4 pages introduction section of research proposal project | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

4 pages introduction section of research proposal project | 2025 Custom Writing

the introduction draft assignment will largely be an extension of the literature review.go over  the assignment which I have included. You may want to look at pieces of peer reviewed research to get ideas of how an introduction section looks. This usually includes giving a proper background and context for your subject via literature review, giving definitions of relevant concepts, and making sure to clearly state your hypothesis. A big portion of this introduction draft assignment is the proper use of APA formats. While there are many guides on APA 7th edition, a good introduction is via Owl Purdue. This will include proper in-text citations, a simple example is placing (Author last name(s), year) at the end of a sentence that contains the contribution given by that paper, and the inclusion of an APA reference page (one last link). It may be easiest to look at the articles you have chosen for your references to see an active example of this.-Please check the rubric, final draft rubric also included to get a wider scope on the assignmentThe work will be checked for following instructions and for being free of plagiarism and will be canceled if instructions was not followed


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Wk 2, IOP 490: Team Debate Question 2 | 2025

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Wk 2, IOP 490: Team Debate Question 2 | 2025 Custom Writing

Substantive response. Please further discussion.APA format150-265 wordsCite 1 referenceRespond to the following peer:J’neen Barker-RiceIn the 1980’s Tom Peters and Robert Waterman developed the McKinsey 7S framework (Dewey, 2020). This model identifies seven elements, which are strategy, structure, shared values, system, skills, and staff (Dewey, 2020). Using these seven elements creates a holistic approach to managing any change within an organization. The goal is to use all the elements in this model together, so that all areas are addressed. This system seems to align with the whole system discovery approach.Dewey, J. (2020). McKinsey 7S Framework. Salem Press Encyclopedia


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Assignment: Final Project Milestone 1 | 2025

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Assignment: Final Project Milestone 1 | 2025 Custom Writing

REWRITE PAPERA City Museum: FocusRecall that for the Final Project, you are the director of a museum and you must select a focus for the museum. When thinking about the appeal of a museum, you must think in terms of who will visit it and what it will mean to those visitors. Your audience will be mainly residents of the very city that you celebrate but, in order to be successful, your museum will also need to attract visitors from all over the world. How can you appeal to a worldwide audience?In Final Project Milestone 1, you first give us some general information about your city, then select the museum’s focus. Then, you apply a wider, global lens to that choice.To prepare for this Assignment:Review the “Final Project Summary” document in the Week 1 Learning Resources area.Review the resources you chose using the guidelines provided in the “Student Contributed Resource Worksheet” document in this week’s Learning Resources area for applicability to this Assignment.Write a 300-word proposal in which you do each of the following:Offer a brief description of your city and its residents (geographical location, size, a breakdown of ethnicities & classes, major employers etc.)Decide on your museum’s focus (Industry and Commerce, History, Science and Technology, or Arts and Culture) and describe concrete ways in which this focus is evident in or important to your city.Explain how the focus you chose answers the needs of or represents the citizens of your city.Describe how this focus is appealing to visitors from outside your city.


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Community Resources for Older Individuals | 2025

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Community Resources for Older Individuals | 2025 Custom Writing

To prepare for this Assignment, research the resources available in your local community to support the issues and concerns of the older population. Note any gaps in these services and consider what improvements might be made to existing services as well as what services should be added.Submit a 2- to 4-page paper that includes the following:A description of the services in your local community that support individuals in later adulthoodAn evaluation of the effectiveness of the services you identifiedA description of service gaps you identifiedAn explanation of how to improve existing servicesA description of services that should be added, and whySupport your Assignment with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.


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250 word essay | 2025

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250 word essay | 2025 Custom Writing

Explain how perception is invisible to us but it is not automatic. Give at least TWO examples to support your thinking.


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After watching the movie Inside Out, discuss the concepts of short to long term memory | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

After watching the movie Inside Out, discuss the concepts of short to long term memory | 2025 Custom Writing

The Movie Inside Out is an animated movie about an 11-year-old girl and how she deals with her emotions. It is an excellent example of the impact of the memory system and its connections to our emotional well-being as well as the overall learning process.After watching the movie Inside Out, discuss the concepts of short to long term memory that are emphasized in the movie through identification to specific terminology from the text connecting to key points in the movie. Also discuss the overall impact how the movie exemplifies the learning process from the knowledge you have acquired throughout the course. Be specific with addressing and citing key points from your readings to key points from the movie.Create your response in a word document with a minimum of 450 words to illustrate your depth in understanding the movie and its implications to the learning process and the memory system. Use the following APA level headings for designation: Brief Movie Summary, Memory System Movie Connections, Learning Process Movie Connections, References. Your document should be in APA format with appropriate in text citations and a reference page at the end of your response.


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Wee5 discussion question 2 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Wee5 discussion question 2 | 2025 Custom Writing

Personality Theories in Perspective: Honor Student or Killer?Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the transcript Seven Day of Rage: The Craigslist Killer from CBS News and review Chapter 7 from the Harré (2006) e-book as well as the Maslow (1943), Freud (1910), and Bandura (1999) articles.In this discussion you will assume the role of a Psychology instructor creating a short graduate level presentation on personality. The case study for the presentation will center on Phillip Markoff, also known as an alleged Craigslist Killer. To begin, choose one of the personality theories from the required readings and research a minimum of one peer-reviewed article on your chosen theory in the Ashford University Library. Create a PowerPoint presentation of four-seven slides (not including the title and reference slides). The presentation must begin with a Title slide that provides the title of the lecture, your name, the course name and number, your instructor’s name and the date submitted. The presentation must end with a Reference slide that includes all the resources used for your lecture presentation cited in APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.The body of the presentation must include the following elements.Provide a definition and brief description of the chosen theory.Evaluate Phillip Markoff’s personality from the standpoint of your chosen theory.Explain how the chosen theoretical perspective provides insights into Markoff’s behavior.For assistance in creating effective PowerPoint presentations you may access Garr Reynolds’s Top Ten Slide Tips (Links to an external site.) . Be certain to support your statements within the presentation with a minimum of three references. These may include up to two required resources for this week.Once you have created your PowerPoint, you will present your lecture in a screencast. You may use any screen casting software you choose. (Quick-start guides are available for Screen-Cast-O-Matic for your convenience.) It is recommended that you create a script for, and practicing your lecture presentation before recording it as you will be limited to a screencast of no more than five minutes. Although you are required to include the Title and Reference slides in the presentation, you should not read these slides during the screencast. Create the screencast of your lecture presentation using the software of your choice. Attach your PowerPoint presentation to your initial post and copy and paste the URL for your screencast into your discussion forum response before submitting it.  NOTE: Every effort should be made to create a screencast (as this is something you will be required to do across the program). However, if you cannot do so for any reason, please post your power point along with the written script that you would have used for your lecture.Note to Students: This assignment requires that you produce a visual presentation, supply a spoken audio narrative, and to listen the audio narrative of others.  Note you are also asked to provide a transcript of your presentation.  If you have a documented disability accommodation that might interfere with your ability to complete this assignment, you may contact your instructor to develop a comparable alternative assignment.  If you have other issues that you feel may be a barrier to your ability to complete this course or this assignment please contact the Office of Access and Wellness at: [email protected]


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Wk 2, IOP 490: Using Measurement Tools and Gauging Employee Satisfaction | 2025

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Wk 2, IOP 490: Using Measurement Tools and Gauging Employee Satisfaction | 2025 Custom Writing

Assignment ContentResource: “Development and Validation of the Organizational Readiness for Evaluation Survey” (see attachment)Consider what you learned in the IOP/480 Assessment Tools for Organizations course. Based on the workplace needs assessment you completed in Week 1, identify a change initiative to mitigate the performance gap.Create an organizational readiness survey with 10 questions to measure employee perceptions and support for the change.Create a pulse survey with 3 to 5 questions to measure employee satisfaction midway through a change effort.Write a 700- to 1,050-word change strategy paper addressing the following:IntroductionStrengths and challenges for the change adoptionIssues relevant to leadership managing changeChange leadership developmentYour understanding of the DISC assessment and how this tool can be integrated into change leadershipConclusionYou must support opinions and any facts by citing credible sources in the body of the assignment and listing the references including at least three scholarly references in APA style.Submit the paper, the organizational readiness survey questions, and the pulse survey questions in asingle file. The organizational readiness survey and pulse survey should be Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 to the paper.


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4 pages rescearch proposal introduction draft | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

4 pages rescearch proposal introduction draft | 2025 Custom Writing

attached below the assignment requirements this is an introduction draft for a proposal research projectmake anew document new work incorporating feedback from the rubric, please submit a draft of your introduction, literature review, and hypotheses in APA style format. See attached rubric. Please go with coping styles and psychopathology, Work will be checked in turn it in and for following instructions and will be canceled if instructions was not followed.


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Final Project, Part 1 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Final Project, Part 1 | 2025 Custom Writing

Final Project, Part I: Evaluate a Qualitative StudyFor Part I of your Final Project, you will comprehensively evaluate an article of your choice that reports on a qualitative study. (Remember, a study that uses qualitative methods utilizes data that is not numerical.) Locate an article in the professional literature that addresses a topic you are interested in. Use the Area of Interest interactive (Links to an external site.) to assist you with this process. The article you select should describe a qualitative study and should have all or most of the expected sections, either with their own headings or embedded in the article, including: Introduction, Literature Review, Methods, Results, and Discussion.In writing your evaluation of the article, you will use the information in Section 3.3 in your text. Do not simply tell what is in the article, but evaluate it using the questions in your text. Explain and justify your evaluation based on specific examples from the article.Your paper should be 2100-2800 words (not counting the title, abstract and reference pages) and comprehensively evaluate an article of a qualitative study. Use proper APA formatting and good writing and organization in your evaluation paper.In addition to your 2100-2800 word paper, upload a .pdf copy of the article to the Waypoint dropbox.The following questions may help you in evaluating your articles, though you do not have to follow this format exactly. Be sure not to format your review as a Q/A list of responses. Rather construct a cohesive narrative focused on key themes in the literature.Evaluate the Introduction and Literature Review.Do the researchers present an adequate rationale for conducting the study? Explain.What is the significance of the study?  What difference will it make to the field?Is the literature review thorough and comprehensive?Do the researchers demonstrate any potential biases in the literature review?Are all important concepts clearly defined by the researchers?Do the researchers clearly describe previous methods that are relevant to understanding the purpose for conducting this study?Evaluate the Purpose Statement.Does the article clearly state the purpose statement?What is the purpose statement as expressed in the article?Is the purpose statement clearly based on the argument developed in the literature review?Evaluate the Methods Section.Is a particular qualitative research design used (ethnography, case study, etc.)?  If so, what is it?Is the research design consistent with the purpose presented in the introduction?Did the researcher introduce any bias in the procedures used?What type of sampling method is used?  Is that appropriate?Are relevant demographic characteristics of the sample clearly identified?Do the methods of sample selection used by the researchers provide a good representative sample, based on the population?Are there any apparent biases in selection of the sample?Is the sample size large enough for the study proposed?What data collection method was used in the study (such as direct observation, interviews, survey)?Is there an adequate description of the interview protocol or other instruments used?What biases or limitations might there be in the data collection method?Evaluate the Results Section.How were the qualitative data analyzed?Is the analysis method clearly described?In describing the results, are concrete examples of the data clearly linked to identified themes, concepts, and/or theories?  Are these examples adequate?Evaluate the Discussion Section.Do the researchers clearly restate the purpose and research questions?Do the researchers clearly discuss the implications of the findings and how they relate to theories, other findings, and actual practice?Do the researchers identify potential limitations of the study and the results?Do the researchers identify possible directions for future research?Remaining Questions.What aspects of qualitative methods do you still find challenging?Was there any information in the above list that you were not able to find in the article you chose?Point Value: 17 PointsWeekly Learning Outcome Alignment: 3Course Learning Outcome Alignment: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.Waypoint Assignment Submission


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