2025 Online Learning Strategies Completing courses in the absence of a physical classroom and

Week 2 Discussion Nurs 6001 2025

Online Learning Strategies: Completing courses in the absence of a physical classroom and frequent face-to-face contact can be challenging, even for those who are comfortable with technology and the online environment. You need to be able to plan and manage your time well, particularly since there is no structured “class time”; communicate clearly and effectively where there is no visual or nonverbal feedback; and use technology effectively. This Discussion provides you with an opportunity to think about your skills in the above areas, to explore strategies for successful online learning, and exchange strategies with your colleagues. To prepare: •Review this Week’s assigned readings from the Walden e-Guide and the document, “Technical Tips for Learning at Walden,” in the Learning Resources. •Review this week’s media program, “Tips for Effective Online Composition and Communication.” •Think about some strategies you have used, or read about, that may be beneficial for effective planning, time management, communication, and technology use. •Consider how the strategies you have identified can contribute to being a successful online learner. Post a description of at least one strategy for each of the following areas related to online success: planning, time management, communication, and technology use. Explain how/why you think use of each strategy will contribute to your success as an online learner. Support your Discussion assignment with specific resources used in its preparation using APA formatting. You are asked to provide a reference for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 APA format 3 references at least 300 words Parkinson s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder The current

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder. The current treatment options for the disorder have focused on symptom control. Research is now focusing on developing ways to modify the disease progression and possibly provide a cure. In 2025

APA format, 3 references, at least 300 words Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder. The current treatment options for the disorder have focused on symptom control. Research is now focusing on developing ways to modify the disease progression and possibly provide a cure. Investigate the current research on Parkinson’s disease treatments, including stem-cell research and the use of fetal tissue implants. Share your thoughts on the evolving therapies. What are the current controversies?

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Create a 4 page brochure that provides information about integrative holistic nursing services that can be provided to healthcare facilities

Holistic Nursing Learning Brochure 2025

Create a 4-page brochure that provides information about integrative/holistic nursing services that can be provided to healthcare facilities. Select a type of facility for which you would like to design this brochure (Medical-Surgical floor at a busy hospital). Incorporate the modalities you have learned in this course (Healing touch, Acupuncture, aromatherapy, Tai-Chi, homeopathy… ect) Be creative! Attached is an example of a brochure to base this off of.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 People of Korean Heritage People of Mexican Heritage Read chapter 20 and 21 of

Culture in nursing 2025

People of Korean Heritage. People of Mexican Heritage. Read chapter 20 and 21 of the class textbook and review the attached Power Point presentations. Once done; answer the following questions: 1. Give an overview of the development of the Korean and Mexican people as culture. 2. Discuss the health care beliefs of both heritages and how they influence the delivery of nursing care. 3. Do you think is there any similarity in these two culture healthcare beliefs and the beliefs in United States? If yes or not please explain your response. As stated in the syllabus please present your assignment in an APA format, Your assignment must contained a minimum of 2 evidence based references besides the class textbook. 600 words minimum

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Hello there is actually two assignments one is journal entry and two is discussion

Week 8- HPRS 1303 (end of life issues) class 2025

Hello there is actually two assignments. one is journal entry and two is discussion post. this is due March 11, 2018 before 11:59 pm central time 1. Journal entry #5 One requirement for HPRS 1303: End of Life Issues class is that students keep a reflective journal summarizing what they have learned from each assignment and subsequent discussion. Students must complete 11 journal entires in total, each of which is worth up to 50 points. The Journal Entries provide a way for students to make personal connections to the material and to apply the concepts they have learned. Journal entries should be written in a well-developed paragraph rather than just a phrase. Investing some effort in each journal entry will not only help you make the most of this course, but should help prepare you for the assignment in Week 15. This is the rubric that I will be using to grade all journal entries (assignments) throughout the semester: Also please list the sources and no plagiarism please APA Journal Entries (Assignments) Rubric Score _____/50 ____ (5) In-text citations include necessary info in parentheses after borrowed material ____ (5) References per APA ____ (5) Grammar and spelling ____ (35) Application of three or more concepts from the learned material please watch this video link first before doing the assignments https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kl5cu1H4Hss 2.  Physical Aspects of Dying Discussion post What did you learn from this video? What are your thoughts? Support your answer through the use of peer reviewed scholarly sources from MedLine, Ebsco, Proquest, and/or Google Scholar. You must provide at least three additional sources to the video. Please write a 300 to 500 word essay adhering to APA 6th Edition formatting guidelines. Please list the sources and no plagiarism

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Traditionally nutrition programs were targeted to the indigent and poor populations in

please answer this question in APA format .write at lease 250 words 2025

Traditionally, nutrition programs were targeted to the indigent and poor populations in developing countries. Many of today’s Americans are malnourished also, but they are inundated with unhealthy foods and require a multidisciplinary approach to nutrition education. What would be the three most important points to include in a public nutrition program? Provide current literature to support your answer and include two nutritional education community resources.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Multidisciplinary Approach to Health Promotion Think about the approach to strategic planning and the resource allocation

Multidisciplinary Approach to Health Promotion 2025

Multidisciplinary Approach to Health Promotion Think about the approach to strategic planning and the resource allocation related to promoting a holistic health care promotion plan for diabetic Latino population. Who are the stakeholders that will be involved in the implementation of the plan? How will you get them on board with the plan? How will you incorporate culturally sensitive strategies in this endeavor? Also, identify resources that will help empower your chosen population in attaining and maintaining health. Address the following in this assignment: 1. Describe the potential disciplines that will participate in health care promotion as well as disease prevention and management for Latinos with diabetes. 2. Describe the potential interrelationships and communication among different health care delivery settings for Latinos with diabetes. Include the involvement of patients, families, groups, nurses, interdepartmental health care teams, community-based stakeholders, and governments (local, state, and federal). 3. Explain how the incorporated health care promotion strategies are culturally competent. Identify and advocate for resources that may empower populations in attaining and maintaining health. Written Requirements Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message. APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting. Number of resources: 8–10 citations. Length of paper: 5–8 pages. Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 APA citation and reference By the due date assigned write a 2 page paper

NSG 6101 2025

APA, citation and reference By the due date assigned, write a 2 page paper addressing the sections below of the research proposal. Methodology Extraneous Variables (and plan for how controlled). Instruments: Description, validity, and reliability estimates, which have been performed (on a pre-established measure). Include plans for testing validity and reliability of generating your own instrument(s). Description of the Intervention Data Collection Procedures

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Discussion Preventing Discrimination in the Workplace Consider your rights as an employee or job applicant What do you know

Discussion: Preventing Discrimination in the Workplace Paper 2025

Discussion: Preventing Discrimination in the Workplace Consider your rights as an employee or job applicant. What do you know about the laws that prevent unfair treatment and discriminatory practices in the workplace? Prior to 1964, employees and job applicants had few rights. Many employers used skin color, religion, or gender as a sole basis to hire or fire employees. Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act aimed to protect employees from the prejudices of employers. In fact, after its passing it became the core foundation of workplace discrimination law because it protected five categories, or “classes,” of citizens from unfair employment practices. As time progressed, legislators supplemented Title VII with more anti-discrimination acts and policies. Today, employees or applicants who feel discriminated against due to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability, pregnancy, veteran status, or genetics can seek grounds for legal representation. As a leader in the nursing field, you must take all necessary precautions to ensure that you and your unit, department, and/or organization adhere to the laws outlined and associated with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. To prepare · Review Chapter 3, “The Legal Environment and Diversity Management,” in the course text, Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications, & Skill Development. Examine how Title VII protects classes of employees across all organizations and professions. · Review this week’s media, “Legal Issues,” and the laws that address employment discrimination. · Conduct research to learn more about applicable laws and regulations pertaining to the protected class assigned by your Instructor. · · Select one of the following options: o Option 1: Conduct research via the Walden Library and other scholarly sites (such as the ones listed below) to locate an authentic discrimination case involving the protected class that you were assigned. o o Option 2: Recall an instance of discrimination you have personally experienced or witnessed related to your assigned protected class. Consider the events leading up to and the resolution of this instance. Note: The case/instance that you choose for this Discussion may be from an organization in any field (not just health care) and must have occurred within the last 10 years. · Once you have selected your option and case/instance, reflect upon the following questions: o What legal issues (i.e., Title VII and other applicable laws) were relevant to this case or instance? o What strategies would you propose to prevent a similar situation from occurring in your unit, department, or organization? Websites Cornell University Law School. (n.d.). Legal Information Institute . Retrieved September 21, 2012 from http://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/search/ Search for recent Supreme Court decisions on employment discrimination. Enter your assigned Title VII protected class into the search bar to access court cases by topic. Equal Employment Advisory Council. (2012). Amicus activity . Retrieved from http://www.eeac.org/web/amicus/index.asp Use the categorized hyperlinks to access court cases by issue, area, court, or year. U.S. Department of Labor. (n.d.). Search results . Retrieved September 21, 2012 from http://webapps.dol.gov/search/?search/Search.aspx To find recent employment discrimination decisions, include in your search terms the type of discrimination or the employment law and the word(s) “decisions” or “case decisions” (e.g., “racial discrimination decisions,” “gender discrimination decisions,” “American Disability Act (ADA) case decisions,” “Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) case decisions,” etc.) https://class.waldenu.edu/bbcswebdav/pid-4223835-dt-announcement-rid-151668583_1/courses/USW1.UF.201850/Bullying-and-Harassment-in-the-Nursing-Workforce.pdf Below are the protective classes. You can select one yourself and once you have selected your option and case/instance, reflect upon the following questions: What legal issues (i.e., Title VII and other applicable laws) were relevant to this case or instance? What strategies would you propose to prevent a similar situation from occurring in your unit, department, or organization The US. federal law protects individuals from discrimination or harassment based on sex, race, age, disability, color, creed, national origin or religion. Race – Civil Rights Act of 1964 Religion – Civil Rights Act of 1964 National origin – Civil Rights Act of 1964 Age (40 and over) – Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 Sex – Equal Pay Act of 1963 and Civil Rights Act of 1964 The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission interprets ‘sex’ to include discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity [2] Pregnancy – Pregnancy Discrimination Act Citizenship – Immigration Reform and Control Act Familial status – Civil Rights Act of 1968 Title VIII: Housing cannot discriminate for having children, with an exception for senior housing Disability status – Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Veteran status – Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974 and Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act Genetic information – Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act Once you have selected your option and case/instance, reflect upon the following questions: What legal issues (i.e., Title VII and other applicable laws) were relevant to this case or instance? What strategies would you propose to prevent a similar situation from occurring in your unit, department, or organization By Day 3 Post a brief summary of the discrimination case/instance you selected and how the events impacted the individual(s) and/or the work environment. Describe the key legal issues involved and explain how Title VII legislation applied. Discuss at least one strategy you would employ in an effort to mitigate this type of discrimination from occurring in your unit, department, or organization. Include the APA reference and a hyperlink to your case example (if applicable).

Nursing Assignment Help 2025

2025 Case Study You are assessing the payer patient mix for a health care organization Currently your payer mix is

Financial healthcare management 2025

Case Study: You are assessing the payer–patient mix for a health care organization. Currently, your payer mix is 40% Medicare, 10% Medicaid, 25% traditional indemnity insurance, 20% managed care, and 5% self-pay patients. Complete the following: Using the most common office visit, CPT code 99214, determine the reimbursement from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (online fee schedule available for Medicare). Using the same CPT code, 99214, determine the be possible to obtain actual reimbursement information from your personal insurance carrier. If the information is not available, assume reimbursement by traditional indemnity insurance is usually 200% reimbursed more than Medicare and Medicaid, and managed care is usually 133% more than Medicare and Medicaid. Compose an accounts receivable benchmark from this information showing columns for current, 30–60, 61–90, 90–120, and greater than 120 days. Assess the information for areas of improved reimbursement of at least 20% or more. Evaluate the options available to change the payer–patient mix with consideration of related legal and ethical issues. Propose a best strategy with justification and rationale based on effective decision-making tenets. Spreadsheets demonstrating the accounts receivable analysis will be attached as appendices, and there will be at least 7 relevant peer-reviewed academic or professional references published within the past 5 years. Also attach appropriate fee schedules.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025