2025 Communication For this assignment describe two strategies that you use in your nursing

U6A1 2025

Communication For this assignment, describe two strategies that you use in your nursing practice as a pediatric nurse, to effectively communicate with other members of your team, and with your patients. Instructions •Describe two strategies that are used in your nursing practice to effectively communicate with members of your team and with your patients. •Explain how the communication strategies reflect your knowledge of pharmacology policies and procedures, protocol, practice standards, and regulatory guidelines. •Explain how the communication strategies demonstrate respect for others and cultural competence. •Explain how the communication strategies ensure patient safety with regard to the delivery of pharmacological agents Additional Requirements •Length of paper: No more than 3 pages, not including the title page and reference page. •References: At least two scholarly references, including this week’s reading assignment. •Formatting: Follow proper APA style and formatting.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 As health care manager your facility will soon be implementing an electronic health record EHR Some employees feel that

7-9 pages 2025

As health care manager, your facility will soon be implementing an electronic health record (EHR). Some employees feel that they are not technologically gifted. Some employees feel the computer will soon cause them to be laid off. Employees are discussing this implementation and passing rumors about whether the implementation will actually improve the medical record. Discuss the following in your paper: How does change impact motivation of employees? Discuss how you would communicate with these employees and what you will tell them about the EHR implementation. Discuss how employers will explain about the training that will be offered to all employees and how employee job skills will change with the implementation.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 discussion about the following topics 1 What are you beliefs about the major concepts in nursing person environment health nursing

Major concepts in Nursing 2025

discussion about the following topics: 1. What are you beliefs about the major concepts in nursing; person, environment, health, nursing? I am looking personal opinion I do not want book definitions. 2. Discuss the characteristics of Realism and Idealism and give one example of where do you see yourself on the continuum of realism and idealism 3. Define and differentiate between values and beliefs.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Details Create a PowerPoint presentation based on the application of the functional health assessment of

Movie character Power point 2025

Details: Create a PowerPoint presentation based on the application of the functional health assessment of a movie character. To complete this assignment, choose a movie from the following list and identify a character from the movie on whom you would like to do a health assessment. (CHOOSE JUST ONE MOVIE PLEASE) Films: Away From Her Lorenzo’s Oil Mask My Sister’s Keeper Rain Man Philadelphia Steel Magnolias Stepmom The Elephant Man The Mighty The Tic Code Directions: Create a PowerPoint presentation of 12 slides using the template “Movie Character Presentation.” Provide an introduction and background overview of the movie character (client). Assess the client using the “Functional Health Pattern Assessment.” Based on your “observations” and thoughts, document your assessment, providing examples from the movie. Describe any observed or potential cultural, geographic, religious, ethnic, or spiritual considerations of this client. Describe two normal health patterns of the client as well as two abnormal health patterns that you observe, and provide examples. Develop an appropriate nursing diagnosis for the client based on your assessment. Identify and describe three interventions for the client: health promotion, health prevention, and maintenance. Identify at least two possible resources or community services to which you would refer this client and provide rationale for your choices. MINIMUM OF 3 REFERENCES, NO PLAGIARISM PLEASE

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 1 Why is a philosophy of science important to nursing Provide examples from your clinical

Nursing Research 2025

1-Why is a philosophy of science important to nursing? Provide examples from your clinical practice that demonstrate how the scientific method influences nursing knowledge, and in turn, practice? (Essentials I, III, VI, VIII and IX) -The initial post will be regarding the topic of the week and will be a minimum of 250 words. Make sure you provide appropriate references and utilize APA style. For references you can use: -American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2011). The Essentials of Master’s in Education in Nursing -American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Home. (2017, August 10). Retrieved September 16, 2017, from http://www.aacnnursing.org/ and 1 more actualized.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 People of African American Heritage The Amish Please read chapter 6 and 7 of the class textbook and review

Healthcare Cultural Patterns and Believes of African Americans 2025

People of African American Heritage. The Amish. Please read chapter 6 and 7 of the class textbook and review the attached Power Point presentations. Once done answer the following questions; 1. Give an overview of the African American and the Amish culture and mention any difference with your own culture. 2. What are the healthcare culture beliefs of the African American and the Amish cultures and mention if there is any similarity in their beliefs. 3. How these two cultures healthcare beliefs affect the delivery of evidence based nursing care. Please give an example. As stated in the syllabus present your assignment in an APA format word document, Arial 12 font attached to the forum in the discussion tab of the blackboard title “week 3 discussion questions”. A minimum of 2 evidence based references no older than 5 years old are required. Two replies to any of your peers sustain with a proper references are required and a minimum of 500 words

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Economics of Health Care Politics and The Law Environmental Health Read chapter 8 9 and 13 of the class

community 2025

Economics of Health Care. Politics and The Law. Environmental Health. Read chapter 8, 9 and 13 of the class textbook and review the attached Power Point presentations. Once done answer the following questions; Do you feel it is better to allow individuals the freedom to choose any type of (or no) health insurance coverage available to them or to increase government involvement in a person’s/family’s healthcare via mandates, such as the ACA and/or the government as a single insurer for all residents. Why? 2. Discuss the mission of the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) and the Center for Medicare &  Medicaid Innovation (CMMI). 3. If you could reform the malpractice or tort laws, what types of changes would you make? When do you feel it is appropriate for someone to claim damages from medical procedures or treatment? Do you feel there should be a cap on the payments, and if so, how would you decide what that cap would be? What are all the different costs involved in medical malpractice suites? Is it easier to talk about tort reform than to actually try to define it? 4. Based in your windshield survey and/or community assessment, did you find any environmental hazards while doing the assessment.  If yes, What was the origin of the hazards? How could they be addressed? Is/was the community doing  anything to deal with the problems? Present you assignment in an APA format word document, 12 Arial font attach to the forum in the discussion tab of the blackboard title “week 3 discussion questions”. Your assignment must contained at least 2 evidence based references (excluding the class textbook). A minimum of 2 replies to any of your peers sustain with references are required. Assignment must contained at least 500 words (excluding the first and reference page).

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 I NEED A POSITIVE COMMENT BASED IN THIS ARGUMENT BETWEEN 100 120 WORDS Clinical significance refers to

comment audre dq2 2025

I NEED A POSITIVE COMMENT BASED IN THIS ARGUMENT..BETWEEN 100-120 WORDS Clinical significance refers to the practical value of a study, the judgement the evaluator must make when deciding if the results are significant enough to make a clinical difference (University of Western States, 2011). Statistical significance tells us the likelihood of the results being replicated. This is expressed as p value and states the probability of the results being due to luck or chance. In health care studies the p value is usually set at 0.5, indicating there is a 5% probability the results were due to chance (University of Ottowa, n.d.). Clinical significance can support the outcomes in my project by highlighting improved patient outcomes. My EBP project focuses on a reduction in length of hospital stay due to early mobility. While there are many factors that influence how long a patient remains in the hospital, such as comorbidities, any reduction in length of stay benefits the patient. In many of the studies I have read, the researchers comment on the fact that they cannot control all factors of the study, which may have an effect on the measurable outcomes. If I were to collect data, such as hospital length of stay, on patients before the implementation of an early mobility protocol and again 4 weeks after implementation the patient population at the time may be drastically different. That is where clinical significance would support the positive outcome of any reduction in hospital length of stay. References University of Ottowa. (n.d.). Statistical Significance and Clinical Importance. Retrieved from University of Ottowa: http://www.med.uottawa.ca/sim/data/Statistical_significance_importance_e.htm University of Western States. (2011). P Values, statistical significance & clinical significance. Retrieved from University of Western States: https://www.uws.edu/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/P_Values_Statistical_Sig_Clinical_Sig.pdf

Nursing Assignment Help 2025



I NEED A POSITIVE COMMENT BASED IN THIS ARGUMENT..BETWEEN 100-120 WORDS When determining the appropriate variables to utilize for evidence based research practices, the researcher must take into account the aim of the study or what the study was seeking to define or hypothesize, the participants within the study, etc. (N.A., 2018). In the end, the study must ensure that it has reached the necessary variables that will allow it to propose the most optimal values and preferences for effective implementation from research to practice within the healthcare organization The way you design your evaluation research will have a lot to do with how accurate and reliable your results are, and how well you can use them to improve your program or intervention. The design should be one that best addresses key threats to internal validity (whether the intervention caused the change) and external validity (the ability to generalize your results to other situations, communities, and populations) (Fawcett, 2017). •Independent variables are the program itself and/or the methods or conditions that the researcher – in this case, you – wants to evaluate (Fawcett, 2017) They’re called variables because they can change – you might have chosen (and might still choose) other methods. They’re independent because their existence doesn’t depend on whether something else occurs: you’ve chosen them, and they’ll stay consistent throughout the evaluation period. For my project, the independent variable would be the readmission rates of heart failure patients with in thirty days of discharge. •Dependent variables are whatever may or may not change as a result of the presence of the independent variable(s) (Fawcett,2017). In an evaluation, your program or intervention is the independent variable. (If you’re evaluating a number of different methods or conditions, each of them is an independent variable.) Whatever you’re trying to change is the dependent variable. (If you’re aiming at change in more than one behavior or outcome, each type of change is a different dependent variable.) They’re called dependent variables because changes in them depend on the action of the independent variable…or something else. The dependent variables for my project would be increased discharge teaching, and follow up care for four weeks post discharge. Reference: N.A. (2018). Professional Capstone and Practicum. Brain Mass. Retrieved from: https://brainmass.com/health-sciences/evaluation-measurement-and-research-methods/professional-capstone-practicum-627869 Fawcett, S. (2017). Selecting an Appropriate Design for the Evaluation. Community Tool Box. Retrieved from: http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/evaluate/evaluate-community-interventions/experimental-design/main

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Strict deadline Four pages double spaced minimum Sources must be in APA format

Health System 2025

Strict deadline. Four pages (double spaced) minimum. Sources must be in APA format. Part 1 1.You are being chased through the woods by a hungry bear. a. Which nervous system would engage (parasympathetic or sympathetic) and why? b. What would be the effects of this system on your: i. Eyes ii. Skin iii. Respiratory System iv. d. Skeletal muscles c. Describe the neurotransmitter family that is activated in this situation. 2. You are home with the flu. a. Which nervous system would engage? Why is this? b. What would be the effects of this system on your: i. Eyes ii. Skin iii. Respiratory System iv. Skeletal muscles c. Describe the neurotransmitter family that is activated in this situation. Part 2: Jack is a 78-year-old man. While most of the time Jack is able to live by himself, he does often forget where he put his car keys or what time his next doctor’s appointment is. 1. Why would you not classify Jack as an Alzheimer’s patient? Provide one (1) supporting fact. 2. Describe one (1) type of treatment or assistance one would recommend for Jack, with one (1) supporting fact.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025