2025 That is a great point That s why it s so important to see

comment from post 5 2025

That is a great point. That’s why it’s so important to see why a mother is reluctant to breastfeeding- there could be a host of reasons. From my own experience, I breastfed all my babies, and find that there are many differences. Many mothers get overwhelmed when breastfeeding doesn’t go as smoothly as it previously did, or like their prior experiences. That, along with the demands of having other children, work, and sleep deprivation, could compound to discourage the mother from choosing to breastfeed her baby. I have a two month old baby girl that I am breastfeeding, and planning to do it for as long as we can, to increase the benefits for the both of us. And I am even getting better at typing with one hand, when i have to post on the forum while I feed her:) I NEED YOU TO COMMENT FROM THIS POST, I NEED NO MORE THAN 150 WORDS AND A REFERENCE PLEASE.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 That is a great point That s why it s so important to see why

comment from post 5 2025

That is a great point. That’s why it’s so important to see why a mother is reluctant to breastfeeding- there could be a host of reasons. From my own experience, I breastfed all my babies, and find that there are many differences. Many mothers get overwhelmed when breastfeeding doesn’t go as smoothly as it previously did, or like their prior experiences. That, along with the demands of having other children, work, and sleep deprivation, could compound to discourage the mother from choosing to breastfeed her baby. I have a two month old baby girl that I am breastfeeding, and planning to do it for as long as we can, to increase the benefits for the both of us. And I am even getting better at typing with one hand, when i have to post on the forum while I feed her:) I NEED YOU TO COMMENT FROM THIS POST, I NEED NO MORE THAN 150 WORDS AND A REFERENCE PLEASE.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Overview of the Mechanisms of Kidney Function Ms Cornwall is admitted with pyelonephritis She has chills and her

teacher Charles 2025

Overview of the Mechanisms of Kidney Function Ms. Cornwall is admitted with pyelonephritis. She has chills, and her temperature is 101°F. She is complaining of flank pain, frequency, and dysuria. Her urine has white blood cell casts and shows growth of Escherichia coli (E. coli) . Based on the above scenario, answer the following questions: Why does she have bacteria and white blood cell casts in her urine? Include the pathophysiological response of body for your analysis. What are the differences when comparing prerenal acute renal injury, intrarenal acute renal injury, and postrenal acute renal injury? Give examples of each and pathological processes related to each disease process.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 First assignemnt is Why is it important to conduct a quality literature review What are the essential

exceptional genius only 2025

First assignemnt is : Why is it important to conduct a quality literature review? What are the essential components of a quality literature review? What are some struggles and difficulties in creating a good literature review? Second Assingment is: How do theory and research influence each other? How do theory and research affect practice in nursing? Using your experience as a nurse, provide an example of how a theory or research affected patient care. Third assignment: Submit your Research Questions for Approval What is a research proposal? The purpose of the research proposal is to identify and formulate questions that arise f r o m nursing practice a n d to design a research p r o j e c t t o study t h e identified p r o b l e m. The goal of a research proposal is to present and justify a research idea you have and to present the practical ways in which you think this research should be conducted. Research proposals contain extensive literature reviews and must provide persuasive evidence that there is a need for the proposed research study. In addition to providing rationale for the proposed research, a proposal describes detailed methodology for conducting the research consistent with requirements of the professional or academic field and a statement on anticipated outcomes and/or benefits derived from the study. Dire c ti o n s : You will be required to write a research proposal to be submitted in week 7. This may be either a qualitative or quantitative research proposal. T h e proposal should be a 6–10 pages plus appendices, cover page, and reference page. In week 8, you will present your proposal to your classmates via video presentation. This week, you will submit a topic for your research proposal and presentation as well as the research questions you will be utilizing for your proposal and presentation. Your instructor must approve your research questions and topic for your proposal. Submit your journal assignment and include the following: Research topic for the proposal and presentation Research questions for the proposal and presentation Note: Once approved, any changes to your topic or research questions should be approved by your instructor.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Chapter One 1 Create a timeline that depicts the development of maternal newborn and women s health nursing 2

case study on maternity questions 2025

Chapter One 1. Create a timeline that depicts the development of maternal, newborn, and women’s health nursing 2. Write a report on how the definition of health has changed through the years, incorporating information about Healthy People 2020 . 3. Write a brief (1-page) essay on the legal and ethical issues related to providing care to women, children and their families 4. Explain the difference between discipline and punishment. Discuss 3 strategies for effective discipline Chapter 2 1. Write a list of that need to be addressed to improve a client’s learning. 2. Select a cultural group and identify the major health beliefs of that group related to maternal and child health using Chapter 1 as a reference. Create a chart that lists the beliefs and propose appropriate nursing interventions for each belief that would demonstrate cultural competence. 3. Develop a checklist that a pregnant woman can use to decide about the setting for her labor and birth experience Chapter 3 1. Create a flow chart depicting the roles that hormones play during the reproductive cycle 2. Select five of the key terms listed at the beginning of the chapter and write an essay using them. Chapter 4 1. From the list of key terms at the beginning of the chapter, select three terms. Write a one-page summary describing what the terms have in common. 2. Write a report about the types of abortion 3. Create a client teaching pamphlet about endometriosis Chapter 5 1. Develop a teaching handout for a woman with bacterial vaginosis who is receiving metronidazole 2. Create an outline for a class presentation to a local group of adolescents about preventing STIs 3. .Select two conditions from the list of key terms at the beginning of the chapter. Write a report comparing and contrasting them. Chapter 6 1. Select at least five key terms listed at the beginning of the chapter and write an essay using them. 2. Create a client education poster depicting key prevention measures for breast cancer Chapter 7 1. Create a chart that compares and contrasts endometrial polyps and fibroids. 2. Select five key terms from the list at the beginning of the chapter and use them in an essay describing the common benign conditions of the female reproductive tract. Chapter 8 1. Develop a written handout that describes ways a woman can reduce her risk for cancers of the reproductive tract. 2. Create a matching exercise that lists each of the key terms in Column 1 and their definitions in Column 2. Give the exercise to a classmate to complete and then score the responses Chapter 9 1. Select three or four key terms listed at the beginning of the chapter and write an essay about violence and women that incorporates them. 2. 2. Create a poster that depicts the cycle of violence and the characteristics of each phase. Chapter 10 1. Create a flowchart that depicts the flow of blood through the fetus. 2. Write a report that describes the process of fertilization through implantation. Chapter 11 1. Write an essay that describes the physiologic changes that occur in the reproductive system with pregnancy. Correlate the signs and symptoms of pregnancy with these changes 2. 2. For each of the key terms listed at the beginning of the chapter, create a vocabulary card that gives the term on one side and the definition on the other side. Chapter 12 1. Develop a client teaching handout for a client who is to have an amniocentesis. 2. Write an essay about essential aspects of prenatal care, incorporating at least three of the key terms listed at the beginning of the chapter. Chapter 13 1. Create a chart that lists the stages (and phases of each stage) of labor. Identify the key physiologic and psychological changes that occur in each. 2. Develop a written checklist that can be used by pregnant women to help them determine if they are in labor Chapter14 1. Create an outline that traces the progression of labor from the time a pregnant woman is admitted to the perinatal unit until birth. Include appropriate nursing assessments and interventions. 2. Review the list of key terms at the beginning of the chapter. Select at least three terms and write a paragraph relating 3. Create drug cards for the following pharmacologic agents, addressing the drug’s effect on maternal and fetal status: · Morphine · Meperidine · Fentanyl · Diazepam Chapter15 1. Choose a body system that undergoes changes after childbirth. Develop a chart that compares the changes that occur in the system during pregnancy and then after birth. 2. Review the list of key terms at the beginning of the chapter. Select one of these terms and write an essay integrating this term with the topic of the chapter. Chapter 16 1. Prepare review cards for the key terms listed at the beginning of the chapter. On the cards, define each key term and use it in a sentence. 2. Create a poster using drawings, illustrations, and photos to depict positive bonding and attachment behaviors Chapter 17 1. Using the terms at the beginning of the chapter, write a report that describes the events associated with newborn adaptation 2. Create a flowchart or diagram that outlines the changes occurring with the transition from fetal to newborn circulation. Chapter 18 1. Select five or six key terms listed at the beginning of this chapter and use them in 2. Write a step-by-step procedure for administering eye prophylaxis in a newborn. Chapter 19 1. Create a chart that compares and contrasts polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios. 2. Write an essay that describes a high-risk pregnancy 3. Develop an assessment checklist that could be used to assess a woman with premature rupture of membranes. Chapter 20 1. Create a written handout for pregnant women that addresses the effects of substance use and abuse during pregnancy 2. Develop a poster that illustrates the effects of diabetes on the mother and her fetus and neonate. 3. Write a report on how the cardiovascular changes that occur during pregnancy can affect a pregnant woman with heart disease and her fetus. Chapter 21 1. Develop a chart that summarizes the four obstetric emergency situations. 2. Write an essay that describes dystocia and the underlying events that can lead to it. Create drug cards for the following tocolytic agents: · Terbutaline · Nifedipine · Indomethacin 3. Magnesium sulfate Chapter 22 1. Develop a written set of guidelines for use by a postpartum woman who has developed a wound infection. 2. Create a chart that compares and contrasts postpartum hemorrhage due to uterine atony and due to retained placental fragments. Prepare drug cards on the following: Heparin Warfarin Chapter 23 1. Select one of the common problems that can affect a newborn with special needs. Prepare a report that outlines the condition. 2. Write an essay that addresses one of the factors that could place a newborn at risk, explaining how nurses can intervene to reduce this risk. Chapter 24 1. Create a checklist that highlights the key nursing interventions to be used when providing care to a newborn of a substance-abusing mother. 2. Research Erb’s palsy as a type of brachial plexus injury that can occur in a newborn with birth trauma. Develop an outline that describes this condition. 3. Prepare a written assessment guide that can be used to assess a newborn at risk for infection. 4. Develop a flowchart that illustrates the underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms that impact the fetus when a woman has diabetes. Chapter 25 1. Explain language development in the first year of life. Chapter 26 1. According to Piaget, what significant cognitive development allows toddlers to engage in imitative play? 2. Describe the gross motor progression of walking in a toddler 3. Write a telegraphic phrase you might hear from a 3-year-old who wants cookies and milk. 4. Explain what about a toddler’s sensory development puts him or her at risk for accidental ingestion. Name 3 of the most dangerous potential poisons a toddler may ingest 5. Write suggestions for parents of a difficult 2-year-old about how they might avoid tantrums in their toddler. 6. Discuss an action that parents might take when a temper tantrum occurs. 7. Explain why allowing children to “graze” on carbohydrate-rich foods throughout the day may contribute to poor dental health. Chapter 27 1. Explain why a nurse might engage in prayer rituals with a hospitalized child. 2. Explain, from a language and comprehension perspective, why a divorcing couple should not discuss their relationship in front of their 3-year-old. 3. Discuss normal psychosocial changes occurring in the preschool-age child. 4. Explain the difference between nightmares and night terrors. What can a parent of a child with night terrors do to help stop the situation from recurring? 5. Explain the disciplinary practice of time-out. How does it work? Chapter 28 1. Identify the developmental milestones of the school-age child. 2. State the scope of the problem of obesity in school-age children. List the teaching guidelines for dealing with this problem. Chapter 29 1. Briefly discuss each of the five developmental concerns of adolescence covered in this chapter. 2. Describe how the nurse can help children cope with each of those five developmental concerns of adolescence. Chapter 30 1. Discuss the major principles and concepts of atraumatic care. 2. How do the child’s age, developmental level, family situation, community, and state of health affect the way the nurse conducts a health history? 3. Explain the steps of child and family communication. Chapter 31 1. Discuss the principles of immunization and common barriers to pediatric immunization. 2. Discuss the principles of health supervision and its three components 3. Describe how a health surveillance visit would be conducted differently with an infant, toddler, a child in grade school, and an adolescent. 4. Discuss the key components of health promotion, including key strategies for health promotion; means of disseminating information; and ways to solve health promotion problems. Chapter 32 1. List the items that should be included in the functional history and provide an example where appropriate. 2. What are the key considerations for addressing sensitive health issues (sexuality, substance use, depression, suicide) with an adolescent while taking the health history? 3. It is important for the nurse to observe the parent–child interactions during the focused conversations of the health interview and throughout the physical examination. Provide some examples of nonverbal, behavioral cues exhibited by infants, toddlers, school-age children, and adolescents and their parents. 4. Describe the developmental considerations for examination of a preschooler. Chapter 33 1. List and explain the three phases of separation anxiety. 2. Explain how the developmental level of preschoolers affects their reaction and response to hospitalization 3. List the factors that affect a child’s response to illness and hospitalization. 4. Outline the key nursing components of the admission process. 5. Describe the information that should be included in discharge instructions. Chapter 34 1. Write three possible nursing interventions for a child who is hospitalized for failure to thrive. 2. Define and discuss vulnerable child syndrome. 3. Identify four situations/instances when the family of a child with special needs will likely require additional support 4. What is an individualized education plan (IEP)? What role might a pediatric nurse play in preparing one? Chapter 35 1. Describe and explain the “Eight Rights” of pediatric medication administration 2. Explain how the absorption of orally administered medications in infants and young children is different compared to those given to older children and adults. 3. Outline the guidelines for determining the correct medication dose by body weight. Chapter 36 1. Describe the FACES Pain Rating Scale and how it works. 2. Define neuromodulators and describe how they work. 3. Explain how a child’s culture and family influence the pain response. Chapter 37 1. Describe how a child differs from an adult in immunologic integrity. When looking at the pediatric patient, break this down by age from infancy through adolescence. Chapter 38 1. Describe the anatomy and physiology of the pediatric neurologic system and discuss how it is different from that of adults. 2. Name common risk factors for neurologic disorders. 3. Describe nursing interventions commonly used for a child with a neurologic disorder Chapter 39 1. Describe how an infant’s vision differs from that of an adult and the developmental benchmarks for vision. 2. Discuss the risks associated with persistent otitis media with effusion. 3. What are the factors that increase the risk of developing visual impairment? 4. What are the laboratory and diagnostic tests used to diagnose disorders of the eye and ear? Chapter 40 1. Discuss how the child’s respiratory system can increase the severity of respiratory disorders as compared to adults. Include differences of the nose, throat, trachea, and chest. 2. List the acute noninfectious respiratory disorders in children and the factors associated with them. 3. Develop a teaching plan for the parents of a child with a tracheostomy. 4. Describe the nursing interventions used for a child with a common cold. 5. What are the risks associated with pharyngitis caused by a group A streptococcal infection? Chapter 41 1. What are the primary nursing implications for an arteriogram? 2. What are the physiologic changes that occur in the cardiopulmonary system that enable the newborn to make the transition from fetal circulation to normal circulation? 3. What is AV canal defect? What is complete AV canal defect? 4. What are the priority nursing assessments and interventions for the child with acute rheumatic fever? Chapter 42 1. List the typical risk factors in a patient’s current and past medical history that commonly 2. List the differences between the digestive tract of the pediatric patient and that of the older child or adult. Provide an example of these differences in the esophagus, stomach, intestines, and biliary system. 3. What are the key nursing implications for a cleansing enema for fecal impaction or severe constipation? 4. What are the most common causes of viral and parasitic acute infectious diarrhea in the United States? 5. Is ulcerative colitis considered an acute or chronic disorder? Explain. 6. What are the 3 key points of nursing management for the child with diarrhea? Chapter 43 1. Explain why the infant or toddler is at increased risk for dehydration during times of fluid loss or decreased fluid intake. 2. The nurse is caring for a teenage girl who has had three urinary tract infections over an 18-month period. List the appropriate teaching recommendations for an adolescent 3. What are the key nursing implications with the use of corticosteroids for nephrotic syndrome? 4. What are four risk factors for VUR? Chapter 44 1. Explain the use, indications, and nursing implications for orthotics and braces. 2. List the differences between the neurologic and musculoskeletal systems of an infant or toddler versus those of the older child or adult. Explain the potential impact of these differences. 3. What are the key nursing implications for MRI? 4. List four common causes associated with postnatal development of cerebral palsy. Chapter 45 1. What are the signs of neurovascular compromise in a casted extremity? 2. What should be included in the teaching guidelines for home cast care? 3. What are the key nursing implications for arthrography? 4. What are the differences between children and adults in relation to bone healing Chapter 46 1. What are the primary nursing implications for a child who requires patch or skin testing? What is an erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and what are nursing implications related to this lab test? 2. What are the anatomic and physiologic differences of the sebaceous and sweat glands in infants and children versus adults? 3. Compare and contrast the skin findings for tinea corporis, tinea capitis, and tinea versicolor. 4. . Emergency evaluation of the burned child includes a primary survey followed by a secondary survey. What is included in the primary survey and secondary survey? Chapter 47 1. What are the common laboratory and diagnostic studies ordered for the assessment of sickle cell anemia? What are the findings in relation to normal? 2. What should be included in the guidelines for teaching parents about preventing bleeding in the child with hemophilia? 3. The priority in sickling crisis is to control pain quickly. What are the ABCs for managing sickle cell pain? 4. What are the priority nursing assessments for a child with suspected aplastic anemia? What are the expected laboratory and diagnostic test results? Chapter 48 1. Why do infants experience a physiologic hypogammaglobulinemia between 2 and 6 months of age? Explain why the breastfed infant is better protected during this time. 2. What should be included in the teaching guidelines about hidden allergens for the child with a milk allergy? 3. What are the nursing care implications for lymphocyte immunophenotyping T-cell quantification? 4. What are the three types of juvenile idiopathic arthritis? 5. What should be included in the nursing care plan for promoting comfort and decreasing pain in a child with juvenile idiopathic arthritis? Chapter 49 1. Name the glands and hormones affected by the posterior pituitary gland and describe the major effects they have on the body. 2. What are areas of imbalance that may occur in an infant or young child that would not occur in adults? 3. What are the nursing interventions for an adolescent girl with hyperthyroidism? 4. What are the nursing diagnoses for a child with precocious puberty? Chapter 50 1. What are the origins and types of cancers typical in children and in adults? 2. What is the difference between acute lymphoblastic leukemia and acute myelogenous leukemia? Chapter 51 1. Discuss the two types of monogenic inheritance as well as the subsets of each type. 2. What is the purpose of genetic counseling, and what is the nurse’s role in it? Chapter 52 1. What are the primary nursing implications for psychostimulant medications (e.g., methylphenidate, dextroamphetamine) prescribed for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder? 2. Define sensory integration dysfunction . 3. How do untreated mental health alterations in the early years manifest during the adolescent years? Chapter 53 1. Create a checklist that identifies the steps for assisting with tracheal intubation. 2. Describe the proper single-rescuer procedure for ventilating a child with a bag-valve-mask (BVM). 3. Write an essay that explains the 3 steps for rapid cardiopulmonary assessment.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Question 1 The medical technology industry reinvests of sales in research and development a 3

HCA200 UNIT 4 EXAM 2025

Question 1 . The medical technology industry reinvests _________% of sales in research and development . a . 3 b . 5 c . 11 d . 20 2 . Use of this technology has resulted in decreased hospital days . a . robotics b . antibiotics c . radiology d . laparoscopic surgery 3 . Fiber optics, microwave, and cryotherapy are used in _________ . a . laparoscopic surgery b . mapping c . genetic therapy d . minimally invasive surgery 4 . All of the following gene therapies have been approved by the FDA except: a . vector virus introduction . b . DNA manipulation . c . stem cell therapies . d . to date, there are no FDA approved gene therapies 5 . This legislation required labeling of drugs and food additives . a . 1959 Kefauver Senate hearings b . 1962 Amendment to the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act c . Food and Drug Act of 1906 d . Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938 6 . About 20 to 100 people participate in this new drug trial phase . a . Phase IV b . Phase II c . Phase I d . Phase III 7 . Control describes research designed to _________ . a . eliminate a disease b . identify a disease definitively c . keep a disease from occurring d . decrease the symptoms/severity of a disease 8 . CDC stands for _________ . a . Centers for Disease Control and Prevention b . Communicable Disease Center c . Center for Disease Control d . Communicable Disease Control Center 9 . Which of the following is not an example of control therapy? a . Chemotherapy b . Thyroid replacement c . Immunization d . Heart medication 10 . An estimated __________ of tobacco-related deaths are the result of secondhand smoke exposure . a . 22,000 b . 30,000 c . 41,000 d . 49,000 11 . Diabetes is linked to all of the following except: a . obesity . b . environment . c . genetics . d . diet . 12 . Health care research is conducted by all of the following except: a . government . b . universities . c . the UMW . d . long-term-care organizations . 13 . All of the following are ethnic minority groups in the U . S . except: a . Asian . b . Native American/Alaskan Native . c . Caucasian . d . Hispanic/Latina . 14 . All of the following may be more likely for patients of different cultures and languages regarding health issues except they __________ . a . will be calm and relaxed b . may be anxious c . may be worried d . may be confused 15 . Autonomy means __________ . a . self-rule b . do no harm c . everyone is equal d . justice 16 . All of the following are true about codes of ethics except: a . they are based on ethical principles . b . health care professionals are held to a higher ethical standard than nonprofessionals . c . they demand a certain standard of behavior . d . few professions have them . 17 . All of the following are principles of professional behavior except: a . confidentiality . b . transparency . c . veracity . d . compassion . 18 . Which of the following is not a variable strongly related to the level of actual and perceived health within a population? a . age b . gender c . ethnicity d . cultural competency 19 . The oldest national health care system is in __________ . a . the United States b . Canada c . Germany d . the United Kingdom 20 . Which of the following countries does not have a single payer system? a . India b . New Zealand c . Taiwan d . Cuba 21 . All of the following describe the market economy model except: a . the price and distribution of goods is determined by supply and demand . b . all health care costs are billed to a single agency . c . the price of care increases as demand increases . d . services tend to be concentrated in areas of high population . 22 . The United States health care system is described as a __________ . a . single payer system b . variation of the single payer system c . market economy model d . mixed model 23 . Mexico was in the world spotlight in 2009 because of the __________ . a . Avian flu b . Olympics c . pandemic H1N1 flu outbreak d . exceptionally low infant mortality rate 24 . The first hospital in Mexico was founded in __________ . a . 1610 b . 1791 c . 1854 d . 1901 25 . The medical system in Mexico is a three-part system with different levels of care, provider payments, etc . Which of the following is not one of the three parts? a . comprehensive b . private c . public d . universal

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Question 1 Understanding the musculoskeletal system and employing a holistic approach describes medicine

HCA200 UNIT 2 EXAM 2025

Question 1 . Understanding the musculoskeletal system and employing a holistic approach describes _________ medicine . a . alternative b . allopathic c . osteopathic d . homeopathic 2 . To practice medicine, in most states, a physician must complete all of the following except: a . complete paid on-the-job training . b . graduate from a formal educational program . c . pass a licensing exam . d . serve as a health aide . 3 . According to the text, all of the following are issues for the medical profession except: a . quality of care . b . access to care . c . managed care . d . oversupply of physicians . 4 . According to the 2007 physician characteristics data, approximately _________ . a . 91% are men and 8% are women . b . 49% are men and 50% are women . c . 71% are men and 29% are women . d . 55% are men and 44% are women . 5 . Gastroenterologists specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of _________ . a . diseases and disorders of the stomach and intestine b . diseases and disorders of the mind c . acute illness or injury d . changes in organs, tissues, and cells 6 . Psychiatrists specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of _________ . a . diseases and disorders of the stomach and intestine b . diseases and disorders of the mind c . changes in organs, tissues, and cells d . acute illness or injury 7 . Before a surgeon can begin open heart surgery, which physician specialist must assure that the patient doesn’t feel anything? a . Anesthesiologist b . Cardiovascular physician c . Radiologist d . Orthopedist 8 . Which nursing professional performs many duties similar to a physician? a . RN b . CNA c . LPN d . NP 9 . RNs can have any of the following as minimal education in order to practice except: a . certificate . b . associate’s degree . c . bachelor of science . d . hospital diploma program . 10 . The average salary of an RN is _________ . a . $40,000 b . $50,000 c . $60,000 d . $70,000 11 . Nurse Practice Acts _________ . a . contain the states’ requirements for practice b . specify what educational, clinical, and licensure requirements are necessary to practice in a state c . are the same in all 50 states d . are waived in long-term care 12 . Medical school tuition and fees have increased by ________% in public schools since 1984 . a . 50 b . 100 c . 133 d . 66 13 . Health administration is concerned about all of the following except: a . patient care . b . profitability . c . the local EMS system . d . marketing . 14 . A CT _________ . a . uses radiation to produce images b . takes a cross-sectional view of a patient’s body c . resulted in the passage of the Consumer-Patient Health and Safety Act d . uses radio waves to produce images 15 . Tests using sound waves may be performed by _________ . a . EKG technicians b . vascular technologists c . cardiology technologists d . nuclear medicine technologists 16 . Medical technicians usually have a(n) _________ . a . associate’s degree b . 1-year certi? cate c . master’s degree d . bachelor’s degree 17 . Coders would least likely be found in _________ . a . private billing practices b . government agencies c . medical clinics d . occupational therapy 18 . Activities of daily living therapy is in the domain of the _________ . a . pharmacist b . occupational therapist c . physical therapist d . speech-language pathologist 19 . Which pharmacy professional typically counts tablets and labels bottles? a . Pharmacy technician b . Pharmacy aide c . Pharmacist d . Pharmacy technologist 20 . Which of the following occupations does not require a bachelor’s degree? a . Respiratory therapist b . Occupational therapist c . Optometrist d . Recreational therapist 21 . The practice of a chiropractor is focused on _________ . a . the spine b . the foot c . the eyes d . the teeth 22 . All of the following are true of optometrists except: a . they provide primary care . b . they prescribe corrective lenses . c . they perform eye surgery . d . they manage macular degeneration . 23 . Ultrasonography uses sound waves to generate an image to assess and diagnose medical conditions . The professionals who performs such tests are called __________ . a . imaging technologists b . nuclear technologists c . medical sonographers d . phlebotomists 24 . All of the following may be areas of practice for the professional in information technology except: a . coding of services . b . risk management . c . data analysis . d . website management . 25 . Medical transcriptionists can be found in all of the following settings except: a . hospitals . b . physicians’ offices . c . home businesses . d . cardiovascular labs .

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Evaluation of Plan Effectiveness Criteria In the evaluation component of the Capstone project you are expected to discuss

Capstone Final Project Phase 7 & 8: Powerpoint presentation & Evaluation Essay 2025

Evaluation of Plan Effectiveness Criteria In the evaluation component of the Capstone project, you are expected to discuss how you would evaluate the effectiveness of the interventions. Some questions you should seek answers to are: Would I be able to implement the interventions? If not, what barriers exist? What visible signs of success (for example, reduced health issues) would I look for? What is your projected effectiveness? The evaluation component of the final paper should describe your evaluation of the implementation. Include responses to points 1 and 2 above. The evaluation component of the final Microsoft Word submission document should be a minimum of 2 pages. The complete summary document should use the Mobilize, Assess, Plan, Implement, Track (MAP-IT) steps used in pulling together your project. Over the past nine weeks, you selected an aggregate and conducted a risk assessment of its health, developed a care plan to address those health risks, and considered the effectiveness of the interventions on the health of the aggregate. It’s time now for you to present your final submission of this Capstone project. Your final submission should include: the documentation of the work accomplished through your Capstone project, a Microsoft Word Document that contains the evaluation and summary, and a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation highlighting the main aspects of the project including the key things learned during the 10 weeks of working with this project. The summary document should use the Mobilize, Assess, Plan, Implement, Track (MAP-IT) steps used in pulling together your project. The complete documentation of the work accomplished over the course of the project should contain a minimum of 6–7 pages in a Microsoft Word document and should include the following information: A detailed description of the aggregate A description of the aggregate’s strengths and weaknesses A risk assessment of the aggregate Diagnoses based on the risk assessment A detailed care plan for the aggregate A description of how at least one intervention might be implemented in the aggregate to address an identified issue An evaluation of the effectiveness of the intervention The Power Point presentation should be concise and should include the highlights of the Capstone project and the key things learned over the course of this project, from developing, planning interventions, and evaluating the care plan. Your presentation should not exceed 15 slides. ****The chosen aggregate is African Americans in Gadsden, Alabama (Etowah County)*** I will attach the previous assignments and the grading rubric for this

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Evaluation of Plan Effectiveness Criteria In the evaluation component of the Capstone project

Capstone Final Project Phase 7 & 8: Powerpoint presentation & Evaluation Essay 2025

Evaluation of Plan Effectiveness Criteria In the evaluation component of the Capstone project, you are expected to discuss how you would evaluate the effectiveness of the interventions. Some questions you should seek answers to are: Would I be able to implement the interventions? If not, what barriers exist? What visible signs of success (for example, reduced health issues) would I look for? What is your projected effectiveness? The evaluation component of the final paper should describe your evaluation of the implementation. Include responses to points 1 and 2 above. The evaluation component of the final Microsoft Word submission document should be a minimum of 2 pages. The complete summary document should use the Mobilize, Assess, Plan, Implement, Track (MAP-IT) steps used in pulling together your project. Over the past nine weeks, you selected an aggregate and conducted a risk assessment of its health, developed a care plan to address those health risks, and considered the effectiveness of the interventions on the health of the aggregate. It’s time now for you to present your final submission of this Capstone project. Your final submission should include: the documentation of the work accomplished through your Capstone project, a Microsoft Word Document that contains the evaluation and summary, and a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation highlighting the main aspects of the project including the key things learned during the 10 weeks of working with this project. The summary document should use the Mobilize, Assess, Plan, Implement, Track (MAP-IT) steps used in pulling together your project. The complete documentation of the work accomplished over the course of the project should contain a minimum of 6–7 pages in a Microsoft Word document and should include the following information: A detailed description of the aggregate A description of the aggregate’s strengths and weaknesses A risk assessment of the aggregate Diagnoses based on the risk assessment A detailed care plan for the aggregate A description of how at least one intervention might be implemented in the aggregate to address an identified issue An evaluation of the effectiveness of the intervention The Power Point presentation should be concise and should include the highlights of the Capstone project and the key things learned over the course of this project, from developing, planning interventions, and evaluating the care plan. Your presentation should not exceed 15 slides. ****The chosen aggregate is African Americans in Gadsden, Alabama (Etowah County)*** I will attach the previous assignments and the grading rubric for this

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 In this assignment you will be exploring actual and potential health problems in the childhood years using


In this assignment, you will be exploring actual and potential health problems in the childhood years using a functional health assessment and Erickson’s Stages of Child Development. To complete this assignment, do the following: Using the textbook, complete the “Children’s Functional Health Pattern Assessment.” Follow the instructions in the resource for completing the assignment. Cite and reference any outside sources used in your answers. Include in your assessment a thorough discussion of Erickson’s Stages of Child Development as it pertains to the development age of the child. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. NRS-434VN-R-Childrens-functional-health-pattern-assessment-Student.docx Please apply rubrics Assessment of the Child: Functional Health Pattern Analysis Worksheet 1 Unsatisfactory 0.00% 2 Less than Satisfactory 75.00% 3 Satisfactory 79.00% 4 Good 89.00% 5 Excellent 100.00% 90.0 % Content 30.0 % Lists Two Assessment Findings Characteristic of Each Age Group and Describes Two Potential Problems That a Nurse May Discover in an Assessment of Each Age Group for Each Pattern Two assessment findings characteristic of each age group and/or description of two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group are not given. Two assessment findings characteristic of each age group and/or description of two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group are incomplete, as relevant information is missing. Two assessment findings characteristic of each age group and description of two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group are given. Two assessment findings characteristic of each age group and description of two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group are given in detail. Two assessment findings characteristic of each age group and description of two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group are given in detail and demonstrate thoughtful reflection. 30.0 % Short Answer Question 1: Compares and Contrasts Identified Similarities as Well as Differences In Expected Assessment Across the Childhood Age Groups No compare and contrast viewpoints of identified similarities or differences in expected assessment across the childhood age groups are offered. Compare and contrast viewpoints of identified similarities or differences in expected assessment across the childhood age groups are incomplete, as relevant information is missing. Compare and contrast viewpoints of identified similarities or differences in expected assessment across the childhood age groups are offered. Compare and contrast viewpoints of identified similarities or differences in expected assessment across the childhood age groups are offered in detail. Compare and contrast viewpoints of identified similarities or differences in expected assessment across the childhood age groups are offered in detail and demonstrate thoughtful reflection. 30.0 % Short Answer Question 2: Summarizes How a Nurse Would Handle Physical Assessments, Examinations, Education, and Communication Differently With Children Vs. Adults; Considers Spirituality and Cultural Differences No summary of how a nurse would handle physical assessments, examinations, education, and communication differently with children versus adults is given. Summary of how a nurse would handle physical assessments, examinations, education, and communication differently with children versus adults is given, but is incomplete, lacking relevant information, or does not consider spirituality and cultural differences. Summary of how a nurse would handle physical assessments, examinations, education, and communication differently with children versus adults is given. Spirituality and cultural differences are addressed. Summary of how a nurse would handle physical assessments, examinations, education, and communication differently with children versus adults is given. Spirituality and cultural differences are addressed. Summary is detailed. Summary of how a nurse would handle physical assessments, examinations, education, and communication differently with children versus adults is given. Spirituality and cultural differences are addressed. Summary is detailed and demonstrates thoughtful reflection. 5.0 % Organization and Effectiveness 5.0 % Mechanics of Writing (Includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, and language use.) Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice and/or sentence construction used. Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register), sentence structure, and/or word choice are present. Some mechanical errors/typos are present, but are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are used. Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. A variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech are used. Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English. 5.0 % Format 5.0 % Research Citations (In-text citations for paraphrasing and direct quotes, and reference page listing and formatting, as appropriate to assignment.) No reference page is included. No citations are used. Reference page is present. Citations are inconsistently used. Reference page is included and lists sources used in the paper. Sources are appropriately documented, although some errors may be present. Reference page is present and fully inclusive of all cited sources. Documentation is appropriate and GCU style is usually correct. In-text citations and a reference page are complete. The documentation of cited sources is free of error.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025