2025 Provide a 200 word response to the below answered discussion question in apa format with in text citations and references Title

Wk5D1.1 2025

Provide a 200 word response to the below answered discussion question in apa format with in-text citations and references. Title page is not needed. Discussion Question Answer: According to Melynk and Fineout- Overholt (2014) a theoretical or conceptual framework is a number of statements that attempt to explain, and or predict a phenomenon. This is important to provide a framework for selecting the variables of the study and how the related to one another, allowing the researcher to develop interventions. Utilizing a theory or framework will help provide a foundation for designing and planning strategies for intervention and selecting tools that are not random. Using a theory helps explain the reason why the interventions will work and is a critical step planning the interventions (Sales, Smith, Curran, Kochevar, 2006). They help and offer different perspectives on how to translate research into practice. I believe the benefit is great when incorporating a framework or theory. According to Melnyk and Fineout – Overholt (2014) utlizing a clear theoretical framework is driving the study hypotheses and intervention, and the relationship between the purposed study variables (p.503). The framework is helping guide the direction of the study, they assist the nurse or clinician through the change practices and help strengthen the decisions to implement the evidence based change into practice. Because we are setting the foundation, while it takes time, it is highly beneficial to the person who is trying to implement the change. Change models help the clinicians implement the change but also use strategies to disseminate knowledge, identify barriers, stakeholders, and activities that will help sustain the change (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2014). All of these are important when implementing any type of change. This is another reason why a model or theory is important in the EBP process. Original Question: Why is it important to incorporate a theory or model related to change when implementing practice changes? Does the benefit of incorporating a change model outweigh the time and effort it took to include it?

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Discussion Question DUE DATE FRIDAY 12 09 2 Visit South s online library and review these two

reserved for Expert_Researcher 2025

Discussion Question (DUE DATE FRIDAY 12/09) 2 Visit South’s online library and review these two articles. Connelly, L. M. (2014). Use of theoretical frameworks in research. MEDSURG Nursing, 23 (3), 187-188. Green, H. E. (2014). Use of theoretical and conceptual frameworks in qualitative research. Nurse Researcher, 21 (6), 34-38. Next, review the evidence you are collecting for your proposed study. Which theories have others cited? Are you seeing a common theme? Next construct a conceptual map (see p. 133 in your textbook). Use Microsoft Word or Microsoft PowerPoint and include this as an attachment. Be sure you have defined the concepts and included relational statements.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Discussion Question DUE DATE FRIDAY 12 09 2 Visit South s online library and review these two articles

reserved for Expert_Researcher 2025

Discussion Question (DUE DATE FRIDAY 12/09) 2 Visit South’s online library and review these two articles. Connelly, L. M. (2014). Use of theoretical frameworks in research. MEDSURG Nursing, 23 (3), 187-188. Green, H. E. (2014). Use of theoretical and conceptual frameworks in qualitative research. Nurse Researcher, 21 (6), 34-38. Next, review the evidence you are collecting for your proposed study. Which theories have others cited? Are you seeing a common theme? Next construct a conceptual map (see p. 133 in your textbook). Use Microsoft Word or Microsoft PowerPoint and include this as an attachment. Be sure you have defined the concepts and included relational statements.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 For the next newsletter you have been asked to write about the effect of a specific communicable disease on

Need 700 word paper on a communicable disease ASAP! 2025

For the next newsletter, you have been asked to write about the effect of a specific communicable disease on your community. Identify a communicable disease to research. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper summarizing your research. Include the following information: Describe the disease and discuss efforts to control it. Identify the environmental factors related to this disease. Explain the influence of lifestyles, socioeconomic status, and disease management. Identify gaps and how you might connect to other resources to meet needs that are not locally available. Include recommendations to expand the community’s programs if there are gaps. Describe what the public health department is doing to reduce the threat of the disease. Include data findings, evidence-based intervention, and a plan to ensure quality health. Include at least 3 APA formatted references.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 For the next newsletter you have been asked to write about the effect of a specific communicable disease on your

Need 700 word paper ASAP! Within 10 hours 2025

For the next newsletter, you have been asked to write about the effect of a specific communicable disease on your community. Identify a communicable disease to research. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper summarizing your research. Include the following information: Describe the disease and discuss efforts to control it. Identify the environmental factors related to this disease. Explain the influence of lifestyles, socioeconomic status, and disease management. Identify gaps and how you might connect to other resources to meet needs that are not locally available. Include recommendations to expand the community’s programs if there are gaps. Describe what the public health department is doing to reduce the threat of the disease. Include data findings, evidence-based intervention, and a plan to ensure quality health. Include at least 3 APA formatted references.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Imagine you are working for a successful company and have been asked to make a presentation for an entry

Introduction to Organizational Behavior 2025

Imagine you are working for a successful company and have been asked to make a presentation for an entry level organizational behavior course at a local college. To organize your thoughts for your presentation, complete the Organizational Behavior matrix. In the matrix: Define organizational behavior. Define the components of organizational behavior. Select 2 companies and write a summary of their mission, values and vision, and other organization practices. Cite 3 peer-reviewed or scholarly sources plus others similar references to support your paper

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Personal impact paper students are required to write a paper on a helath topic that

health 2025

Personal impact paper . students are required to write a paper on a helath topic that has directly influnced or impacted his familly or personal experence . you can chose from these topics below . 1.smoking. 2.sex. 3. alcohol and drugs abuse . 4.violnce. 5.mental health issues. 6.familly history of diseas 7. food choices. 8.obesity. 9.eating disorders. 10. exercise. 11. stress. The topic must have a cover page and refernces page (MLA format). Paper will be at least 6 pages in length (4 pages of content ) and be typed in 12 point font and be double spaced. margins will not be larger than 1 inch top, bottom and sides. Fifty percent of the paper will describe why this topic has made personal impact on you and what the students hopes to learn by researching this topic. The second half of the content will be dedicated to investigative research of this topic and must include proper citations along with a refernce page.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Hi Paper was great would like to answer a post for me must be 300 words and have

It is just for a post not a paper 2025

Hi Paper was great would like to answer a post for me. must be 300 words and have two scholarly references The content for this week focused on applying nursing theory to research and education. Select one area (either research or education), select a nursing theory and then apply the selected nursing theory to the area. For example, how could theory be used to select a research topic? How nursing theory would be used within the classroom or clinical setting? Be sure to provide an example that demonstrates the application to either research or education. Don’t forget to include a scholarly reference.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Expectations for Presentation to Target Audience Students are responsible for making arrangements

powerpoint teaching plan on obesity 2025

Expectations for Presentation to Target Audience Students are responsible for making arrangements regarding the time and place of their presentations. A video must be created and uploaded to YouTube for a selected audience to watch online (see video note below). You will need to list the number of participants in attendance and collect evaluation forms (or survey summary) from them at the end of the program. Students will be required to submit the following for verification: 1. participant roster (just list number of participants or their initials) 2. presentation slides/teaching materials 3. summary of participant evaluation forms or survey summary 4. one page paper summarizing the teaching experience (how many attended, what went well, what needed improvement, and what you could do differently next time) All documents should be in Word (.doc. or .docx) format. * outline and original teaching paper will be provided I WILL MAKE THE VIDEO, JUST NEED 1-4 COMPLETED DUE 12/2/16 AFTERNOON Objective Content Outline Method of Instruction Time Allotted Resources Method of Evaluation Following a 20 minute teaching session adult night nurses will be able to: Document their food intake, physical activity and weight for the week A. Participants will document types and amount of food and beverages they consume that week. B. Document the duration and form of exercise they completed that week. C. Understand how to read food labels and measuring utensils. Discussion 10 minutes A. Paper and pencil to document responses B. Measuring cup, utensils, food labels Questions and Answers Recognize cues that prompt overeating -Stimulus Control A. Participants will be taught to store food out of sight B. Limit the place they eat to the kitchen or dining room C. Refrain from activities while eating(TV, reading, etc) Lecture 5 minutes Pictures/clip arts Quiz Teaching Topic Objective Content Outline Method of Instruction Time Allotted Resources Method of Evaluation Monitor thoughts and replace cognitive distortion with rational response Participants will be able restructure their thinking patterns A. Develop strategies for high risk situations (vacation, stress) B. Plan how to respond from slip ups of new eating behavior Discussion 5 minutes A. Worksheet listing concerns prior to discussion B. Group Discussion Observation of participant responses Design a nutritionally balanced diet Participants will be able to list A. Very low calorie diet B. Meal replacement C. Portion control diet D. Low carbohydrate diet Lecture and Discussion 5 minutes A. Food Pyramid B. Paper and pencil to document responses Quiz Objective Content Outline Method of Instruction Time Allot Resources Method of Evaluation Assess weight and Health Risk A. Body Mass Index(BMI) B. Waist Circumference C. List risk factors for disease and conditions associated with obesity Demonstration and Lecture 5 minutes A. Use BMI calculation with app or website B. Measure waist circumference with tape measure Return demonstration Health Assessment Monitor weight and Exercise regularly A. Weigh once a week B. 150-300 minutes of moderate intensity to prevent weight gain Instructions 5 minutes A. Scale B. Exercise Equipment Evaluate Journal log for the week References: Lauer-Pfrommer, M. E. (n.d.). Nursing Advanceweb. Retrieved from Health promotion for overweight or obese patients : http://nursing.advanceweb.com/SharedResources/Downloads/2013/022513/ObesePatients.pdf Mayo Clinic Staff. (2016). Disease and Conditions Obesity . Retrieved from Mayo Clinic: http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/obesity/basics/prevention/con-20014834

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Select one area of health policy and describe the impact that policy formation places on direct patient care

I need a discussion board question answered. 2025

Select one area of health policy and describe the impact that policy formation places on direct patient care delivery. What component of the policy area you selected could be improved to provide better care or patient outcomes, and how? DQ 2 View the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” video: ( http://lc.gcumedia.com/zwebassets/courseMaterialPages/nur508_healthcare-reform-video-series-v1.1.php ) This video was developed just as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (commonly referred to as ACA) was due to be implemented. Now that the ACA is operational, contrast the information from the video with actual outcomes and provide your assessment of whether or not the stated goals of the ACA are being met for direct patient care. Support your position using sources inclusive of peer-reviewed literature as well as governmental statistics (state or national) or other nonpartisan resources.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025