it becomes more acute and ironically more expensive. People put their children first, providing the bread, milk, eggs, roof over their heads first. Illness may kill them, however, not today. Today they need to worry about requirements for human survival. The fear of disease itself is not the fear but it’s the cost of disease bringing stress and “debilitating fear”. This is not felt by those that can afford insurance. Those that speak another language, mainly Spanish, felt like they were discriminated against, starting from the receptionist, this being implied disapproval. Many Hispanic people felt like they were a burden or felt ashamed because they did not speak English. “You’re in America now, speak English”. How many times have you heard someone say that. The fear of feeling stupid, less than, keeps them from asking questions. It keeps them from even going to the doctor in the first place. Fear of being illegal is ever present. Illegal implies bad. Deportation is an ever-present fear. Living in this fear is described as debilitating fear. There is a cultural disconnect on the part of the provider. When patients utilize traditional remedies, they may not want to share this with the health care provider. Medicines interact with herbs, this can be dangerous. Ethnocentrism creates a stigma for those who have a world view. Something the person sees as value may be perceived as wrong, silly, or irrational. Voodoo medicine. This approach under appreciates diverse cultures (Page-Reeves et al., 2013) . People every day are being framed by fear, that fear that wakes you up in the wee hours of the morning. This makes me sad because it is so true. I had a patient that had planned a home delivery but it didn’t work out for her so she ended up with us. She wanted to save her placenta for encapsulating, the physician wanted it sent to pathology. In the end, she got to take it home with her because of her cultural beliefs and wishes. In another study that explored promotion of healthy choices and cost effective accessibility. It concluded that nurses need a new vision of the future of global health and present economic situations (Jadelhack, 2012, p. 68) . We are the agents of change. References Jadelhack, R. (2012, June 1, 2012). Health promotion in nursing and cost-effectiveness. Journal of Cultural Diversity, 19 , 65-68. Retrieved from http://eds.b.ebscohost.com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=b56ea719-89e5-4849-8f67-ab4b42461f58%40sessionmgr105&vid=1&hid=117 Page-Reeves, J., Niforatos, J., Mishra, S., Regino, L., Gingrich, A., & Bulten, J. (2013, Summer 2013). Health disparity and structural violence: how fear undermines health among immigrants at risk for diabetes. Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice , 6 , 30-48. Retrieved from http://eds.a.ebscohost.com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=382dea3a-286e-4b06-a5ab-6be7de24bd2d%40sessionmgr4010&vid=2&hid=

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Title Nicohwilliam only APA format please To help you to better understand

Case Mix Crisis- Nocohwilliam only 2025

Title: Nicohwilliam only APA format please To help you to better understand why case mix is important to managed care and reimbursement methods; here are some fictional heart attack mortality rates for three different hospitals. Consider the national average for heart attack death rates to be 16%. Hospital Mortality Rate National Mortality Rate Hospital A 16.1% 16% Hospital B 18.6% Hospital C 15.7% Part I Write a brief report in which you answer the following questions: Explain case mix and why it is important in evaluating different health care providers. Refer to the table of heart attack mortality rates for Hospitals A, B, and C. From your reading this week, what variables might be impacting the rates in the table? Please explain and discuss the use of data analysis for evaluating this kind of information. Part II You are a staff member at Hospital B, which has the worst mortality rate from heart attacks as seen in the table. Imagine that the administrator for Hospital B has asked you to appear at a Press Conference to share your knowledge about case mix. Hospital Mortality Rate National Mortality Rate Hospital A 16.1% 16% Hospital B 18.6% Hospital C 15.7% After participating in the Press Conference, write a 1-page summary to explain the use of date for decision-making purposes, and how the technology department performs critical core business processes essential to the managed care organization.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025