2025 pick one Discussion Question 1 JT is a fifty five year old man with a

reserved for Expert_Researcher 2025

pick one Discussion Question 1 JT is a fifty-five-year-old man with a three-day history of worsening shortness of breath, fever, chills, right-sided chest pain, and productive cough. He states that the initial symptoms started approximately one week ago. He has been taking over-the-counter (OTC) medications to control the fever and the cough. He comes in today because he feels that he is getting worse. He is coughing up rust-colored mucus, and the chest pain has started to make breathing even more difficult. His physical exam is normal, with the exception of tachypnea, labored breathing, coarse rhonchi through the right lung field, and decreased breath sounds on the right. Answer the following questions: What additional laboratory or radiological tests would be indicated and why? What would you expect to find? What is your diagnosis? What medication would be given and for what period of time? Discussion Question 2 LN is a twenty-six-year-old married woman who presents at the clinic with symptoms of dysuria, frequency, and urgency. Further history yields two days of these symptoms but no fever, chills, or flank pain. She describes a burning discomfort during and immediately following urination and feeling the need to void every half hour. There is no vaginal discharge, itching, or odor. She is not using birth control at this time. She requests “a urine culture and some sulfa pills.” When asked to explain, she says she has had many “bladder infections” over the past three years and “sulfa pills usually work.” She was evaluated approximately five years ago with an IV pyelography and cystogram, and “nothing was wrong.” All her vital signs are normal. Answer the following questions: What additional information would you like to collect? What is your working diagnosis? What are the contributing factors to this potential diagnosis? What treatment would you implement and why? What type of follow-up would you recommend?

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Assignment 2 Final Assignment Receiving Aid and Support during Emergencies Superstorm Sandy and Hurricane Katrina raised many

Please do not plagarize. I would like this paper to be detailed and precised 2025

Assignment 2: Final Assignment Receiving Aid and Support during Emergencies Superstorm Sandy and Hurricane Katrina raised many questions about the response of the Federal Government, and more specifically, the response of FEMA to natural disasters. FEMA was criticized for the delay in its response in parts of New York City mainly, the citizens of Long Island. On the basis of you knowledge and understanding of the process of receiving State aid under FEMA and your knowledge about the conditions during Superstorm Sandy, answer the following questions: Do you think FEMA was ready for a disaster such as Superstorm Sandy? What were some of the challenges faced by FEMA with regard to its response to Superstorm Sandy? How do you feel about the evacuation efforts on the part of several hospitals in the wake of Hurricane Sandy? In the wake of Katrina, how did the relationship between the New Orleans Mayor and the Governor of Louisiana slow the flow of FEMA aid? Should politics play a role when there is a disaster looming? List the steps to create a process map showing the various steps required to receive FEMA assistance during an emergency and disaster management (EDM). Individuals in the public health sector are often called upon to be the first responders within twenty-four hours of a bioterrorist attack. These first responders must take steps to remain safe while doing their jobs. One way to accomplish this is by using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). However, in some cases, the first responders may not have adequate training to use the PPE correctly. In other cases, the proper PPE may not be readily available in quantities that are required to protect all first responders. On the basis of your understanding of this topic, answer the following questions regarding the above scenario: What other issues that may occur when using PPE? What are your suggestions to overcome these issues to ensure that all first responders are safe when responding to a bioterrorist attack? How would you implement these suggestions? Working with other agencies can often help to gather the manpower necessary to treat an influx of patients. In times of disaster, individuals from these agencies may need to act as traditional first responders. However, in case of an outbreak of Ebola hemorrhagic fever, these individuals may be hesitant to potentially put themselves in danger. On the basis of your understanding of the topic, answer the following questions: What fears or reservations may these individuals from other agencies have about acting as traditional first responders? How would you eliminate these fears in an effort to obtain the man power necessary to treat the influx of patients? Provide suggestions. Be sure to justify your response with factual support. What would you do if you were unable to eliminate these fears? The rest of the world has had numerous experiences in dealing with attacks involving chemical weapons. Since the United States has not had any significant experience with attacks involving chemical weapons, the experiences of Europe or Israel can be used as a guide for preparing the healthcare industry in the United States for such events. Click here to read an article on terrorism attack in London: On the basis of your readings, answer the following questions: How can the events that occur in Europe and the other parts of the world assist us in securing our healthcare industry in the United States in preparing for attacks involving chemical weapons? In terms of the characteristics of each country such as the population and availability of resources, what are the similarities and dissimilarities between the United States and the United Kingdom? How will these similarities and dissimilarities affect the way the two countries plan for a disaster scenario? The use of training exercises in preparing for disaster scenarios is an important component of any emergency preparedness plan. Training exercises may be conducted at regularly planned intervals, or they can be conducted at random and without warning. Answer the following questions regarding the training exercises for preparation for an emergency or disaster scenario: What are the advantages of conducting training exercises at regularly planned intervals? Why? What are the advantages of conducting training exercises at random and without warning? Why? Under what circumstances is it most appropriate to conduct training exercises at regularly planned intervals? Why? Under what circumstances is it most appropriate to conduct unannounced training exercises? Why? Your review should be at least 8- to 10-page Microsoft Word document, not counting the cover page or the reference page. Support your responses with reasoning and examples. Cite any sources in APA format. Submission Details Name your document SU_HSC4040_W5_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc. Submit your document to the W5 Assignment 2 Dropbox by Tuesday, March 7, 2017 . Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Analyzed if FEMA was ready for a disaster such as Superstorm Sandy. 10 Explained the challenges faced by FEMA with regard to its response to Superstorm Sandy. 10 Explained the evacuation efforts on part of several hospitals in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. 10 Explained how the relationship between the New Orleans Mayor and the Governor of Louisiana slowed the flow of FEMA aid in the wake of Katrina. 10 Discussed whether politics should play a role when there is a disaster looming. 10 Created a process map showing the various steps required to receive FEMA assistance during an EDM. 10 Explained opinion on other issues that may occur when using PPE. 10 Provided suggestions to overcome these issues to ensure that all first responders are safe when responding to a bioterrorist attack and the process to implement these suggestions. 10 Analyzed fears or reservations that the individuals have from other agencies about acting as traditional first responders. 10 Provided suggestions to eliminate the fears in an effort to obtain the man power necessary to treat the influx of patients. Provided suggestions and justification with factual support. 20 Explained the actions to be taken if these fears were not eliminated. 10 Shared the opinions on how can the events that occur in Europe and the other parts of the world assist in securing our healthcare industry in the United States in preparing for attacks involving chemical weapons. 20 Explained the similarities and dissimilarities between the United States and the United Kingdom in terms of the characteristics of each country such as the population and availability of resources. Discussed how these similarities and dissimilarities will affect the way the two countries plan for a disaster scenario. 20 Discussed and explained the advantages of conducting training exercises at regularly planned intervals. Explained the advantages of conducting training exercises at random and without warning. 20 Discussed and reasoned the circumstances in which it is most appropriate to conduct training exercises at regularly planned intervals. 10 Discussed and reasoned the circumstances in which it is most appropriate to conduct unannounced training exercises. 10 Written components. 50 Total: 250

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Most adult smokers are aware of the risks related to smoking There are many commercials and

Comment 4 2025

Most adult smokers are aware of the risks related to smoking. There are many commercials and if they are lucky enough to have any type of medical care it is usually address. There are medical professionals who teach about the harm smoking does to the body yet they continue to smoke. It is not always about economic, race, education etc but maybe a choice they made when they were younger. The CDC says “If smoking continues at the current rate among youth in this country, 5.6 million of today’s Americans younger than 18 will die early from a smoking-related illness. That’s about 1 of every 13 Americans aged 17 years or younger alive today(CDC, 2016)”. I am not saying to stop trying to prevent all ages from smoking but if the focus was on prevention before it starts we may save the young people from smoking. The amount of medical care saved on treating all the damage smoking does to the body would be a relief to all. The best part would be to have healthy young non smokers who would pass it on to future generations. Can we dream? I need you to comment from this post, no more than 150 words needed and a reference, please.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Using the GCU Online Library and the Internet research three sources and write a 750 1 500 word essay on the

Using the GCU Online Library and the Internet, research three sources and write a 750-1,500-word essay on the topic provided below. Topic: There are many ethical and moral decisions to be made when drugs are available in a health care facility. As a depa 2025

Using the GCU Online Library and the Internet, research three sources and write a 750-1,500-word essay on the topic provided below. Topic: There are many ethical and moral decisions to be made when drugs are available in a health care facility. As a department manager, develop a set of procedures and protocols regarding the handling, storing, and monitoring of drugs. Be sure to include generic drugs, controlled drugs, and all charting that may be necessary. Apply your policies to Deanna, an employee who takes anti-inflammatory drugs home for her personal use.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Discuss how you would address the six components from the assigned reading Six Components

Discussion Question: Program Planning 2025

Discuss how you would address the six components from the assigned reading “Six Components . . . .” in the hypothetical program that you developed in Week 3 (Paper is attached) . Provide an overview of the hypothetical program that was developed. Describe how each component impacts the target population, the planning organization, financial costs, and key partnerships. Support your statements with scholarly references and appropriate examples. Comment on the postings of at least two of your classmates. Reference Frieden, Thomas R,M.D., M.P.H. (2014). Six components necessary for effective public health program implementation. American Journal of Public Health, 104 (1), 17-22. Retrieved from https://login.libproxy.edmc.edu/login?url=http://search.proquest.com.libproxy.edmc.edu/docview/1477881548?accountid=34899 Evaluation Criteria : Discussed the six components of program implementation. Provided an overview of the hypothetical program. Described how each of the six components impacted the target population, the responsible organization, the financial aspects, and the key partnerships. Justified your answers with appropriate research.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 perform a literature on smart card technology and write a 1 000 to 1 250 word paper that addresses the

smart card technology 2025

perform a literature on smart card technology and write a 1,000 to 1,250-word paper that addresses the topic and, specifically, the following questions: What is the history of “smart cards”? Which industries have utilized smart card technology successfully? Explain the concept of “stored value” as it applies to smart card technologies and describe how this feature might be utilized by consumers to obtain health care services. Explain how smart cards can reduce fraud and streamline administrative procedures. What are the futurist projections for the use of smart cards in 5 to 10 years? You are required to use a minimum of three qualified, current (no more than 5 years old) publication references with in-text citations for this paper. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Throughout this course you have viewed the Diary of Medical Mission Trip videos dealing with the catastrophic earthquake in

DQ#1 2025

Throughout this course, you have viewed the “Diary of Medical Mission Trip” videos dealing with the catastrophic earthquake in Haiti in 2010. Reflect on this natural disaster by answering the following questions: Propose one example of a Nursing Intervention related to the disaster from each of the following levels: Primary Prevention, Secondary Prevention, and Tertiary Prevention. Provide innovative examples that have not been discussed by a previous student. Under which phase of the disaster do the three proposed interventions fall? Explain why you chose that phase. With what people or agencies would you work in facilitating the proposed interventions and why? Link to the “Diary of Medical Mission Trip” videos: http://lc.gcumedia.com/zwebassets/courseMaterialPages/nrs427v_nrs427v.php

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Your capstone change project begins this week when you identify a problem

NR 451/439 2025

Your capstone change project begins this week when you identify a problem that you judge needs to experience a change in order to produce better patient outcomes. Formulate a significant clinical question that will be the basis for your capstone change project. Relate how you developed the question. Describe the importance of this question to your clinical practice. Define meta-analysis, and explain how this relates to evidence -based practice (EBP). Describe what a research-practice gap is. Now that you have identified your capstone change project, it is time to look its feasibility. What tangible and intangible resources will be needed to implement your project? What improved outcomes do you anticipate will occur that could indicate the project produced a successful return on investment (ROI) of these resources? How will you communicate your plan for change with key decision makers so that they will support the allocation of the resources you are seeking? How can data provide information to evaluate quality patient outcomes? Give an example of data that can reflect poor quality in care. How can quality improvement be a daily task in patient care? Why does continuous quality improvement need to be associated with change?

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 An important step in the EBP process is reviewing the current body of literature to better understand

how do the use of Curos caps reduce the risk of infections compared to using alcohol wipes for 15 seconds? 2025

An important step in the EBP process is reviewing the current body of literature to better understand the subject or topic in which you are interested. By conducting a review of the literature, you are building foundational knowledge about the topic; later, you can use this background to build new insights. Developing a strong grasp of a topic can only be garnered by taking the time to thoroughly search for relevant information and resources. For this Discussion, you will practice searching the literature to find evidence on a specific topic. To prepare: Choose a simple search term(s) relating to a topic of your PICOT question. Review the information on the evidence hierarchy discussed in Chapter 2 of the course text, in the article, “Facilitating Access to Pre-Processed Research Evidence in Public Health,” and in the multimedia presentation “Hierarchy of Evidence Pyramid,” found in this week’s Learning Resources. Review the information on the Walden Library’s website, “Levels of evidence.” Take a few minutes to explore the different types of databases available for each level of evidence and focus on the meaning of filtered and non-filtered resources. Conduct a literature search in the Walden Library on your selected topic using the databases that you reviewed. Use at least one database for each of the three levels of filtered information and at least one unfiltered database. Record the number of hits that you find at each level of the hierarchy of evidence. Select one article from the results at each level of the hierarchy. Compare the articles based on the quality and depth of information. What would be the value of each resource if you were determining an evidence-based practice?

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Here is the assignment Sex Ratio The normal male to female live birth

How do you do these charts and graphs 2025

Here is the assignment: Sex Ratio The normal male to female live birth sex ratio ranges from about 1.03 to 1.07. The sex ratio is defined as the ratio of male births to female births. You might expect boy and girl births to be equally likely, but in fact, baby boys are somewhat more common than baby girls. Higher sex ratios are thought to reflect prenatal sex selection, especially among cultures where sons are prized more heavily than daughters. We will review sex ratios in the United States as a whole, as well as in individual states, to determine whether sex ratios vary significantly among various ethnic and racial groups. To do this analysis, we will utilize natality data for the United States, provided by the Centers for Disease Control. In the first part of the assignment, we will look at sex ratios for your home state, over the time period 1995 to 2002, by race. To obtain this information: Go the CDC Wonder website , Click on Births under the WONDER Online Databases to bring you to the Natality Information screen On this screen, click Natality for 1995-2002 . On the following screen, click I Agree in order to agree to abide by the government rules for data use (primarily, concerning confidentiality). This will bring us to the Natality, 1995-2002 Request screen. In the block 1. Organize table layout , group results by year, followed by race, and then gender. In the block 2. Select maternal residence , choose your state. You can leave blocks 3 through 6 at their default values (i.e., All ). Click Send . A new screen will open, with data (births) tabulated by Year, Race , and Gender . Click Export , click Save , and a text file named Natality, _1995-2002 .txt or something similar will be downloaded onto your computer. We can now process the downloaded data in Excel. Load the text file into Excel. This will probably open the Text Import Wizard. Accept the defaults, and you should have a spreadsheet with the natality data entered. We will need to edit the data slightly before calculating sex ratios and drawing graphs of the sex ratios. To do this: Scroll down to the end of the spreadsheet, and delete the rows with the extraneous information about the dataset. (This starts on or about row 203.) You may also delete the columns with headings Year CodeRace Code, and Gender Code since we will not be using them, however this is not necessary. Next, sort the data, in order to delete some extraneous rows. Select the remaining columns, choose Data > Sort , then sort by Race in ascending order. Scroll down to the end of the worksheet, and delete all rows with blanks for Race . We will now add a new column to the worksheet for ratios. Go to the first blank column in the worksheet: this column should be immediately to the right of a column labeled Births . In the first row of this column, type Ratios . Now, we will calculate different proportions of births, using formulas in excel. It is important to use excel to do the calculation, because it will allow you to quickly complete all of the ratios. First, calculate the ratio of female births to total births for the American Indian race (female births/total births). Next, calculate the ratio of male births to total births for the American Indian race (male births/total births). Finally, calculate the ratio of male births to female births (male births/total births) If you don’t know how to do this calculation easily in Excel, please check out the screencast, which reviews this. Once you have completed the first three cells in the ratio column, you can select them and copy them. Select the remaining cells in the column and paste. You have now completed calculating all of the ratios, however, you may wish to double check to ensure that the formulas have adjusted for each cell. Once you have the Ratio column filled out, select that column, then Copy . With the column still selected you want to select, click Paste Special and then Values . This will convert the formulas you entered to numbers, so they do not change when you do the next sort. Select all the columns, then Data>Sort>Notes in ascending order. We will be graphing the sex ratios for the years 1995 to 2002, by race. Feel free to drop the two to four races that have the fewest numbers of births in your state. Draw a line chart with markers with the year along the X-axis (we are looking at 1995 through 2002) and sex ratio along the Y-axis (with sex ratios typically between 1 and 1.1, though this may vary in your state). If your version of excel has the Chart Wizard: In step two of the Chart Wizard, choose the Series tab; in this window you’ll be adding all the information for the various plots. Under category (X) axis labels, drag your mouse over the cells 1995, 1996… 2002. For values, draw your mouse over the seven successive sex ratios for the particular racial group you chose; in the name box, enter the racial group; do this for each of the groups you want to display. Select Next when you have finished with all the racial groups, and you will be brought to the Chart Options screen. Here, you can customize your graph, with a title and X and Y axis labels (i.e., your state births, year, and sex ratio respectively). Continue with Next, and finish the graph. If your version of excel does not have the Chart Wizard, you will need to do some reformatting of your data before you can create a line chart. It is good practice to create a new worksheet in order to preserve your original data. Your data should mimic the way you want your line chart to look. In this case, you want to create horizontal labels for each of the years (1995 through 2002) and vertical labels for each of the races. It should follow this format: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Race A Ratio for Race A in Year 1 Ratio for Race A in Year 2 Ratio for Race A in Year 3 Race B Ratio for Race B in Year 1 Ratio for Race B in Year 2 Ratio for Race B in Year 3 After you have reformatted your data, select all of the data, then select Insert , then Line , then Line with Markers . You should now have a line chart with each race having its own line, the ratios on the Y-axis, and the years on the X-axis. You may wish to modify the Y-axis by right-clicking on it. Your upper and lower values on the axis should be just above and below your highest and lowest ratio values. In a Word document, paste the graph you created (or, alternatively, submit your Excel workbook along with the Word document) and describe your findings, making sure to: Summarize the sex ratios for each of the racial groups. Explain whether the sex ratios are relatively constant through the 1995 to 2002 period for all of the racial groups or if there are trends? Explain any racial groups that have noticeably higher or lower sex ratios than other groups. Explain the conclusions you are drawing from your graph. In the second part of this assignment, you will undertake some formal statistical procedures with the natality data. We will repeat the previous steps, with some slight modifications. Return to the CDC Wonder website. Click on Births under the WONDER Online Databases to get to the Natality Information screen. Select Natality for 2007 – 2012 . On the next screen, click I Agree in order to agree to abide by the government rules for data use (primarily, concerning confidentiality). This will bring us to the Natality, 2007-2012 Request screen. In block 1. Organize table layout , group results by race and then gender (not year). In block 2. Select maternal residence , choose your state. You can leave block 3 at its default values (typically, All ). In block 4. Select birth characteristics ; select All Years under Year , and 1st child born alive to mother under Live Birth Order . Blocks 5 and 6 can be left at their default values. Click Send . A new screen will open, with data (births) tabulated by race and gender. Click Export , click Save , and a text file named Natality 2007-2012.txt (or something similar) will be downloaded onto your computer. We have only four racial groups in this dataset: American Indians or Alaska Natives, Asian or Pacific Islanders, Black or African Americans, and Whites. Using the normal approximation to the binomial distribution (without continuity correction), calculate z statistics for assessing whether the proportion of boys is .51 in each of the 4 racial groups, where n is the total number of births in a particular cohort, p = .51, q = 1 – p = .49, and x is the number of boy births; z = ((x – np) / sqrt(npq) ) . Under the null hypothesis that the proportion of boys should be 0.51, and under the normal approximation to the binomial distribution, the z statistics should have (approximately) standard normal distributions, (mean 0, standard deviation 1). Do any of the z statistics suggest that the proportion of boy births in any particular racial group differs significantly from .51? Comment on your findings in your written report. Describe whether you think your results would change if we hadn’t limited consideration to the first-born. Assignment should be at least 250-500 words in APA format supported by scholarly sources.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025