2025 PERSONAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS DISCUSSION BOARD DUE THURSDAY Healthy vs Unhealthy Relationships Consider this scenario Carrie

prof lex only 2025

PERSONAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS…….. DISCUSSION BOARD DUE THURSDAY Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships Consider this scenario: Carrie has been dating John for three years. In the first year of their relationship, they were blissful and happy. Spending almost every day together, they often talked about marriage. Carrie was so happy that she started eating healthier and exercising on a regular basis. By the end of the first year, the novelty of the relationship wore off, and John paid less attention to Carrie. She became more anxious and often questioned their commitment to each other, and her exercise routine decreased. As the couple rounded the third year, John hit Carrie during an argument after she dropped a fork on the floor. John was apologetic and promised it would never happen again. Since she still loved him, she agreed to forgive him and try and make the relationship work. How might this relationship affect personal health and wellness for either partner? There are many types of relationships. Sibling-to-sibling, parent-to-child, colleague-to-colleague, to name a few. Within these various relationships, the dynamics can range from healthy to unhealthy and can affect personal health and wellness in various ways. People often have difficulty recognizing whether a relationship is healthy or unhealthy. This could lead to some unanticipated consequences. Think about what constitutes healthy and unhealthy relationships and how they can impact personal health and wellness. To prepare for this Discussion: Review Chapter 5 in Health: The Basics, 10 th edition .. Pay particular attention to what constitutes a healthy and unhealthy relationship. Review Chapter 4 in Health: The Basics, 10 th edition .. Focus on the intimate partner and interpersonal violence. Consider how you might prevent a violent or unhealthy relationship. Review the multimedia piece “Dimensions of Health Wheel.” Pay particular attention to the impact relationships have on the dimensions of health for this week. With these thoughts in mind: By Day 4, post an example of a healthy or unhealthy relationship. Then describe two factors that might contribute to a healthy or unhealthy relationship. Finally explain two ways a healthy or unhealthy relationship might impact personal health and wellness. ____________________________________________________________________________ PERSONAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS …. ASSIGNMENT DUE SUNDAY Application: Personal Relationships and Spiritual Health Personal relationships can be rewarding and, at times, challenging. Think back to this week’s Discussion and what constitutes a healthy or unhealthy relationship. Consider your own relationships and think about how they impact your personal health and wellness. In addition to considering your relationships, think about your spiritual health. Spiritual health is characterized by subscribing to a way of life or “a belief in a supreme being or a specified way of living prescribed by a particular religion” and it also may include “the ability to feel a part of a greater spectrum of existence” (Donatelle, 2013, p. 8). What brings meaning to your life and how important is your spiritual health to your personal health and wellness? To prepare for this Application Assignment: Complete the following Personal Health Assessments in Health: The basics, 10 th edition : Chapter 5, “Building Healthy Relationships and Understanding Sexuality” Chapter 4, “Preventing Violence and Injury” Chapter 2, “Focus On: Cultivating Your Spiritual Health” As you complete the assessments, consider the following questions: How Well Do You Communicate? Are You At Risk for Violence? What’s Your Spiritual IQ? Review Chapter 2 in Health: The Basics, 10 th edition . Also, Review the article “Spiritual wellness, holistic health, and the practice of health education” located in the Learning resources. Focus on the impact of spiritual health on health and wellness. Application Assignment (2–3 pages): Summarize any insights you gained related to your relationships as a result of taking the Personal Health Assessment. Explain how your spiritual health might impact your health and wellness. Explain at least three ways you may attain positive spiritual health. Support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure that your in-text citations and reference list are correct. Submit your Application Assignment by Day 7 . ___________________________________ RESOURCES Readings Donatelle, R. J. (2013). Health: The basics, 10 th edition . San Francisco, CA: Pearson Benjamin Cummings. Chapter 5, “Building Healthy Relationships and Understanding Sexuality” Chapter 4, “Preventing Violence and Injury” Chapter 2, “Focus On: Cultivating Your Spiritual Health” Hawks, S. (2004). Spiritual wellness, holistic health, and the practice of health education. American Journal of Health Education, 35 (1), 11–16. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. Media Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012). Personal Health and Wellness: Dimensions of Health Wheel [Multimedia], Baltimore, MD: Author. Dimensions of Health: Week 3 Optional Resources Lehmiller, J. J. (2009). Secret romantic relationships: Consequences for personal and relational well-being. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin , 35 (11), 1452–1466. Available through Walden Library databases. Web Resources on Cyber-safety Washington State Office of the Attorney General: Internet Safety (2008). Retrieved from http://www.atg.wa.gov/InternetSafety/Adults.aspx Wired Safety (2011). Retrieved from http://www.wiredsafety. org/ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BEHAVORIAL AND CULTURAL ISSUES…… ASSIGNMENT DUE THURSDAY Application: Factors Contributing to Health Disparities and Ways to Address Them. The Healthy People 2020 objectives and the Millennium Goals are two ambitious approaches to addressing the disparities found in vulnerable populations. In this Application Assignment, you will determine factors that contribute to health disparities, how culture impacts treatment in healthcare, and how the goals and objectives plan to reduce or eliminate health disparities. To prepare for this Application Assignment, review the following (with your Healthy People assigned focus area in mind): The definition of culture and articles relating to how culture impacts treatment in healthcare are posted in the Doc Sharing area under Week 3 helpful articles Pages 24–41 of your textbook about the objectives that relate to health care in general and, more specifically, health disparities. The Millennium Development Goals Report 2009 http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/pdf/MDG_Report_2009_ENG.pdf Healthy People 2020: What Are Its Goals? http://healthypeople.gov/2020/ Focus your attention on “Overarching Goal #2: Achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health of all groups.” To complete this Application Assignment, write a 3- to 4-page paper that addresses the following questions. What socio-ecological factors contribute to the existence of health disparities? (Examples include socioeconomics and education). How might one’s culture serve as a barrier to equal treatment when it comes to healthcare? Give an example. (*Note: Please remember that culture is not skin color). Give an example or examples of how populations experience unequal treatment and disparity in healthcare. Provide some statistics to help illustrate this point from the CDC, the textbook, your Resources this week, or another reliable source. How do the health-related Millennium Development Goals address such health disparities? Discuss 2 to 3 Healthy People 2020 objectives that provide a framework for addressing health disparities, based on your Healthy People assigned focus area. Support your answers with statistical information about your Healthy People assigned focus area. The following are a few websites that provide a wealth of data regarding specific populations and Healthy People assigned focus area: State Health Facts, Kaiser Family Foundation www.statehealthfacts.org Statistical Information System, World Health Organization http://www.who.int/whosis/en/ Interactive Map: Maps: The Global Picture http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/aids/atlas/us.html Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure that your in-text citations and reference list are correct. Also, since this is your only application, you may want to submit this to a Walden Writing Center tutor first as well as run it through Turnitin.com prior to submission. Other helpful resources include: Citations: http://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/apa/citations/intextparenthetical Reference List: http://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/apa/references “Gold Star” Application Example Jody Early. GOLDSTAR APPLICATION EXAMPLE. Used by permission of Jody Early. Organizing Your Week 3 Application Pape r. Used by permission of Shelley Armstrong. RESOURCES>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Course Text: Social and Behavioral Foundations of Public Health Chapter 3, “Social Epidemiology” This chapter will expand your knowledge to include the field of social epidemiology, focusing on the unequal distribution of disease patterns across social groups. Chapter 9, “Health Disparities, Diversity, and Cultural Competence” The authors provide a critical perspective on the impact of diversity and cultural competence on solving the problem of health care disparities. Article: Sen, K., & Bonita, R. (2000). Global health status: Two steps forward, one step back. Lancet, 356 (9229), 577–582. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. This article makes the point that although there has been impressive improvement in the health status of individuals around the globe, there is an urgent need for better methods of accurately assessing health status. Report: Institute of Medicine. (2002). Unequal treatment: What healthcare providers need to know about racial and ethnic disparities in health-care: Shaping the future for health . Retrieved from http://www.iom.edu/~/media/Files/Report%20Files/2003/Unequal-Treatment-Confronting-Racial-and-Ethnic-Disparities-in-Health-Care/Disparitieshcproviders8pgFINAL.pdf This report discusses the role of bias, prejudice, and stereotyping in the unequal treatment of patients. It also summarizes additional findings that can help health care professionals provide equitable, high-quality care for all patients. Report: The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Commission to Build a Healthier America. (2008). Health currents: America’s health starts with healthy children: How do states compare? Copyright 2008 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Commission to Build a Healthier America. This report examines the health of our nation’s children from various socioeconomic perspectives. The scholars describe their state of health now in contrast to how it could be in the future. Report: United Nations. (2009). The Millennium Development Goals report 2009 . Retrieved from http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/pdf/MDG_Report_2009_ENG.pdf Read pages 24–41 about the goals that relate to health care in general and, more specifically, health disparities. Report: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Public Health Service. (n.d.). Executive summary: Mental health: Culture, race, and ethnicity . Retrieved March 12, 2010, from http://www.ct.gov/dmhas/lib/dmhas/publications/mhethnicity.pdf Read “Summary” and “Chapter Summaries & Conclusions.” This report documents scientific advances that deepen our understanding of mental illness and have found a range of effective treatments for most mental disorders. The authors propose that cultural and social influences are not the only determinants of mental illness and patterns for treatment, but they do play important roles. Optional Resources Readings Article: Chan, M. (2007). Health and the MDGs: The challenges ahead. UN Chronicle, 44 (4), 54–57. Article: Prinja, S., & Kumar, R. (2009). Reducing health inequities in a generation: A dream or reality? Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 87 (2), 84. Article: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2008). National healthcare disparities report, 2007 . Retrieved from http://archive.ahrq.gov/qual/qrdr07.htm Book: Board on Health Sciences Policy, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. (2003). Unequal treatment: Confronting racial and ethnic disparities in health care . Retrieved from http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?isbn=030908265X Interactive Map: Public Broadcasting Service. (Executive Producer). (2006). Map: AIDS in the U.S. Retrieved from http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/aids/atlas/us.html Websites The Office of Minority Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services http://minorityhealth.hhs.gov/ _____________________________________________________________________________ IN THE NEWS IS COMING UP I’M POSTING SO YOU CAN GET SOME IDEAS… MY PROFESSOR CHOOSE DISABILITY AND SECONDARY CONDITIONS FOR ME….. ITS DUE THURSDAY OF WEEK 5…. In the News! Reminder: Post a summary of the article you chose anytime between Week 1 and by Day 4 of Week 5 . To prepare for the assignment, keep your eyes open for an article in an online news publication that relates to your assigned focus area. To complete this assignment, post a summary of the article any time by Day 4 of Week 5 . Also, post a comprehensive response of 600–750 words. Respond to at least one colleague by Day 6 of Week 5 located in the Week 5 In the News area . For a complete overview of this assignment, please proceed to the Week 5 In the News area. ___________________________________________________________________________ Welcome to In the News! The In the News assignment has been designed to give you the opportunity to review current news articles about one of the Healthy People assigned focus areas addressed by the Healthy People 2020 program’s Vision, Mission, & Overarching Goals: http://healthypeople.gov/2020/ . In the first few days of Week 1, your Instructor will assign one of the following Healthy People assigned focus area to you based on last name. For example, the Healthy People assigned focus area, “Access to Health Services” would be assigned to “Aaronson, Robert.” Access to Health Services Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions Cancer Chronic Kidney Disease Diabetes Disability and Secondary Conditions Environmental Health Heart Disease and Stroke HIV Immunization and Infectious Diseases Injury and Violence Prevention Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Mental Health and Mental Disorders Nutritionand Weight Studies Oral Health Respiratory Diseases Sexually Transmitted Diseases Substance Abuse Vision To prepare for this assignment, keep your eyes open for an article in an online news publication that relates to your Healthy People assigned focus area. The news article should be intended for the general public. Examples of such sources follow: · Magazines and newspapers (e.g., The New York Times ) · Health news websites (e.g., National Public Radio’s (NPR’s) “Health” section) · News updates from government sites, such as “In the News” at the National Institutes of Health site ( http://www.nih.gov/ , upper right-hand corner of homepage) or “Science News” at the National Institute of Mental Health ( http://www.nimh.nih.gov/science-news/index.shtml ) When you find an article: Consider how it relates to your Healthy People assigned focus area Review the current statistics stated in the article In 1 to 2 paragraphs or ½ page, post a summary of the article, discussing the reason you choose this article for your assignment. Then, include a comprehensive response of 600–750 words to the following questions: Does the article address a biomedical perspective, a prevention perspective, or both? Please explain. If you feel it only addresses one perspective, in what ways can the second perspective be addressed (i.e. through an education or prevention program, clinical trials, etc). What levels (or level) of the social ecology of health model are addressed in the topic? See p. 15, Figure 1.1 of your text. How do these levels apply populations affected with your Healthy People 2020 assigned focus area? NOTE: Post BOTH the article summary AND the comprehensive response together by Day 4 of week 5. Be sure to provide a hyperlink to the article that informed your response (if applicable) and cite and reference it appropriately in your response. If you need help with APA format for citing and referencing electronic sources and articles, please visit the Writing Center ( http://writingcenter.waldenu.edu ) under the “APA” tab for examples.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025


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****MUST COMPLETE WITHIN 3 HOURS OF HANDSHAKE*** RESPONDE WITH **GREEN** in title so I know you have read and understand assignment. Your initial forum must be at least **500 words**. You need to state your thesis and support it with evidence and at least one outside, reputable reference. Our body makes energy from the carbohydrate and lipid present in the food we eat and drink. Glucose is our body’s preferred energy source but fatty acids provide an alternative energy source when needed. This forum will explore deeper several topics related to carbohydrate and lipid. “Advertisements claim that omega-3 fatty acids are good for you. Your roommate says, “If omega-3 fatty acids are so good, then consuming a lot of them would be better for us.” What would be your answer? Why?”

Nursing Assignment Help 2025



TOPIC: ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER (ADHD) I NEED A POWER POINT PRESENTATION ABOUT THE TOPIC: ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER (ADHD).. 8 SLIDES..PLEASE CITE REFERENCES .. PLEASE ADD SPEAKER NOTES IN EVERY SLIDE. Evaluate how this disease or illness impacts the adult client in the following areas:. Physically. Sexually. Economically, specifically as it relates to the ability to access health insurance and health care. Susceptibility to engage in substance abuse. Prenatal care and childbearing. Occupational considerations and hazards. h. Ability to cope with stress

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

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Certifications and Continuing Education in Your Professional Role 2025

Select one of the following options to complete this assignment: Your current role in a hospital setting A professional role, such as an administrator, nurse, respiratory therapist, health information specialist, physical therapist, or radiology technologist Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that summarizes certifications and continuing education that would be appropriate for a professional role in a hospital or other applicable health care setting. Identify a professional organization that would provide professional development opportunities for the role you selected. Describe professional development and other opportunities the professional organization would provide to you as a member. Explain the importance of being a member in a professional organization. Include the link to this organization. Cite 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your assignment.

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Attached are 3 documents: 1. Contains the instructions and details of the assignment 2. Sample1: Same assignment paper done by another student 3. Sample2: Same assignment paper done by another student The assignment requires a reading but there is no time for that so use the 2 samples to come up with your own paper. The 2 samples attached should help you come up with your own quality paper. Also do some research and provide a quality work. Pages: at least 5 pages DEADLINE: 4 Hours 30 Minutes (The only time I have, later than this cannot be submitted so will be useless)

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Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Read a minimum of two 2 articles from the publications that pertain to

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Read a minimum of two (2) articles from the publications that pertain to leadership or management. 3. Write at least two paragraphs (300 words or more each), summarizing the article (first paragraph) and stating the implications in EMS leadership (second paragraph). The second paragraph can also detail how the information in the article will change the way you approach your duties as an EMS leader. You may write more, but not less. 1 https://www.ems1.com/ems-management/articles/154822048-Conn-EMS-company-struggles-to-respond-to-calls/ 2 https://www.ems1.com/ems-management/articles/160748048-Reality-Training-Snowmobile-crash-in-the-woods/

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What tools and techniques would you use to motivate your staff if you were the head of a nursing home? Would your tools and techniques differ if you were the head of a hospital? Why do you think those tools and techniques would work or not work given your specific environment? Need at least 300 words. Please address all questions.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025