2025 Select one of the two questions from the discussion questions listed below Be sure

Discussion 2025

Select one of the two questions from the discussion questions listed below. Be sure to respond to the question using the lessons and vocabulary found in the reading. Justify your answers using examples and reasoning. Support your answers with examples and research and cite your research using APA format. Discussion Question 1 GF is a forty-one-year-old woman who arrives for her first visit at the clinic. She reports that she has been feeling sad and depressed, with crying spells, trouble sleeping, increased appetite, impaired concentration, and fatigue. She has experienced depression in the past but was able to overcome the symptoms without medication. Upon physical exam, she appears to be poorly groomed and with minimal facial expression. She is slow to respond to questions. She admits to being very anxious and worried about “everything.” She denies any current suicidal ideation. However, she expresses concerns about the future and that it may not be an improvement. She has tried over-the-counter medications to help with sleep, but they have not been effective. Answer the following questions: What additional information would you like before making a decision about what to do with GF? What approach would you suggest for this patient? Which of her symptoms would concern you and require intervention? Does she need to be referred to another provider, or can she be managed in a primary care setting? Are there any nonpharmacological strategies that might be appropriate for her? For medications, include dosages and schedules. Include highlights of patient teaching and/or lifestyle alterations. Support your decisions with at least one reference to a published clinical guideline and one peer-reviewed publication. Discussion Question 2 ST is a twenty-five-year-old male who presents to the clinic with a major complaint of insomnia. He has been experiencing problems sleeping for the past month. He has been “borrowing” medication from his mother and friends, such as diazepam and alprazolam, and he finds that these are helpful in allowing him to sleep. He was also diagnosed with asthma at the age of ten. He has been using an inhaler, as needed, but he cannot recall the name of the inhaler. He is currently working part-time through a temporary agency, and he has not been able to find any full-time work. Answer the following questions: What additional information would you like to obtain from ST? What are the possible reasons for his insomnia? What are the possible strategies you can use to help him with the insomnia? For medications, include dosages and schedules. Include highlights of patient teaching and/or lifestyle alterations. Support your decisions with at least one reference to a published clinical guideline and one peer-reviewed publication.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Select one of the two questions from the discussion questions listed below Be sure to respond to the question

Discussion 2025

Select one of the two questions from the discussion questions listed below. Be sure to respond to the question using the lessons and vocabulary found in the reading. Justify your answers using examples and reasoning. Support your answers with examples and research and cite your research using APA format. Discussion Question 1 GF is a forty-one-year-old woman who arrives for her first visit at the clinic. She reports that she has been feeling sad and depressed, with crying spells, trouble sleeping, increased appetite, impaired concentration, and fatigue. She has experienced depression in the past but was able to overcome the symptoms without medication. Upon physical exam, she appears to be poorly groomed and with minimal facial expression. She is slow to respond to questions. She admits to being very anxious and worried about “everything.” She denies any current suicidal ideation. However, she expresses concerns about the future and that it may not be an improvement. She has tried over-the-counter medications to help with sleep, but they have not been effective. Answer the following questions: What additional information would you like before making a decision about what to do with GF? What approach would you suggest for this patient? Which of her symptoms would concern you and require intervention? Does she need to be referred to another provider, or can she be managed in a primary care setting? Are there any nonpharmacological strategies that might be appropriate for her? For medications, include dosages and schedules. Include highlights of patient teaching and/or lifestyle alterations. Support your decisions with at least one reference to a published clinical guideline and one peer-reviewed publication. Discussion Question 2 ST is a twenty-five-year-old male who presents to the clinic with a major complaint of insomnia. He has been experiencing problems sleeping for the past month. He has been “borrowing” medication from his mother and friends, such as diazepam and alprazolam, and he finds that these are helpful in allowing him to sleep. He was also diagnosed with asthma at the age of ten. He has been using an inhaler, as needed, but he cannot recall the name of the inhaler. He is currently working part-time through a temporary agency, and he has not been able to find any full-time work. Answer the following questions: What additional information would you like to obtain from ST? What are the possible reasons for his insomnia? What are the possible strategies you can use to help him with the insomnia? For medications, include dosages and schedules. Include highlights of patient teaching and/or lifestyle alterations. Support your decisions with at least one reference to a published clinical guideline and one peer-reviewed publication.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025


comment tammy 2025

I NEED A POSITIVE COMMENT BESED IN THIS ARGUMENT. PLEASE USE YOUR OWN WORDS TO DO THE COMMENTS. BETWEEN 150-200 WORDS. We have a large population of uninsured people, growth of personal bankruptcy due to medical costs, increasing health care cost, huge profits for health care corporations, and a growing national debt and deficit. On the website for Obamacare Facts, it stated that the top executive’s for-profit health insurance companies made nearly $200 million in total compensation for 2009 (Obamacare Facts website, n.d.) . The government does not regulate the cost of health care, however, personally speaking, I don’t see the government doing much better with their financial responsibilities. We all know the premiums would continue to rise and that was not sustainable for the average American family. The United States placed dead last in the quality of health-care when compared with 10 other western, industrialized nations in 2014. Not only is it dead last in quality, it is first in spending more per capita ($8,508) on health care than Norway ($5,669), which has the second most expensive system. This data was collected before the Affordable Care Act went into full effect. Among its deficiencies, are a relative shortage of primary care physicians; lack of access to primary care, especially for the poor; many low-income residents who skip recommended care, do not get needed tests, or do not fill prescriptions due to cost; high infant mortality; inordinate levels of mortality from conditions that could have been controlled, such as high blood pressure; and lower healthy life expectancy at age 60 (Bernstein, 2014) . Disparities in health care affect individuals and society. Some barriers to accessing health care include: lack of availability, high cost, and lack of insurance coverage. The over haul of health care came due to the disparities, access to health care is regarded as unreliable; many people do not receive the appropriate care they need. Increasing the number of people with health insurance is a start, however, the system must also be looked at. Maintaining and protecting the health of the public is vital, the 3-major driver of health care expenditures are cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. These have modifiable risks that can influence outcome. Education is key, reform of the individual would go a long way. Sustainability of the system as it is now will be in jeopardy due to the older Americans that will become fewer wage-earners paying taxes to fund Medicare. While medical care can prolong survival, more important for the health of the population are the social and economic conditions that make people ill and in need of medical care in the first place. Poor social and economic circumstances affect health throughout life. People further down the social ladder usually run at least twice the risk of serious illness and premature death as those near the top (Kemp, 2012) . Talk about a complex issue, health care is that issue. References Bernstein, L. (2014). Once again, U.S. has the most expensive, least effective health care system in survey. Retrieved from https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2014/06/16/once-again-u-s-has-most-expensive-least-effective-health-care-system-in-survey/?utm_term=.4e61947300e1 Kemp, C. B. (2012). Public health in the age of health care reform. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2012/12_0151.htm Obamacare Facts website. (n.d.). http://obamacarefacts.com/healthcare-facts/

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Assignment Application Systems Theory As noted in the Learning Resources systems theory provides a meaningful and beneficial

Assignment 2 2025

Assignment: Application: Systems Theory As noted in the Learning Resources, systems theory provides a meaningful and beneficial means of examining challenges in health care organizations. To do this effectively, however, it is essential to assess all system components, as some may be relatively healthy while others are problematic. For this Assignment, you apply systems theory to the examination of a problem in a department or a unit within a health care organization. ( Note: You may use the same problem you identified for the Discussion as long as it meets the criteria for this assignment.) To prepare: Review the Meyer article, “Nursing Services Delivery Theory: An Open System Approach,” in this week’s Learning Resources. Focus especially on the information presented in Table 1 (p. 2831) and Figure 2 (p. 2833). Reflect on your organization or one with which you are familiar. Within a particular department or unit in this organization, identify a problem the staff is encountering. Using Table 1 in the Meyer article as a guide, analyze the department or unit, identifying inputs, throughput, output, cycles of events, and negative feedback. Consider whether the problem you have selected relates to input, throughput, output, cycles of events, and/or negative feedback. Think about how you could address the problem: Consider what a desired outcome would be, then formulate related goals and objectives, and translate those goals into policies and procedures. Research professional standards that are pertinent to your identified problem. Reflect on the organization’s mission statement and values. In addition, consider how addressing this problem would uphold the mission and values, while improving the organizational culture and climate. (Depending on the organization you have selected, you may have explored these in the Week 1 Discussion.) To complete: By Day 7 Write a 3- to 5-page paper (page count does not include title and reference page) that addresses the following: Describe a department or unit within a health care organization using systems theory terminology. Include a description of inputs, throughput, output, cycles of events, and negative feedback. Describe the problem you identified within the department or unit using an open- systems approach, and state where the problem exists using the systems theory model (input, throughput, output, cycles of events, or negative feedback). Based on this information, explain how you would address the problem as follows: Formulate a desired outcome. Identify goals and objectives that would facilitate that outcome. Translate those goals and objectives into policies and procedures for the department or unit. Describe relevant professional standards. Explain how your proposed resolution to the problem would uphold the organization’s mission and values and improve the culture and climate.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Developing an Implementation Plan Max Points 150 Details Consider the population in

NRS 441 V Professional Research Project – Developing an Implementation Plan 2025

Developing an Implementation Plan Max Points: 150 Details: Consider the population in which the solution is intended, the staff that will participate, and the key contributors that must provide approval and/or support for your project to be implemented. These stakeholders are considered your audience. Develop an implementation plan (1,500-2,000 words) using the “Topic 3: Checklist” resource. The elements that should be included in your plan are listed below: Method of obtaining necessary approval(s) and securing support from your organization’s leadership and fellow staff. – Description of current problem, issue, or deficit requiring a change. Hint: If you are proposing a change in current policy, process, or procedure(s) when delivering patient care, describe first the current policy, process, or procedure as a baseline for comparison. – Detailed explanation of proposed solution (new policy, process, procedure, or education to address the problem/deficit). – Rationale for selecting proposed solution. – Evidence from your Review of Literature in Topic 2 to support your proposed solution and reason for change. – Separate attachement Description of implementation logistics (When and how will the change be integrated into the current organizational structure, culture, and workflow? Who will be responsible for initiating the change, educating staff, and overseeing the implementation process?) Resources required for implementation: staff; educational materials (pamphlets, handouts, posters, and PowerPoint presentations); assessment tools (questionnaires, surveys, pre- and post-tests to assess knowledge of participants at baseline and after intervention); technology (technology or software needs); funds (cost of educating staff, printing or producing educational materials, gathering and analyzing data before, during, and following implementation), and staff to initiate, oversee, and evaluate change. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, . An abstract is not required. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. 5 NRS 441v.11R.Module 3_Checklist.doc ( Rubric ) – Separate attachment

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Write a 1 page paper addressing the sections below of the research proposal Methodology Data Analysis Plans Describe plan for data

Assignment 2025

Write a 1-page paper addressing the sections below of the research proposal. Methodology Data Analysis Plans Describe plan for data analysis for demographic variables (descriptive statistical tests). Describe plan for data analysis of study variables (descriptive and inferential statistical tests). Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Data analysis plan for demographic variables is appropriate and fully explained. 10 Data analysis plan for study variables is appropriate and fully explained. 15 Followed APA guidelines for writing style, spelling and grammar, and citation of sources. 5 Total: 30

Nursing Assignment Help 2025


comment faith 2025

I NEED A POSITIVE COMMENT BESED IN THIS ARGUMENT. PLEASE USE YOUR OWN WORDS TO DO THE COMMENTS. BETWEEN 150-200 WORDS In the evaluation of the effectiveness of U.S. healthcare system in the context of delivery, National Institute of Health, (2008), outlines that the healthcare delivery system that is currently there is unsustainable due to distributable resources which are inequitable which results to unaffordable healthcare. It is indicated that patients may not even get services which are considered basic. In the context of finance, it is estimated that the cost for healthcare is approximately, $ 7,500 per person per year. It is even harder for someone without insurance due to high premiums sometimes higher than their wages/salaries. Luck of insurance is the reason why some patients incur unaffordable health care costs, or refuse to seek healthcare services altogether. In the context of management, and sustainability, it is noted that United States of American has a higher health expenditure than any other nation as indicated by the National Institute of Health, (1992), on ‘a layman’s guide to U.S. healthcare system’. Financing of healthcare is by major taxpayer, (Federal, State, and Local government), private insurance, and personal pay. Government programs benefit the elderly, the disabled, and the poor. Some of the issues that prompt the need for healthcare reform include insurance companies with huge premiums, healthcare expenditure, economy, chronic diseases, and pharmaceutical companies Reference National Institute of Health, (1992). A layman’s guide to U.S. healthcare system . Retrieved on 02/27/2017 from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4193322/ National Institute of Health, (2008). The unsustainable US healthcare system. Retrieved on 02/26/2017 from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2384993/ Obama Care Facts, (2017). Why we need healthcare reform . Retrieved on 02/27/2017 from http://obamacarefacts.com/healthcare-facts/

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 It is very frustrating to see this and especially in the case of children And with so many people

comment from post 2 2025

It is very frustrating to see this and especially in the case of children. And with so many people there are alternatives available. Because I live in Arizona, one resource used is buying medications in Mexico. There are actually vans that will take groups down to the border with the specific intent of buying medications. While I would never advise my patients to do this, word gets around! Especially in older populations. I have been to pharmacy’s in many other countries and it is amazing what you can buy over the counter! While I don’t think that making every medication accesible over the counter is a good idea, there is something to be said for how inexpensively other countries can get medications. Im sure the quality control is not exactly the same though. Im curious if others have seen this trend of buying medications across the border? I need you to comment from this post, no more than 150 words needed and a reference please

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 I agree with you in that nurses can help vulnerable populations by knowing what programs are available in the community

comment from post 3 2025

I agree with you, in that “nurses can help vulnerable populations by knowing what programs are available in the community.” The vulnerablity of homelessness is the cause of development of many health-related problems. One thing that specifically comes in mind is the maximum capacity of homeless shelters. In some areas where the homeless are in great numbers, the shelters have to cap the line and the homeless are once again on the streets. Some of them also play the system and are able to get admitted to a psych unit so they can temporarily have safe shelter and get medical care for their health-related problems; they are referred to as frequent flyers. By providing the maximum resources for any of their concerns or refer them to a specialist such as a social worker, the homeless may be able to revert some of those vulnerabilities. Good post and thanks for sharing! I NEED YOU TO COMMENT FROM THIS POST, NO MORE THAN 150 WORDS NEEDED AND A REFERENCE PLEASE

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Pick one Discussion Question 1 There are multiple issues to consider in caring for someone with diabetes II Your

reserved for Expert_Researcher 2025

Pick one Discussion Question 1 There are multiple issues to consider in caring for someone with diabetes II. Your course textbook lists these as: Race and Ethnic Group Obesity Coronary Artery Disease and Heart Failure Hyperlipidemia Hypertension Nephropathy Neuropathy Retinopathy From this group, select two specific issues and explain the importance of that variable in the treatment of diabetes. Explain how a provider needs to approach the patient and how these considerations would influence the selection of agents for the treatment of diabetes and related complications. Discussion Question 2 AG is a sixty-nine-year-old male who presents for an initial visit with a complaint of blurred vision, fatigue, and lack of energy. He is currently being treated for hypertension, hypothyroidism, and gouty arthritis. He is currently retired and married, with three adult children. His vital signs are unremarkable, with a body mass index (BMI) of 30. His current medications include lisinopril 20 mg daily, allopurinol 300 mg daily, and levothyroxine 0.088 mg daily. As per his blood work today, his A1c level is 7.8%, his fasting blood sugar is 202, his total cholesterol is 180 mg/dL, his high-density lipoprotein (HDL) is 27 mg/dL, his low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is 193 mg/dL, and his triglycerides are 302 mg/dL. Answer the following questions: What additional blood work would you like to complete at this point? Is there any additional information that should be collected from the patient? Evaluate the current therapy and make recommendations concerning any needed changes. What lifestyle modifications or changes do you think would be appropriate for this patient?

Nursing Assignment Help 2025