2025 HLT 362V Applied Statistics for Health Care Professionals Grand Canyon 1 The researchers analyzed the data they collected as

HLT 362V Week 1 Assignment; Workbook Exercise 11, Exercise 16 2025

HLT 362V Applied Statistics for Health Care Professionals – Grand Canyon 1- The researchers analyzed the data they collected as though it were at what level of measurement? (Your choices are: Nominal, Ordinal, Interval/ratio, or Experimental) 2- What was the mean posttest empowerment score for the control group? 3- Compare the mean baseline and posttest depression scores of the experimental group. Was this an expected finding? Provide a rationale for your answer. 4- Compare the mean baseline and posttest depression scores of the control group. Do these scores strengthen or weaken the validity of the research results? Provide a rationale for your answer. 5- Which group’s test scores had the least amount of variability or dispersion? Provide a rationale for your answer. 6 – Did the empowerment variable or self-care self-efficacy variable demonstrate the greatest amount of dispersion? Provide a rationale for your answer. 7 – The mean (X ̅) is a measure of a distribution while the SD is a measure of its scores. Both X ̅ and SD are statistics. 8 – What was the mean severity for renal disease for the research subjects? What was the dispersion or variability of the renal disease severity scores? Did the severity scores vary significantly between the control and the experimental groups? Is this important? Provide a rationale for your answer. 9 – Which variable was least affected by the empowerment program? Provide a rationale for your answer. 10 – Was it important for the researchers to include the total means and SDs for the study variables in Table 2 to promote the readers’ understanding of the study results? Provide a rationale for your answer.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Formal Paper Resources Formal Paper Resources Below are helpful resources to assist you with

Formal PAPER for Culture class 2025

Formal Paper Resources Formal Paper Resources Below are helpful resources to assist you with completing the Formal Paper. Click on each link to view. Dreams from Endangered Culture – With stunning photos and stories, National Geographic Explorer Wade Davis celebrates the extraordinary diversity of the world’s indigenous cultures, which are disappearing from the planet at an alarming rate. Photos of Endangered Cultures – Photographer Phil Borges shows rarely seen images of people from the mountains of Dharamsala , India, and the jungles of the Ecuadorean Amazon. In documenting these endangered cultures, he intends to help preserve them. The Danger of a Single Story – Our lives, our cultures, are composed of many overlapping stories. Novelist Chimamanda Adichie tells the story of how she found her authentic cultural voice — and warns that if we hear only a single story about another person or country, we risk a critical misunderstanding. Theories & Models Cultural Competence Project Cultural Theories and Models Giger a nd Davidhizar Madeleine M. Leninger – Transcultural Nursing Culture Care Theory Purnell’s Model Resource Library You can also revisit U.S. Department of Health & Human Services – Office of Minority Health Log in and c lick on the ToolKit – Resource Library tab The Resource Library has many useful descriptions and examples of models to use for your Formal Paper. *NOTE: Wikipedia is not a source to be used in any of the generated work; using it will result in a “zero” for the assignment. Formal Paper Formal Paper (25%) Application of the Nursing Process to Deliver Culturally Competent Care. Research the literature for an appropriate professional article that discusses the health care needs of your selected cultural group. It should include 5-7 pages within the body of the paper with 3-5 references (at least two article/book references). Papers must follow APA format and include title page, abstract, citations and reference pages. Submit the paper in the dropbox provided in Blackboard. View Formal Paper Rubric for grading criteria. APA STYLE 6 th EDITION

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Part 1 Choose a specific health care organization that has been in existence since the 1980s e g a

Essay 2025

Part 1 Choose a specific health care organization that has been in existence since the 1980s (e.g., a for-profit hospital by name; nonprofit hospital by name; governmental clinic; military or VA health care facility by name; private health care clinic by name; ambulatory surgery center by name; diagnostic imaging center by name; nursing home by name; assisted living facility by name). Describe the organization and the basic health care services it provides. Part 2 Analyze how this organization has changed since the 1980s as a result of economic and political forces (i.e., ethical and legal). You should identify a minimum of 3 significant changes from the 1980s to today that should include considerations for technology, personnel and professionals involved, patient demographics, supply and demand imbalance, and so on. Part 3 In summary, evaluate how these changes have impacted the organization’s efficacy (negatively and positively) from the administrator’s viewpoint. Then, proffer the influence of these changes on the U.S. health system overall (negative and positive). Your paper should be 3 to 4 pages excluding the cover page, abstract page, and reference page (common assessment). Be sure to support your work with at least 3 academic or professional peer-reviewed sources published within the past 5 years. Dismiss | Mark as Unread | Collapse

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Review the American Nurses Association ANA Code of Ethics and the ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses

Discussion ethical barriers 2025

Review the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics and the ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements (ANA, 2011a, 2011b) and answer the following points in a 2 pages Word document. Identify a potential barrier to ethical practice that you may face as Family Nurse Practitioner Discuss if there is a relationship between your personal beliefs and values and this barrier. Describe at least one mechanism to overcome the barrier discussed. Examine the potential cost and benefits to this barrier. Support your viewpoint with current research (minimum of one research article). References American Nurses Association. (2011a). Code of ethics . Retrieved from http://www.nursingworld.org/Mobile/Code-of-Ethics American Nurses Association. (2011b). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements . Retrieved from http://www.nursingworld. org/code-of-ethics-preface US Department of Health & Human Services. (2005). The Nuremberg code . Retrieved from http://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/archive/nurcode.htm

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Question 1 Top of Form Reflect upon the diagnostic exercise you participated in this week Select one


Question 1 Top of Form Reflect upon the diagnostic exercise you participated in this week. Select one of the individuals you interacted with, and based on his or her health assessment, develop a health plan to help them prevent the disease and improve their quality of life. Your plan should include health care recommendations, educational materials, support systems for making lifestyle changes, and tools and resources for managing and monitoring symptoms. As part of your plan, include the following: Provide a brief summary of the individual’s health assessment, the physiologic signs and symptoms of the individual’s highest disease risk, and the impact of that disease on his/her functional health status. Provide a health plan for risk prevention addressing diet, exercise, health monitoring recommendations, pharmacological aids, diagnostic testing recommendations, and additional lifestyle changes. Clearly explain the interrelationships between pathophysiology, pharmacology, diagnostic testing, and management on the individual’s health and the disease. Identify and summarize at least one current pharmacological advancement or a key piece of substantiated research in the treatment or prevention of the disease. Cite your source(s). Identify two or more websites to aid in the physical and mental well-being of the individual. Include the web links and a summary of the features and benefits of each site in a brief paragraph. Explain how specific components/features of the site can benefit your individual’s health care. Question 2 What are the components of a successful diabetes care team? Is this something that is practiced where you currently work? Of the best practices shared in this week’s video clips, which do you think is most important? How would you incorporate this into your practice? Question 3 It is important to determine the validity and reliability of the research instruments when reading a research study. How does the validity and reliability of an instrument influence the credibility of the study and the value of the evidence? Question 4 What characteristics should be appraised when evaluating qualitative and quantitative research design? Which characteristics are the most important and why? Also I need this. Review the following case study and complete the questions that follow. For this assignment, write your responses to each question as one narrative rather than separating your responses by question number. Include an introduction and a conclusion. Submit your answers using APA format, well-written sentences, and detailed explanations. Your analysis must be scientifically sound, necessary, and sufficient. You must also include a bibliography of at least 3 sources (with at least one non Internet source). Your textbook may not be included as a source for this assignment. Refer to the rubric for more information on how your assignment will be graded. Case Study M.K. is a 45-year-old female, measuring 5’5” and weighs 225 lbs. M.K. has a history of smoking about 22 years along with a poor diet. She has a history of Type II diabetes mellitus along with primary hypertension. M.K. has recently been diagnosed with chronic bronchitis. Her current symptoms include chronic cough, more severe in the mornings with sputum, light-headedness, distended neck veins, excessive peripheral edema, and increase urination at night. Her current medications include Lotensin and Lasix for the hypertension along with Glucophage for the Type II diabetes mellitus. The following are lab findings that are pertinent to this case: Vitals BP 158/98 mm Hg CBC Hematocrit 57% Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) 7.3 % Arterial Blood Gas Assessment PaCO ₂ 52 mm Hg PaO ₂ 48 mm Hg Lipid Panel Cholesterol 242 mg/dL HDL 32 mg/dL LDL 173 mg/dL Triglycerides 1000 mg/dL What clinical findings correlate with M.K.’s chronic bronchitis? What type of treatment and recommendations would be appropriate for M.K.’s chronic bronchitis? Which type of heart failure would you suspect with M.K.? Explain the pathogenesis of how this type of heart failure develops. According to the B.P. value, what stage of hypertension is M. K. experiencing? Explain the rationale for her current medications for her hypertension. Also, discuss the impact of this disease in the U.S. population. According to the lipid panel, what other condition is M.K. at risk for? According to this case study, what other medications should be given and why? What additional findings correlate for both hypertension and Type II diabetes mellitus? Interpret the lab value for HbA1c and explain the rationale for this value in relation to normal/abnormal body function?

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Please respond to the questions below with a minimum of 100 words 1 2 Using

Transitional class module 5 discussion 2025

Please respond to the questions below with a minimum of 100 words. 1 2 Using the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) guidelines, what academic and experential qualifications should a nurse have to practice in the home or community setting? 3 What are the differences in knowledge and skill required to become certified as a home care nurse or a community health nurse? How has your nursing experiences prepare you to function in the community as either a home health nurse or a community health nurse?

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Write a 2 pages discussion creating a scenario or case study that illustrates the type

Nurse Practitioner scenario 2025

Write a 2 pages discussion creating a scenario or case study that illustrates the type of organization you would expect to work as a Nurse Practitioner. List the type of organization (cardiology private clinic). List the type of and how many clients it serves. Identify the professional fit for advanced nursing role. Implement your Nurse Practitioner role in this organization. Identify your State Board of Nursing and referenced Nurse Practice Act which would support your role in this type of organization.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 You stated that in order to understand barriers to initiatioin of improvement changes within a community you need cooperation

comment from post 4 2025

You stated that in order to understand barriers to initiatioin of improvement changes within a community, you need cooperation on the ‘inside’. This is true, as is understanding the current community strengths, weaknesses and needs. The community members need to be actively involved in bettering the health and structure of their community. This allows them to be held accountable for succcesses and failures, and promotes healthier relationships between community members. The hope would be that with each successful change or accomplishment, the community would show pride and begin to flourish. I NEED YOU TO COMMENT FROM THIS POST, NO MORE THAN 150 WORDS NEEDED AND A REFERENCE PLEASE.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Max Points 5 0 Dissemination of EBP and research such as presenting results

Max Points: 5.0 Dissemination of EBP and research, such as presenting results at a conference or writing an article for a journal, is an important part of professional practice. Name one professional journal and one nursing or health care conference whe 2025

Max Points: 5.0 Dissemination of EBP and research, such as presenting results at a conference or writing an article for a journal, is an important part of professional practice. Name one professional journal and one nursing or health care conference where you might present our project as a presentation or article and discuss why each of your choices is the best option for you to disseminate your new knowledge.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 APA at least 2 references Select one of the two questions from the discussion questions

Jeffmoh 2025

APA at least 2 references Select one of the two questions from the discussion questions listed below. Discussion Question 1 CF is a sixty-year-old African American male who presents as a new patient for initial evaluation and follow-up. He has been diagnosed with hypertension for the last twelve years and Type 2 diabetes for the same period of time. His current blood pressure is 162/90, with a pulse of 76. His body mass index (BMI) is 32. He is currently taking Maxzide 37.5/25 mg every morning. This is the only antihypertensive medication he has taken. For this question, focus on the treatment of hypertension. Discuss the influences of his age, gender, and ethnicity on hypertensive medications. On the basis of an analysis of those factors, provide one option for improvement of his blood pressure and provide a clear and specific justification for that choice. Be sure to include dosage and scheduling. Include highlights of patient teaching and/or recommendations for any lifestyle changes. Support your decisions with at least one reference to a published clinical guideline and one peer-reviewed publication. Discussion Question 2 MT is a fifty-six-year-old obese (BMI 31.5) Caucasian female with a significant family history of cardiovascular disease. She has uncontrolled hypertension and is currently taking metoprolol 50 mg twice daily. She has dyslipidemia and is taking exetimibe 10 mg daily and garlic. Her current cholesterol is 240 mg/dL, HDL is 41 mg/dL, LDL is 163 mg/dL, and triglycerides are 183 mg/dL. Her blood pressure today is 174/94, and her pulse is 90. Review the medications she is taking for hypertension and dyslipidemia. Evaluate the efficacy of these medications. Review them in terms of her age, gender, and ethnicity. Suggest any changes you would recommend, with clear justification for those choices. For medications, include dosages and schedules. Include highlights of patient teaching and/or lifestyle alterations. Support your decisions with at least one reference to a published clinical guideline and one peer-reviewed publication.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025