2025 Evidence Based Practice Nurses must be able to understand the application of evidence based research in their nursing practices This

U2D1 2025

Evidence-Based Practice Nurses must be able to understand the application of evidence-based research in their nursing practices. This type of research requires nurses to evaluate outcomes while using evidence-based practices. The readings in this unit demonstrate that evidence-based practice is part of nearly everything we do in nursing and they are meant to have you think about it from many angles. After reading about the use of evidence-based research in nursing: •Describe an example of how you currently use evidence-based practice in your workplace. •Offer a rationale for this practice. I work as a pediatric (kids) nurse, so this post needs to be about evidence based practice, especially within the pediatric population.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 From the U S Preventive Task Force website https www uspreventiveservicestaskforce org BrowseRec Index Links to an external site Links to an external

Screening and Reliability 2025

From the U.S. Preventive Task Force website https://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/BrowseRec/Index (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. , choose one screening test that might be considered in primary care. Define the test, its positive predictive value, reliability and validity. Discuss patient medical or family history that may alter your recommendation for screening? Search entries or author

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 PCN 500 Family Systems Theory versus Individual TheoriesWorksheet Directions Choose one family systems theory Bowenian Structural or Strategic and one

Health & Medical : Find the attached file, I need original and excellent work 2025

PCN-500 Family Systems Theory versus Individual TheoriesWorksheet Directions: Choose one family systems theory (Bowenian, Structural, or Strategic) and one individual counseling theorystudied in this course such as (CBT, REBT, or Person Centered) and compare the two theories. Complete the specific fields listed in the chart for each theory chosen. Provide a 30- to 50-word response for each field. Provide an in-text citation in each field as appropriate and include a full reference below.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Discuss an advantage and a disadvantage of one drug used to treat one infectious

wk 6 ap 2025

Discuss an advantage and a disadvantage of one drug used to treat one infectious disease condition. The initial post should be a minimum of 4 paragraphs. . Each paragraph should be supported with evidenced based peer reviewed journals.  Support answers with two cited peer reviewed journals no older than 5 years APA style

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Discuss how the current CDC guidelines may be applied to advanced practice nursing

wk 8 2025

Discuss how the current CDC guidelines may be applied to advanced practice nursing in patient education to prevent drug to drug interactions. The initial post should be a minimum of 4 paragraphs. . Each paragraph should be supported with evidenced based peer reviewed journals.  Support answers with two cited peer reviewed journals no older than 5 years APA style

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Find an article on a societal factor that is affecting nursing patient education curriculum Summarize your article for

nursing 2025

Find an article on a societal factor that is affecting nursing/patient education curriculum. Summarize your article for your classmates in one or two paragraphs. Discuss why you chose the article and what can be learned from this trend – how would you use it to improve the quality of nursing/patient education? This article and those posted by your classmates may become the foundation of your paper due in Topic 2. Be sure to include the entire citation in APA format. The article you select cannot be from any of the course materials or supplemental readings. Please note: It is a violation of copyright law to post the entire text of the article to an online discussion board. So be sure to post only the citation information so that the article can be located if someone is interested in reading more. The article should come from a graduate-level journal, like an advanced practice journal or nursing education journal – not an entry-level journal like AJN, RN, Nursing,

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Review the following journal article that discusses the revival of nursing theory as a key component to nursing care

Nursing Theory 2025

Review the following journal article that discusses the revival of nursing theory as a key component to nursing care. In a 2-3 page paper, create your own holistic nursing theory or model. You may adapt portions or blend components from existing theories/models (please make sure to cite sources). Include your definitions of Person, Nursing, Environment, and Health. APA format Article attached

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Windshield Survey Hialeah Miami or Miami Beach Assignment Guidelines A Windshield Survey The Windshield

Winshield Survey 2025

Windshield Survey( Hialeah, Miami, or Miami Beach) Assignment Guidelines A. Windshield Survey The Windshield Survey is comprised of general qualitative observations that give you a snapshot of the community that you can capture as you drive/walk through the community. The demographic data can be obtained online, through the public library, county or township administration buildings. Please address the following in a narrative format following APA guidelines: 1. Geographical description · Boundaries, geographical, political, or economic, how is it seen. · Housing an zoning · Sign of decay 2. Health Resources a. Type of services available: health department, private MD, dentist, hospital clinic, b. pharmacy, health promotion, mental health c. School and occupational health services d. Official and voluntary services e. Self help and support groups f. Service organizations, faith-based programs g. Stores (grocery, retail, drug, dry cleaning, etc. h. Transportation 3. Citizen safety and protective services a. Police and fire b. Shelters for victims of abuse c. Others: neighborhood watch etc. 4. Services provided by senior citizens senior centers, meals on wheels, transportation, day care, long term care. ​a. Parks and recreational areas 5. Community welfare services beyond city/state aid as provisions for emergency food, shelter and clothing. Below please see the rubric that will be used to grade your survey and due date instructions. Assignment must be presented in an essay style using APA format in the required Arial 12 font with minimum of 1000 words.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 This is revision work Revision Comments 1 Meet the word count within the

Effectiveness of Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in reducing the transmissions of HIV virus in heterosexual Sero-discordant sexual encounters. A systematic literature review 2025

This is revision work. Revision Comments: “1) Meet the word count within the sections: i) Introduction – 700 (currently delete approx 600 w without losing the main idea). ii) Literature Review – 3100 w (add 800 w) iii) Methodology 1600 iv) Results 1600 v) Discussion 5300 vi) conclusion 700. [Please ensure that you meet the word count but also, do not exceed the word count]. 2) In literature review, besides your content also add the points required by the client: i. Effectiveness of PrEP; ii. Obstacles to uptake and adherence to PrEP iii. Benefits of PrEP iv. The effectiveness of PrEP in preventing HIV infection – with referencing to the authors (Cohen; Galea; Golub; Marcus). 3) Finish QUALITY ASSESSMENT; DATA ABSTRACTION; and DATA ANALYSIS. 4) There should be sufficient amount of reading used with utilizing c’s articles from the “BABA” file [Please strictly follow all the instructions given in the BABA file attached]. 5) Harvard referencing required exact page indication – revise in-text citations accordingly. No comma between Author(s) and page is required. (Surname, Surname and Surname 11, 2012) 6)It seems that you have not seen the feedback from the client regarding the content in the messaging system because you did not do what was required for the Methodology section. 7)Please, use these as the paper’s Research Objectives: i. To determine the efficacy of PrEP in the transmissions of HIV virus among the heterosexual sero-discordant sexual couples. ii. To measure gender differences in the uptake of Prep. iii. To measure the safety of PrEP. 8. Please use this as the paper’s Research Question: i. Is the usage of PrEP effective in reducing HIV transmission amongst individuals of different gender 9) The methodology written is too narrative. Please revise it and follow steps outlined in the attached document [BABA file]. 10)There is no explicit inclusion or exclusion criteria, no evidence table showing quality assessment or data abstraction. Add a table showing this evidence and also include an explicit inclusion/exclusion criteria. Please. 11) Add an automated Table of Contents [and also a List of Tables/Figures if need be]. 12) Please use this as the aim of the study: i. The study’s aims to examine the means through which PrEP is used to reduce the transmission of HIV virus among sero-discordant heterosexual couples 13) It was noted that the methods of statistical analysis were not highlighted. Please ensure that you highlight them very clearly so I can see easily 14) It was also noted that that the majority of the papers used were on MSM can you source heterosexual related papers? 15) Please delete the following queries/research objectives (if they still appear in the paper). Just use the ones above: i. Is the use of PrEP harmless in humans? ii. Does the gender difference affect the outcome of the prep application? iii. Are the approaches presently employed for PrEP utilization safe to humans? alongside the specific objective section. [I would appreciate if the draft is amended throughout to reflect this]. 16) Lastly, proofread the paper very carefully removing any grammatical errors as well as plagiarism (Check the file titled ‘Originality Report 3’ and revise the highlighted red areas to remove the marked plagiarism). Please follow all these instructions and do a good job at it. Thank you in advance.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Case Study 2 Mr P is a 76 year old male with cardiomyopathy and congestive heart

case study one and two 2025

Case Study 2 Mr. P is a 76-year-old male with cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure who has been hospitalized frequently to treat CHF symptoms. He has difficulty maintaining diet restrictions and managing his polypharmacy. He has 4+ pitting edema, moist crackles throughout lung fields, and labored breathing. He has no family other than his wife, who verbalizes sadness over his declining health and over her inability to get out of the house. She is overwhelmed with the stack of medical bills, as Mr. P always took care of the financial issues. Mr. P is despondent and asks why God has not taken him. Question Considering Mr. P’s condition and circumstance, write an essay of 500-750 words that includes the following: · Describe your approach to care. · Recommend a treatment plan. · Describe a method for providing both the patient and family with education and explain your rationale. · Provide a teaching plan (avoid using terminology that the patient and family may not understand). 4�o$B In a short essay (500-750 words), answer the Question at the end of Case Study 1. Cite references to support your positions. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Case Study 1 Case Study 1 Ms. A. is an apparently healthy 26-year-old white woman. Since the beginning of the current golf season, Ms. A has noted increased shortness of breath and low levels of energy and enthusiasm. These symptoms seem worse during her menses. Today, while playing in a golf tournament at a high, mountainous course, she became light-headed and was taken by her golfing partner to the emergency clinic. The attending physician’s notes indicated a temperature of 98 degrees F, an elevated heart rate and respiratory rate, and low blood pressure. Ms. A states, “Menorrhagia and dysmenorrheal have been a problem for 10-12 years, and I take 1,000 mg of aspirin every 3 to 4 hours for 6 days during menstruation.” During the summer months, while playing golf, she also takes aspirin to avoid “stiffness in my joints.” Laboratory values are as follows: Hemoglobin = 8 g/dl Hematocrit = 32% Erythrocyte count = 3.1 x 10/mm RBC smear showed microcytic and hypochromic cells Reticulocyte count = 1.5% Other laboratory values were within normal limits. Question Considering the circumstances and the preliminary workup, what type of anemia does Ms. A most likely have? In an essay of 500-750 words, explain your answer and include rationale. s

Nursing Assignment Help 2025