Cultural Misunderstanding Presentation | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Cultural Misunderstanding Presentation | 2025 Custom Writing

Select 2 workplace situations in which the clients’ or customers’ needs were not met because of miscommunication due to cultural issues.Select 1 multimedia format from this list to use for your assignment:Multimedia presentation (7 to 9 slides)InfographicAnimated video (1–2 minutes)Based on the multimedia format you selected, use an online audio, video, or web-presentation format that will allow you to present your 2 scenarios in a compelling way. For example, you can use Microsoft® PowerPoint®, Microsoft® Sway, Powtoon, Prezi®, Canva, or Visme.Create a presentation about the 2 workplace cultural miscommunication situations you selected that that addresses the following:Include workplace setting details.Include resolution details (if applicable).Assess the resolution results.Identify 2 strategies that would have improved the outcome.


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Week 3 project | 2025

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Week 3 project | 2025 Custom Writing

Due October 12 at 11:59 PMAnnotated BibliographyThis week, you will complete a annotated bibliography for a paper that will be due in Week 5.For more information on the required format of the bibliography please click on annotated bibliography template.For Week 3, utilize the mental disorder categories from DSM-5 to do an annotated bibliography on current research (within the last five years) on two disorders derived from the following list of mental disorder categories:Neurodevelopmental disordersNeurocognitive disordersSchizophrenia spectrum and other disordersDepressive disordersBipolar and related disordersAnxiety disordersTrauma- and stressor-related disordersObsessive-compulsive and related disordersSomatic symptom and related disordersEating disordersSleep disordersPersonality disordersThe literature review is part of a final paper which will be due in Week 5. As part of choosing scholarly journal articles for the literature review, you will use the following subtopics in determining what articles to use.Describe from the origins or history of the mental disorders.Describe the psychological theory or theories that relate to the mental disorders, especially in the areas of diagnosis and treatment.Describe the difference, if any, in age of onset and diagnostic criteria based on gender.Explain the potential impact of the mental disorders on the individual and his or her family.Explain the social perceptions of the mental disorders from stigma to advocacy.Using the South University Online Library only, find three journal articles related to each topic area chosen. (Your textbook, Wikipedia, or any other Web source will not be accepted for this assignment.) The journal articles have to be from peer-reviewed scholarly journals. The articles do not need to be empirical studies but are required to be from primary sources.Write a summary for each of the journal articles found.Write an analysis and evaluation for each of the journal articles found.Submit your review in a Microsoft Word document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.


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Psychology Assignment Custom Writng


APPLYING PSYCHOLOGY TO MY LIFEOver the past three weeks you have been exposed to many concepts, theories and terms related to psychology. Now is the time to make personal application of some of the terms you have studied. This personal application of concepts learned is one of the things that makes psychology such an interesting area of study. Not all courses of study have such a direct application to our own lives. You will select four (4) of the following terms or concepts. You will read and research at least one scholarly sources and then identify, discuss and place each concept in proper context. After you have identified each concept you will then explain ways each concept can be applied to your own life with examples.  I hope you enjoy your research and the personal application.Please select four of the following concepts or theories.Social changes in life-span developmentMemoryPositive reinforcement, negative reinforcement and punishmentIssues related to gender or sexualityMotivation or emotionPersonalityHealth psychology, stress and coping strategiesPsychological Disorders and other Mental Health IssuesConcepts of interpersonal relationshipsYou are required to write at least 1000 words.   It should be about a page each on the 4 selections you made.  This paper is worth 20% of your grade.    Please use the APA format, cite and list at least one(1) sources. You are not required to include an abstract.APA 7th edition sample paper templateFollowing the link, click on to download the Student Sample paper. Use this as a template to format your paper correctly in APA per the 7th edition. PDF has more explanation. submit your paper click on the Applying Psychology to My Life Paper link under Week 3.  Then click on the View/Complete link at the bottom of the page.  Then attach your paper. Follow the directions below for a step-by-step process.Here are some websites that may be helpful to you:Psychology Information OnlineAllPsych OnlineAPA WebsitePsych CentralAssignment Requirements (Use as a checklist):Correct fontDouble-space paperMinimum of 1000  words.  No more than 1,200 wordsMinimum of one(1) cited sourceUse APA format and parenthetical citations right after cited material (See below)Make sure your name is on your paperWhat is a parenthetical citation right after the material you cited?It is when you place the source in parenthesis ( ) right after the sentence you cited instead of waiting until the end of the paper.  It helps the reader to know exactly what sentences and paragraphs are taken from particular sources.Example:  Place the author’s name and the source’s date of publication in parentheses immediately after the end of the cited material.Psychology is defined as the science of behavior and mental processes (Coon, p. 12)Families with no telephone service have difficulty accessing social services for which they are qualified (Benton Foundation, 1998, chap. 2, “Societal Priorities”). spell and grammar checkMake sure you indented paragraphs (5 spaces in)Balance – Each paragraph should be similar in lengthCiting Sources:Parenthetical (In-Text) CitationsA parenthetical (in-text) citation is when you place the source in parenthesis ( ) right after the sentence you cited instead of waiting until the end of the paper.  It helps the reader to know exactly what sentences and paragraphs are taken from particular sources.Place the author’s name and the source’s date of publication in parentheses immediately after the end of the cited material. If it is a direct quote, include the page number as well. For example: “Psychology is defined as the science of behavior and mental processes” (Coon, 2012 p. 12).If you have paraphrased the information then you do not need to include the page number. For example: Psychology is a scientific field that specifically studies both mental processes and the associated behaviors (Coon et al., 2012).Helpful TipsAlways use spell and grammar checkMake sure you indented the first line of a paragraph (10 spaces or half an inch in)Balance – Each paragraph should be similar in lengthReview the APA video and resource in Student Resources under Course HomeYou can send your paper to the Keiser Online Writing Lab (OWL) for review and to ask for help.A Quick Guide to Referencing SourcesBookAuthor, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Location: Publisher.Example: Calfee, R. C., & Valencia, R. R. (1991). APA guide to preparing manuscripts for journal publication. , American Psychological Association.Article or Chapter in an Edited BookAuthor, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year of publication). Title of chapter. In A. Editor & B. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (pages of chapter).  Publisher.Example: O’Neil, J. M., & Egan, J. (1992). Men’s and women’s gender role journeys: A metaphor for healing, transition, and transformation. In B. R. Wainrib (Ed.), Gender issues across the life cycle (pp. 107-123). Springer.Article from Library DatabaseAuthor, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number (issue number), pages.Example: Harlow, H. F. (1983). Fundamentals for preparing psychology journal articles. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55(3), 893-896.Note – If the article can also be found in print you do no need to provide the database or online location.If there is a doi # that should also be given at the end of the reference.Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume number, page range. doi:0000000/000000000000Example: Brownlie, D. (2007). Toward effective poster presentations: An annotated bibliography. European Journal of Marketing, 41(11/12), 1245-1283. doi:10.1108/03090560710821161Article in Online JournalAuthor, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of article. Title of Online Periodical, volume number(issue number if available). Retrieved from, M. (2002). 10 tips on writing the living Web. A list apart: For people who make websites, 149. Retrieved from PageAuthor, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Retrieved fromhttp://webaddress.comExample: Cressia, L. L. (1997).  Copyright and fair use: Future of fair use. Retrieved from Page without AuthorBipolar disorder. National Institute of Mental Health. Retrieved from Lecture Notes or Presentation SlidesHallam, A. Duality in consumer theory [PDF document]. Retrieved from Lecture Notes Online Web site: ArticleAuthor, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Title of Newspaper. Retrieved from Parker-Pope, T. (2008, May 6). Psychiatry handbook linked to drug industry. The New York  Times. Retrieved fromhttp://www.nytimes.comGraphics, Audio, or Video FilesCBS News. (2006).  MLK Jr.’s legacy [Video]. Available fromhttp://www.cbsnews.comFor files without titles, use the file name [Graphic]. Retrieved from Encyclopedias or DictionariesFeminism. (n.d.). In Encyclopædia Britannica online. Retrieved from, A.  (2006, March 26). Parody is fair use! Retrieved from Video Blog #3 [Video file]. Retrieved from, Emails, or other Personal CommunicationNo personal communication is included in your reference list; instead, parenthetically cite the communicator’s name, the phrase “personal communication,” and the date of the communication in your main text only.(E. Robbins, personal communication, January 4, 2001).Example of how this would be presented as an in-text citation: E. Robbins also claimed that many of her students had difficulties with APA style (personal communication, January 4, 2001).Reference : Purdue Online Writing Lab. Retrieved from Few Other Helpful Websites on Referencing SourcesAPA Online – Electronic Resources: OWL (Online Writing Lab) at Keiser is a great resource! -They will read and help you edit your papers.APA Power Point Presentation under the Course Home heading of your Student ResourcesAPA Citation Guide: How to cite anything in APA Format – Bib Me Writing Lab at Purdue University: GridItem DescriptionPercentGradeFour concepts identified with a personal application (20 points each)80%APA-style in-text citations (at least three)10%APA-style references list at end of the paper10%Total100%There will be a 20-pt. penalty for writing less than 750 words on this assignment.There will be a 10-pt. penalty for each day the assignment is late.  It is due Sunday, by midnight, at the end of week 3.There will be a 100-pt. penalty for plagiarizing.  This means a 0.  If in doubt, cite, cite, cite.Last, but not least, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.


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Assignment: Ethics: Do No Harm | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Assignment: Ethics: Do No Harm | 2025 Custom Writing

Researchers in psychology (including students) must follow the American Psychological Association’s (APA’s) Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (2010) to protect the rights and welfare of research participants and ensure no harm will come to them. Furthermore, an Institutional Review Board (IRB) committee must review and approve all research studies involving humans and/or animals before they begin. It is the IRB committee’s responsibility to evaluate proposed research studies per the APA’s ethical principles and codes of conduct as well as to assess the possible benefits and risks of the studies.An effective way to develop your research skills is to analyze sample studies. For this Assignment, you will review brief research descriptions, identify and address ethical issues, and apply an alternative research methodology.To prepare:Review again Chapter 1 from the course text.Read Chapter 3 from the course text.Read the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct: Including 2010 Amendments.The Assignment (1–2 pages):Select one of the following four research studies:A researcher was studying initial interactions between people. While two students were supposedly waiting for an experiment to begin, the researcher covertly videotaped their actions and conversation. Afterward, the researcher told the students about the video recording and gave them the opportunity to have the tape erased.A researcher worked for a time on the production line of a large manufacturing plant. His status as a researcher was unknown to his coworkers. It was not until he was about to leave that he revealed his purpose and identity to his coworkers.To study what types of people are most likely to give money to a stranger, people on city streets were asked for money by an individual who said he had just lost his wallet. No one was ever told that he or she was part of a research project.To study the effects of alcohol on decision making, a graduate student interviewed college students after they had left a campus bar. With a portable breathalyzer, he registered their blood alcohol levels. Although some of them were found to be intoxicated beyond the legal state limits, and many of them were going to be driving home, he did not inform them of their blood alcohol levels.Complete the following for the study you selected (rather than reproduce the scenario in your response, indicate your study selection with a number):Explain the ethical issues and how the study may have violated principles of ethical behavior.Propose an alternative research design from the assigned Learning Resources that could possibly remedy the identified issues, (e.g., naturalistic observation, simulation study), and explain in detail how the new design would be set up and carried out.Reminder: Do not copy or retype the example study scenario into your Assignment.Note: Support the responses within your Assignment with evidence from the assigned Learning Resources. Provide a reference list for resources you used for this Assignment.


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Psychology Discussion SUPER EASY | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Psychology Discussion SUPER EASY | 2025 Custom Writing

Read pages 421 – 442Our textbook mentions the relationship between stress and health and the importance of learning positive measures to ensure our physical and mental well-being. The authors explain “a stressor is a condition or event that challenges or threatens a person” (Coon, Mitterer, & Martini, 2019, p. 425). We also read that, “Burnout occurs when workers are physically, mentally, and emotionally drained” (Leiter, Gascon, & Martinez-Jarreta, 2010 as cited in Coon, Mitterer, & Martini, 2019, p. 423). This highlights the importance of knowing good coping skills and setting boundaries for ourselves where our obligations are concerned. Take the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRSS) on page 424.Reference:Coon, D., Mitterer, J.O., & Martini, T. (2019). Introduction to psychology: Gateways to mind and behavior (15th ed.). Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning.For this week’s main post, answer the following questions. Be sure to include factual, properly cited information in your post.What did you learn about yourself? What stressors and or “hassles” do you recognize in your life? What measures can you take in order to lower your stress and optimize your health and well being? How will this enable you to become a more productive student? Do you see a mind, body, soul connection?**You might also enjoy visiting: here: more information and self-help.REQUIREMENTS:Your initial post (your response to the topic) must contain a citation.  It is your ideas supported by research. Please refer to the APA Power Point in the Start Here section of the classroom for information on proper formatting. There will be a deduction of 20 points for failure to cite a source within your initial post and to provide a reference at the end of your initial post.Your initial post must be a minimum of 200 words and each response must be a minimum of 150 words. Please double-check your word count. Only posts that meet the word count requirements receive credit.Post your word count at the end of each post. There will be a 5 point deduction for each failure to provide a word count.


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Assignment 3: Final Annotated Outline | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Assignment 3: Final Annotated Outline | 2025 Custom Writing

Final Project Annotated OutlinePrior to beginning work on this assignment, review your completed Week 1 and Week 2 assignments, (ASSIGNMENT 2 included in attachments) and familiarize yourself with the DSM-5 by accessing it in the Ashford University Library. Look up your selected psychological disorder (generalized Anxiety) in the DSM-5 (this is the same as the disorder you wrote about in the Week 1 and Week 2 assignments) to determine the diagnostic criteria, as well as other current information and terminology, and use this resource as one of your references (be sure to use in-text citations for the information used).Please be sure to use current terminology as described in the DSM-5 for neuropsychological disorders. This book is a manual of neuropsychological disorders and the diagnostic criteria needed to make the clinical diagnosis. This reference is used by mental health professionals and will assist you in your assignment this week, as well as all course work in this class. If your disorder is purely neurological, be sure to include current clinical guidelines, diagnostic criteria, terminology, and the neurobiology involved in the pathology, using current guidelines from the appropriate professional societies.This assignment is an analysis of the neuropsychological disorder that supports your Final Project. You will create an outline of the main points of your Final Project, using your selected neuropsychological disorder as approved by the instructor in Week 1.(GENERALIZED ANXIETY) The Final Project outline will be organized into three sections, each main section having required components. This outline is both an analysis of your topic, as well as a tool to ensure that you are on the right track with your Final Project. The more information you provide, the more feedback you will receive from your instructor, which will be helpful as you write your Final Project.For this assignment you must:Complete and submit the Final Project Annotated Outline template to Waypoint.(PROVIDEDC IN ATTACHMENTS)Use the references you found for the Week 1 assignment and the Week 2 annotated bibliography assignment. (SEE ASSIGNMENT 2 REFERENCES PROVIDED IN ATTACHMENTS)You may also use additional references as necessary.With the exception of the DSM-5, you may cite and reference course materials such as the textbook, required or recommended reading, or multimedia, but these will not fulfill the source requirement.Please note: This assignment should incorporate information from your Week 1 and Week 2 assignment, but it must expand on that information and use the template provided, which is in the format of an annotated outline.Your completed Final Project Annotated Outline TemplateMust be a minimum of three to four double-spaced pages in length.Must use the provided template, which includes a title page with the following:Title of paperStudent’s nameCourse name and numberInstructor’s nameDate submittedMust use the Final Project Annotated Outline template in the assignment instructions to create your paper.Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.Must use the provided template, and for all sections include at least a two- to three- sentence description (use complete sentences). Do not simply write the heading and a few words of description.Must include in-text citations (Links to an external site.) for all statements of facts obtained through your research. For more information please review the Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.)Remember that direct quotes (identical phrases or sentences taken from a source) require in-text citations with appropriate formatting.Statements of opinion should be clearly stated as such, and include a rationale to support why you hold this opinion (e.g., personal or professional experience).Must use at least six to eight scholarly and/or peer-reviewed sources that were published with the last five years, including a minimum of four peer-reviewed original research studies. For further information, please review the Original Research Study Tipsheet (Links to an external site.).In general, dictionaries and encyclopedias are not considered appropriate as resources for academic writing.It is assumed that these references will be included in your Final Project.It is assumed that these references will include those from your Week 2 assignment, as well as any additional references you select.MUST USE REFERENCES PROVIDED IN ASSIGNMENT 2!! AND MUST USE FINAL PROJECT OUTLINE TEMPLATE PROVIDED IN ATTACHMENTS!!


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Wk 2, IOP 490: DR 2 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Wk 2, IOP 490: DR 2 | 2025 Custom Writing

Substantive response. please further discussion. End response with a question.APA format175-265 wordsCite 1 referenceMargarita Alcantara10:27 PMOrganizational responsibility is defined as context-specific organizational actions and policies that take into account stakeholders’ expectations and the triple bottom line of economic, social, and environmental performance (Aguinis, 2011). Industrial organizational psychology researchers and practitioners can help organizations do good and do well (Aguinis, 2011). Organizational responsibility requires a cultural change similar to embracing performance excellence or quality (Aguinis, 2011). There are six steps for strategic responsibility management which include, creating a vision and values related to responsibility, identifying expectations through stakeholders’ dialogue and prioritizing them, developing initiatives that are integrated with corporate strategy, raising internal awareness through employee training, institutionalizing strategic responsibility management as a way of doing business on an ongoing basis by measuring and rewarding processes and results, and reporting on the status of the dialogue and the initiatives through a yearly organizational responsibility report that is made available internally and externally (Aguinis, 2011). With my previous employer, these six steps were talked about during a time that we were going to undergo a change that was going to affect everyone, but it was not executed the way the plan was talked about. The step that the organization failed in was raising internal awareness through employee training because they did not properly prepare the employees for the change. There was a lack of training, communication, and preparation, which ultimately lead to the staff failing one another. This caused tension within the staff because the management failed to train employees properly.ReferenceAguinis, H. (2011). Organizational responsibility: Doing good and doing well. APA Handbook    of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 3, 855-879.


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Applying Theories to Regional-Level Challenges | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Applying Theories to Regional-Level Challenges | 2025 Custom Writing

Discussion: Applying Theories to Regional-Level ChallengesIn the roles of social change agent, leader, and advocate, human services professionals have many responsibilities. At the regional level, multiple or missing standards, guidelines, laws, and regulations may pose challenges to human services professions. As a human services professional, you should be aware not only of your responsibilities, but also of any regional-level challenges you may encounter when attempting to fulfill your responsibilities.To prepare:Select a regional-level challenge related to human and      social services professions and/or the roles and responsibilities of human      and social services professionals. This should be a challenge you or the      human services profession might face when attempting to address issues at      the regional level, such as funding or available resources. Regional may      include but is not limited to your local community, geographical zone,      county, state/province, or surrounding locality.Then, think about why addressing the challenge is important      to the profession, as well as what difference the challenge’s resolution      or improvement might make.With these thoughts in mind:By Day 4Post the name of your region, as well as a brief description of the challenge you selected. Explain why addressing this challenge is important to the profession and what difference its resolution or improvement might make. Explain how you might apply change, leadership, and/or advocacy theories and processes to address the challenge. Describe the ethical challenges that might come into play when attempting to address the challenges. Be specific, and provide examples to illustrate your points.Required ReadingsHoman, M. S. (2016). Promoting community change: Making it happen in the real world (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage.· Chapter 14, “Increasing the Effectiveness of Health and Human Services Organizations” (pp. 451–473)Lenette, C., & Ingamells, A. (2015). Mind the Gap! The growing chasm between funding-driven agencies, and social and community knowledge and practice. Community Development Journal, 50(1), 88–103. doi:10.1093/cdj/bsu024National Organization for Human Services. (n.d.). Retrieved from, B. (2009). Social justice and high-quality human services: Visioning the place of a contemporary professional association. Australian Social Work, 62(1), 1–9. doi:10.1080/03124070802635084


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Wk 2, HCS 370: DR 3 | 2025

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Wk 2, HCS 370: DR 3 | 2025 Custom Writing

Substantive response. Please further discussion.APA format175-265 wordsCite 1 referenceRespond to the following:Kathrine Crawford11:32 AMClass,According to Borkowski (2016), Herzberg’s approach is that if you want people to do a good job, you must give them a good job to do – the work itself.  Along with that Herzberg includes achievement, recognition, responsibility, and advancement. I think recognition has the most impact on employee motivation if it goes hand in hand with advancement. Just a “good job” does motivate you on a bad day but long term that recognition should be tied to advancement either through job promotions or salary increases. Too often a job well done means having more responsibilities piled on without adequate advancement. I left my former position because of this.


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Wk 2, IOP 490: Elements of Change Management Summary | 2025

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Wk 2, IOP 490: Elements of Change Management Summary | 2025 Custom Writing

Assignment ContentElements of Change ManagementDiscuss the following:Explain how one of the theories of Lewin, Kotter, or McKinsey are applicable to managing change in an organization.  (Separate paragraphs for each theory)Is there a theory that is more relevant to your current workspace?Write a 700-word (+- 50 words) summary of the theories discussed and their application to your organizational environment.Must include introduction and conclusionCite 3 referencesYou must support opinions and any facts by citing credible sources in the body of the assignment and listing the references including at least two scholarly references in APA style. See Tips for Success article for Class Announcements for guidance on selecting scholarly references.


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