comment 1 tania dic 6 2:30 pm 2025

PLEASE I NEED A POSITIVE COMMENT BASED IN THIS ARGUMENT.BETEWEEN 250-300 WORDS . Families from different backgrounds come together as one by blending with each other, things rarely progresses smoothly (Koppes, 2014). In some scenarios children may resist changes, whereas parents can become frustrated when the new family doesn’t function like they expect. Parents they have to decide to make new families with longer lives make together and form a new blended family that includes children from one or both of your previous relationships. This can be achieved by first laying foundations for a blended family which are: making parenting decisions before marriages, find ways to experience real life together, insist on respect and limit your expectations on the new family structure you are building. Successful second marriages can be achieved in three ways, one by planning financial and living arrangements before marriage. This is where the one should agree on where they will live and how to share their money. Most couples prefer to move on a new residence as oppose to stay at their previous homes so as to create a new neutral environment for both parties (Koppes, 2014). On financial planning some couples prefer to share their money instead of separating in order to boost family relationship. Secondly on building a successful second marriages is resolving feelings and concerns about previous marriages this is done by psychologically preparing your children on the new arrangements especially those adolescent stages because at this stage children tend to be so emotional as compared to the younger ones of age 10 and below who they easily accept the new adult in their lives. When not considered it can easily destroy the new family arrangements and it will simply not work. Lastly by anticipating parenting changes and decisions parents should discuss their roles as a parent because of the whole new scenario; it isn’t the same when you are a step parent even if the children knew you before the arrangement. In Conclusion One needs to maintain a good marriage quality in a blended family by setting aside time as a couple when the children are in school, present a unified parenting approach to the children by simply avoiding to argue in front of them this will destroy the whole family unity picture. You can always seek an external help like from therapist or close family members. Making a new family it is a challenge especially when you had not planned or take in considerations before making one. It needs patience and commitment to make a successful second marriage. Reference Koppes, L. L. (2014). Couples Considering a Blended Family – Things to consider before remarriage and tips for creating a cohesive blended family. (University of Florida) . Psychology Press.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 PLEASE I NEED A POSITIVE COMMENT BASED IN THIS ARGUMENT BETEWEEN 250 300 WORDS Families from different backgrounds come together

comment 1 tania dic 6 2:30 pm 2025

PLEASE I NEED A POSITIVE COMMENT BASED IN THIS ARGUMENT.BETEWEEN 250-300 WORDS . Families from different backgrounds come together as one by blending with each other, things rarely progresses smoothly (Koppes, 2014). In some scenarios children may resist changes, whereas parents can become frustrated when the new family doesn’t function like they expect. Parents they have to decide to make new families with longer lives make together and form a new blended family that includes children from one or both of your previous relationships. This can be achieved by first laying foundations for a blended family which are: making parenting decisions before marriages, find ways to experience real life together, insist on respect and limit your expectations on the new family structure you are building. Successful second marriages can be achieved in three ways, one by planning financial and living arrangements before marriage. This is where the one should agree on where they will live and how to share their money. Most couples prefer to move on a new residence as oppose to stay at their previous homes so as to create a new neutral environment for both parties (Koppes, 2014). On financial planning some couples prefer to share their money instead of separating in order to boost family relationship. Secondly on building a successful second marriages is resolving feelings and concerns about previous marriages this is done by psychologically preparing your children on the new arrangements especially those adolescent stages because at this stage children tend to be so emotional as compared to the younger ones of age 10 and below who they easily accept the new adult in their lives. When not considered it can easily destroy the new family arrangements and it will simply not work. Lastly by anticipating parenting changes and decisions parents should discuss their roles as a parent because of the whole new scenario; it isn’t the same when you are a step parent even if the children knew you before the arrangement. In Conclusion One needs to maintain a good marriage quality in a blended family by setting aside time as a couple when the children are in school, present a unified parenting approach to the children by simply avoiding to argue in front of them this will destroy the whole family unity picture. You can always seek an external help like from therapist or close family members. Making a new family it is a challenge especially when you had not planned or take in considerations before making one. It needs patience and commitment to make a successful second marriage. Reference Koppes, L. L. (2014). Couples Considering a Blended Family – Things to consider before remarriage and tips for creating a cohesive blended family. (University of Florida) . Psychology Press.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 W4 Assignment 1 Discussion Question 2 The nurse administrator is an advanced

W4 Assigment 1 Discussion 2025

W4 Assignment 1 Discussion Question 2 The nurse administrator is an advanced practice role in nursing, and as such has very distinctive competencies. In addition to basic administrative skills, there are advanced administrative skills that can be acquired in this role: Gathering information from current literature (your choice), and/or the American Organization of Nurse Executive Competencies, and/or the American Nurses Credentialing Center outline of competencies for nurse managers, compare and contrast the differences between the role of nurse manager, nurse administrator, and nurse executive . Please provide references to the sources that you choose to use. URLs to assist you in answering this question: ANCC for Nurse Managers AONE for Nurse Administrators/Executives Nurse Administrator/Manager

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 I NEED A POSITIVE COMMENT BASED IN THIS ARGUMENT The theoretical perspective that I find to be the most


I NEED A POSITIVE COMMENT BASED IN THIS ARGUMENT . The theoretical perspective that I find to be the most helpful and effective would be the risk-factor perspective. Family risk factors are those that come from lifestyle, biological factors, environmental factors, social, psychological, culture and spiritual dimensions and the health care system (Edelman, Kudzma & Mandle, 2014). Nurses need to explore work pressures, peer pressure, stress, anxieties, tensions, and air, noise or water pollution. There are also cultural and spiritual aspects that include certain traditions that help prevent illness, such as daily prayer and meditation (Edelman, Kudzma & Mandle, 2014). To reduce risk factors, nurses must help families focus on influencing on health behaviors of the members of the family. Having an awareness of certain risk factors can help families to reduce risk factors that are modifiable. Being healthy and having healthy behaviors are very important to the family and are a big responsibility. The probability of a risk could change depending on the activities of health promotion and disease prevention that the family follows (Edelman, Kudzma & Mandle, 2014). This theory appeals to me more than others because there are so many risk factors out there that can affect a family. Once nurses explore certain areas of family members that could cause an issue within the family, they can help try to fix the issue and in turn make the family healthier. There are certain habits that one family may take on and another member, such a child, could take it on as well and it may not be a healthy one, such as eating fatty foods. It is best if the family eats healthy and it starts with figuring out the areas of the family that are considered a risk to other members and each individual. Reference Edelman, C., Kudzma, E., & Mandle, C. (2014). Health Promotion and the Family. In Health Promotion Throughout the Lifespan (8th ed., Ch. 7). Retrieved from https://pageburstls.elsevier.com/#/books/978-0-323-09141-1/cfi/6/8!/4/2/36/8/ [email protected] :88.9

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 I NEED A POSITIVE COMMENT BASED IN THIS ARGUMENT BETWEEN 250 300 WORDS The Family Resilience Framework is a

comment tammy dic 6 9:56pm 2025

I NEED A POSITIVE COMMENT BASED IN THIS ARGUMENT. BETWEEN 250-300-WORDS The Family Resilience Framework is a fascinating concept. I have often wondered about an individual’s resilience, where does it come from, what other qualities are involved in resilience? This is helpful in promoting strategies for families going through life’s challenges (Edelman, Mandle, & Kudzma, 2014, p. 181) . What makes some families come through adversity stronger and others come through completely shattered? Studies showed that most abused children do not grow up to be abusive. At first researchers believed the resilience was innate, later they moved toward the recognition of nature vs nurture, yet negating the influence of family and focusing on the individual. As research continued on this path, a wide range of adversity was studied such as growing up in impoverished circumstances, chronic medical conditions, catastrophic life experiences, trauma, and loss. Studies emerged of resilient individuals showing the importance of relationships of kin, intimate partners, and mentors who supported their efforts, believed in them, and encouraged them to make the most out of their lives (Walsh, 2003, p. 2) . Walsh’s findings showed that despite childhood challenges, everyone has potential to develop resilience. It mentioned, with family structure being so complex, it is required innovative strategies for success (Edelman et al., 2014, p. 181) . I know this first hand, as an empty nester, turned mother with now young children, we are living in a situation that is not unique in today’s world. Grandparents raising grandchildren, I would appreciate sitting with a counselor or nurse and using the Family Resilience Framework to restructure our thinking and provide valuable insight. “What matters most in dealing with adversity are effective family processes, involving the quality of caring committed relationships” (Walsh, 2003, p. 5) . References Edelman, C., Mandle, C., & Kudzma, E. (2014). Health promotion throughout the life span (8th ed.). Retrieved from https://pageburstls.elsevier.com/#/books/9780323056625/cfi/6[s2]/6 Walsh, F. (2003). Family resilience: a framework for clinical practice. Family Process , 42 . Retrieved from http://sw2.haifa.ac.il/images/stories/Field_studies/family_4.pdf

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 There are two major forces acting against each other when it comes to government healthcare programs

Please help with homework 2025

There are two major forces acting against each other when it comes to government healthcare programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. On one end, you have the forces pushing to privatize the programs and to relinquish the government’s role in providing healthcare. On the other end, you have the forces wanting to expand these types of programs. Based on your understanding of the topic, answer the following questions: Explain the positive and negative aspects of these forces that act against each other, in case of government healthcare programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. How do these two forces play a part in the development of healthcare policy relative to government healthcare programs? All government programs are subject to legislative actions and administrative implementation. Based on the stages through which each item of public policy passes, answer the following questions: How can a government healthcare program that was first envisioned be the same program when implemented? Why do public policy and legislative action have such a significant impact on the implementation of government healthcare programs? State health programs are typically funded in part by federal grants. The federal government pays a percentage of the costs and the states pay for the remaining balance. Based on your understanding of the above statement, answer the following: Discuss the power and discretion states have in making decisions for federally funded health programs. Using the PPACA as an example, what role will states play in implementing the policy? Describe the level of financial support expected from the federal government. Prepare a report in a Microsoft word document, in response to these questions. Support your responses with examples.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Pick a topic that you are interested in that is relevant to the subject material for the course Find a

Drugs, Behavior, and Society 2025

Pick a topic that you are interested in that is relevant to the subject material for the course. Find a recent journal article (within last five years) on the subject you have chosen. The article should be a minimum of three pages. Photocopy the article and attach it to your paper. Read the article. Write a personal reaction paper to what you have read. This may include why you chose the article, what you found stimulating, informative, or interesting about the presentation. It may also include what you agree or disagree with, what changes occurred in your beliefs concerning the subject, or any personal thoughts, feelings or events that may be relevant. This should not be a mere synopsis of the article, but rather, your personal reactions and feelings, pro or con. I want to know what you think. The reaction paper must be 3 pages in length, double-spaced, 12-point font and one-inch margins. If your paper runs short or you use different margins or type size you will not receive credit. This is an all or nothing assignment.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 There was a study that reviewed all of the current studies on mental illness and the burden the

comment from post 5 2025

There was a study that reviewed all of the current studies on mental illness and the burden the whole family feels by Loukissa (1995). In the abstract of this article it discusses the burden that the caregiver feels and the importance of social support. As nurses when we have patient’s that are diagnosed with a new illness, are admitted for etoh/drug withdrawal, etc; it is our job to look at the family as a whole and make sure that the family has the appropriate resources. We can place a social services consult for them, or just ask the family if they have any needs. I personally see a lot of spouses caring for their elderly spouse and they can barely care for themselves. They usually have kids or grand-kids that check up on them, but insist on taking care of their spouse. This is where we can assess the family as a unit and identify where they need help. I NEED YOU TO COMMENT FROM THIS POST, 150 WORDS NEEDED AND A REFERENCE.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 That s true Tiffany that Developmental theory guides nurses to assist family through every stage of life In which nurses can

comment from post 6 2025

That’s true Tiffany that Developmental theory guides nurses to assist family through every stage of life. In which nurses can discuss about what is good and bad for the family according to their stages. With the knowledge of each developmental theory, the nurses can teach the patients about health protection, their safety and also educate them how to adjust in different conditions with each other in family. I NEED YOU TO COMMENT FROM THIS POST, 150 WORDS NEEDED AND A REFERENCE.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Project Description Introduction of Project As a healthcare provider you may or may not be responsible

Project Description 2025

Project Description Introduction of Project: As a healthcare provider, you may or may not be responsible for financial and budget tasks, but you will encounter situations and issues, which will relate to financial management. Your project in this course is a threaded project and will provide you with an opportunity to better understand the literature on financial management in the healthcare setting. Each week you will work on an aspect of this project. Week 1; Identify a problem Identify a patient care problem with an impact on budget as a financial management issue in your workplace. Conduct a search for a minimum of two peer-reviewed articles that discuss the issue you have identified. Write a 2-3 page paper summarizing the literature you have found and describe how the literature helps to provide insight into the problem you have identified. Provide a short analysis of the role of the nurse in relationship to this problem as described in the literature.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025