2023 This is a discussion post ABOUT 250 WORDS tittle page not require In text citation

Nursing 2023 QUESTION 1 : Health Care Organizations Continually Face Challenges From Various

This is a discussion post ABOUT 250 WORDS tittle page not require In text citation 2023 Assignment


This is a discussion post, ABOUT 250 WORDS, tittle page not require In- text citation is required original work please, scholarly references are required for this assignment, website source strongly preferred.

QUESTION 1 : Health care organizations continually face challenges from various

Health care organizations continually face challenges from various regulatory and government agencies and are also bound by Managed Care Organization (MCO) standards. View the video “College of Nursing and Health Care Professions: Do we know what our future is?” for insight into the challenges of health care reform. http://lc.gcumedia.com/zwebassets/courseMaterialPages/nur508_healthcare-reform-video-series-v1.1.php. Based on the video, describe, with rationale, two key factors that you feel will need to be addressed by future health care workers and health care leaders. (Note: you can download slides from this video within the media piece itself for ease of review in developing your forum response).

Additionally, what role does adherence to MCO standards play in your future health care vision?

Support your response with a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed article.

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2023 Eugenia Uzoechi 4 posts Re Topic 2 DQ 2 Issue when addressing a solution to evidence based nursing practice

Nursing 2023 DQ2 2 RESPONSE

Eugenia Uzoechi 4 posts Re Topic 2 DQ 2 Issue when addressing a solution to evidence based nursing practice 2023 Assignment

Eugenia Uzoechi    4 posts   Re: Topic 2 DQ 2  Issue when addressing a solution to evidence-based nursing practice  There have been reports of considerable improvement in wellbeing result for patients who are treated through evidence-based practices. All around structured investigations have demonstrated that improved patient results are bound to be acknowledged when medical caretakers use evidence-based practice in dealing with patients; however, there are several issues which have made it hard to execute EBP in healthcare organizations (Fineout-Overholt, Melnyk & Schultz, 2015). One of the greatest issues facing implementation of EBP is lack of knowledge on use of evidence-based practices. It has been demonstrated that most medical attendants need more learning to coordinate research discoveries in their practices. Research discoveries demonstrates that there is little proof that demonstrates that most medical caretakers, particularly novice nurses have learning on the usage of EBP in their practices (Fineout-Overholt, Melnyk & Schultz, 2015).  The first step in addressing and resolving this issue  The first step of solving the above issue is by having specific research education. A research by Rosenfeld (2019) found out that there was variance in EBP knowledge among the nurses. Therefore, nursing professionals who are seeking to improve their clinical skills and expand their knowledge base and career options ought to consider getting an additional nursing education in programs which focus on EBP (Rosenfeld et al., 2019). Nursing professionals should have a solid comprehending of how to carry research. Since evidence-based practices place an emphasis on the knowledge, skills and experience of the nursing professional, nursing professionals have been given more responsibility and respect than ever before (Rosenfeld et al., 2019). EBP focuses on particular nursing skills such as critical decision-making grounded in evidence and research. Therefore, registered nurses need strong analytic and academic research skills for complementing clinic skills and hands-on patient care (Rosenfeld et al., 2019).  References  Fineout-Overholt, E., Melnyk, B. M., & Schultz, A. (2015). Transforming health care from the inside out: advancing evidence-based practice in the 21st century. Journal of professional nursing, 21(6), 335-344.  Rosenfeld, P., Duthie, E., Bier, J., Bowar-Ferres, S., Fulmer, T., Iervolino, L., … & Roncoli, M. (2019). Engaging staff nurses in evidence-based research to identify nursing practice problems and solutions. Applied Nursing Research, 13(4), 197-203.

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2023 In 2 3 pages summarize the Ellis Island policies discussed in the article Medical Examination of Immigrants at

Nursing 2023 Lp3hpc

In 2 3 pages summarize the Ellis Island policies discussed in the article Medical Examination of Immigrants at 2023 Assignment

In 2-3 pages summarize the Ellis Island policies discussed in the article “Medical Examination of Immigrants at Ellis Island”  by Alison Bateman-House and Amy Fairchild on the American Medical  Association’s online journal, Virtual Mentor. Identify and discuss the  policies that would and would not be acceptable and/or ethical in  today’s society.  Refer to due process, ethical consideration and indivdual rights in relation to these events at Ellis Island.  Use at least 3 scholarly sources and cite – APA format.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 4 posts Re Topic 5 DQ 2 Based on the script from Haiti hurricane 2010 my thoughts

Nursing 2023 response

4 posts Re Topic 5 DQ 2 Based on the script from Haiti hurricane 2010 my thoughts 2023 Assignment

4 postsRe: Topic 5 DQ 2

Based on the script from Haiti hurricane 2010 my thoughts are:

       Phase 1, the pre-disaster phase, is characterized by fear and uncertainty. The specific reactions a community experiences depend on the type of disaster. Phase 2, the impact phase, is characterized by a range of intense emotional reactions. As with the pre-disaster phase, the specific reactions also depend on the type of disaster that is occurring. Phase 3, the heroic phase, is characterized by a high level of activity with a low level of productivity (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (2018).

       Primary prevention would be having volunteers appropriately vaccinated before leaving. After landing in Haiti, have the Hatians vaccinated against airborne and vector-borne diseases such as malaria. Ensure safe and proper sanitation such as making sure hands are washed before and after personal hygiene and patient care. Have clutters cleaned and cleared and make tracks for stagnant water to flow to avoid breeding mosquitos and encourage infestation of bugs. Shelters should be adequate and not overcrowded. Educate about diarrhea, what symptoms to look for and how to handle it.

        Secondary prevention depends on how devastating things are. Triage casualties according to acute, urgent, emergent. Initiate search and rescue efforts in wreckages, but not until damaged structures are deemed safe to enter or dismantle. Have a plan to manage casualties so that there will be no chaos. This could be done by using tents and designated signs with volunteers directing traffic. Teach the Hatians how to cope by asking for help from friends and families not badly affected by the disaster. Set-up an area where they can get emotional support to deal with their loss and address future community educational needs, such as disaster preparedness.

        Teritary prevention entails looking at long-term needs after the resolution of the disaster. Things such as healing and how to cope. Stress related issues such as rebuilding, that could be dealt with by the government and outside organizations such as the Salvation Army and other charitable organizations.

        I would work with Adventist Disaster Relief Agency (ADRA) because they are a branch of my church, the Seventh Day Adventist Church.  They have been helping with the organization of outreach world wide.  They are always on the ground in every disaster alongside the Canadian Red Cross and the Salvation Army organizations. Here’s a link for ADRA if interested to know more: www.adra.ca/connections

        Prevention includes a wide range of activities — known as “interventions” — aimed at reducing risks or threats to health. For many health problems, a combination of primary, secondary and tertiary interventions are needed to achieve a meaningful degree of prevention and protection, (Institute for Work and Health 2015). 

        Based on the script, this nurse is at the preimpact stage which falls under primary prevention, as she is planning to reduce the impact of the hurricane on the population and what damage may have occurred.  This could only be assessed on her arrival.


GCU. (2010). “Diary of a medical mission trip.” Retrieved from Grand Canyon University: http://lc.gcumedia.com/nrs427v/diary-of-medical-mission-trip/v2.1/

Institute for Work and Health (2015). Primary, Secondary and Teritary Prevention. Retrieved from: https://www.iwh.on.ca

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (2018). Phases of Disaster. Retrieved from https://www.samhsa.gov

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2023 The CLC business plan is going to be on prevention of cardiovascular disease in the state of Maryland As a

Nursing 2023 Project Plan And Executive Summary – DUE IN 7 HOURS

The CLC business plan is going to be on prevention of cardiovascular disease in the state of Maryland As a 2023 Assignment

 The CLC business plan is going to be on prevention of cardiovascular disease in the state of Maryland. As a culminating project, this assignment has two parts: an executive summary and a project plan created in either MS Project (PC) or Apple Merlin (MAC). Those experiencing problems with Project software may complete this portion of the assignment in Excel. Use prior course information and data gathered for your CLC Business Plan to complete this assignment. Write an executive summary of your CLC Business Plan. Write a project plan in Microsoft Project or Apple Merlin. Excel may be substituted as needed. Examine your CLC Business Plan: Extract the distinct activities needed to start up the business: (a) Identify tasks needed to complete the project. (b) Develop a completion schedule. (c) Assign resources to project tasks. Be creative. For example: If your plan calls for three nurses, you will need to plan for hiring, and training. Create arbitrary timelines for each activity. They could be very general (2 weeks to hire, 2 weeks to train) or they could dive much deeper (1 week to write hiring ad, 1 week to place ad, 2 weeks to accept applications, 1 week to review, 3 weeks for interviews, 1 week for offer-letters, 2 weeks to establish in HR system, etc.). Do this for each section of the CLC Business Plan. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a grading rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. 

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2023 Discussion By tomorrow Wednesday 10 23 19 post a minimum of 550 words essay with at least three scholarly references which

Nursing 2023 Discussion Nine

Discussion By tomorrow Wednesday 10 23 19 post a minimum of 550 words essay with at least three scholarly references which 2023 Assignment


Discussion: By tomorrow Wednesday 10/23/19, post a minimum of 550 words essay with at least three scholarly references which include the level one and two headers as numbered and lettered below:

1. Discuss your experience so far with healthcare policy and advocacy? 

a) How have you been involved? 

b) What have you learned from that involvement?

2. What would you say to other nursing professionals about the importance of healthcare policy and advocacy?

3. What are you plans for the future in regard to healthcare policy and advocacy? 

a) Are there areas that you need further training or development? 

b) Has the DNP program adequately prepared you for your role?

4. If this is not your first field experience, please compare and contrast what you are seeing this term versus last terms.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 I am attaching a sample nursing theory the professor wants us to follow this format

Nursing 2023 Assigment For Nursing Research 5 To 6 Page Less Than 15 % Of Similarity

I am attaching a sample nursing theory the professor wants us to follow this format 2023 Assignment

I am attaching a sample nursing theory, the professor wants us to follow this format. Title should be specific. The anotated bibliography is only for you to pick two the research and write about. Can yoiu please read the sample paper and the instructions and fix it if you need too. This paper is 30 % of my grade. Please fix it and send it back to me so i can pay. If you have any question feel free to contact me.



This professor it’s very hard grading. Besides she wants us to follow the instruction, she wants less than 15 % of similarity and APA format has to be perfect. Attached you have the instructions and my annotated bibliography. If you have any question feel free to contact me.

#eduessaylab #assignmenthelp #nursingstudents #lawstudents #termpaperbuddy #savvyessaywriters #onlineprowriters #essaywriters4life #exclusivewritings #writinghub.net #collegerpapertutors #www.legalessaywriters.com # legalessaywriters  #nursingsavvywriters #nursingassignmenthelp #professionalessaybuddy.com #professionalessaybuddy #timelynursingwriters

We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 The field of nursing has changed over time In a 750 1 000 word paper discuss nursing practice today by addressing

Nursing 2023 Homework 2

The field of nursing has changed over time In a 750 1 000 word paper discuss nursing practice today by addressing 2023 Assignment

The field of nursing has changed over time. In a 750‐1,000 word paper, discuss nursing practice today by addressing the following:

  1. Explain how nursing practice has changed over time and how this evolution has changed the scope of practice and the approach to treating the individual.
  2. Compare and contrast the differentiated practice competencies between an associate and baccalaureate education in nursing. Explain how scope of practice changes between an associate and baccalaureate nurse.
  3. Identify a patient care situation and describe how nursing care, or approaches to decision‐making, differ between the BSN‐prepared nurse and the ADN nurse.
  4. Discuss the significance of applying evidence‐based practice to nursing care and explain how the academic preparation of the RN‐BSN nurse supports its application.
  5. Discuss how nurses today communicate and collaborate with interdisciplinary teams and how this supports safer and more effective patient outcomes.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.  An abstract is not required.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Instructions Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment Contact your course faculty if

Nursing 2023 Reflection Learning

Instructions Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment Contact your course faculty if 2023 Assignment


Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.

Write a brief 1-2 paragraph weekly reflection addressing the questions posed in the Reflect section of each weekly module. Edit your Reflection to include each weekly reflection.

Include the following sections in your Reflection:

·  Week 1: Reflect upon your Week 1 learning journey in NR711 and address the following in 1-2 paragraphs:

o  As you assess your learning, provide one specific example of how you achieved one of the weekly objectives.

o  How will you promote collaborative, inter-professional relationships in a rapidly transforming healthcare environment?

o  What do you value the most about your learning this week?

·  Week 2: Reflect upon your Week 2 learning journey in NR711 and address the following in 1-2 paragraphs:

o  As you assess your learning, provide one specific example of how you achieved one of the weekly objectives.

o  How might you use this week’s information to benefit your organization in the future as a DNP-prepared nurse?

o  What do you value most about your learning this week?

·  Week 3: Reflect upon your Week 3 learning journey in NR711 and address the following in 1-2 paragraphs:

o  As you assess your learning, provide one specific example of how you achieved one of the weekly objectives.

o  How might you use the learning this week with your own DNP Project planning?

o  What do you value most about your learning this week?

·  Week 4: As you reflect upon your Week 4 learning journey in NR711 and address the following in 1-2 paragraphs:

o  As you assess your learning, provide one specific example of how you achieved one of the weekly objectives.

o  How might you improve on your communication skills to be more effective as a project manager?

o  What do you value most about your learning this week?

·  Week 5: Reflect upon your Week 5 learning journey in NR711 and address the following in one or two paragraphs:

o  As you assess your learning, provide one specific example of how you achieved one of the weekly objectives.

o  How might the outcomes of your project influence nursing practice and/or patient care, and/or your organization?

o  What do you value most about your learning this week?

·  Week 6: Reflect upon your Week 6 learning journey in NR711 and address the following in one or two paragraphs:

o  As you assess your learning, provide one specific example of how you achieved one of the weekly objectives.

o  How might your knowledge about budgets and financial analysis contribute to providing cost-saving solutions to patient care while improving outcomes?

o  What do you value most about your learning this week?

·  Week 7: Reflect upon your Week7 learning journey in NR711 and address the following in one or two paragraphs:

o  As you assess your learning, provide one specific example of how you achieved one of the weekly objectives.

o  How might your knowledge about current reimbursement trends be useful for you as a DNP-prepared nurse?

o  What do you value most about your learning this week?

I attached all the discussion forums for each week. You can summarize each week in 1-2 paragraphs that will guide you through each week’s attachment.

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2023 Week 8 Question for Discussion Week 8 October 20 to October 27 Main

Nursing 2023 nursing

Week 8 Question for Discussion Week 8 October 20 to October 27 Main 2023 Assignment

Week 8: Question for Discussion

(Week # 8: October 20 to October 27 – Main post under Assignment by Wed, October 23 at 11:59 PM EST).

Chapter 16 – Yoga.

Chapter 17 – Meditation.   

Explain what is yoga. Discuss the benefits of practicing Yoga (at least 3).
Have you ever practice yoga? Discuss your experience?  

Guidelines: The answer should be based on the knowledge obtained from reading the book, no just your opinion. If there are 2 questions in the discussion, you must answer both of them. Your grade will be an average of both questions. 

Grading Criteria

Explain what is yoga (25%). Discussion the benefits of practicing Yoga (25%). Have you ever practice yoga (25%) ? Discuss your experience (25%)? 

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.