2025 The Evidence Based Practice EBP Project Part 3 Literature Review and Nursing Implications Now that you ve found

EBP 2025

The Evidence Based Practice (EBP) Project Part 3: Literature Review and Nursing Implications Now that you’ve found your evidence, summarized the material, and completed your TOE, it’s time to do your critical literature review and nursing implications sections. Use the data from your TOE to help you. Submit to the Assignments section the following: The names of all group members. Restate your PICO question (in question format only). Complete the Literature Review section Include 5-10 paragraphs demonstrating that you have fully read and analyzed all of the evidence. You will likely need to use subheadings to organize your review. Consider questions such as: What were the common themes throughout the articles? Were the articles studying the same/different variables? Were the findings the same/different? How do the main objectives/purposes of the researchers affect how the studies were designed/carried out? Discuss the levels of evidence and how that affects the credibility of the findings. How did the design of the studies affect the outcomes? Discuss reliability and validity of findings. (Focus heavily on this part. It doesn’t matter what the findings say if they aren’t reliable/valid, so fully evaluate them based on the criteria from the textbook. Discuss the different types of reliability/validity. Be very specific.) Is the evidence contradictory? If so, why might this be so? (i.e. One study is more reliable than the other.) Complete the Implications for Nursing Practice section Include 1-2 paragraphs of implications for nursing practice. Consider such questions as: How can/should nursing practice change based on these findings? How should nurses respond to these findings? Can current nursing practices be improved with these findings? Etc. Note: This is the crux of your entire paper, so make sure to focus on it. Nursing research is only important if you can use it to improve nursing practice. This section doesn’t have to be long, but make it count.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Part I Protecting Patient Information Each time a patient visits a doctor

homework help w5a1 2025

Part I: Protecting Patient Information Each time a patient visits a doctor; is admitted to a hospital; goes to a pharmacist; or sends a claim to a health plan, a record is made of their confidential health information. In the past, family doctors and other health care providers protected the confidentiality of those records by sealing them away in file cabinets and refusing to reveal them to anyone else. Today, the use and disclosure of this information is protected by a patchwork of state laws, thereby leaving gaps in the protection of patients’ privacy and confidentiality. Respond to the following questions: Do confidentiality and  security play a role in providing effective protection to patients’  information? Why or why not? Justify your views using examples. How will you use these  concepts to protect health information? Justify your answers with appropriate research and reasoning by using examples and references from textbooks, the South University Online Library, and other acceptable references. Cite sources in the APA format. Further, comment on the postings of at least two peers. Part II: Legal and Ethical Issues Each state has statutes that govern the practice of medicine in that state. These are called medical practice acts and are meant to protect the health and safety of the public  (Fremgen, 2012). Each state legislature establishes a state medical board that has the authority to control the licensing of physicians. While some slight differences exist from state to state, in general, these practice acts define who must be licensed to perform certain procedures (Fremgen, 2012). These acts also specify requirements for licensure; the duties of the licensed physician; grounds on which the license may be revoked or taken away; and reports that must be made to the government or other appropriate agencies (Fremgen 2012). When healthcare workers hold patients’ lives in their hands, they must know the right thing to do when complications arise (Aiken, 2009). Most healthcare training focuses on  what steps should be taken when medical emergencies or clinically related problems arise (e.g., apply pressure to stop bleeding). In addition to clinical and medical complications, healthcare professionals must also deal with complicated ethical dilemmas (Aiken, 2009). For example, if a person who is  bleeding is HIV positive, or if someone did not want heroic measures taken to save his or her life, should rescue breathing be started? These are ethical dilemmas, and the healthcare worker entrusted with the well-being of patients must know or be able to discern the right and the wrong thing to do. Ethics helps determine the right thing to do in the case of a moral dilemma (Aiken, 2009). Accordingly, respond to the following: What are the legal and ethical issues that patients, health care providers, and the society face? Compare and contrast using examples. As a health care professional, suggest ways to handle these issues. Justify your answers with appropriate research and reasoning by using examples and references from textbooks, the South University Online Library, and other acceptable references. Cite sources in the APA format. Further, comment on the postings of at least two peers. Source: Fremgen, B. (2012). Medical law and ethics. (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Prentice Hall. Aiken, T. (2009). Legal and ethical issues in health occupations. (2nd ed.). St.  Louis, MO: Saunders.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 For the middle aged adult exercise can reduce the risk of various health problems Choose three health issues that regular physical

DQ 2-4 2025

For the middle-aged adult, exercise can reduce the risk of various health problems. Choose three health issues that regular physical exercise and activity can help prevent and manage. Discuss the prevalence of each of these health problems in society today. Describe measures that you would take as a nurse to assist clients with health promotion measures to incorporate exercise and physical activity into their lives. Include the kind of activities you would recommend, the amount of exercise, and the approach you would use to gain cooperation from the client. Support your response with evidence-based literature. reference

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Part 1 Applying the Congruence Model to Organizational Change Select a journal article at

ASAP Need Tomorrow 2025

Part 1 Applying the Congruence Model to Organizational Change Select a journal article at a high level, use the congruence model to describe the organizational inputs, transformational process, and outputs. Include an assessment on the needs of the community. What are the desired outputs, and in your opinion, are they achievable? Why or why not? Part 2 Compare and Contrast Change Management Models Compare and contrast Sterman’s Systems Dynamics Model with Nadler and Tushman’s. Describe the similarities and differences between the two models.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Question 1 Discuss the various ways health care providers are expected to keep

HELP 2025

Question 1  Discuss the various ways health care providers are expected to keep patient’s health information secure. Why is it so important to maintain security of health information? Your response should be at least 200 words in length. Question 2  Evaluate the filing controls used in health care and medical facilities, and explain why they are needed to ensure accurate filling and timely retrieval of patient records. Provide examples to support your comments. Your response should be at least 200 words in length Question 3  Explain the differences between centralized and decentralized filing. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of both filing approaches. Your response should be at least 200 words in length. Question 4  Describe the different types of numbering systems used in health care facilities and explain the advantages and disadvantages of each one. Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 History of UK healthcare 4 pages APA format I just need the body of the paper over the

History of the UK Healthcare 2025

History of UK healthcare 4 pages.. APA format… I just need the body of the paper over the following information…. This is a group paper and the beginning and ending will be taken care of. Demographics; Epidemiology; public opinion– a. Bio b. Socio c. lifestyles Epidemiology — a. Prevalent diseases/conditions Survey of public opinion — a. Pros/cons per public Below is the start of the first draft….. I need to have my part fit in the area left open.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 The patient in 4D had been admitted for multidrug resistant pneumonia Given her advanced age and a

Nursing 2025

The patient in 4D had been admitted for multidrug resistant pneumonia. Given her advanced age and a host of other medical problems, the outlook was dire. Over the weeks she and the night nurse had struck up something of a friendship. Other than that she had no visitors, not a soul listed to notify in case of death, and no known friends or relatives. As he dropped by on his night rounds, the nurse was her only visitor, and the visits were limited to the short conversations she could manage. Now her vital signs were failing, and the nurse recognized that the patient in 4D was near death. So he tried to spend every spare minute on his shift in her room, just being present. He was there to hold her hand during her last moments of life. How did his supervisor respond to this gesture of human kindness? —Goleman, 2006, p. 252 How do aspects of emotional intelligence relate to leadership and management success? Does an effective leader–manager have to be emotionally sensitive and literate? Why or why not? Reference Goleman, D. (2006). Social intelligence: The revolutionary new science of human relationships. New York, NY: Bantam Dell. To Prepare Following the passage above, Goldman continues on to explain that the nurse supervisor reprimanded the nurse. Does this line up with what you were expecting? Why or why not? Based on the information in the Learning Resources, think of a recent experience in your organization and consider how a nursing administrator demonstrated or failed to demonstrate emotional intelligence. How did this impact the outcome of the situation? Reflect on your identified strengths and opportunities for growth related to emotional intelligence from the information in the Learning Resources. What surprises you about the concept of emotional intelligence? How would you rate your own emotional intelligence? By Day 3 Post a description of a situation in which a nursing administrator demonstrated or did not demonstrate emotional intelligence when managing a situation. Explain how this may have impacted the outcome of the situation. Describe how you would handle the situation differently based on your own identified emotional intelligence strengths

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Coding of Qualitative Data Analyzing qualitative data after it has been collected

Coding of Qualitative Data 2025

Coding of Qualitative Data Analyzing qualitative data after it has been collected begins with a process known as coding . This involves reviewing the data that was collected and identifying important passages and information. The researcher can then group those passages according to their respective topics and develop specific themes about those topics that are supported by the data. This process involves careful thought and a great deal of discipline. It is easy for researchers to manipulate passages and themes to support their hypotheses and expectations. This is problematic for several reasons: It promotes biased results, it limits the scope and depth of the analysis, and it makes the discussion and defense of the researcher’s techniques rather difficult. This Discussion allows you to experience the processes of coding and analyzing qualitative data. In doing so, you should gain a deeper understanding of these techniques and their challenges. To prepare: Select at least five of your classmates’ Introduction posts from the Class Café to code and analyze (See attached file). Using the strategies presented in the Smith and Firth article (see attached file) , code your five selected postings by removing identifying information, coding the information, and identifying specific themes. As you begin the process, keep in mind that there is no right or wrong way of coding; however, your categories and associated data should—without heavy explanation—make sense to someone unfamiliar with your research. When you have completed coding the data, reflect on your experience of analyzing this type of data. Ask yourself: How can qualitative research methods promote evidence-based practice? By tomorrow Thursday November 2, 2017 write an essay of minimum of 550 words in APA format with at least 3 references. Include the level one headings as numbered below: Post a cohesive response that addresses the following: 1) Identify the overall themes you selected from coding the posts. Justify why you chose these particular themes. Try to be as scholarly as possible and remember that researchers try to refrain from directly identifying the subjects of their qualitative studies. 2) Formulate a brief analysis and conclusion about your classmates’ Introduction posts based on the themes you identified. 3) Discuss what you gained from your experiences with coding and analyzing qualitative data and how qualitative research can promote evidence-based practice. Required Media Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2011). Research methods for evidence-based practice: Qualitative research. Baltimore, MD: Author. Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 9 minutes. In this week’s video, the presenter discusses the purpose of qualitative research and explains how it differs from, yet complements, quantitative research. Required Readings Gray, J.R., Grove, S.K., & Sutherland, S. (2017). Burns and Grove’s the practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier. Chapter 12, “Qualitative Research Methods” (pp. 251-274) This section of Chapter 12 details key qualitative research data collection and analysis methods. Bradley, E. H., Curry, L. A., & Devers, K. J. (2007). Qualitative data analysis for health services research: Developing taxonomy, themes, and theory. Health Services Research, 42(4), 1758–1772. doi:10.1111/j.1475-6773.2006.00684.x This article outlines practical approaches to qualitative data with a specific emphasis on methods useful for generating taxonomy, themes, and theory with regard to the health care field. Smith, J., & Firth, J. (2011). Qualitative data analysis: The framework approach. Nurse Researcher, 18(2), 52–62. (See attached file). This article outlines the framework approach to qualitative data, in which researchers follow detailed objectives and goals to collect and manage data. This approach is in direct contrast to inductive approaches, including grounded theory, which allows for a more fluid qualitative research process governed by the nature of the data. Optional Resources Lockwood, C. (2008). Cochrane qualitative research methods group. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (4). http://ezp.waldenulibrary.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=chh&AN=CE000142&site=ehost-live&scope=site Nicholls, D. (2009). Qualitative research: Part three—Methods. International Journal of Therapy & Rehabilitation, 16(12), 638–647. Taylor-Powell, E., & Renner, M. (2003). Analyzing qualitative data. University of Wisconsin-Extension, Cooperative Extension. Retrieved from http://learningstore.uwex.edu/assets/pdfs/g3658-12.pdf Vander Putten, J., & Nolen, A. (2010). Comparing results from constant comparative and computer software methods: A reflection about qualitative data analysis. Journal of Ethnographic & Qualitative Research, 5(2), 99–112. Walden University. (n.d.). Collecting qualitative data. Retrieved August 1, 2011, from http://streaming.waldenu.edu/hdp/researchtutorials/educ8106_player/educ8106_collecting_qualitative_data.html Walden University. (n.d.). Analyzing and interpreting qualitative data . Retrieved August 1, 2011, from http://streaming.waldenu.edu/hdp/researchtutorials/educ8106_player/educ8106_analyzing_and_interpreting_qualitative_data.html

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 I attached the published research It is about Patients Hand Washing and Reducing Hospital Acquired Infection I

Critical Analysis of Published Research 2025

I attached the published research. It is about ( Patients’ Hand Washing and Reducing Hospital- Acquired Infection ) I want you to use the following headings in the paper and address the questions below in the analysis. 1) Title & abstract a. Appropriate title? b. Specific enough title? c. Purpose of the study clearly stated in abstract? d. Brief overview of the methodology employed? e. Key findings mentioned? f. Clearly and concise abstract? 2) Literature review a. Importance of this topic was presented? b. Several quality articles mentioned? c. Key terms clearly defined? d. Current articles used? e. Logical flow of ideas? f. Clearly written? 3) Hypotheses a. The hypotheses were clearly identified? b. The hypotheses logically flowed from the literature review? c. The variables of interest were clearly identified in the hypotheses? d. Appropriate number of hypotheses? e. Clearly written? 4) Data collection a. The subjects were appropriate based on the hypotheses? b. The number of subjects seems sufficient? c. The sampling approach was clear and appropriate? d. The time frame for data collection was clear and appropriate? e. The demographics of the sample were described? f. Any problems with data collection were mentioned (e.g., response rates)? g. Overall the quality of the data collection process? 5) Instrumentation/measurement tools a. The independent and dependent variables were clearly defined? b. The measurement tools for each variable was clearly stated? c. Examples of items for variables were provided? d. The quality of instruments used was mentioned? e. Reliability and validity data was referred to? f. Overall, the instruments used seem appropriate for the hypotheses? 6) Results section a. The findings corresponding to each hypothesis were clearly presented? b. Tables, charts, graphs etc. were used to summarize key results? c. Interpretation of the data seems correct? d. The author(s) connected the results to the hypotheses? e. Overall, the results section was clear and complete? 7) Discussion section a. The author correctly generalized findings from this research? b. The author connected this research to other published articles? c. The author presented the implications of this research? d. The author acknowledged limitations of this study? e. Suggestions for future research were indicated? f. Overall this section was clear and complete? g. Final thoughts on the overall value of this paper? * The analysis should be a Word file and be between 5 to 7 pages long (12-point font, double-spaced, normal margins). * Each section mentioned above will be scored on a 1 to 10 scale in which a 10 indicates: Ø This section addressed all of the questions mentioned in this document Ø The student correctly used course material in his/her analysis of this section Ø The section is written effectively (clear, no typos/grammatical errors, organized) *I attached example for a critical analysis to help you understand what I want.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Opioid Abuse topic is Health policy unfolds daily and drives clinical practice in

Opioid Abuse topic is: Health policy unfolds daily and drives clinical practice in the U.S 2025

Opioid Abuse topic is: Health policy unfolds daily and drives clinical practice in the U.S You will investigate current policies or legislation underway for a specific health-related issue and develop a scholarly, APA -formatted paper supported by evidence. The policy paper rubric: Introduction to population or problem (incidence, prevalence, epidemiology, cost burden, etc.) Description of how the policy is intended for a specific population, program, or organization Specific legislators involved in the policy development and dissemination Identify the role of the APRN in assisting with the policy or refuting the policy – this requires the evidence to support opinion, ideas, and/or concepts Discuss how the policy influences clinical practice and is used to promote best outcomes

Nursing Assignment Help 2025