2025 Continuous quality improvement CQI is the responsibility of all nurses and is vital when addressing

Discussion Board 5 2025

Continuous quality improvement (CQI) is the responsibility of all nurses and is vital when addressing the challenges of the health care industry. Provide an example of how you would apply CQI in your current or past position. Posts must be 2-3 paragraphs in length and each paragraph should be 3-5 sentences at a minimum. Minimum of 1 reference. 100% Plagerism Free

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 The Myth of Lobbyists Description Part I Lobbyists have been part of the U S

The Myth of Lobbyists Module 2 2025

The Myth of Lobbyists Description Part I: Lobbyists have been part of the U.S. Government system since the early 1800s. Lobbyists play an important role in healthcare, as they are advocates for their interest group. In a 4-5 page paper, analyze two examples of how lobbyists affect healthcare legislation. Conclude your paper with your opinion about whether the actions of lobbyists have a positive or negative effect on healthcare legislation in the United States. Please keep in mind the position and facility you selected. Make sure to include the following: Discuss the specific interest of the lobbyist in each example. Discuss in detail some of the ethical issues and moral disputes for each example. Discuss your position on whether the lobbyists’ actions are positive or negative on healthcare legislation in the United States and support your points with details. This portion of your assignment will require you to research and examine information from various sources. Use a minimum of five credible sources for your paper, with three being an academic source from the Rasmussen College Online Library (don’t forget to include in-text citations throughout your paper with paraphrasing or quoting) Make sure to include your APA formatted reference page. Part II: An agenda can set the tone for a meeting. It’s an important tool to ensure meetings are staying on track and meeting all of the objectives. Create a detailed meeting agenda for a meeting you will hold with your supervisor and fellow department heads discussing your findings (Hint: Microsoft Word has many agenda templates). SkillSurfer in the online tutoring platform offers beginner, intermediate, and advanced tutorials on Microsoft Office products. Make sure to include the following in our agenda: Explain each example The majority of the agenda should be focused on whether the actions of lobbyists have a positive or negative effect on healthcare legislation in the United States. Make sure to use audience specific language and tone in your agenda. Remember, your supervisor and other department heads will be in attendance. Also, make sure to follow proper agenda/business formatting guidelines and make sure document is professional in appearance.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Since its inception the only consistent thing about Medicare is constant change Discuss your thoughts

Discussion Module 3 2025

Since its inception, the only consistent thing about Medicare is constant change. Discuss your thoughts on the evolution and future of Medicare. For example, is Medicare in the best interest of our country? Should it be more commercialized? Has the program gotten away from its original purpose? Is this a program best run by private companies or the different levels of government? Be sure to defend your opinion with details and examples.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Professional Development Objectives In Week 1 you developed your practicum professional development objectives How have your experiences thus far

Professional Development Objectives 2025

Professional Development Objectives In Week 1, you developed your practicum professional development objectives. How have your experiences thus far in the practicum contributed to your growth as nurse leader-manager or nurse informaticist? What difficulties, if any, have you experienced, and how might this affect the achievement of your objectives? In this Discussion, you assess your progress toward fulfilling your practicum professional development objectives and consider how you could enhance or alter your activities to achieve your aims. To prepare: Reflect on the practicum professional development objectives you developed and outlined in your Practicum Professional Experience Plan in Week 1. Keeping in mind the practicum activities you have engaged in thus far, consider the following questions: How have these activities helped to promote your professional development? Are you satisfied with your progress toward meeting your objectives? If not, what will you do to ensure you achieve them before the end of your Practicum Experience? As a reminder, you must complete all of your practicum hours on or before Day 5 of Week 11. What challenges or unexpected opportunities have arisen at your practicum site? How has this affected your professional development? Think about the experiences you may have in the forthcoming weeks. Do you foresee any particular challenges on the horizon? If so, what is your plan for addressing those challenges? Think about the time you have spent with your Preceptor. How has this time enhanced or changed your understanding of the role and functions of the nurse leader-manager or nurse informaticist?

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Discussion Validity in Quantitative Research Designs Validity in research refers to the extent researchers can

Discussion: Validity in Quantitative Research Designs 2025

Discussion: Validity in Quantitative Research Designs Validity in research refers to the extent researchers can be confident that the cause and effect they identify in their research are in fact causal relationships. If there is low validity in a study, it usually means that the research design is flawed and the results will be of little or no value. Four different aspects of validity should be considered when reviewing a research design: statistical conclusion validity, internal validity, construct validity, and external validity. In this Discussion, you consider the importance of each of these aspects in judging the validity of quantitative research. To prepare: Review the information in Chapter 10 of the course text on rigor and validity. Read the method section of one of the following quasi-experimental studies (also located in this week’s Learning Resources). Identify at least one potential concern that could be raised about the study’s internal validity. Metheny, N. A., Davis-Jackson, J., & Stewart, B. J. (2010). Effectiveness of an aspiration risk-reduction protocol. Nursing Research, 59 (1), 18–25. Padula, C. A., Hughes, C., & Baumhover, L. (2009). Impact of a nurse-driven mobility protocol on functional decline in hospitalized older adults. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 24 (4), 325–331. Yuan, S., Chou, M., Hwu, L., Chang, Y., Hsu, W., & Kuo, H. (2009). An intervention program to promote health-related physical fitness in nurses. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 18 (10), 1,404–1,411. Consider strategies that could be used to strengthen the study’s internal validity and how this would impact the three other types of validity. Think about the consequences of an advanced practice nurse neglecting to consider the validity of a research study when reviewing the research for potential use in developing an evidence-based practice. Post the title of the study that you selected and your analysis of the potential concerns that could be raised about the study’s internal validity. Propose recommendations to strengthen the internal validity and assess the effect your changes could have with regard to the other three types of validity. Discuss the dangers of failing to consider the validity of a research study.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 You will choose 1 article from a peer reviewed journal related to a topic that aligns with the course objectives

nutritonal 2025

You will choose 1 article from a peer reviewed journal related to a topic that aligns with the course objectives. Please review the posted link in the project tab on Blackboard to determine where to locate peer reviewed journal articles. You may want to avoid systematic reviews, literature reviews, meta-analyses or qualitative studies as these will not lend well to the critique process. You will critically review 1 peer reviewed article related to nutrition . Critique Instructions: Address all points clearly and concisely to stay within the page limit. When submitting this you will also need to attach the original article that you are reviewing. Use the drop off link to attach both files. At minimum your critique should address these elements: 0.5 pt – APA citation of article Section 1 – Elements influencing the believability of the research: 0.5 pt – Writing Style – describe the writing style 0.5 pt – Author(s), credibility of the author(s) 0.5 pt – Report title – does the title match the report? length? attracting? 1.5 pts – Abstract – does the abstract summarize the research question, methods, data analysis, results and conclusion? Section 2 – Elements influencing the robustness of the research: 2.5 pts – Purpose/research problem – What is the research problem or research hypothesis? Is the problem clearly identified? Is the significance of the problem noted and described? Does the paper clarify the aim of the study? Is there a clear link between the conceptual theory and the research question? Is the study practical? 1 pts – Logical consistency – is there good flow? Organization? Are ideas presented clearly and well defined? 2.5 pts – Literature review – Describe the review of the literature. Are the references up to date? How is the literature organized? Do previous studies lead toward the study or research question? Is the rationale and direction for the study indicated in the lit review? 1.5 pts – Theoretical Framework – Are any models, theories, constructs used or presented in the development of the framework for this study? Is it logical? 1.5 pts – Aims/objectives – are the aims of the study well established? Does this align with the theoretical framework? 2 pts – Sample – who, sample size, exclusion criteria, inclusion criteria, generalizability to the population 2 pts – Ethical Consideration – does the study describe ethical concerns? IRB approval, steps described? 1 pts – Operational Definitions – are new terms, definitions clearly defined in a logical manner for the reader? 3 pts – Methodology – what were the methods? Can you reproduce this study? Are there any concerns with the methods? 2 pts – Data analysis/results – describe the data analysis procedures and results – were any results significant? 2 pts – Discussion/Conclusion – does the discussion add to the topic and the results section? Does this include implications for further research? Does the conclusion discuss limitations of the study? 0.5 pt – References – were references up to date, from credible source

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Discussion Defining and Measuring Quality in Health Care Organizations Quality is never an accident It

NURS 6231: HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS AND QUALITY OUTCOMES – Discussion 6 (Grading Rubic and Media Attached) 2025

Discussion: Defining and Measuring Quality in Health Care Organizations Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort. —John Ruskin Quality is multidimensional and involves the perspectives of various stakeholders, including patients and families. As noted in this week’s Learning Resources, defining quality is not a simple, straightforward task. Yet, it provides an essential foundation for being able to measure and assess quality, and, ultimately, to improve it. In this Discussion, you consider definitions and measurements of quality. As you proceed, think about why it is important for organizations to be able to quantify quality and compare current performance to previous performance, to a set of standards, and/or to performance in other organizations. To prepare: Review the information in the Learning Resources, especially the chapters in the Sadeghi, Brazi, Mikhail, and Shabot course text, focusing on how quality is or could be defined and measured. Think about a health care organization with which you are familiar. It may be the same organization you are focusing on for your Course Project, or a different one. How do you think various stakeholders in this organization would define quality? How would you define quality as it relates to this organization? Review the information on quality standards and / or aims in the Learning Resources, and consider the following: Which outcomes related to quality are currently being monitored in the organization that you have selected? How is related data collected and evaluated? Does the organization use health information technology in this regard? If so, how? How is quality-related information (e.g., data, needs for improvement) communicated throughout the organization? What do you consider to be the strengths and weaknesses of the current approach to quality in this organization? Post a definition of quality for your selected organization. Describe at least one quality-related measure that is currently being monitored within the organization. Summarize the data collection process for this measure, and explain how this information is communicated to or among the staff. Identify at least one strength and one weakness related to how quality is defined, measured, and/or monitored within the organization. Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses. Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days using one or more of the following approaches: Compare the organizations’ definitions of quality. Share an insight about how your colleague’s data and information could be used to formulate a quality initiative. Suggest additional options for tracking data. Provide an additional resource to assist a colleague with his or her plan for keeping staff informed and engaged. Use the below link: http://www.ihi.org/resources/Pages/HowtoImprove/ScienceofImprovementEstablishingMeasures.aspx Required Readings Hickey, J. V., & Brosnan, C. A. (2017). Evaluation of health care quality in for DNPs (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company. Chapter 6, “Evaluating of Health Care Information Systems and Patient Care Technology” (pp. 143-170) This chapter examines federally mandated use of health information technology to improve health care and care delivery. Sadeghi, S., Barzi, A., Mikhail, O., & Shabot, M. (2013). Integrating quality and strategy in health care organizations. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Review Chapter 3, “General Concepts in Quality” (pp. 45–82) (assigned in Week 4) The authors discuss historical perspectives of quality in various industries, and explain the multifaceted nature of defining quality in health care settings. Chapter 4, “Current State of Quality Measurement: External Dynamics” (pp. 83–98) This chapter describes many of the government, nonprofit, and for-profit groups / organizations that contribute to the establishment quality standards and support research to improve the quality of health care. Chapter 5, “Current State of Quality Measurement: Internal Dynamics” (pp. 99–110) This chapter focuses on mandatory and voluntary quality measurement in organizations. Chapter 6, “Measuring Quality of Inpatient Care” (pp. 111–132) This chapter explains the terminology use in quality measurement (e.g., measures, indicators, metrics), and notes that measurement is a critical foundation for the ultimate aim of creating effective changes to improve quality. Chapter 8, “Quantifying the Quality Performance Gaps” (pp. 161–177) This chapter addresses how to quantify current performance and set targets. Epstein, J. N., Langberg, J. M., Lichtenstein, P. K., Kolb, R. C., & Stark, L. J. (2010). Sustained improvement in pediatricians’ ADHD practice behaviors in the context of a community-based quality improvement initiative. Children’s Health Care, 39(4), 296–311. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. Researchers evaluate a quality improvement project on pediatric care of ADHD patients and the sustainability of the improvement over a two-year period. Gardner, K., Bailie, R., Si, D., O’Donoghue, L., Kennedy, C., Liddle, H., . . . Beaver, C. (2011). Reorienting primary health care for addressing chronic conditions in remote Australia and the South Pacific: Review of evidence and lessons from an innovative quality improvement process. The Australian Journal of Rural Health, 19(3), 111–117. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. The authors review data from continuous quality improvement projects, and also discuss key features of continuous quality improvement projects and requirements for supporting an initiative on a larger scale. Institute of Medicine. (2001). Crossing the quality chasm: A new health system for the 21st century. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. This report outlines the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM’s) six aims to improve the quality of health care. Knox, L. M., & Aspy, C. B. (2011). Quality improvement as a tool for translating evidence based interventions into practice: What the youth violence prevention community can learn from healthcare. American Journal of Community Psychology, 48(1-2), 56–64. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. This article discusses evidenced-based practice, how it can be used to not only improve healthcare, but also performance in other fields such as youth and family services. Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (2011). Science of improvement: Establishing measures. Retrieved from http://www.ihi.org/knowledge/Pages/HowtoImprove/ScienceofImprovementEstablishingMeasures.aspx This piece outlines central tenets of measurement for improvement purposes. Document: Evidence Matrix (Word document)

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 1 Click this link to complete the Learning Theories Interactive Case Study following the readings


1.Click this link to complete the Learning Theories Interactive Case Study following the readings and presentation for this week. Associate what you have learned about the theories to this case study, and then see the instructions below to complete a journal entry about your experience. Click the Learning Theories Journal link above. Once opened, select the Learning Theories Case Study Reflective Journal and follow the instructions listed within the journal. This is your your last case study for the course. Each journal entry reflection should be a minimum of five to six paragraphs. ** 2 pages per person** TOTAL 6 pages 2. The purpose of this assignment is to draft and submit a comprehensive and complete rough draft of your Nursing Theory Comparison paper in APA format. Your rough draft should include all of the research paper elements of a final draft, which are listed below. This will give you an opportunity for feedback from your instructor before you submit your final draft during week 7. Based on the reading assignment ( McEwen & Wills, Theoretical Basis for Nursing, Unit II: Nursing Theories, chapters 6–9), select a grand nursing theory. After studying and analyzing the approved theory, write about this theory, including an overview of the theory and specific examples of how it could be applied in your own clinical setting. Based on the reading assignment ( McEwen & Wills, Theoretical Basis for Nursing, Unit II: Nursing Theories, chapters 10 and 11), select a middle-range theory. After studying and analyzing the approved theory, write about this theory, including an overview of the theory and specific examples of how it could be applied in your own clinical setting. The following should be included: An introduction, including an overview of both selected nursing theories Background of the theories Philosophical underpinnings of the theories Major assumptions, concepts, and relationships Clinical applications/usefulness/value to extending nursing science testability Comparison of the use of both theories in nursing practice Specific examples of how both theories could be applied in your specific clinical setting Parsimony Conclusion/summary References: Use the course text and a minimum of three additional sources, listed in APA format The paper should be 8–10 pages long and based on instructor-approved theories. It should be typed in Times New Roman with 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1″ margins. APA format must be used, including a properly formatted cover page, in-text citations, and a reference list. The proper use of headings in APA format is also required. – For this work I will give you the topics you will be talking about. I had to choose them last time. ** 9 PAGES per person** total 27 PAGES 3. Create a pamphlet using any type of publisher software you choose to educate clients on a current patient safety issue; for example, a currently aging adult and how to care for his/herself at home, medication-polypharmacy and how a patient can not make a self medication error, or other appropriate safety issues. If you have a question about a specific topic, check with your instructor. Your pamphlet must include the following items: Include at least 5 tips for preventive care for the patient. Include information that should be shared with family or caregivers. Include local resources in the community that might be available for this type of safety concern. Include at least 3 current (published less than 5 years ago) references, in APA format. ** 2 PAGES per person** TOTAL 6 pages

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Medicare Regulations Medicare is a federally regulated program that mandates compliance to its standards through state and

Please help with homework 2025

Medicare Regulations Medicare is a federally regulated program that mandates compliance to its standards through state and federal oversight. One of the primary purposes of Medicare regulations is the protection of its recipients. Medicare Advantage is part of the Medicare Modernization Act, which was passed in 2003. Search the Internet by using the following keywords: Medicare regulations Centers for Medicare Medicaid services On the basis of your research, answer the following questions: What are the purposes of Medicare regulations other than the one mentioned above? How will the federal government enforce compliance in the Medicare Advantage program? Which two other Medicare regulations do you think are the most important for managed care organizations and why? Do you think Medicare and Medicaid programs face challenges from the perspectives of providers, the government, and consumers (recipients of Medicare or Medicaid)? Why or why not? What are the different services provided by the Medicare and Medicaid programs? Do you feel there is a need to have two different programs? Why or why not? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Medicare programs such as Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D. Do you think Medicare Advantage programs ensure the survivability of Medicare? Why or why not? Additionally, respond to the questions given below after reading the following information in regard to control of managed care organizations at the state level. States have a broad range of control of managed health care organizations. The main interests of the states are to protect the interest of the consumer and regulate the structure of MCOs. Discuss the regulatory structure used to regulate MCOs and health insurers at the state level. Discuss how states came to be the primary regulators of insurance. Evaluate the most critical components of state oversight of HMO operations. Review the licensing requirements for MCOs in your state and describe the specific requirements to obtain a Certificate of Authority (COA). Compare to the requirements discussed in the course textbook. What are the protections available to consumers under the law in your state? Compare these protections to what is discussed in the textbook. In your opinion, are the state regulations designed for the consumers, or are they designed for the MCOs? Use your course and text readings to support your answer.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Use MS Word to complete Questions to be Graded Exercises 29 and 35 in Statistics for Nursing

A Workbook for Evidence-Based Practice 2025

Use MS Word to complete “Questions to be Graded: Exercises 29 and 35” in Statistics for Nursing Research: A Workbook for Evidence-Based Practice . Submit your work in SPSS by copying the output and pasting into the Word document. In addition to the SPSS output, please include explanations of the results where appropriate.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025