2025 Pain Management Case Study Write at least a one sentence rationale Ellen Watson

can you deliver in 8 hours? 2025

Pain Management- Case Study: Write at least a one-sentence rationale. Ellen Watson is a 65-year-old white woman who just had a colon resection for a cancerous tumor. The surgeon ordered a morphine PCA pump to control the pain. Mrs. Watson has severe arthritis in her hands and lower back. She is on a daily NSAID to control the pain related to the arthritis. Her daughter Marie is staying with her during the hospitalization because Mrs. Watson is a widow. Mrs. Watson has not had surgery before, so she is not sure what to expect. She is upset about the diagnosis of cancer. Lana Bridges is a student nurse assigned to care for Mrs. Watson. She is in her last clinical rotation and will be administering all medications with her instructor’s supervision. Lana goes in to meet Mrs. Watson, and Mrs. Watson is holding her abdomen and is restless. She is pale. Lana asks Mrs. Watson to rate her pain on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the worst pain you could have. Mrs. Watson tells Lana that it is a 9. Lana checks the PCA pump and notices that Mrs. Watson has not been pushing the button for medication delivery. What should Lana do to alleviate the pain? Answer (10 points): Rationale (10 points): 2. Mrs. Watson tells Lana that she is worried about getting addicted to the morphine because she has heard that it can happen. How should Lana respond? A. “Don’t worry. The cancer prevents you from becoming addicted.” B. “It is okay. Because you have severe pain, the medication is necessary. There is little chance of addiction.” C. “That is a valid worry. I wouldn’t want to become addicted.” D. “My cousin was addicted to pain killers when he had cancer.” Answer (10 points): Rationale (10 points): 3. Lana is developing Mrs. Watson’s care plan. She wants to add more interventions and not just deliver pain medication. What are some other nursing actions that would be helpful to Mrs. Watson? ( Select all that apply .) A. Relaxation techniques B. Distractions such as music C. Cold or heat applications D. Massage Answer (2 points each): Rationale (10 points): 4. Lana is assigned to Mrs. Watson 2 days later. While she is in the room, Mrs. Watson tells Lana that she is afraid of the cancer because there is always so much pain associated with it. She asks Lana how to they treat cancer pain. How should Lana respond to this question? Answer (10 points): Rationale (10 points): 5. Visit the American Pain Society website (www.ampainsoc.org), access the resources page (http://americanpainsociety.org/education/resources), and report three facts new to them about pain management or resources. Fact One (3 points) Fact Two (3 Points) Fact Three (3 points) 6. How can knowledge gained from the new facts about pain management improve nursing practice (14 points )?

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 A new director decides to reorganize the department you work in This reorganization comes about without input from the

Discussion Board 2025

A new director decides to reorganize the department you work in. This reorganization comes about without input from the employees and many of the nurses that you oversee are feeling resentful of the change. As a nurse leader, identify factors that may lead to conflict and ways you can manage them. Nursing tutors only!!! Must be 2-3 paragraphs with at least one reference Each paragraph should be 3-5 sentences in length

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 This week s primary source readings work in conjunction with the lecture about Republican

Primary Source Analysis Assignment #2: Republican Women 2025

This week’s primary source readings work in conjunction with the lecture about Republican women. They demonstrate the ways in which women, despite the limitations often placed on them in this time period (after the American Revolution) were attempting to have some influence over their own lives and the ways they responded to criticism that they were intellectually inferior to men. Think critically while reading. After you have read and understand the source you will then compose a response to the following questions. Be sure to cite the page numbers (or sections) of the source in parenthesis ( MLA in text citation ) each time you refer to ideas that come directly from the source, or if you use word for word phrases from the source. Your response should be in your own words. You can upload your responses in a word file, OR you can cut & paste your response in the text entry box below. Primary Analysis Questions (Copy & Paste the questions into a new file or the text entry box): “Equality of the Sexes,”by Judith Sargent Murray (1790) 1.  What activities are women expected to occupy themselves with? How does Murray view these tasks? What impact do they have on women and popular perceptions of women? Explain. 2.  According to Murray do women have the right to the same education as men? Why or why not? 3.  What reasons does Murray give to argue that women are equal to men? “One Woman’s Quest to Provide Higher Education for Women.” 1.  What was the primary goal of early female education at girls’ academies and schools? What type of education did they receive and why did many fear higher education for women? 2.  In the 19 th century what prevented most working or educated women from pursuing careers? 3.  How did women like Emma Hart Willard transform ides about higher education for women? In what ways did she deal with negative attitudes regarding female education?

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 In a personal reflection of 1 000 words consider how a Christian might

Christianity and the Religions Essay 2025

In a personal reflection of 1,000– words, consider how a Christian might benefit from a study of other religions by addressing the following: Can Christian dialogue with other religious traditions be a part of the calling to proclaim the Gospel? What can Christians learn from other religious traditions? Can religious experiences or teachings in other faiths be validated? How can Christians think critically about their encounters with members of other faiths? Be sure to support your personal reflections with examples and constructive thought Classroom Resources 1. Aren’t all Religions the Same? Read “Aren’t all Religions the Same?” by Ewing, from the RZIM website. http://www.rzim.org/a-slice-of-infinity/arent-all-religions-the-same/ 2. Don’t all Religions lead to God? Read “Don’t all Religions lead to God?” by Ewing, from the RZIM website. http://www.rzim.org/a-slice-of-infinity/dont-all-religions-lead-to-god/ 3. Isn’t Christianity Arrogant? Read “Isn’t Christianity Arrogant?” by Bannister, from the RZIM website. http://www.rzim.org/a-slice-of-infinity/isnt-christianity-arrogant/ 4. The Global Christian Population: An Interactive Feature Read “The Global Christian Population: An Interactive Feature,” from the Pew Research Religion & Public Life Project. http://features.pewforum.org/global-christianity/map.php

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 How do physical facilities influence the educational process 150 words NB The post should include appropriate foundation knowledge

Discussion Question 2 How Do Physical Facilities Influence the Educational Process 2025

How do physical facilities influence the educational process? 150 words. NB: The post should include appropriate foundation knowledge, be factual, enhance the ongoing dialogue, and include support from scholarly literature. It is for this reason that a majority of a learners’ substantive participant posts should include at least one citation. Reference website: NCEF (National Clearing House for Educational Facilities to retrieve the data. Gordon, D. (2010). Teacher workspaces. National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities. Retrieved from http://www.ncef.org/pubs/teacherspace.pdf

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 How do physical facilities influence the educational process 150 words NB The post should include appropriate foundation knowledge be

Discussion Question 2 How Do Physical Facilities Influence the Educational Process 2025

How do physical facilities influence the educational process? 150 words. NB: The post should include appropriate foundation knowledge, be factual, enhance the ongoing dialogue, and include support from scholarly literature. It is for this reason that a majority of a learners’ substantive participant posts should include at least one citation. Reference website: NCEF (National Clearing House for Educational Facilities to retrieve the data. Gordon, D. (2010). Teacher workspaces. National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities. Retrieved from http://www.ncef.org/pubs/teacherspace.pdf

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 In a personal reflection of 1 000 words consider how a Christian might benefit from a study of other religions

Christianity and the Religions Essay 2025

In a personal reflection of 1,000– words, consider how a Christian might benefit from a study of other religions by addressing the following: Can Christian dialogue with other religious traditions be a part of the calling to proclaim the Gospel? What can Christians learn from other religious traditions? Can religious experiences or teachings in other faiths be validated? How can Christians think critically about their encounters with members of other faiths? Be sure to support your personal reflections with examples and constructive thought Classroom Resources 1. Aren’t all Religions the Same? Read “Aren’t all Religions the Same?” by Ewing, from the RZIM website. http://www.rzim.org/a-slice-of-infinity/arent-all-religions-the-same/ 2. Don’t all Religions lead to God? Read “Don’t all Religions lead to God?” by Ewing, from the RZIM website. http://www.rzim.org/a-slice-of-infinity/dont-all-religions-lead-to-god/ 3. Isn’t Christianity Arrogant? Read “Isn’t Christianity Arrogant?” by Bannister, from the RZIM website. http://www.rzim.org/a-slice-of-infinity/isnt-christianity-arrogant/ 4. The Global Christian Population: An Interactive Feature Read “The Global Christian Population: An Interactive Feature,” from the Pew Research Religion & Public Life Project. http://features.pewforum.org/global-christianity/map.php

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 This week s primary source readings work in conjunction with the lecture about Republican women They demonstrate the ways

Primary Source Analysis Assignment #2: Republican Women 2025

This week’s primary source readings work in conjunction with the lecture about Republican women. They demonstrate the ways in which women, despite the limitations often placed on them in this time period (after the American Revolution) were attempting to have some influence over their own lives and the ways they responded to criticism that they were intellectually inferior to men. Think critically while reading. After you have read and understand the source you will then compose a response to the following questions. Be sure to cite the page numbers (or sections) of the source in parenthesis ( MLA in text citation ) each time you refer to ideas that come directly from the source, or if you use word for word phrases from the source. Your response should be in your own words. You can upload your responses in a word file, OR you can cut & paste your response in the text entry box below. Primary Analysis Questions (Copy & Paste the questions into a new file or the text entry box): “Equality of the Sexes,”by Judith Sargent Murray (1790) 1.  What activities are women expected to occupy themselves with? How does Murray view these tasks? What impact do they have on women and popular perceptions of women? Explain. 2.  According to Murray do women have the right to the same education as men? Why or why not? 3.  What reasons does Murray give to argue that women are equal to men? “One Woman’s Quest to Provide Higher Education for Women.” 1.  What was the primary goal of early female education at girls’ academies and schools? What type of education did they receive and why did many fear higher education for women? 2.  In the 19 th century what prevented most working or educated women from pursuing careers? 3.  How did women like Emma Hart Willard transform ides about higher education for women? In what ways did she deal with negative attitudes regarding female education?

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 This is a CLC assignment The Instructor will assign CLC groups for this project You will

HIS-144 Week 7 Early American Wars Worksheet 2025

This is a CLC assignment. The Instructor will assign CLC groups for this project. You will work with your group to complete the “Early American Wars” worksheet. One person in the each group will submit a final group-completed worksheet. The group member that will be compiling the content from each group member should document the work of each person and submit that according to the directions from the instructor with the completed worksheet. Follow the instructions listed below. Complete the work sheet by answering each prompt addressing one of the following wars: the French and Indian War, the American Revolution, or the War of 1812. Use a minimum of 3 of the sources provided to support your assignment. Be sure to cite your sources in-text and in the reference section at the bottom of the worksheet.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Create an Innovation 1200 words Evaluate the internal processes or strategies within

CLC, Phase 2 Developing the Implementation Plan 2025

Create an Innovation, 1200 words Evaluate the internal processes or strategies within an organization in which you are involved, such as your workplace, school, church, or community group, in order to identify a problem that provides an opportunity for innovation. Then, determine an innovative solution for addressing that problem. Examples of potential solutions are entering a new market, implementing a new practice or process, or even changing management structures. The ultimate goal of your solution should be to increase the diffusion of innovation within the organization and contribute to a culture that appreciates innovation as a key to competitive advantage and organizational success. Though your final paper will not be due until the end of the course, you should identify your problem and generate potential solutions early on. Begin drafting your implementation plan in stages as you work through the course topics. As with your CLC project, you should research and select a model for evaluating both the feasibility of your idea and the implementation plan. Describe the problem your innovation targets. What is the scope of the problem and which stakeholders, both within the organization and without, does it impact? Describe your innovation and explain how it addresses the problem. How will it meet the needs of the organization and all stakeholders involved? How does the innovation contribute to the organization’s competitive advantage? Develop an implementation plan for effectively diffusing the innovation within the organization. Make sure the plan addresses potential resistance and obstacles, including people and processes. Identify an appropriate method that could be used for measuring the impact of the innovation on the organization. Explain why you think this is a relevant measure. Finally, assume your innovation is adopted by the organization. Make recommendations for additional improvements within in this organization (in processes, practices, structures, etc.) that could create and sustain momentum for innovation. Include at least eight in-text citations from at least five secondary resources from your research . Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025