2025 Books Required Nursing Research Studying A Study Testing A Test 6 th Edition Reading Evidence Based Health Research

nursing 2025

Books Required Nursing Research: Studying A Study & Testing A Test, 6 th Edition, Reading Evidence – Based Health Research. Author: Richard K. Riegelman, MD, MPH, PhD; Michael L. Rinke, MD, PhD. ISBN: 978-0-7817-7426-0 Publisher: Wolters Kluwer / Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, (2013) Reading Assignment: Chapters 12 – 14 in your Textbook 1. Discussion Question: Discuss Improving Decision Analysis. Refer to your textbook. APA format

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Annotated Bibliography Revisit Miriam the graduate nurse whose specialty area is critical care As Miriam s practicum

drug contracts 2025

: Annotated Bibliography Revisit Miriam, the graduate nurse whose specialty area is critical care. As Miriam’s practicum experience proceeds, she is increasingly interested in new technology and best practices in the care of acutely ill patients. Looking ahead to her work as a nurse educator, Miriam has begun researching scholarly articles on new developments in critical care. Her purpose is to both expand her own knowledge and create an annotated bibliography that she can share with her students. In this Assignment, you gather information on advancements in your practicum specialty. To Prepare Reflect on your specialty of interest and your practicum experience. What key topics, processes, best practices, advancements, and technologies have you seen or heard about? Search the Walden Library for articles on any or all of these dimensions. Keep in mind that your focus is on current developments and that articles you select should have been published within the last three years. To Complete Create an annotated bibliography that consists of 10 scholarly, peer-reviewed articles. For each article: Provide a brief summary (4–5 sentences). Explain why this article is relevant (1–2 sentences). Explain the application of the findings of the article to practice (1–2 sentences).

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 No one can predict the future but accountants and financial managers must try and do exactly that

Nursing Finances 2025

No one can predict the future, but accountants and financial managers must try and do exactly that! By examining net revenue, costs, and cash flow, you can get a clearer picture of what to expect in your organization’s (or one with which you are familiar) fiscal future. Using these metrics to look forward will enable you to more effectively plan budgets that accomplish organizational goals. When developing a budget, what variables do you have to take into account? In health care organizations, two of the largest groups of factors that you must consider are first, volume, and second, staffing and supply. The number of patients and tests performed each day, as well as employees and their pay rates are all crucial pieces of information when determining a budget. In this Assignment, you address five scenarios: net revenue, fixed and variable costs, cash flow, volume budget, and staffing and supplies budget. Note: For those Assignments in this course that require you to perform calculations you must: Use the Excel spreadsheet template for the Week 5 assignment. Show all your calculations and formulas in the spreadsheet. Answer any questions included with the problems (as text in the Excel spreadsheet). A title and reference page are NOT needed in this assignment. Put your name and assignment at the top of the Excel spreadsheet. For those not comfortable with the use of Microsoft Excel, this week’s Optional Resources suggest several tutorials. To prepare: Review the information in this week’s Learning Resources regarding net revenue, fixed and variable costs, and cash flow, and how they are used in financial decision making. Review the budgeting information in Week 5 Learning Resources dealing with volume, staffing, and supplies budget. Use the Week 5 Application Assignment Template , provided in this week’s Learning Resources, to complete this assignment. Carefully examine the information in each of the scenarios and provide the necessary calculations. Using this information will help you answer the questions. Note: All the scenarios will be submitted as one document. Each scenario will be on a different tab in the spreadsheet. Scenario 1: Net Revenue Scenario Your clinic provides four kinds of services: Comprehensive initial medical consultation is priced at $250 Established patient limited visit is priced at $75 Established patient intermediate visit is priced at $125 Established patient comprehensive visit is priced at $250 Question: The profile of your patients is such that the average collection rate is 75%. Assuming you have 100 visits of each type each month, what amount of new revenue will you generate in the next 12 months? Scenario 2: Fixed/Variable Cost Scenario You have performed a cost analysis of your health care organization and have determined the following: based on the latest three years of information, your annual cost of operations is $1,600,000 with annual volume of 10,000 procedures. You have determined that certain of your supply items are fixed in nature (those marked with an F) while others are variable (marked with a V). Question : An insurance company that is considering directing its 1,000 units per year of procedure business to your organization has approached you. For the last three years, you have been charging a price of $165 per procedure (with a 100% collection rate). Your board has mandated that you make $5 of profit from each of the procedures. You obviously want the highest possible price, but as you enter the negotiations, what is the lowest possible price you would be willing to accept from this payer? Hint: Calculate the variable cost. Scenario 3: Cash Flow Scenario Your new business venture will begin operation on July 1, 20X2. You will hire staff effective January 1, 20X2 with a cost of $40,000 per month. You know from experience that collections lag billing by 3 months (in other words, once you bill for a service, you must wait 90 days for the payment to be received.) Your business volume is projected to be as follows: Question : If you have $380,000 of cash on hand on January 1, 20X2, how much cash will you have at the end of June 20X3? Assume a 100% collection rate. Scenario 4: Volume Budget Scenario You manage lab services in a large hospital. You have the following data on both the hospital’s budgeted patient days and visits for budget year 20XX along with the ratio of lab tests to patient days or visits. Question : Based on this raw data provided , how many lab tests would you anticipate for the coming budget year? If each test is priced at $20.00, how much gross revenue would you budget? Assuming each full-time lab technician (FTE) can perform 200,000 tests each year, how many full-time lab technicians would you plan for? Example on Template: 2 North Bldg calculated. You will need to complete 2 South Bldg, ICU and OPD Scenario 5: Staffing and Supply Budget Scenario Calculate the supplies budget necessary to operate your unit for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 20X8. It is your expectation that you will perform 24,820 procedures in the budget year. The following spending data is available for the period January 1 to March 31, 20X7 during which time procedure volume amounted to 3,240. Items marked (F) are considered fixed, those marked (V) are considered variable. Inflation is planned at 4%. In reviewing performance to date, you note that in January, you purchased $150,000 of D5W fluid replacement charged to IV solutions, which represents an entire year’s supply. In addition, you returned $2,800 of office supplies for credit from the vendor in Febuary. These supplies were purchased in a previous fiscal year. You also need to prepare the salary budget for the same fiscal year. You have determined that staff needs are for 6.5 FTEs. A pay raise will be given to all staff on October 1st of each year at a rate of 8 percent. In making your calculations, always round to the nearest whole dollar for annual salary amounts, but keep pennies in the hourly pay rates. New staff begins the new fiscal year at $16.00 per hour.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 In an emergency evacuation of patients training plays an important role Here is

Importance of Training in Patient Evacuation 2025

In an emergency evacuation of patients, training plays an important role. Here is an incidence of emergency evacuation of Phillips County Regional Medical Center discussed by Vogt and Sorenson (1999): Shortly after 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 8, 1997, clouds of foul-smelling smoke began pouring from an herbicide and pesticide packaging plant in West Helena, Arkansas. An alert was sounded, employees evacuated, and the West Helena fire department was called. As three firefighters prepared to enter the plant, the chemical compounds exploded, collapsing a solid concrete block wall, and killing all three firefighters. As the odorous smoky cloud drifted away from the plant, authorities ordered residents in a 2-mile area downwind of the plant to evacuate and those in the 2- to 3-mile zone to shelter in . . . The findings indicate that 90% of those that were told to evacuate did so but only 27% of those told to shelter-in-place did so, with 68% opting to evacuate instead. The implications of these findings for emergency managers is that people will likely choose to evacuate when both warnings to evacuate and warnings to shelter are issued to residents in close proximity to each other (Abstract section, para. 1). The evacuation of the medical center was facilitated by efforts taken 6 months earlier to update the hospital’s evacuation plan and reconfirm support agreements for relocation sites and supplies. At that time of updating the plan, the entire staff had also participated in a mock drill. When the safety officer observed the buildings across the highway being evacuated and started questioning officials on the possibility of also being evacuated, evacuation plans familiar to staff were in place and had been practiced. When the Director of Nursing gave the “Code White” alert (the signal that an evacuation to an off-site facility would follow) staff was amply prepared to move patients (p. 11). Interviews with staff indicated that all patients that could be discharged were sent home with a physician’s nurse. Another four or five patients (the most seriously ill) were transferred to a hospital about a half hour away. The majority of the patients 11 (approximately 17) in the rehabilitation unit were transferred to a vacant wing of the Crestpark Nursing home accompanied by hospital support staff. Only one maternity patient evacuated to the Phillips College—Community College where the hospital staff had evacuated and opened emergency room services. The evacuation of patients began at 1:40 p.m. and all patients (except for two on ventilators and one being stabilized in the emergency room) were out 55 minutes later. The remaining three patients were evacuated 15 minutes later. A variety of vehicles transported patients—vans, school buses, ambulances, private cars, and mortuary services. As a precaution, National Guard personnel provided security at the evacuated hospital (pp. 11–12). On the basis of your understanding on the topic, answer the following questions regarding the incidence of emergency evacuation mentioned above: What does this study tell you about the lack of training for the community? Why is communication and education of the community important in saving lives? Was the community clear on what the procedures were? How? Why was the evacuation of the hospital so successful? How important are external relationships with other agencies to having an efficient evacuation plan? Your review should be at least 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document, not counting the cover page or the reference page. Support your responses with reasoning and examples. Cite any sources in APA format. Reference: Vogt, B. M., & Sorenson, J. H. (1999). Description of survey data regarding the chemical repacking plant accident, West Helena, Arkansas. Retrieved from http://orise.orau.gov/csepp/publications/files/DescriptSurveyV3.pdf

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 The American Cancer Society ACS is a nationwide community based voluntary health organization

NRS 410V Module 2 Mandatory Discussion Question 2025

The American Cancer Society (ACS) is a nationwide, community-based, voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem. Together with its supporters, ACS is committed to helping people stay well and get well by finding cures and by fighting back. Critical Thinking Questions: Imagine that a family friend or colleague has just been diagnosed with cancer. Explain how the American Cancer Society might provide education and support. What ACS services would you recommend and why? According to statistics published by the American Cancer Society, there will be an estimated 1.5 million new cancer cases diagnosed each year over the next decade. What factors contribute to the yearly incidence and mortality rates of various cancers in Americans? What changes in policy and practice are most likely to affect these figures over time Select a research program from among those funded by the American Cancer Society. Describe the program and discuss what impact the research will have on the prevention or treatment of cancer.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Locate and read three scholarly research articles on the role of leadership in managing quality initiatives in healthcare Select articles

CT 3 Quality Healthcare 2025

Locate and read three scholarly research articles on the role of leadership in managing quality initiatives in healthcare. Select articles that demonstrate three different styles of leadership (e.g. servant, transformational, transactional). Write an essay that briefly summarizes the three articles and how they relate to healthcare leaders. Describe the leadership theory from one of your selected articles that most closely reflects your current (or future) leadership style and compare/contrast it to another style you have seen used (or read about) by leaders in healthcare settings from these articles. What would you change? What impact does this leadership style have on the healthcare environment? How would you go about changing or developing your leadership style? Your paper should meet the following requirements: Be 3-4 pages in length, not including the cover or reference pages. Be formatted according to APA Writing Requirements . Provide full APA references for articles selected along with associated in-text citations. Utilize headings to organize the content in your work.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Post a description of the performance appraisal system used in your workplace including how performance standards are created and communicated

Performance management 2025

Post a description of the performance appraisal system used in your workplace, including how performance standards are created and communicated to employees. Describe the effectiveness of the performance appraisal system by sharing at least two strengths and two areas for improvement. Conclude your posting by explaining how you might incorporate positive discipline into your performance management approach and what impact you think it will have.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Describe one internal and one external method for the dissemination of your EBP project results For example

DQ1 2025

Describe one internal and one external method for the dissemination of your EBP project results. For example, an internal method may be the hospital board, and an external method may be a professional nursing organization. Discuss why it is important to report your results to both of these groups. How will your communication strategies change for each group?

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Attached Files CH01 ppt 872 5 KB Read chapter 1 of the class textbook and review the attached Power

Culture in Nursing Practice 2025

Attached Files: CH01.ppt (872.5 KB) Read chapter 1 of the class textbook and review the attached Power Point presentation once done please answer the following questions; What are your variant characteristics of culture? How has each one influenced you and your world view? How has your world view changed as your variants characteristics have changed As stated in the syllabus assignment must be presented in an APA format using the required arial 12 font. A minimum of 2 evidence-based references, 2 posting/replies to any of your peers with the appropriate references to sustained your point of view and a minimum of 500 words are required (excluding the first and last page). Posting like “good job or I’m agree” will not be counting toward the grade.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Attached Files CH01 ppt 872 5 KB Read chapter 1 of the class textbook and review the attached Power Point presentation once

Culture in Nursing Practice 2025

Attached Files: CH01.ppt (872.5 KB) Read chapter 1 of the class textbook and review the attached Power Point presentation once done please answer the following questions; What are your variant characteristics of culture? How has each one influenced you and your world view? How has your world view changed as your variants characteristics have changed As stated in the syllabus assignment must be presented in an APA format using the required arial 12 font. A minimum of 2 evidence-based references, 2 posting/replies to any of your peers with the appropriate references to sustained your point of view and a minimum of 500 words are required (excluding the first and last page). Posting like “good job or I’m agree” will not be counting toward the grade.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025