Assignment: Assessing Group Process 4: Group Project Goals | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Assignment: Assessing Group Process 4: Group Project Goals | 2025 Custom Writing

As a clinical social worker, evaluating the effectiveness of clinical strategies is an expectation of the NASW Code of Ethics (2017). Sometimes, clinical strategies and techniques that are effective in one setting may not work in another situation. It is important to understand what works and what doesn’t.Also, self-assessment is an integral part of becoming a clinical social worker.Describe the strategy (assigned in Week 7) you implemented in your Group Project.Describe the process and the level of difficulty/comfort you found in doing this Assignment.Explain how this strategy may or may not have empowered or supported the group.Describe the progress of the group in completing the project/goal.At this point, the literature review and the advantages and disadvantages should be complete.Group Process Assignments should integrate course concepts related to group process. Assignments should demonstrate critical thought when applying course material to your group experience. Support ideas in your Assignment with APA citations from this week’s required resources


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Discussion: Policy Implementation Challenges-6361-10 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Discussion: Policy Implementation Challenges-6361-10 | 2025 Custom Writing

When a policy is launched, its success is dependent on a variety of stakeholders. As the politics of decision makers, executives, staff, clients, and social workers begin to influence the implementation process, their beliefs—and subsequent actions—determine the fate of the policy.Often a social worker must step out of the comfort of his or her social service world and may find himself or herself making difficult decisions about ethical issues and/or may find himself or herself involved in implementing policies that he or she feels is against his or her social work values. How does a social worker handle the intricacies and challenges of policy implementation on both a personal and professional level?In this Discussion, you explore policy implementation and the challenges faced by social workers during policy implementation.Post ( 2 to 3 pages) your thoughts on whether social workers might try to undermine the implementation of specific policies. What ethical issues might they confront? Discuss how social workers can implement policies that they feel may be against their social work values. Discuss a specific policy’s impact that you would try to mitigate in the implementation phase. Provide an experience you have had with a policy you had difficulty implementing or a policy you are aware of that you would have serious qualms about implementing.Be sure to support your post with specific references to this week’s resources. If you are using additional articles, be sure to provide full APA-formatted citations for your references.Required ReadingsSOCW 6361 WebliographyThese websites will be required throughout the semester. Become familiar with these websites, especially when doing research for your assignments.Jansson, B. S. (2018). Becoming an effective policy advocate: From policy practice to social justice  (8th ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning Series.Chapter 13, “Troubleshooting the Implementation of Policies in Task 7” (pp. 460-487)Lane, S. R., & Humphreys, N. A. (2011). Social workers in politics: A national survey of social work candidates and elected officials. Journal of Policy Practice, 10(3), 225–2


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600 words minimum, apa format, discussion question | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

600 words minimum, apa format, discussion question | 2025 Custom Writing

Search the Internet and locate a victim impact statement (video or written).Reflect on the background and relevant facts of the case for which the statement was preparedIn a minimum of 600 words, briefly describe the background of the case, including:Criminals involvedVictims involvedCrime committedApparent impactsOther relevant information to provide context


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Psychology Assignment Custom Writng


I am looking for someone to help me choose a lit review topic with sources that focus on the topic.  Then write the first two paragraphs using the SET format. Attach is an example of what is expected.


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developmental psych | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

developmental psych | 2025 Custom Writing

Brain Games: Battle of the AgesThis assignment fulfills/Supports:1 page typedFor this assignment, complete the following steps:Step 1:1.  Watch “Brain Games: Battle of the Ages”, available through Films on Demand by clickinghere(opens in a new window).     From there, search for “Brain Games: Battle of the Ages” (you need to watch the full episode, ~24 minutes). 2:In a paper, thoroughly discuss the following:1.  Which brains (old or young) performed better on the number pattern task?  Explain why.2.  Which brains performed better at keeping track of the people?  Explain why.3.  Which brains performed better at the light bulb switch task?  Explain why.4.  Explain the difference between crystallized and fluid intelligence.  Is one more important than the other?  Support your statements with information from the textbook or video.Citing Sources:   You must use APA style to reference your source(s) at the end of your submission.  For this assignment, you must include reference information for your textbook and the articles provided.  Information on how to format reference information (including a reference generator) in APA style can be found on the Purdue Online Writing Lab website at in a new window).Acceptable Length: Minimum of 1 page typedFormatting Requirements:  APA


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Wk 2, IOP 490: Negative construct response | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Wk 2, IOP 490: Negative construct response | 2025 Custom Writing

Need negative construct response to the following post. Must challenge the positive construct on decision making, leadership, and moral.APA formatCite 2 references175-300 wordsAffirmative ConstructDecision making can have a great effect on an organization. The ability to make a decision and stick to it is the cornerstone of good leadership skills and is an ongoing process in every organization (Miller, 2005). When it comes to decision making within an organization, it can be crucial to the progression of the organization. Having critical thinking skills allows one to ascertain the problem and come up with a solution that is beneficial to the company and its employees (Miller, 2005). A great advantage of the importance of decision making in an organization is that your staff will be able to make fewer mistakes as they attempt to accomplish the goals laid out for them (Why is Decision Making Important in Business, 2020).Leadership plays an important role in the development of any organization. Transformational leadership has significant and positive relationships with both organizational change and organizational performance, and organizational change mediates the relationship between organizational performance and transformational leadership (Long, L., & Minxin, M., 2008). No organization can perform effectively without effective leadership. With leadership effectiveness within an organization, employees are more willing and ready for change due to the positive influence of the leader. Leaders set direction for others. They help us to see what lies ahead, they help us visualize what we might achieve, and encourage and inspire us (Matsu, 2020).Morale is defined as the depiction of emotions, satisfaction, and overall attitude towards a workplace (Tiwari, U. (2014). A high morale means the employee is satisfied with the job, puts in effort, is creative, takes initiative, is committed to the organization and focuses on achieving organizational goals rather than personal goals (Tiwari, 2014). When employee morale is high within an organization, employees are happier to do their job. When an organization works to assure that employees are reasonably satisfied, employees find satisfaction in doing those things that are necessary to complete tasks and accomplish organizational goals.ReferencesLong, L. and Mao, M. (2008). “Impact of Leadership Style on Organizational Change: An Empirical Study in China,” 4th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Dalian, 2008, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/WiCom.2008.1668.Miller, I. (2005). The Importance of Decision Making Skills. The Magazine of Customer Service Managers and Professionals.,the%20company%20and%20its%20employees.Mutsu, Y. (2020). The Importance of Leadership. Academia is Decision Making Important In Business? (2020).,carry%20out%20whatever%20you%20say.Tiwari, U. (2014). A Study on Employee Morale and Its Impact on Employee Efficiency at Jaypee Cement Plant Rewa (M.P.). Abhinav-International Monthly Refereed Journal Of Research In Management & Technology, 3, 8-14.


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Week 1 project | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Week 1 project | 2025 Custom Writing

Poetry Analysis – Rough DraftBy the due date assigned, attach the rough draft of your essay as a Microsoft Word document to the Discussion Area. By the end of Week 2, comment on at least two of your classmates’ submissions using the peer review questions provided below.NOTE: This is a two-part assignment. The rough draft is worth up to 80 points of the grade, and the peer reviews are worth up to 20 points.The essay assignment for this week is to compose an essay of at least 750 words in which you offer your interpretation of a literary element (such as theme, imagery, symbolism, or characterization) in one of the assigned poems. You may choose any poem from our Week 1 or Week 2 poetry reading list. If you wish, you may base your paper on the analysis you began in this week’s discussion.Tips for the EssayOpen your introduction with an engaging opener, such as a question, quote from the poem, or interesting idea. Then, connect to the poem and mention the title and the author. End your introduction with a thesis statement that interprets one literary element of the poem (such as theme, imagery, symbolism, or characterization).The body paragraphs should support your thesis. Present specific aspects of the poem that help to illustrate your points. Make sure to quote from the poem and analyze specific lines that support your argument. Typically, body paragraphs will contain at least two short quotations each as supporting evidence.Include a strong concluding paragraph that summarizes your main points and explains the significance of the thesis. Finish this paragraph with a strong and satisfying ending.APA ReminderUse APA style for formatting the essay and for source citations. Begin with a title page and use proper font and spacing. End with a separate references page. Refer to the Week 1 lecture on avoiding plagiarism for an APA essay template and additional resources.Important Note:Do not do any outside research for this essay. This analysis should be your own insights regarding the poem. If you need help, refer to the sample student paper shared in the lecture on themes, and contact your instructor with questions.Peer ResponsesPeer responses are worth 20 points of this assignment’s grade, so do not miss out on this important portion of the assignment! Peer reviews are participation and must be completed by the end of Week 1. Remember that all peer responses must be posted by the end of the week to earn credit.Peer Response QuestionsBy the end of the week, respond to two peers’ essays, using the following questions:Does the introduction have an attention-getting opener? Does the introduction give the author and title of the poem? Does the introduction have a thesis statement as its final sentence? Does the thesis offer an interpretation that is clear and specific? What are your suggestions for the introduction and thesis?Is each body paragraph organized around a key point? Do the paragraphs offer support with direct quotations from the poem? Are the quotes and examples analyzed and explained? Do you disagree with any parts of the analysis? What aspects of the poem are left unexplained?  Do you have any suggestions for improving the body paragraphs?Does the conclusion summarize the main points? Does it have a strong ending that leaves the reader satisfied? Do you have suggestions for improving the conclusion?


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Program Analysis | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Program Analysis | 2025 Custom Writing

Review theOffice of Justice Programswebsite.Analyze one program that is working and one that is not working.Write a 1,100word paper analyzing the two programs. Discuss the similarities and differences between the two programs. Determine why one program is successful and ther other is not.Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.


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Sociology | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Sociology | 2025 Custom Writing

Need this complete by 11:00p.m. Today


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7610 reply to Jason Gaines | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

7610 reply to Jason Gaines | 2025 Custom Writing

reply to the next discussion post (make sure you ask a question regarding the discussion)Internal consistency reliability coefficient = .92Alternate forms reliability coefficient = .82Test-retest reliability coefficient = .50The internal consistency reliability coefficient of .92 tells the test administrators that the test has a high level of internal reliability meaning that the tests, based on its constructs and how many items are to be evaluated, have a high probability of producing reliable results (Cohen & Swerdlik, 2017). The THING test score of .92 for internal reliability tells us that there is a very good chance that the items being tested are measuring the same construct. Alternate forms reliability coefficient is important when the test has more than one forms of a test. This is important to ensure that the test developers are creating tests that are testing the same thing. Using THING 1 and THING 2 (another form of the THING test), a reliability score of .82 was found. This means that there is a moderate chance that the tests are measuring/testing the same items, which means that there needs to be tweaks in the constructs and items tested in order to ensure that the tests are producing reliable and accurate outcomes (Coehn & Swerdlik, 2017). The test-retest reliability is an important factor to look at because a test should be reliable over time. Reliability can be determined by how similar test results are from one individual at two separate points in time (Cohen & Swerdlik, 2017). With a coefficient of .50, this would show that the test produced different results over time, meaning the test is not very reliable over time.Testing is a very important aspect of psychology and without having tests that are reliable, accurate, and dependable, it would be difficult to operate. It is important to develop reliable tests to provide accurate results and allow administrators and others to determine areas for improvement.ReferencesCohen, R. J., & Swerdlik, M.E. (2017). Psychological testing and assessment: An introduction to tests and measurements. New York, NY. McGraw-Hill Education.


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