2025 For this assignment use the information and knowledge you gathered in writing your nursing issues paper in

for phyllis young 2025

For this assignment, use the information and knowledge you gathered in writing your nursing issues paper in Unit 2 and your policy boundaries paper in Unit 5. This helps to provide an analysis of the current policy, which directs care around your selected nursing or health care issue. Write a 3–5 page policy analysis paper. Remember that policy can be formed from legislation, executive orders, court decisions, and governmental or professional regulations. Apply the ethics of care analysis framework and consider: How attentive is the policy to the needs of health care consumers? Is health care accessible, affordable, and appropriate? Who is responsible for ensuring that care is delivered to those in need? In what ways do they meet this responsibility? In what ways do they fall short? How competent is the system of care that is responsible for the delivery of care on all levels, from individual staff to administration? How responsive is the system of care to those in need of care? Is the system more responsive to some than others? Who gets left out? What are the consequences of this policy in terms of quality of care and access to care? Who suffers and in what ways? How well does the policy reflect nursing’s values of caring, collaboration, collectivity, and high-touch care? How well does the policy reflect the ethics of care philosophy and principles? What are the power relations between those in need of care and those providing care (both the institutions and its individual members)? How empowering is the policy for patients, for nursing care providers, and for institutions in the health care system? To what extent does the policy support the provision of comprehensive care? To what extent does it fragment care? What challenges to care or gaps in care does this policy present? What ethical issues does this policy raise in the delivery of care, and in the maintenance or creation of health disparities? Cite a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources with the majority being peer-reviewed sources. Be sure to find and use policy evaluation studies in addition to other empirical research to support your analysis. Your reference list should be appropriate to the body of literature available on this topic that has been published in the past five years. Use APA style and formatting throughout your paper and when citing your sources. Criteria Non-performance Basic Proficient Distinguished Provide an analysis of the current policy directing care around the health care or nursing issue. 48% Does not provide an analysis of the current policy directing care around the health care or nursing issue. Superficially lists features of the current policy directing care around the health care or nursing issue. Provides an analysis of the current policy directing care around the health care or nursing issue. Provides a detailed analysis of the current policy directing care around the health care or nursing issue, and provides supporting examples. Apply the ethics of care analysis framework. 47% Does not apply the ethics of care analysis framework. Analyzes, but does not apply, the ethics of care analysis framework. Applies the ethics of care analysis framework. Synthesizes the ethics of care analysis framework. Effectively communicates by integrating research into written documents that follow APA format, as well as the consistent use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of a nursing professional. 5% Does not effectively communicate by integrating research into written documents that follow APA format, as well as the consistent use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of a nursing professional. Communicates by integrating research into written documents that lack consistency in APA format, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of a nursing professional. Effectively communicates by integrating research into written documents that follow APA format, as well as the consistent use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of a nursing professional. Effectively communicates by integrating research into written documents that follow APA format, as well as the consistent use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of a nursing professional and leader.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 For your final assignment for this project Synthesize and compile all of the previously submitted course project components into a

for phyllis young 2025

For your final assignment for this project: Synthesize and compile all of the previously submitted course project components into a single page paper in which you evaluate and critique the efficacy of health care and nursing policies to ameliorate a health care or nursing problem, drawing from previously submitted assignments. Note : Refer to the assignments you submitted in Units 2, 5, and 8, and be sure to cite yourself when using previous work. Include 5–7 pages, excluding cover page, abstract, table of contents, and reference list. Include a minimum of 10 references; five should be peer-reviewed journal articles published within the last five years. Use APA style and formatting for your paper and citing your references. Use your interpretation of the empirical research and the application of relevant theoretical frameworks and assess the extent to which the policies effectively address the health care and nursing problem. Discuss ethical concerns related to this policy and health care problem as well. Draw some conclusions about the current state of affairs regarding the policy and health care issue, noting gaps in care, ethical issues, and health disparities, based upon your policy analysis and evaluation. Make recommendations for policy changes that would ameliorate the gaps in health care and nursing policy, from an ethics of care perspective, based on your conclusions. Provide rationale, and empirical and theoretical supports for your recommendations. Suggest some methods for creating change within the legislative, judicial, or regulatory processes. Revise all components included in the final paper, based on feedback you receive from your instructor. Include any elements that were not developed in the course project components, but are necessary for the unity and understanding of your project. Criteria Non-performance Basic Proficient Distinguished Distinguish the social, historical, and political context of the researched theories and methods found in the literature. 19% Does not distinguish the social, historical, or political context of the research theories and methods found in the literature. Partially distinguishes the social, historical, or political context of the research theories and methods found in the literature. Distinguishes the social, historical, or political context of the research theories and methods found in the literature. Distinguishes the social, historical, or political context of the research theories and methods found in the literature with course concepts. Identify, describe, and discuss policies that define health care and nursing practice with the selected problem. 19% Does not identify, describe, or discuss policies that define health care and nursing practice with the selected problem. Partially identifies, describes, or discusses policies that define health care and nursing practice with the selected problem. Identifies, describes, and discusses policies that define health care and nursing practice with the selected problem. Identifies, describes, and discusses policies that define health care and nursing practice with the selected problem in an integrated manner that explicitly and implicitly ties policy to current practices. Analyze current policies directing care around a selected nursing or health care issue using the ethics of care framework, including the ethical, political, social, and theoretical perspectives that inform the policy. 19% Does not describe current policies directing care around a selected nursing or health care issue using the ethics of care framework, and neglects the ethical, political, social, or theoretical perspectives that inform the policy. Describes current policies directing care around a selected nursing or health care issue, but does not use the ethics of care framework, and neglects or incompletely addresses the ethical, political, social, or theoretical perspectives that inform the policy. Analyzes current policies directing care around a selected nursing or health care issue using the ethics of care framework, including the ethical, political, social, or theoretical perspectives that inform the policy. Draws rational conclusions from an analysis of current policies directing care around a selected nursing or health care issue. Uses the ethics of care framework, and includes all ethical, political, social, or theoretical perspectives that inform the policy. Evaluate the efficacy of health and nursing policies to ameliorate a nursing problem and ethical concerns of care. 19% Does not describe the efficacy of health and nursing policies to ameliorate a nursing problem and ethical concerns of care. Partially describes the efficacy of health and nursing policies to ameliorate a nursing problem and ethical concerns of care. Evaluates the efficacy of health and nursing policies to ameliorate a nursing problem and ethical concerns of care. Analyzes and evaluates the efficacy of health and nursing policies to ameliorate a nursing problem and ethical concerns of care. With support from the theoretical and empirical literature, make recommendations for policy change and strategies for achieving policy change. 19% Does not make recommendations for policy change or strategies for achieving policy change. Makes recommendations for policy change and suggestions of strategies for achieving change, but does not use theoretical and empirical to support the recommendations. With support from the theoretical and empirical literature, makes recommendations for policy change and strategies for achieving policy change. Recommendations for policy change and suggestions of strategies for achieving change are novel and fully supported by the theoretical and empirical literature. Effectively communicates by integrating research into written documents that follow APA format, as well as the consistent use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of a nursing professional. 5% Does not effectively communicate by integrating research into written documents that follow APA format, as well as the consistent use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of a nursing professional. Communicates by integrating research into written documents that lack consistency in APA format, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of a nursing professional. Effectively communicates by integrating research into written documents that follow APA format, as well as the consistent use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of a nursing professional. Effectively communicates by integrating research into written documents that follow APA format, as well as the consistent use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of a nursing professional and leader.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 This DB has 3 parts Public health policies generally exist at the national state and county level The

Db 2025

This DB has 3 parts. Public health policies generally exist at the national, state, and county level. The multi-level approach factors in key characteristics and attributes of the relevant community and its people to address the needs of the population supported. For example, the population likely includes people representing a wide array of human development stages (i.e., infants, children, adolescents, adults, seniors), racial and ethnic diversity, disabilities, and sexual orientation or gender identification. In your opinion, why are national public health policies alone insufficient to address critical health needs, promote wellness, and improve public safety, What are your thoughts about how characteristics of the population affect public health policy, and What are some of the ways public health policy can support community health. In your own words, please post a response to the Discussion Board and comment on other postings. You will be graded on the quality of your postings. Your assignment will be graded in accordance with the following criteria. Click here to view the grading rubric. For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials. Please submit your assignment.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Hello i need a Good and Positive Comment related with this argument A paragraph with no more 90

Post#6 2025

Hello i need a Good and Positive Comment related with this argument .A paragraph with no more 90 words. Deactivated Sherry Santineau 1 posts Re:Topic 5 DQ 2 Statistics is subject to error and manipulations contingent on the inappropriate intent of the source. Such as increasing the sale of newspapers throughout election time, newspaper businesses place indisputable headlines that a certain candidate is ahead in ballots. The headline could have been produced by a savvy journalist that approached this conclusion by assumption or sampling some of the constituents of the surrounding community and finding out with whom their votes landed. Afterward an inexact conclusion was attained. Another way statistics can be used inappropriately is by falsifying ballots to provide an erroneous conclusion. Suppose that ballot sheets were taken or voters took it upon themselves to place more than one ballot in the voters’ box, this would cause an inaccurate count at the end of the election and the incorrect candidate would be elected the victor. The health care system is not excluded from statistical manipulations. For instance referring back to the Veterans Affair (VA) scandal of 2014 where appointment dates for many VA clients were fabricated to show that clients were receiving early appointments when in fact some clients were not calendared for two years after the clients’ first complaint. The example given shows the misuse of statistics. The people involved with the scandal conveyed their conclusion and showed evidence to support it.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Hello i need a Good and Positive Comment related with this argument A paragraph with no more 90 words

Post#5 2025

Hello i need a Good and Positive Comment related with this argument .A paragraph with no more 90 words. Deactivated Jamella Miller 1 posts Re:Topic 5 DQ 2 After being educated more on statistics I can spot how they are used a lot easier than I had before this class. Statistics are used way more in the day to day living and activates than I had ever imagined. Signs like billboards uses statistics to draw in attention. Some are misleading like one that was in Manchester that stated that 80% of dentists recommend Colgate but when really surveyed they recommended multiple types of toothpaste brands. Also quotes like “70% of every dollar spent on food stamps goes to bureaucrats” Rep. Michele Bachmann (Statistics how to, n.d.). There are many ways statistics are used inappropriately to get people’s attention. Make sure to pay attention and look at the facts instead of assuming that the statistical data represented is correct. Reference Statistics how to . (n.d.). Misleading Statistics Examples in Advertising and The News. Retrieved

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 needs to be grammatically correct no plagarism Select two health care service providers

hcs 235 w3 2025

needs to be grammatically correct , no  plagarism Select two health care service providers from list below Write a 875 -word paper that discusses the health care service providers selected and the products and support they provide. Providers of Service Options: Preventive care or public health Ambulatory or primary care Subacute or long-term care Acute care Auxiliary services Rehabilitative services End-of-life care Mental health services Emergency management or disaster preparedness Dental services Military and veteran services Indian health services Include the following in your paper: Identify the selected health care service provider. Identify two services and products they provide to help with quality of care. Cite at least 1 peer-reviewed or scholarly reference and your textbook to support your information. Format your paper according to APA guidelines. Your paper must include an introduction, conclusion, and a reference page.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Benchmark Assignment Application of Concept Analysis to Clinical Practice Select a peer reviewed concept analysis article of your

NUR-502 Week 4 Benchmark Assignment 2025

Benchmark Assignment – Application of Concept Analysis to Clinical Practice Select a peer-reviewed concept analysis article of your choice and write a response of 1,000–1,250 words. Use the following guidelines: Include an introduction. Describe the method of analysis, using the article and Chapter 3 of Theoretical Basis for Nursing. Describe the steps of process and the results for each step. Apply the concept to a practice situation. Include a conclusion. Prepare this assignment according to guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Task Rationale Writing an Annotated Bibliography will help you to find summarise and organise the

Research Essay 2025

Task Rationale Writing an Annotated Bibliography will help you to find, summarise and organise the relevant research literature to support you in providing evidence based clinical practice. Compiling an annotated bibliography will help you think about the relevance and quality of the research on a topic. Does the research meet the requirements of the case study? Is the information from a reliable and academically respected source? You will be asked to do similar research to this in the workplace when preparing to conduct new research projects or when developing practice guidelines, procedures and protocols. Task Description For this task you need to write a 1500 word essay . In your essay you must summarise , evaluate and critique three ( 3) sources relevant to the case study. There are three (3) parts to this essay: Part 1: Annotated Bibliography (600 words) Part 2: Justification for your choice of sources (700 words) Part 3: Recommendations for clinical practice (200 words)

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 This is a CLC assignment The purpose of this assignment is to have

NUR-502 Week 4 Collaborative Learning Community, Grand Nursing Theorist Assignment, Theorist Identification and Rationale 2025

This is a CLC assignment. The purpose of this assignment is to have a clear understanding of the elements of a theory and to apply a theory to practice. The CLC group must use a grand theory or a high-level mid-range theory. The group will create a report for a practice committee at a health care institution. The objective is to convince your peers of the value of using a specific theory to guide practice and evaluate care. Since the text does not provide adequate information on any one theory for the purpose of this assignment, further research through nursing theory websites (general and specific), as well as theory texts specific to individual theories, will be required. Begin the assignment by identifying a theorist and providing the rationale for the group’s selection. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Individually comment on at least three reports posted by other CLC teams by the

NUR-502 Topic 8 DQ 1 2025

Individually, comment on at least three reports posted by other CLC teams by the end of Topic 8. Provide substantive comments that include a focus on the application of the theory as a framework for practice (general or specific, basic or advanced). As a group, respond to all posts directed towards your CLC group’s posted report.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025