2023 Please reply to the following discussion with one reference Participate in the discussion by asking

Nursing 2023 Pediatric – Week 2 Discussion 2nd REPLY

Please reply to the following discussion with one reference Participate in the discussion by asking 2023 Assignment

Please reply to the following discussion with one reference. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion. Cite resources in your responses to other classmates.  

KBY Discussion:


Why is developmental assessment essential in the provision of primary care for infants, children, and adolescents, and what are the essential components of this assessment on the basis of this child’s age?

Development assessments are important especially to primary care providers as they guide parents, guardians and caregivers into stages of development of their infant’s children and adolescents. It allows parents and guardians to adjust their expectations at each stage of development and to know their role when providing care during each stage. The assessment is o ensure that they are developing normally at each stage and to identify developmental red flags and recommend appropriate care and guidance if such was to be observed (Burns, et al., 2019). The child in the case study is a newborn and is established as small for gestational age as he fell below the 10th percentile for age (Tinguely, 2021). A complete head to toe assessment is needed to ascertain normality and to rule out any birth defects. Initial assessment include APGAR Score (Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, and Respiration ) which should be evaluated 1 to 5 minutes of birth. A healthy baby should score between 8 and 10. Evaluate body temperature, evaluate lungs to ensure full expulsion of amniotic fluids and ensure the infant is breathing properly. Assess the umbilical cord. The normal umbilical cord contains two thick-walled arteries and a single thin-walled vein. A single umbilical artery is usually associated with congenital anomalies e.g., cardiac, renal (Burns, et al., 2019).

Which tools will you use to assess specific components of development (such as speech, motor skills, social skills, etc.)? Which tools do you think are the most accurate in assessing the developmental components and why?

Tools I would use to assess specific components for development such as speech, motor skills, social skills, etc are the Ages and Stages Questionaires ASQ:SE-2 and ASQ-3. The ASQ:SE-2 which is a social-emotional screening tool that screens for social emotional development, self regulation, compliance, social communication, adaptive functioning, autonomy, affect and interaction with people. This assessment is conducted at 1month-72 months old. Another tool the ASQ-3 which is a developmental screening tool that assess for developmental communication, gross and fine motor skills , problem solving and social and personal development. This assessment is conducted at 1-5.5years of age (Hay, et al., 2020). Another comprehensive screening tool that assess both developmental and social developmental is the Battelle Developmental Inventory, edition 2 (BDI-2). This tool assesses children from birth-8 years of age and screens for early childhood developmental milestones, measures personal-social, adaptive, motor, communication, and cognitive ability (Burns, et al., 2019).I would choose the  Battelle Developmental Inventory, edition 2 (BDI-2) as it provides a holistic early childhood assessment growth and social skills development from birth to 8 years of age.

Which components would you consider in assessing the basic biological functioning and well-being of your pediatric patients? Why are these components important in providing primary health-care services to children?

Physical, medical and neurodevelopment examination are essential to assess for the biological functioning and wellbeing of pediatrics patients. These include assessing for developmental milestones such as language, motor skills, visual, spatial, attention and social abilities. Assessing for neurological disorders such as ADHD and any form of mental retardation. Medical assessment includes assessing for poor weight gain, any hospitalizations, metabolic disease and exposures to environmental toxins such as lead. Children diagnosed with chronic diseases such as Otis media, hyper or hypothyroidism and chronic renal failure can impact normal development. Knowledge of the child development or acute or chronic diseases are important to providing optimal care to optimize the child well being (Hay, et al., 2020).


Burns, C., Dunn, A., Brady, M., Starr, N., Blosser, C. (2019). Burns’ pediatric primary care (7th ed.). Saunders. ISBN:


Hay, W., Levin, M., Deterding, R. Abzug, M. & Sondheimer, J. (2020). CURRENT diagnosis and treatment: Pediatrics (25th ed.). McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 978-1260457827.

Tinguely, S. (2021). Pediatrics 01: Newborn male infant evaluation and care. Retrieved from https://southu-nur.meduapp.com/document_set_document_relations/30216?section_uid=root

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2023 Respond on 2 different days who were assigned different case studies than you Analyze the possible

Nursing 2023 Post Mickie

Respond on 2 different days who were assigned different case studies than you Analyze the possible 2023 Assignment

Respond  on 2 different days who were assigned different case studies than you. Analyze the possible conditions from your colleagues’ differential diagnoses. Determine which of the conditions you would reject and why. Identify the most likely condition, and justify your reasoning.

                                            Main Post

Knee Pain SOAP Note  

Patient Information:SJ, 15-year-old WM


CC– Pain in both knees.

HPI: 15-year-old white male presents with pain in bilateral knees.  Pain onset was 1 week ago after football practice.  Pain is described as “dull”.  Associated s/s include clicking in one or both knees and a catching sensation under the patella. SJ describes pain as dull and constant, pain rated at 3 on a scale of 0-10. Pain is exacerbated by movement and relieved by rest.  

Current Medications: No medications, no OTC medications or vitamins.

Allergies: seasonal allergies only

PMHx: Immunizations current, flu shot received from PCP 10/5/19.  No previous injuries, hospitalizations, or surgeries.

Soc Hx: 10th grade student, on high school football team (offensive lineman), has played football since age 6.  Denies alcohol use, denies tobacco use, Denies use of illicit drugs.  Honor student, popular in school with many friends. Lives at home with dad and two younger sisters.  Mom is active duty/deployed currently.  Currently learning to drive in driver’s education at school.

Fam Hx: No significant medical history in parents. Maternal grandmother died at 80 of lung cancer, grandfather at 81 of MI.  Paternal grandmother has osteoarthritis, grandfather has DM.  

ROS: GENERAL:  Denies weight loss, fever, chills, weakness or fatigue.

HEENT:  Head: denies headache, 

Eyes: Denies visual loss, blurred vision, or double vision, denies hearing loss, nasal dysfunction or sore throat.

SKIN:  denies rash or puritis.

CARDIOVASCULAR:  Denies chest pain, chest pressure or chest discomfort. Denies palpitations or edema.

RESPIRATORY:  Denies shortness of breath, cough or sputum.

NEUROLOGICAL:  Denies headache, dizziness, syncope, paralysis, ataxia, numbness or tingling in the extremities. Denies change in bowel or bladder control.

MUSCULOSKELETAL:  Knee pain, with clicking and catching sensation under the patella. Denies back pain, stiffness.

HEMATOLOGIC:  Denies anemia, bleeding or bruising.PSYCHIATRIC:  Denies depression or anxiety.

ALLERGIES:  Denies food or drug allergies, allergy to pollen.


VS: BP 123/68; P 89; RR 18; T 97.6; O2 98%; Wt 179; BMI 25.68

General– AOx4. Pt appears healthy and well nourished, athletic build.  Well groomed, no acute distress noted.

Cardiovascular- Regular rate/rhythm. S1/S2 heard, no murmurs, gallops, or rubs noted.   

Respiratory– RR even and unlabored. Clear to auscultation bilaterally with no wheezing, rales, rhonchi, or crackles.

Musculoskeletal- joint stability normal in upper extremities, no tenderness to palpation.  Lower bilateral popliteal tenderness upon palpation, Rt quadricep angle 18 degrees, Lt quadricep angle 20 degrees.  Bilateral inflammation present in the distal extensors.

Diagnostic results: CBC: WBC-5.9 Hgb- 16.1  Hct- 49 Platelet count- 210, X-ray McMurry test negative, Lachman test negative, MRI- negative for meniscus tear, negative for ACL tear, negative for CP.

A.Patellar tendinitis- This overuse syndrome is characterized by inflammation in the distal extensors of the knee joint (Dains, Baumann, & Scheibel, 2019). Patellar tendinitis is more common in athletes who habitually place excessive strain on their knees from jumping or running (Dains, Baumann, & Scheibel, 2019). Determine the quadriceps angle by measuring the angle between the center of the patella to the anterior superior iliac spine and from the center patella to the tibial tubercle (Dains, Baumann, & Scheibel, 2019). An angle greater than 10 degrees in males and 15 degrees in females suggests patellar tendinitis (Dains, Baumann, & Scheibel, 2019). People affected complain of dull, achy knee pain that may have associated clicking or popping (Dains, Baumann, & Scheibel, 2019).

Medial meniscus tear- clinically examined with McMurray’s test and joint line tenderness for clinical diagnosis of medial meniscus tear (Gupta, Mahara & Lamichhane, 2016). The presence of pain and/or click/snap/clunk/thud was considered positive for the McMurray’s test. Joint line tenderness was tested in 90 degree of knee flexion (Gupta, Mahara & Lamichhane, 2016).Anterior cruciate ligament tear- Patients with ACL tears typically present with acute injury, sometimes with an associated “pop,” a sensation of tearing, the immediate onset of effusion, or any combination thereof.  Better tests are the Lachman test and the pivot-shift test, which have reported respective sensitivities of 0.87 and 0.49 and specificities of 0.97 and 0.98 (Volker & Karlsson, 2019). The pivot-shift test is a dynamic test of the rotatory laxity of the knee that produces subluxation and reduction (felt as a “clunk”) of the lateral tibial plateau (Volker & Karlsson, 2019). Although plain radiography is often the first diagnostic step after the physical examination to rule out fracture, dislocation, or both, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is strongly recommended as part of the diagnostic evaluation, given its reported high sensitivity and specificity (97% and 100%, respectively) for the detection of ACL injury (Volker & Karlsson, 2019).

Acute leukemia- Leukemia is the most common cancer in children, and bone and joint pain is the most common presenting complaint (Dains, Baumann, & Scheibel, 2019). The bone pain is diffuse and nonspecific and may extend to adjacent joints (Dains, Baumann, & Scheibel, 2019). Laboratory findings may show the WBC count as elevated, depressed, or normal; severe anemia is common, as is a depressed platelet count (Dains, Baumann, & Scheibel, 2019). Radiographs of the limb at the distal end of the femur and the proximal end of the tibia show abnormal areas of radiolucency (Dains, Baumann, & Scheibel, 2019). 

Chondromalacia Patellae- Chondromalacia patellae (CP) represents a spectrum of abnormalities, including softening, swelling, fraying and erosion of the hyaline cartilage overlying the patellae and sclerosis of underlying bone (Harman et al., 2003). Patients with CP experience pain as the articular cartilage begins to degenerate and abnormal stresses are transferred from the elastic, shock-absorbing cartilage to the subchondral bone (Harman et al., 2003).  MRI, with its multiplanar capabilities, excellent soft tissue resolution and noninvasive nature, has been studied in the evaluation and staging of chondral lesion in the knee (Harman et al., 2003)

P. This section is not required for the assignments in this course (NURS 6512) but will be required for future courses.


Dains, J. E., Baumann, L. C., & Scheibel, P. (2019). Advanced health assessment and clinical diagnosis in primary care(6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby. Gupta, Y., Mahara, D., & Lamichhane, A. (2016). McMurray’s Test and Joint Line Tenderness for Medial Meniscus Tear: Are They Accurate? Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences26(6), 567–572. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.4314/ejhs.v26i6.10Harman, M., Ipeksoy, U., Dogan, A., Arslan, H., & Etlik, O. (2003). MR arthrography in chondromalacia patellae diagnosis on a low-field open magnet system.Clinical Imaging, 27(3), 194-9. doi:http://dx.doi.org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1016/S0899-7071(02)00521-1 Volker, M., & Karlsson, J. (2019). Anterior cruciate ligament tear. The New England Journal of Medicine, 380(24), 2341-2348. doi:http://dx.doi.org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1056/NEJMcp1805931

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2023 Module 05 Lab Assignment Documentation of an Assessment of the Head ear or

Nursing 2023 Module 05 Lab Assignment: Assessment Of Head, Ears, And Eyes

Module 05 Lab Assignment Documentation of an Assessment of the Head ear or 2023 Assignment

Module 05 Lab Assignment- Documentation of an Assessment of the Head, ear, or eye problem. You will perform a history of a head, ear, or eye problem. Perform an assessment including Head, ears, and eyes. You will document your findings, identify actual or potential risks, and submit this in a word document.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 The Affordable Care Act ACA otherwise known as Obamacare is a legislative health care provider that aims to improve

Nursing 2023 question

The Affordable Care Act ACA otherwise known as Obamacare is a legislative health care provider that aims to improve 2023 Assignment

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) otherwise known as Obamacare, is a legislative health care provider that aims to improve the financial burdens that communities face. It creates an incentive for employers to provide health insurance and requires that nearly all people not covered by their employer or a government insurance program, enroll in Medicare or Medicaid, or purchase private health insurance (Schrek 2016).

      The most important element regarding this Act is the pre-existing condition coverage. It means that Health insurers can no longer deny coverage or charge more for services, once the insurance is bought and there’s a pre-existing condition like cancer or diabetes (U.S Department of Health & Human Services, 2017). This Act also aims to provide health insurance for those who would not have otherwise had the money. The role of the community and public health is to offer pre-screening for diseases, preventative care, and low-cost services that will benefit all the people.

      The role of the nurse in implementing this law is to advocate for patients to seek accessible health care and to seek preventative care even if they are healthy. For example, holding Fairs and Health information sessions to help with educating the community about vaccinations for the flu virus during the flu season, pre-screening for high blood pressure and annual health checks. Nurses play a role in the mission of the ACA, nationally and globally, provide equitable health care and the reduction of health disparities (Green 2018). The nursing profession is crucial in educating and taking care of the public. The American Nurses Association (ANA), is very supportive of the Affordable Care Act and upholds any court decisions. The ANA is “actively engaging with federal policymakers and regulators to advocate for system transformation” (ANA 2014).

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2023 Search the GCU Library and find one new health care article that uses

Nursing 2023 Article Analysis And Evaluation Of Research Ethics

Search the GCU Library and find one new health care article that uses 2023 Assignment


Search the GCU Library and find one new health care article that uses quantitative research. Do not use an article from a previous assignment, or that appears in the Topic Materials or textbook.

Complete an article analysis and ethics evaluation of the research using the “Article Analysis and Evaluation of Research Ethics” template. See Chapter 5 of your textbook as needed, for assistance.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. 

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.


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2023 nstructions Please complete the following steps for your discussion post and response Energy comes into

Nursing 2023 Energy

nstructions Please complete the following steps for your discussion post and response Energy comes into 2023 Assignment


Please complete the following steps for your discussion post and response.

Energy comes into the body through carbohydrates, fats, lipids and proteins and this food energy is transferred to cellular energy through digestion, absorption and transportation.

  • Describe in detail, the process of energy extraction from one of the pathways discussed this term.
  • What specific reactions are taking place within the body or outside the body during this process?
  • Why do you think this is an important pathway and what would occur in the body if this pathway were to be altered or eliminated?
  • Could the types of food consumed by your patient potentially negatively impact their health?
  • There are many types of fad diets on the market. Discuss how ones of these types of diets can impact the body. Your answer should include information on how this fad diet impacts your energy pathway.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Estimated time to complete: 2 hours

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2023 Assignment Creative diagram or infographic on one macronutrient s journey through digestion and absorption in the body

Nursing 2023 Nutrition Assignment 11

Assignment Creative diagram or infographic on one macronutrient s journey through digestion and absorption in the body 2023 Assignment


Creative diagram or infographic on one macronutrient’s journey through digestion and absorption in the body.


The learning objectives for this chapter focus heavily on mechanisms and processes involved in nutrient digestion and absorption, specifically how food molecules are broken down into their unique constituents and absorbed for usage in the body. This assignment requires students to create a diagram or infographic on a macronutrient (carbohydrates, lipids/fats, or proteins) of choice, and how it progresses through the body during digestion and absorption.

Students should be able to answer the following four questions:

  1. Macronutrient Source: what are some major food sources of this macronutrient?
  2. Digestion: how is this macronutrient digested?
  3. Absorption: how is this macronutrient absorbed?
  4. Limitations: are there any internal or external limitations on how this nutrient may be obtained for use in the body?

Students should also provide an organized list of APA-formatted citations and sources.

Student Resources/Recommended Readings:

General examples of graphical diagrams and infographics:

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Prove in turnitin Please choose one infectious disease or communicable disease and present

Nursing 2023 infectious disease or communicable disease

Prove in turnitin Please choose one infectious disease or communicable disease and present 2023 Assignment

Prove in turnitin 

Please choose one infectious disease or communicable disease and present a 1,100 words essay including the follow;

  1.  Name of the disease including agents that cause Infectious/Communicable Disease, the mode of contamination or how it is spread.  
  2. The modes of prevention applying the three levels of prevention with at least one example of each one.
  3. Prevalence and control of the condition according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) including morbidity and mortality.
  4. Implications of the disease in the community and the role of the community health nurse in the control and prevention of the disease.

The essay must be presented in a Word Document, APA format, Arial 12 font attached to the forum in the tab of the Discussion Question title “Infections/Communicable disease essay” and in the assignment tab under the exercise title “SafeAssign infectious/communicable disease”. A minimum of 3 references no older than 5 years must be used.  If you use any reference from any website make sure they are reliable sites such as CDC, NIH, Institute of Medicine, etc.

There is a rubric attached to the assignment for your guidance.

Below please see the definitions of infectious disease and communicable disease.  They are similar but differ in some characteristics.

Infectious diseases are disorders caused by organisms — such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. Many organisms live in and on our bodies. They’re normally harmless or even helpful. But under certain conditions, some organisms may cause disease. Some infectious diseases can be passed from person to person.

Communicable, or infectious diseases, are caused by microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi that can be spread, directly or indirectly, from one person to another. Some are transmitted through bites from insects while others are caused by ingesting contaminated food or water.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Assignment 1 Write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of two qualitative research studies Use the Research

Nursing 2023 Please Read Carefully. These Are 3 Assignments That Are Related. I Need This By Saturday. Please Pay Great Attention To Details.

Assignment 1 Write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of two qualitative research studies Use the Research 2023 Assignment


Assignment 1

Write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of two qualitative research studies. Use the “Research Critique Guidelines – Part 1” document to organize your essay. Successful completion of this assignment requires that you provide rationale, include examples, and reference content from the studies in your responses.

Use the practice problem and two qualitative, peer-reviewed research article you identified in the Topic 1 assignment to complete this assignment.

In a 1,000–1,250 word essay, summarize two qualitative studies, explain the ways in which the findings might be used in nursing practice, and address ethical considerations associated with the conduct of the study.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Assignment 2

Write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of two quantitative research studies. Use the “Research Critique Guidelines – Part II” document to organize your essay. Successful completion of this assignment requires that you provide a rationale, include examples, and reference content from the study in your responses.

Use the practice problem and two quantitative, peer-reviewed research articles you identified in the Topic 1 assignment to complete this assignment.

In a 1,000–1,250 word essay, summarize two quantitative studies, explain the ways in which the findings might be used in nursing practice, and address ethical considerations associated with the conduct of the study.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Assignment 3

Prepare this assignment as a 1,500-1,750 word paper using the instructor feedback from the previous course assignments and the guidelines below.

PICOT Question 

Revise the PICOT question you wrote in the Topic 1 assignment using the feedback you received from your instructor.

The final PICOT question will provide a framework for your capstone project (the project students must complete during their final course in the RN-BSN program of study).

Research Critiques

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Bias it s in all of us whether subtle or outright it is there How we display our feelings is indicative

Nursing 2023 question

Bias it s in all of us whether subtle or outright it is there How we display our feelings is indicative 2023 Assignment

Bias, it’s in all of us, whether subtle or outright it is there. How we display our feelings is indicative on the receiving party. It is a multifaceted negative evaluation of one group and its members relative to another. Stereotype is a way of categorizing people without giving ourselves the opportunity to interact with them and the world around us. Implicit bias is an unconscious association, belief or attitude toward any social group, (Bucknor-Ferron 2016).

       In order for the community health nurse to recognize bias, stereotypes and implicit bias within the community, she/he has to understand her biases. She/he has to be careful not to prejudge or view members of the community negatively based on race, nationality, religion, gender, age etcetera. In order for the nurse to make sure she/he promotes activities that are culturally competent, a survey should be done to assess the needs of the community.

       Strategies I can use to reduce cultural dissonance and bias is first to understand what my biases are and not to compare myself with others. Being open with myself about my conscious awareness so that I will not negatively evaluate another person through irrelevant characteristics. Do not allow my decisions to affect the level of care and quality of treatment I give to my patients. See people as individuals and make a conscious effort to adjust my response to them, try seeing things from their point of view.

       Stereotyping and prejudice are difficult to measure because people are often unwilling to admit negative attitudes and beliefs. Additionally, people may sometimes be unable to accurately report on these topics because of how they feel or think, (Sekaquaptewa et. al 2003).  Bias in the real world is negative, troubling and challenging. Although a person can consciously make adjustments and strive to eliminate these stereotypes, it will take time and being aware of the existence of these biases is a good place to start to make changes.

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