Wk 2, IOP 490: Using Measurement Tools and Gauging Employee Satisfaction | 2025

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Wk 2, IOP 490: Using Measurement Tools and Gauging Employee Satisfaction | 2025 Custom Writing

Assignment ContentResource: “Development and Validation of the Organizational Readiness for Evaluation Survey” (see attachment)Consider what you learned in the IOP/480 Assessment Tools for Organizations course. Based on the workplace needs assessment you completed in Week 1, identify a change initiative to mitigate the performance gap.Create an organizational readiness survey with 10 questions to measure employee perceptions and support for the change.Create a pulse survey with 3 to 5 questions to measure employee satisfaction midway through a change effort.Write a 700- to 1,050-word change strategy paper addressing the following:IntroductionStrengths and challenges for the change adoptionIssues relevant to leadership managing changeChange leadership developmentYour understanding of the DISC assessment and how this tool can be integrated into change leadershipConclusionYou must support opinions and any facts by citing credible sources in the body of the assignment and listing the references including at least three scholarly references in APA style.Submit the paper, the organizational readiness survey questions, and the pulse survey questions in asingle file. The organizational readiness survey and pulse survey should be Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 to the paper.


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4 pages rescearch proposal introduction draft | 2025

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4 pages rescearch proposal introduction draft | 2025 Custom Writing

attached below the assignment requirements this is an introduction draft for a proposal research projectmake anew document new work incorporating feedback from the rubric, please submit a draft of your introduction, literature review, and hypotheses in APA style format. See attached rubric. Please go with coping styles and psychopathology, Work will be checked in turn it in and for following instructions and will be canceled if instructions was not followed.


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Final Project, Part 1 | 2025

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Final Project, Part 1 | 2025 Custom Writing

Final Project, Part I: Evaluate a Qualitative StudyFor Part I of your Final Project, you will comprehensively evaluate an article of your choice that reports on a qualitative study. (Remember, a study that uses qualitative methods utilizes data that is not numerical.) Locate an article in the professional literature that addresses a topic you are interested in. Use the Area of Interest interactive (Links to an external site.) to assist you with this process. The article you select should describe a qualitative study and should have all or most of the expected sections, either with their own headings or embedded in the article, including: Introduction, Literature Review, Methods, Results, and Discussion.In writing your evaluation of the article, you will use the information in Section 3.3 in your text. Do not simply tell what is in the article, but evaluate it using the questions in your text. Explain and justify your evaluation based on specific examples from the article.Your paper should be 2100-2800 words (not counting the title, abstract and reference pages) and comprehensively evaluate an article of a qualitative study. Use proper APA formatting and good writing and organization in your evaluation paper.In addition to your 2100-2800 word paper, upload a .pdf copy of the article to the Waypoint dropbox.The following questions may help you in evaluating your articles, though you do not have to follow this format exactly. Be sure not to format your review as a Q/A list of responses. Rather construct a cohesive narrative focused on key themes in the literature.Evaluate the Introduction and Literature Review.Do the researchers present an adequate rationale for conducting the study? Explain.What is the significance of the study?  What difference will it make to the field?Is the literature review thorough and comprehensive?Do the researchers demonstrate any potential biases in the literature review?Are all important concepts clearly defined by the researchers?Do the researchers clearly describe previous methods that are relevant to understanding the purpose for conducting this study?Evaluate the Purpose Statement.Does the article clearly state the purpose statement?What is the purpose statement as expressed in the article?Is the purpose statement clearly based on the argument developed in the literature review?Evaluate the Methods Section.Is a particular qualitative research design used (ethnography, case study, etc.)?  If so, what is it?Is the research design consistent with the purpose presented in the introduction?Did the researcher introduce any bias in the procedures used?What type of sampling method is used?  Is that appropriate?Are relevant demographic characteristics of the sample clearly identified?Do the methods of sample selection used by the researchers provide a good representative sample, based on the population?Are there any apparent biases in selection of the sample?Is the sample size large enough for the study proposed?What data collection method was used in the study (such as direct observation, interviews, survey)?Is there an adequate description of the interview protocol or other instruments used?What biases or limitations might there be in the data collection method?Evaluate the Results Section.How were the qualitative data analyzed?Is the analysis method clearly described?In describing the results, are concrete examples of the data clearly linked to identified themes, concepts, and/or theories?  Are these examples adequate?Evaluate the Discussion Section.Do the researchers clearly restate the purpose and research questions?Do the researchers clearly discuss the implications of the findings and how they relate to theories, other findings, and actual practice?Do the researchers identify potential limitations of the study and the results?Do the researchers identify possible directions for future research?Remaining Questions.What aspects of qualitative methods do you still find challenging?Was there any information in the above list that you were not able to find in the article you chose?Point Value: 17 PointsWeekly Learning Outcome Alignment: 3Course Learning Outcome Alignment: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.Waypoint Assignment Submission


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Wk 2, IOP 490: Team Debate Question 1 | 2025

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Wk 2, IOP 490: Team Debate Question 1 | 2025 Custom Writing

Substantive response. Please further discussion. End response with a question.APA format150-265 wordsCite 1 referenceRespond to the following:Explain how one of the theories of Lewin, Kotter, or McKinsey are applicable to managing change in an organization.


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ASSIGNMENT 10/31/20 | 2025

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ASSIGNMENT 10/31/20 | 2025 Custom Writing

ASSIGNMENT OVERVIEW: Over the past several decades, health care and information technology have undergone a period of dramatic change caused by a multitude of pressures and opportunities, many of which continue to persist and evolve. More recently, we have started to leverage the power of health care information technology to improve patient outcomes and to better engage patients in taking ownership of the health care processes. In addition, we have started to see a shift in health care reimbursement tied more toward patient outcomes than that of services actually rendered.ASSIGNMENT:  Read and review the assigned reading for this module to familiarize yourself with health care information systems and how they are used to improve patient outcomes (health outcomes). In addition, conduct some additional research on how health care systems are used to improve patient care. Write a 2- to 4-page paper (excluding title page and reference page) discussing how health care systems are used to improve patient care. Make sure to describe how health care information systems and applications can help improve patient outcomes and provide examples. Include reference to literature, expert opinion, and case examples from your research involving various health care disciplines to support your position, key points, and explanations.IF YOU ARE PARAPHRASING, PLEASE CITE CORRECTLY UTILIZING APA GUIDELINES.REQUIRED READINGS:Kruse, C. S., & Beane, A. (2018). Health Information Technology Continues to Show Positive Effect on Medical Outcomes: Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 20(2).https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.8793Paul, R. J., Ezz, I., & Kuljis, J. (2012). Healthcare information systems: A patient-user perspective. Health Systems, 1(2), 85–95.https://doi.org/10.1057/hs.2012.17Fichman, R. (2011). The role of information systems in healthcare: Current research and future trends. Information Systems Research, 22 (3): 419–428. Available in the Trident Online Library.Understanding Health IT Usability through User Experience (UX). Retrieved from:https://www.himss.org/library/user-experience-healthcare-it


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Sentencing | 2025

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Sentencing | 2025 Custom Writing

In 750-1,000 words, describe the following:Describe the options in the sentencing process.Describe how a judge determines an appropriate sentence.Discuss the different types of punishment offenders receive.Assess what happens if a criminal offender is dissatisfied with the outcome of a trial.Use three to five scholarly resources to support your explanations.Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide


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Literature Review | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Literature Review | 2025 Custom Writing

Here are the instructions below paper3 instructionsyou will need paper one and paper two in order to complete the first part of the paper they are also below (2nd file paper 1/ 3 file paper 2here are five articles that need to be included in the second part of the paper ( you will understand when you read the instructions) there are two in the files added and the other three are thesehttps://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1468-5973.12130https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0126358Manika Understanding the effects of a social media service failure apology_ A comparative study of customers vs. potential customers 2016 Accepted.docx


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Global psychology | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Global psychology | 2025 Custom Writing

No plagarism


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300 word essay | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

300 word essay | 2025 Custom Writing

Pose a question that you have about anything pertaining to child developmentDescribe how you would go about answering the question with research.What do you need to consider when designing this study?How will you decide what kind of research to conduct (survey, observation, experiment, etc.)?What did you learn about Developmental Psychology Research in trying to do this exercise?


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Two paragraph discussion | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Two paragraph discussion | 2025 Custom Writing

1) How does the legal definition of crime limit our understanding of criminal behavior? What role does culture play in one’s definition of crime?


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