1 page paper Epidemiological Study Design from Article 2025

PUBLIC HEALTH 1page DUE 1/5/18 8 P.M EST BE ON TIME AND READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY!! DON’T RUSH ASSIGNMENT!! APA FORMAT MIN 3 REFERENCES Epidemiological Study Designs Understanding the differences among the types of epidemiological study designs is important for translating the results to public health practice. For this paper, you will identify and design epidemiological research studies. Go to any scholarly library and find an epidemiological research study that was published in the last 3 months and uses one of the study designs we are learning about in this module. Briefly summarize the study in your own words, identify the study design it uses, and discuss what features it has that identify it as that type of study design. Do not just copy the abstract or parts of the article. Then, redesign the same study using a different study design than the authors did. This does not mean finding another article on the topic. Instead, pretend you are the epidemiologist and design your own study on the topic, using the information about study designs, exposures, outcomes, and measures of association. You are the researcher! For the study you are designing, be sure to include information on who the participants would be and how you would measure the exposure and outcome variables. Discuss why your study design is stronger or more limited than the original study design, and how you arrived at this conclusion. Finally, pose a question about study designs to your peers that is based on your post.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Week Six Correlations Exercises Correlations are used to describe the strength and


Week Six – Correlations Exercises Correlations are used to describe the strength and direction of a relationship between two variables. A correlation between two variables is known as a bivariate correlation. In this module the Pearson Product-Moment Correlation will be used when running a correlation matrix. The Pearson correlation coefficient ranges from a value of -1.0 to 1.0. A correlation coefficient is never above 1.0 or below -1.0. A perfect positive correlation is 1.0 and a perfect negative correlation is -1.0. The size of the coefficient determines the strength of the relationship and the sign (i.e., + or -) determines the direction of the relationship. The closer the value is to zero the weaker the relationship and the closer the value is to 1.0 or -1.0 the stronger the relationship. A correlation coefficient of zero indicates no relationship between the variables. A scatterplot is used to depict the relationship between two variables. The general shape of the collection of points indicates whether the correlation is positive or negative. A positive relationship will have the data points group into a cluster from the lower left hand corner to the upper right hand corner of the graph. A negative relationship will be depicted by points clustering in the lower right hand corner to the upper left hand corner of the graph. When the two variables are not related the points on the scatterplot will be scattered in a random fashion. Using Polit2SetB dataset, create a correlation matrix using the following variables: Number of visits to the doctor in the past 12 months (docvisit), body mass index (bmi), Physical Health component subscale (sf12phys) and Mental Health component subscale (sf12ment). Run means and descriptives for each variable as well as the correlation matrix. Follow these steps using SPSS: 1.Click Analyze, then correlate, then bivariate. 2.Select each variable and move them into the box labeled “Variables.” 3.Be sure the Pearson and two-tailed box is checked. 4.Click on the options tab (upper right corner) and check “means and standard deviations.” The exclude cases pairwise should also be checked. Click continue. 5.Click OK To run descriptives for docvisit, bmi, sf12phys and sf12ment do the following in SPSS: 1.Click Analyze then click Descriptives Statistics, then Descriptives. 2.Click the first continuous variable you wish to obtain descriptives for (docvisit) and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. Then click bmi and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. Then click sf12phys and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. Then click sf12ment and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. 3.Click the Options button in the upper right corner. Click mean and standard deviation. 4.Click continue and then click OK. Assignment: Answer the following questions about the correlation matrix. 1.What is the strongest correlation in the matrix? (Provide correlation value and names of variables) 2.What is the weakest correlation in the matrix? (Provide correlation value and names of variables) 3.How many original correlations are present on the matrix? 4.What does the entry of 1.00 indicate on the diagonal of the matrix? 5.Indicate the strength and direction of the relationship between body mass index and physical health component subscale? 6.Which variable is most strongly correlated with body mass index? What is the correlational coefficient? What is the sample size for this relationship? 7.What is the mean and standard deviation for bmi and doctor visits? Part II Using Polit2SetB dataset, create a scatterplot using the following variables: x-axis = body mass index (bmi) and the y-axis = weight-pounds (weight). Follow these steps in SPSS: 1.Click Graphs, then click on Legacy Dialogs, then click “Scatter/Dot”. 2.Click “Simple Scatter” and then click “Define.” 3.Click on weight-pounds and move it to the Y-axis box and then click on body mass index and move it to the x-axis box. 4.Click OK. To run descriptives for bmi and weight do the following in SPSS: 5.Click Analyze then click Descriptives Statistics, then Descriptives. 6.Click the first continuous variable you wish to obtain descriptives for (body mass index) and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. Then click weight-pounds and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. 7.Click the Options button in the upper right corner. Click mean and standard deviation. 8.Click continue and then click OK. Assignment: 1.What is the mean and standard deviation for weight and bmi? 2.Describe the strength and direction of the relationship between weight and bmi? 3.Describe the scatterplot? What information does it provide to a researcher? References 3 references required Required Media Walden University. (n.d.). Correlations. Retrieved August 1, 2011, from http://streaming.waldenu.edu/hdp/researchtutorials/educ8106_player/educ8106_correlations.html Required Readings Gray, J.R., Grove, S.K., & Sutherland, S. (2017). Burns and Grove’s the practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier. Chapter 23, “Using Statistics to Examine Relationships” Statistics and Data Analysis for Nursing Research Chapter 4, “Bivariate Description: Crosstabulation, Risk Indexes, and Correlation” (pp. 59–61 and 68–78) Chapter 9, “Correlation and Simple Regression” (pp. 197–209)

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Week Six Correlations Exercises Correlations are used to describe the strength and direction of


Week Six – Correlations Exercises Correlations are used to describe the strength and direction of a relationship between two variables. A correlation between two variables is known as a bivariate correlation. In this module the Pearson Product-Moment Correlation will be used when running a correlation matrix. The Pearson correlation coefficient ranges from a value of -1.0 to 1.0. A correlation coefficient is never above 1.0 or below -1.0. A perfect positive correlation is 1.0 and a perfect negative correlation is -1.0. The size of the coefficient determines the strength of the relationship and the sign (i.e., + or -) determines the direction of the relationship. The closer the value is to zero the weaker the relationship and the closer the value is to 1.0 or -1.0 the stronger the relationship. A correlation coefficient of zero indicates no relationship between the variables. A scatterplot is used to depict the relationship between two variables. The general shape of the collection of points indicates whether the correlation is positive or negative. A positive relationship will have the data points group into a cluster from the lower left hand corner to the upper right hand corner of the graph. A negative relationship will be depicted by points clustering in the lower right hand corner to the upper left hand corner of the graph. When the two variables are not related the points on the scatterplot will be scattered in a random fashion. Using Polit2SetB dataset, create a correlation matrix using the following variables: Number of visits to the doctor in the past 12 months (docvisit), body mass index (bmi), Physical Health component subscale (sf12phys) and Mental Health component subscale (sf12ment). Run means and descriptives for each variable as well as the correlation matrix. Follow these steps using SPSS: 1.Click Analyze, then correlate, then bivariate. 2.Select each variable and move them into the box labeled “Variables.” 3.Be sure the Pearson and two-tailed box is checked. 4.Click on the options tab (upper right corner) and check “means and standard deviations.” The exclude cases pairwise should also be checked. Click continue. 5.Click OK To run descriptives for docvisit, bmi, sf12phys and sf12ment do the following in SPSS: 1.Click Analyze then click Descriptives Statistics, then Descriptives. 2.Click the first continuous variable you wish to obtain descriptives for (docvisit) and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. Then click bmi and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. Then click sf12phys and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. Then click sf12ment and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. 3.Click the Options button in the upper right corner. Click mean and standard deviation. 4.Click continue and then click OK. Assignment: Answer the following questions about the correlation matrix. 1.What is the strongest correlation in the matrix? (Provide correlation value and names of variables) 2.What is the weakest correlation in the matrix? (Provide correlation value and names of variables) 3.How many original correlations are present on the matrix? 4.What does the entry of 1.00 indicate on the diagonal of the matrix? 5.Indicate the strength and direction of the relationship between body mass index and physical health component subscale? 6.Which variable is most strongly correlated with body mass index? What is the correlational coefficient? What is the sample size for this relationship? 7.What is the mean and standard deviation for bmi and doctor visits? Part II Using Polit2SetB dataset, create a scatterplot using the following variables: x-axis = body mass index (bmi) and the y-axis = weight-pounds (weight). Follow these steps in SPSS: 1.Click Graphs, then click on Legacy Dialogs, then click “Scatter/Dot”. 2.Click “Simple Scatter” and then click “Define.” 3.Click on weight-pounds and move it to the Y-axis box and then click on body mass index and move it to the x-axis box. 4.Click OK. To run descriptives for bmi and weight do the following in SPSS: 5.Click Analyze then click Descriptives Statistics, then Descriptives. 6.Click the first continuous variable you wish to obtain descriptives for (body mass index) and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. Then click weight-pounds and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. 7.Click the Options button in the upper right corner. Click mean and standard deviation. 8.Click continue and then click OK. Assignment: 1.What is the mean and standard deviation for weight and bmi? 2.Describe the strength and direction of the relationship between weight and bmi? 3.Describe the scatterplot? What information does it provide to a researcher? References 3 references required Required Media Walden University. (n.d.). Correlations. Retrieved August 1, 2011, from http://streaming.waldenu.edu/hdp/researchtutorials/educ8106_player/educ8106_correlations.html Required Readings Gray, J.R., Grove, S.K., & Sutherland, S. (2017). Burns and Grove’s the practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier. Chapter 23, “Using Statistics to Examine Relationships” Statistics and Data Analysis for Nursing Research Chapter 4, “Bivariate Description: Crosstabulation, Risk Indexes, and Correlation” (pp. 59–61 and 68–78) Chapter 9, “Correlation and Simple Regression” (pp. 197–209)

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Week Six Correlations Exercises Correlations are used to describe the strength and


Week Six – Correlations Exercises Correlations are used to describe the strength and direction of a relationship between two variables. A correlation between two variables is known as a bivariate correlation. In this module the Pearson Product-Moment Correlation will be used when running a correlation matrix. The Pearson correlation coefficient ranges from a value of -1.0 to 1.0. A correlation coefficient is never above 1.0 or below -1.0. A perfect positive correlation is 1.0 and a perfect negative correlation is -1.0. The size of the coefficient determines the strength of the relationship and the sign (i.e., + or -) determines the direction of the relationship. The closer the value is to zero the weaker the relationship and the closer the value is to 1.0 or -1.0 the stronger the relationship. A correlation coefficient of zero indicates no relationship between the variables. A scatterplot is used to depict the relationship between two variables. The general shape of the collection of points indicates whether the correlation is positive or negative. A positive relationship will have the data points group into a cluster from the lower left hand corner to the upper right hand corner of the graph. A negative relationship will be depicted by points clustering in the lower right hand corner to the upper left hand corner of the graph. When the two variables are not related the points on the scatterplot will be scattered in a random fashion. Using Polit2SetB dataset, create a correlation matrix using the following variables: Number of visits to the doctor in the past 12 months (docvisit), body mass index (bmi), Physical Health component subscale (sf12phys) and Mental Health component subscale (sf12ment). Run means and descriptives for each variable as well as the correlation matrix. Follow these steps using SPSS: 1.Click Analyze, then correlate, then bivariate. 2.Select each variable and move them into the box labeled “Variables.” 3.Be sure the Pearson and two-tailed box is checked. 4.Click on the options tab (upper right corner) and check “means and standard deviations.” The exclude cases pairwise should also be checked. Click continue. 5.Click OK To run descriptives for docvisit, bmi, sf12phys and sf12ment do the following in SPSS: 1.Click Analyze then click Descriptives Statistics, then Descriptives. 2.Click the first continuous variable you wish to obtain descriptives for (docvisit) and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. Then click bmi and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. Then click sf12phys and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. Then click sf12ment and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. 3.Click the Options button in the upper right corner. Click mean and standard deviation. 4.Click continue and then click OK. Assignment: Answer the following questions about the correlation matrix. 1.What is the strongest correlation in the matrix? (Provide correlation value and names of variables) 2.What is the weakest correlation in the matrix? (Provide correlation value and names of variables) 3.How many original correlations are present on the matrix? 4.What does the entry of 1.00 indicate on the diagonal of the matrix? 5.Indicate the strength and direction of the relationship between body mass index and physical health component subscale? 6.Which variable is most strongly correlated with body mass index? What is the correlational coefficient? What is the sample size for this relationship? 7.What is the mean and standard deviation for bmi and doctor visits? Part II Using Polit2SetB dataset, create a scatterplot using the following variables: x-axis = body mass index (bmi) and the y-axis = weight-pounds (weight). Follow these steps in SPSS: 1.Click Graphs, then click on Legacy Dialogs, then click “Scatter/Dot”. 2.Click “Simple Scatter” and then click “Define.” 3.Click on weight-pounds and move it to the Y-axis box and then click on body mass index and move it to the x-axis box. 4.Click OK. To run descriptives for bmi and weight do the following in SPSS: 5.Click Analyze then click Descriptives Statistics, then Descriptives. 6.Click the first continuous variable you wish to obtain descriptives for (body mass index) and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. Then click weight-pounds and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. 7.Click the Options button in the upper right corner. Click mean and standard deviation. 8.Click continue and then click OK. Assignment: 1.What is the mean and standard deviation for weight and bmi? 2.Describe the strength and direction of the relationship between weight and bmi? 3.Describe the scatterplot? What information does it provide to a researcher? References 3 references required Required Media Walden University. (n.d.). Correlations. Retrieved August 1, 2011, from http://streaming.waldenu.edu/hdp/researchtutorials/educ8106_player/educ8106_correlations.html Required Readings Gray, J.R., Grove, S.K., & Sutherland, S. (2017). Burns and Grove’s the practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier. Chapter 23, “Using Statistics to Examine Relationships” Statistics and Data Analysis for Nursing Research Chapter 4, “Bivariate Description: Crosstabulation, Risk Indexes, and Correlation” (pp. 59–61 and 68–78) Chapter 9, “Correlation and Simple Regression” (pp. 197–209)

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Week Six Correlations Exercises Correlations are used to describe the strength and direction of a relationship between


Week Six – Correlations Exercises Correlations are used to describe the strength and direction of a relationship between two variables. A correlation between two variables is known as a bivariate correlation. In this module the Pearson Product-Moment Correlation will be used when running a correlation matrix. The Pearson correlation coefficient ranges from a value of -1.0 to 1.0. A correlation coefficient is never above 1.0 or below -1.0. A perfect positive correlation is 1.0 and a perfect negative correlation is -1.0. The size of the coefficient determines the strength of the relationship and the sign (i.e., + or -) determines the direction of the relationship. The closer the value is to zero the weaker the relationship and the closer the value is to 1.0 or -1.0 the stronger the relationship. A correlation coefficient of zero indicates no relationship between the variables. A scatterplot is used to depict the relationship between two variables. The general shape of the collection of points indicates whether the correlation is positive or negative. A positive relationship will have the data points group into a cluster from the lower left hand corner to the upper right hand corner of the graph. A negative relationship will be depicted by points clustering in the lower right hand corner to the upper left hand corner of the graph. When the two variables are not related the points on the scatterplot will be scattered in a random fashion. Using Polit2SetB dataset, create a correlation matrix using the following variables: Number of visits to the doctor in the past 12 months (docvisit), body mass index (bmi), Physical Health component subscale (sf12phys) and Mental Health component subscale (sf12ment). Run means and descriptives for each variable as well as the correlation matrix. Follow these steps using SPSS: 1.Click Analyze, then correlate, then bivariate. 2.Select each variable and move them into the box labeled “Variables.” 3.Be sure the Pearson and two-tailed box is checked. 4.Click on the options tab (upper right corner) and check “means and standard deviations.” The exclude cases pairwise should also be checked. Click continue. 5.Click OK To run descriptives for docvisit, bmi, sf12phys and sf12ment do the following in SPSS: 1.Click Analyze then click Descriptives Statistics, then Descriptives. 2.Click the first continuous variable you wish to obtain descriptives for (docvisit) and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. Then click bmi and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. Then click sf12phys and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. Then click sf12ment and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. 3.Click the Options button in the upper right corner. Click mean and standard deviation. 4.Click continue and then click OK. Assignment: Answer the following questions about the correlation matrix. 1.What is the strongest correlation in the matrix? (Provide correlation value and names of variables) 2.What is the weakest correlation in the matrix? (Provide correlation value and names of variables) 3.How many original correlations are present on the matrix? 4.What does the entry of 1.00 indicate on the diagonal of the matrix? 5.Indicate the strength and direction of the relationship between body mass index and physical health component subscale? 6.Which variable is most strongly correlated with body mass index? What is the correlational coefficient? What is the sample size for this relationship? 7.What is the mean and standard deviation for bmi and doctor visits? Part II Using Polit2SetB dataset, create a scatterplot using the following variables: x-axis = body mass index (bmi) and the y-axis = weight-pounds (weight). Follow these steps in SPSS: 1.Click Graphs, then click on Legacy Dialogs, then click “Scatter/Dot”. 2.Click “Simple Scatter” and then click “Define.” 3.Click on weight-pounds and move it to the Y-axis box and then click on body mass index and move it to the x-axis box. 4.Click OK. To run descriptives for bmi and weight do the following in SPSS: 5.Click Analyze then click Descriptives Statistics, then Descriptives. 6.Click the first continuous variable you wish to obtain descriptives for (body mass index) and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. Then click weight-pounds and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. 7.Click the Options button in the upper right corner. Click mean and standard deviation. 8.Click continue and then click OK. Assignment: 1.What is the mean and standard deviation for weight and bmi? 2.Describe the strength and direction of the relationship between weight and bmi? 3.Describe the scatterplot? What information does it provide to a researcher? References 3 references required Required Media Walden University. (n.d.). Correlations. Retrieved August 1, 2011, from http://streaming.waldenu.edu/hdp/researchtutorials/educ8106_player/educ8106_correlations.html Required Readings Gray, J.R., Grove, S.K., & Sutherland, S. (2017). Burns and Grove’s the practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier. Chapter 23, “Using Statistics to Examine Relationships” Statistics and Data Analysis for Nursing Research Chapter 4, “Bivariate Description: Crosstabulation, Risk Indexes, and Correlation” (pp. 59–61 and 68–78) Chapter 9, “Correlation and Simple Regression” (pp. 197–209)

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Week Six Correlations Exercises Correlations are used to describe the strength and direction


Week Six – Correlations Exercises Correlations are used to describe the strength and direction of a relationship between two variables. A correlation between two variables is known as a bivariate correlation. In this module the Pearson Product-Moment Correlation will be used when running a correlation matrix. The Pearson correlation coefficient ranges from a value of -1.0 to 1.0. A correlation coefficient is never above 1.0 or below -1.0. A perfect positive correlation is 1.0 and a perfect negative correlation is -1.0. The size of the coefficient determines the strength of the relationship and the sign (i.e., + or -) determines the direction of the relationship. The closer the value is to zero the weaker the relationship and the closer the value is to 1.0 or -1.0 the stronger the relationship. A correlation coefficient of zero indicates no relationship between the variables. A scatterplot is used to depict the relationship between two variables. The general shape of the collection of points indicates whether the correlation is positive or negative. A positive relationship will have the data points group into a cluster from the lower left hand corner to the upper right hand corner of the graph. A negative relationship will be depicted by points clustering in the lower right hand corner to the upper left hand corner of the graph. When the two variables are not related the points on the scatterplot will be scattered in a random fashion. Using Polit2SetB dataset, create a correlation matrix using the following variables: Number of visits to the doctor in the past 12 months (docvisit), body mass index (bmi), Physical Health component subscale (sf12phys) and Mental Health component subscale (sf12ment). Run means and descriptives for each variable as well as the correlation matrix. Follow these steps using SPSS: 1.Click Analyze, then correlate, then bivariate. 2.Select each variable and move them into the box labeled “Variables.” 3.Be sure the Pearson and two-tailed box is checked. 4.Click on the options tab (upper right corner) and check “means and standard deviations.” The exclude cases pairwise should also be checked. Click continue. 5.Click OK To run descriptives for docvisit, bmi, sf12phys and sf12ment do the following in SPSS: 1.Click Analyze then click Descriptives Statistics, then Descriptives. 2.Click the first continuous variable you wish to obtain descriptives for (docvisit) and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. Then click bmi and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. Then click sf12phys and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. Then click sf12ment and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. 3.Click the Options button in the upper right corner. Click mean and standard deviation. 4.Click continue and then click OK. Assignment: Answer the following questions about the correlation matrix. 1.What is the strongest correlation in the matrix? (Provide correlation value and names of variables) 2.What is the weakest correlation in the matrix? (Provide correlation value and names of variables) 3.How many original correlations are present on the matrix? 4.What does the entry of 1.00 indicate on the diagonal of the matrix? 5.Indicate the strength and direction of the relationship between body mass index and physical health component subscale? 6.Which variable is most strongly correlated with body mass index? What is the correlational coefficient? What is the sample size for this relationship? 7.What is the mean and standard deviation for bmi and doctor visits? Part II Using Polit2SetB dataset, create a scatterplot using the following variables: x-axis = body mass index (bmi) and the y-axis = weight-pounds (weight). Follow these steps in SPSS: 1.Click Graphs, then click on Legacy Dialogs, then click “Scatter/Dot”. 2.Click “Simple Scatter” and then click “Define.” 3.Click on weight-pounds and move it to the Y-axis box and then click on body mass index and move it to the x-axis box. 4.Click OK. To run descriptives for bmi and weight do the following in SPSS: 5.Click Analyze then click Descriptives Statistics, then Descriptives. 6.Click the first continuous variable you wish to obtain descriptives for (body mass index) and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. Then click weight-pounds and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. 7.Click the Options button in the upper right corner. Click mean and standard deviation. 8.Click continue and then click OK. Assignment: 1.What is the mean and standard deviation for weight and bmi? 2.Describe the strength and direction of the relationship between weight and bmi? 3.Describe the scatterplot? What information does it provide to a researcher? References 3 references required Required Media Walden University. (n.d.). Correlations. Retrieved August 1, 2011, from http://streaming.waldenu.edu/hdp/researchtutorials/educ8106_player/educ8106_correlations.html Required Readings Gray, J.R., Grove, S.K., & Sutherland, S. (2017). Burns and Grove’s the practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier. Chapter 23, “Using Statistics to Examine Relationships” Statistics and Data Analysis for Nursing Research Chapter 4, “Bivariate Description: Crosstabulation, Risk Indexes, and Correlation” (pp. 59–61 and 68–78) Chapter 9, “Correlation and Simple Regression” (pp. 197–209)

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Week Six Correlations Exercises Correlations are used to describe the strength and direction


Week Six – Correlations Exercises Correlations are used to describe the strength and direction of a relationship between two variables. A correlation between two variables is known as a bivariate correlation. In this module the Pearson Product-Moment Correlation will be used when running a correlation matrix. The Pearson correlation coefficient ranges from a value of -1.0 to 1.0. A correlation coefficient is never above 1.0 or below -1.0. A perfect positive correlation is 1.0 and a perfect negative correlation is -1.0. The size of the coefficient determines the strength of the relationship and the sign (i.e., + or -) determines the direction of the relationship. The closer the value is to zero the weaker the relationship and the closer the value is to 1.0 or -1.0 the stronger the relationship. A correlation coefficient of zero indicates no relationship between the variables. A scatterplot is used to depict the relationship between two variables. The general shape of the collection of points indicates whether the correlation is positive or negative. A positive relationship will have the data points group into a cluster from the lower left hand corner to the upper right hand corner of the graph. A negative relationship will be depicted by points clustering in the lower right hand corner to the upper left hand corner of the graph. When the two variables are not related the points on the scatterplot will be scattered in a random fashion. Using Polit2SetB dataset, create a correlation matrix using the following variables: Number of visits to the doctor in the past 12 months (docvisit), body mass index (bmi), Physical Health component subscale (sf12phys) and Mental Health component subscale (sf12ment). Run means and descriptives for each variable as well as the correlation matrix. Follow these steps using SPSS: 1.Click Analyze, then correlate, then bivariate. 2.Select each variable and move them into the box labeled “Variables.” 3.Be sure the Pearson and two-tailed box is checked. 4.Click on the options tab (upper right corner) and check “means and standard deviations.” The exclude cases pairwise should also be checked. Click continue. 5.Click OK To run descriptives for docvisit, bmi, sf12phys and sf12ment do the following in SPSS: 1.Click Analyze then click Descriptives Statistics, then Descriptives. 2.Click the first continuous variable you wish to obtain descriptives for (docvisit) and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. Then click bmi and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. Then click sf12phys and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. Then click sf12ment and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. 3.Click the Options button in the upper right corner. Click mean and standard deviation. 4.Click continue and then click OK. Assignment: Answer the following questions about the correlation matrix. 1.What is the strongest correlation in the matrix? (Provide correlation value and names of variables) 2.What is the weakest correlation in the matrix? (Provide correlation value and names of variables) 3.How many original correlations are present on the matrix? 4.What does the entry of 1.00 indicate on the diagonal of the matrix? 5.Indicate the strength and direction of the relationship between body mass index and physical health component subscale? 6.Which variable is most strongly correlated with body mass index? What is the correlational coefficient? What is the sample size for this relationship? 7.What is the mean and standard deviation for bmi and doctor visits? Part II Using Polit2SetB dataset, create a scatterplot using the following variables: x-axis = body mass index (bmi) and the y-axis = weight-pounds (weight). Follow these steps in SPSS: 1.Click Graphs, then click on Legacy Dialogs, then click “Scatter/Dot”. 2.Click “Simple Scatter” and then click “Define.” 3.Click on weight-pounds and move it to the Y-axis box and then click on body mass index and move it to the x-axis box. 4.Click OK. To run descriptives for bmi and weight do the following in SPSS: 5.Click Analyze then click Descriptives Statistics, then Descriptives. 6.Click the first continuous variable you wish to obtain descriptives for (body mass index) and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. Then click weight-pounds and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. 7.Click the Options button in the upper right corner. Click mean and standard deviation. 8.Click continue and then click OK. Assignment: 1.What is the mean and standard deviation for weight and bmi? 2.Describe the strength and direction of the relationship between weight and bmi? 3.Describe the scatterplot? What information does it provide to a researcher? References 3 references required Required Media Walden University. (n.d.). Correlations. Retrieved August 1, 2011, from http://streaming.waldenu.edu/hdp/researchtutorials/educ8106_player/educ8106_correlations.html Required Readings Gray, J.R., Grove, S.K., & Sutherland, S. (2017). Burns and Grove’s the practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier. Chapter 23, “Using Statistics to Examine Relationships” Statistics and Data Analysis for Nursing Research Chapter 4, “Bivariate Description: Crosstabulation, Risk Indexes, and Correlation” (pp. 59–61 and 68–78) Chapter 9, “Correlation and Simple Regression” (pp. 197–209)

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Imagine an organization asks you to contribute to the development of an

Paper due 1-12-2018 2025

Imagine an organization asks you to contribute to the development of an information system best-practices policy to help maintain patient safety and patient confidentiality in their practice setting. The organization wants you to create a document to help the group better understand why an informatics policy is needed and the practices that should be included in the policy. A nursing informatics best-practices document can serve multiple purposes, such as a handout for new-hire orientation or as a background report given to a committee tasked with creating or updating a nursing informatics best-practices policy. Preparation To expand your understanding of nursing informatics best practices within the industry, research the most current information about the topics of nursing best-practices documents and nursing informatics best practices. Using the library, the suggested resources, and other methods (Web search, for example), locate 4–6 scholarly articles related to best practices designed to support positive patient outcomes related to the following areas: The meaning of secure data practices. Ethical standards needed to promote and support data security. Patient confidentiality. Regulatory requirements. Behaviors and skills nurse leaders need to guide the use of information technology and research for improved patient-care outcomes. Directions Create a description of a nursing informatics best-practices policy document designed to define and encourage effective and safe data use in a practice setting or organization. Purpose Statement: Statement of why an organization would create the policy. Include any reasons and intent that supports the creation of an informatics best-practices policy. Best Practices Definitions and Descriptions: Definitions of secure practices, data security, and patient confidentiality. Ethical standards. Regulatory requirements. Implementation: Behaviors – describe the behaviors nurse leaders will need to demonstrate that will guide implementation of the policy. Skills required – describe the skills needed to ensure policy adherence. Format your document using the professional format and style (corporate identity) used in your organization or practice setting. Note : If you are not currently working in an organizational setting, follow the formatting instructions below. Additional Requirements Written communication: Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message. APA formatting: Format resources and citations according to current APA style and formatting guidelines. Number of resources: Cite a minimum of four peer-reviewed resources. Length: Submit 3–5 typed, double-spaced pages. Font and font size: Use Times New Roman, 12 point.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Please pay attention to the questions asked Proper English and original paper

HealthCare Informatics 2025

Please pay attention to the questions asked. Proper English and original paper. Ensure all the areas are answered with subtopics so that the paper flow. Directions: For this assignment, write a 1,000-1,250 word paper in which you: 1. Select a technology that has been explored in the course. ( The technology could be electronic health records or telehealth technology, those are the two common ones) 2. Using the technology, you have selected, define and describe how the element would be measured or evaluated. 3. Using the content from readings, list three elements that will be used to evaluate the user-technology interface. 4. Perform an assessment using elements of user-technology interface or human factors methods to determine functionality. 5. For each element, propose practicable suggestions for improvement using support from the literature.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Prepare a 10 minute presentation 10 15 slides not including title or reference slide on organizational culture and

Slide Presentation on organizational culture and values 2025

Prepare a 10-minute presentation (10-15 slides, not including title or reference slide) on organizational culture and values. Describe how alignment between the values of an organization and the values of the nurse impact nurse engagement and patient outcomes. Discuss how an individual can use effective communication techniques to overcome workplace challenges, encourage collaboration across groups, and promote effective problem solving. Incorporate how system needs and the culture of health may influence the outcomes. How does this relate to health promotion and disease prevention in the larger picture? Identify a specific instance from your own professional experience in which the values of the organization and the values of the individual nurses did or did not align. Describe the impact this had on nurse engagement and patient outcomes.  Solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, Use at least THREE references, PLEASE I NEED ACTUAL WEBSITE SOUCE. Prepare this assignment according to the APA STYLE, an abstract is not required.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025