2025 Adolescent pregnancy is viewed as a high risk situation due to the serious health risks that this

DQ#2 2025

Adolescent pregnancy is viewed as a high-risk situation due to the serious health risks that this creates for the mother, the baby, and society at large. Describe Various Risk factors or precursors to adolescent pregnancy. Research Community and State resources devoted in adolescent pregnancy and describe at Least Two of these resources . Research the teen pregnancy rates for the last 10 years for your state and community. Has this rate Increased or Decreased ? Discuss possible reasons for an increase or decrease.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Case Study Mohr CHAPTER 8 Nursing Values Attitudes and Self Awareness In completing the case study students

Case Study, Mohr CHAPTER 8,- Nursing Values, Attitudes, and Self-Awareness 2025

Case Study, Mohr CHAPTER 8,- Nursing Values, Attitudes, and Self-Awareness In completing the case study, students will be addressing the following learning objective: Discuss how situational factors can potentially influence the behavior of healthcare professionals toward clients with mental illness. 1. Joe, a 26-year-old Caucasian man, is a client in a state prison system. Joe is admitted to the prison clinic after being involved in a fight in which he sustained a stab wound to the chest that did not penetrate the lungs or major blood vessels. The clinic doctor on duty was an employee of several years at the prison. The doctor showed little compassion for Joe, stating, “He is a convicted criminal, and he is just getting back some of what he deserves.” The new graduate nurse who was being oriented to the clinic thought that the doctor did not exhibit professional behavior toward Joe. The clinic nursing supervisor later explained that the doctor was influenced by situational factors. (Learning Objective: 3) What is a situational factor, and how can this influence the behavior of healthcare workers? Provide an example where a situational factor impacted on your behavior while in a healthcare setting.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Case Study Mohr CHAPTER 8 Nursing Values Attitudes and Self Awareness In completing the case study students will be

Case Study, Mohr CHAPTER 8,- Nursing Values, Attitudes, and Self-Awareness 2025

Case Study, Mohr CHAPTER 8,- Nursing Values, Attitudes, and Self-Awareness In completing the case study, students will be addressing the following learning objective: Discuss how situational factors can potentially influence the behavior of healthcare professionals toward clients with mental illness. 1. Joe, a 26-year-old Caucasian man, is a client in a state prison system. Joe is admitted to the prison clinic after being involved in a fight in which he sustained a stab wound to the chest that did not penetrate the lungs or major blood vessels. The clinic doctor on duty was an employee of several years at the prison. The doctor showed little compassion for Joe, stating, “He is a convicted criminal, and he is just getting back some of what he deserves.” The new graduate nurse who was being oriented to the clinic thought that the doctor did not exhibit professional behavior toward Joe. The clinic nursing supervisor later explained that the doctor was influenced by situational factors. (Learning Objective: 3) What is a situational factor, and how can this influence the behavior of healthcare workers? Provide an example where a situational factor impacted on your behavior while in a healthcare setting.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Case Study Mohr CHAPTER 14 Groups and Group Interventions In completing the case study students will be addressing the following

Case Study, Mohr CHAPTER 14, Groups and Group Interventions 2025

Case Study, Mohr CHAPTER 14, Groups and Group Interventions In completing the case study, students will be addressing the following learning objectives: Discuss the advantages of group therapy. Discuss the nurse’s role in working with groups. 1. Mary, a student nurse, is studying for an upcoming examination in her psychiatric–mental health nursing class. Mary is reviewing group psychiatric therapy and made some practice test questions on this topic. Help Mary study by answering the following questions. (Learning Objectives: 7, 10) a. Why does group therapy benefit clients with a psychiatric diagnosis? How can the psychiatric nurse best facilitate a community support group?

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Case Study Mohr CHAPTER 11 Therapeutic Relationships and Communication In completing the case study students will be addressing

Case Study, Mohr CHAPTER 11, Therapeutic Relationships and Communication 2025

Case Study, Mohr CHAPTER 11, Therapeutic Relationships and Communication In completing the case study, students will be addressing the following learning objectives: List the key ingredients of therapeutic relationships. Contrast effective and ineffective communication techniques with clients. 1. Two student nurses are preparing for psychiatric–mental health clinical learning experiences. They decided to review the assigned reading and lecture notes from their class on therapeutic communication. After discussion, the students decided that the elements of respect, genuineness, and caring in talking to clients could lead to a trusting relationship. Both students voiced concern over their ability to develop and maintain a professional and not a social relationship. (Learning Objectives: 1, 6) a. How can the student nurses convey the essential elements of a therapeutic relationship in talking to clients? b. How can the student nurses maintain a professional relationship and avoid a social one for clients in psychiatric settings?

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Case Study Mohr CHAPTER 16 Psychopharmacology In completing the case study students will be addressing the following learning objective

Case Study, Mohr CHAPTER 16, Psychopharmacology 2025

Case Study, Mohr CHAPTER 16, Psychopharmacology In completing the case study, students will be addressing the following learning objective: Discuss the therapeutic indication, mechanism of action, recommended dosage, routes of administration, side effects, potential adverse effects, contraindications, and nursing implications for major psychotropic medications. 1. The student was reviewing the medication record for a client diagnosed with major depressive disorder with psychotic features. The client has been on medications for the past 12 years, has exhibited many side effects, and experienced multiple medication changes. On this admission, the client has developed abnormal movements of the tongue, a masklike face, shuffling gait, and constipation. The client is taking a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) and an antipsychotic. (Learning Objective: 6) a. Identify the medication classification that may be responsible for the side effects and explain your choice. b. Discuss the most important nursing implication related to the side effects the client is experiencing. c. Explain why psychiatric clients experience multiple side effects and often need medication changes.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Case Study Mohr CHAPTER 20 Community and Home Psychiatric Care In completing the case

Case Study, Mohr CHAPTER 20, Community and Home Psychiatric Care 2025

Case Study, Mohr CHAPTER 20, Community and Home Psychiatric Care In completing the case study, students will be addressing the following learning objectives: Identify the levels of prevention of mental illness. Describe potential interventions for primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention of mental health problems. 1. Jim is a 10-year-old student in elementary school. The teacher is concerned that Jim may need psychological counseling and possibly psychiatric care since the recent suicide of his father. Jim had formerly been an outgoing child who had excellence performance in schoolwork. Jim is now withdrawn, does not socialize, and is doing poor work in school. Jim’s mother has not responded to a call from the teacher to come to school for a conference to explore ways to help Jim. The teacher consults the school nurse for assistance. (Learning Objectives: 1, 2) Identify how the school nurse can help Jim and his family in the prevention of mental illness. Discuss each level of prevention in your answer.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Access and review the Capstone Project Topic Selection Rationale and Approval assignment from Topic 1 Now

Discussion question 2025

Access and review the “Capstone Project Topic Selection, Rationale, and Approval” assignment from Topic 1. Now that you have completed a series of assignments that have led you into the active project planning and development stage for your project, take your discussion a step further and briefly describe your proposed solution to address the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need. How has this changed since you first envisioned it, and what led to your current perspective and direction?

Nursing Assignment Help 2025



I NEED A POSITIVE COMMENT BASED IN THIS ARGUMENT. BETWEEN 250-300 WORDS Depression in teenagers is a real and significant mental health issue that causes relentless feelings of sadness and powerlessness. Teen depression affects the way a teenager thinks and feels, how the teen behaves, and creates emotional, physical, and functional problems (Mayo Clinic, 2016). Changes within the teen’s body, peer pressure, and difficulty in school can contribute to teen depression. Depression in this age group can be very serious, even resulting in suicide, and should be treated long-term with medications and/or psychological counseling (Mayo Clinic, 2016). Physical changes seen in depressed teens may include: loss of energy, increased sleeping, decreased sleeping, increased or decreased appetite, weight changes, poor school performance, drug or alcohol use, social isolation, risky behaviors, and self-harm. Emotional changes may include: extreme sensitivity to rejection or failure, anger, sadness, worthlessness, and hopelessness. Primary intervention for adolescent depression in prevention. Prevention may include programs that educate regarding the risks of smoking, drinking and driving, sex, and AIDS. It is also helpful for the teen to be involved in healthy activities/hobbies such as sports teams, artistic groups, and classes in school (Mayo Clinic, 2016). Secondary intervention, also called early intervention, takes place after the problem has already been going on for a while, and has been identified (Mayo Clinic, 2016). At this point, the teen’s depression may not be very advanced, but has the potential to get worse if interventions do not occur. Medication is an option at this point. In addition, teens and parents may reach out to helplines, youth assistance programs, or out-patient counseling (Mayo Clinic, 2016). Tertiary intervention is a wide spectrum of clinical and non-clinical options. Medications, inpatient adolescent psychiatric wards, eating disorder clinics, drug and alcohol programs, and residential treatment facilities are all options that may be helpful. It is important that the teenager has support of family members and/or close friends. As nurses, we can intervene in many ways. Some examples are: encourage the teen to express and talk about his or her feelings, assess the adolescent to determine precipitating event(s) when feelings of sadness/hopelessness arise, teach positive and effective coping strategies such as guided imagery and relaxation, assist the teen in focusing on strengths rather than weaknesses, and assist the teen in identifying positive and supportive friends and family members (Mayo Clinic, 2016). In the state of Wisconsin, there are 16 separate crisis and suicide hotlines teens can reach out to in desperate times. Nurses can also call these numbers if they feel a teen is at risk for self-harm. In addition, nurses can work together with doctors to make psychiatric referrals in order to ensure the teen gets the help he or she needs. Reference: Mayo Clinic. (2016). Teen depression. Retrieved from http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/teen-depression/home/ovc-20164553

Nursing Assignment Help 2025



I NEED A POSITIVE COMMENT BASED IN THIS ARGUMENT. BETWEEN 250-300 WORDS Depression in teenagers is a real and significant mental health issue that causes relentless feelings of sadness and powerlessness. Teen depression affects the way a teenager thinks and feels, how the teen behaves, and creates emotional, physical, and functional problems (Mayo Clinic, 2016). Changes within the teen’s body, peer pressure, and difficulty in school can contribute to teen depression. Depression in this age group can be very serious, even resulting in suicide, and should be treated long-term with medications and/or psychological counseling (Mayo Clinic, 2016). Physical changes seen in depressed teens may include: loss of energy, increased sleeping, decreased sleeping, increased or decreased appetite, weight changes, poor school performance, drug or alcohol use, social isolation, risky behaviors, and self-harm. Emotional changes may include: extreme sensitivity to rejection or failure, anger, sadness, worthlessness, and hopelessness. Primary intervention for adolescent depression in prevention. Prevention may include programs that educate regarding the risks of smoking, drinking and driving, sex, and AIDS. It is also helpful for the teen to be involved in healthy activities/hobbies such as sports teams, artistic groups, and classes in school (Mayo Clinic, 2016). Secondary intervention, also called early intervention, takes place after the problem has already been going on for a while, and has been identified (Mayo Clinic, 2016). At this point, the teen’s depression may not be very advanced, but has the potential to get worse if interventions do not occur. Medication is an option at this point. In addition, teens and parents may reach out to helplines, youth assistance programs, or out-patient counseling (Mayo Clinic, 2016). Tertiary intervention is a wide spectrum of clinical and non-clinical options. Medications, inpatient adolescent psychiatric wards, eating disorder clinics, drug and alcohol programs, and residential treatment facilities are all options that may be helpful. It is important that the teenager has support of family members and/or close friends. As nurses, we can intervene in many ways. Some examples are: encourage the teen to express and talk about his or her feelings, assess the adolescent to determine precipitating event(s) when feelings of sadness/hopelessness arise, teach positive and effective coping strategies such as guided imagery and relaxation, assist the teen in focusing on strengths rather than weaknesses, and assist the teen in identifying positive and supportive friends and family members (Mayo Clinic, 2016). In the state of Wisconsin, there are 16 separate crisis and suicide hotlines teens can reach out to in desperate times. Nurses can also call these numbers if they feel a teen is at risk for self-harm. In addition, nurses can work together with doctors to make psychiatric referrals in order to ensure the teen gets the help he or she needs. Reference: Mayo Clinic. (2016). Teen depression. Retrieved from http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/teen-depression/home/ovc-20164553

Nursing Assignment Help 2025