Psychology Essay | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Psychology Essay | 2025 Custom Writing

The introduction section of the research report has to be written.This section will describe the variables of interest, research idea, and relevant prior research.It should be at least 750 words (about three double-spaced pages) in APA format. It should also have a title page and References (not counted in the word count).


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MEMORY | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

MEMORY | 2025 Custom Writing

Your friend Lydia is having difficulty “taking in” the information in her history class, so she asks you to use your expertise in psychology to offer some suggestions on how to improve her memory performance.Discuss how attention, deep processing, elaboration, and the use of mental imagery can affect the encoding process. Utilize your readings, lecture, and powerpoints and examples that you might have to help with your post.Please submit a minimum of 250 words and cite your resources. Turnitin will be utilized.  Please make sure, you write your post in your own words.


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Case Study Paper | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Case Study Paper | 2025 Custom Writing

Case Study PaperPlease submit a paper a minimum of 3 pages total (1 page each case study) which answers the following questions for each of the three case studies.Please describe what you think the therapeutic issues are for this case.Please state at least three therapeutic goals for the case study.Please state what DSM V diagnosis you would apply to this case and state your rationale for this diagnosis.Please submit this paper to the assignment tab in Canvas. No abstract is needed. Cite references when necessary.Case #1Rick, age 45, and Agnes, age 42, have been in a committed relationship for 20 years and have three children (ages 8, 3, and 1). Rick is African American and Agnes is Caucasian. Rick works as an area manager for a food delivery service and Agnes maintains a part-time position as a medical secretary. They seek counseling stating that “sex use to be good” but in the last several years their sex life has dwindled. Agnes states that she does not have the same interest in sex as she used to. She states “He used to be romantic and passionate, now he just wants to “do it.”  “Besides, women over 40 just don’t have the same excitement about sex s when he was younger.”  She offers that she is often “too tired” to think about sex at the end of the day. She reports that she maintains the household taking care of children and doing most of the chores in addition to her job. She states that she feels angry and resentful that she is “stuck” with all the responsibilities and that she would like to feel heard by her partner. Rick states that he used to have more time to help out with the children but since his responsibilities shifted at work he is tired as well. He complains that he wants to “do it” more often and feels neglected and isolated. He reports “I bring home the bacon and that’s my main responsibility, I love Agnes and want her to want me sexually like she used to.”  He states that Agnes does not understand the pressure he is feeling.Case #2Carl V., age 20, entered therapy at the urging of his wife, Melissa. Melissa has been increasingly concerned with Carl’s inability to become sexually aroused by “traditional” sexual foreplay. This has been a change in their relatively young marriage. Carl has asked for her to wear various shoes during sex, and while that had not initially been that alarming, she was concerned when she caught him masturbating with a pair of her heels.Case #3Donna, a 35-year-old woman presented for therapy due to problems in her relationship. She reported that she was very upset that her husband of 6 months was so sexually demanding. If it were up to him, she said, the couple would have sexual relations multiple times a day. She also stated that he would often keep her up at night, despite the early demands of her job, and that he would masturbate for several hours each night. Donna loves her husband, but is not sure she can take much more.BooksDSM VWhat every mental health professional needs to know about sexAuthor:Stephanie BuehlerPublisher:Springer Publishing CompanyEdition:2ndISBN13:9780826174444


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week 2 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

week 2 | 2025 Custom Writing

1. What are the benefits and drawbacks of treating an adolescent substance user in an inpatient facility?150 words min2. Read the Topic 2 Case Study: Cami, which is located in the Topic 2 materials. What are the prodromal phase symptoms that Cami is experiencing associated with her substance use and what is the level of care that you would recommend? Explain your rationale.150 words min


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Discussion help | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Discussion help | 2025 Custom Writing

Discussion 1: Self-DeterminationIn the Christ & Diwan (2008) article, the authors list seven domains that social workers should address in order to fully assess an older client’s needs. Each domain is considered equally important. This comprehensive evaluation fits well with the social work perspective that it is important to not only address the internal concerns of clients but also their environment. Making decisions for older adults without their input occurs often. In society people sometimes treat their elders like children—making decisions for them based on what they think is best rather than from the client’s perspective. While at times this may be well intentioned, the potential for infantilism and, in turn, compromised self-determination, occurs.For this Discussion, review the program case study for the Petrakis family. You will focus not on Helen, but on her mother-in-law, Magda. What decisions were made about Magda’s treatment without a formal assessment and/or her input? Consider how Christ & Diwan’s (2008) seven domains relate to Magda’s case. Complete an assessment for Magda and identify the choices that were made without her feedback.By Day 3Post a summary of your assessment of Magda’s situation that addresses the seven domains. Fill in the gaps in content as necessary. Describe ways you would have included Magda in the original assessment and treatment plan. Include questions you would have asked Magda and her professional support system (doctors, nurses, etc.) to gain further insight into the situation.Helen Petrakis52-year-old heterosexual female of Greek descentLives in a four bedroom house with her husband John, age 60, and three adult children, son Alec, age 27, and daughters, Dmitra, age 23, and Athina, age 18Works full time in the billing department of a hospitalServes as the caregiver for her husband’s mother, Magda Petrakis, a widow, age 81, who lives in an apartment about 30 minutes from Helen’s homeBegan visiting a social worker because she is feeling “blue” and feeling overwhelmed by her family responsibilitiesJohn Petrakis60-year-old male married to Helen, age 52, both of Greek descentLives in a four bedroom house with his wife, Helen, and three adult children, son Alec, age 27, and daughters, Dmitra, age 23, and Athina, age 18Works full time managing a grocery storeDoes not expect his children to contribute to the finances or upkeep of the homeHis wife Helen is the caregiver for his elderly mother, age 81, who lives about 30 minutes away and who has some physical limitations and early dementia symptomsMagda Petrakis81-year-old widow and mother of John, age 60Lives in an apartment 30 minutes from her son and daughter-in-law’s homeDaughter-in-law Helen, age 52, takes the responsibility for her care and visits Magda several times a weekRecently, Helen has allowed her son, Alec, to move in with Magda, and Alec has begun stealing from his grandmother to support a drug habitAlec Petrakis27-year-old male of Greek descentCurrently unemployedLives with his parents, John, age 60, and Helen, 52, and sisters, Dmitra, age 23, and Athina, age 18Recently moved in with his elderly grandmother promising to help take care of her, but instead, has begun stealing from her to support a drug habitDmitra Petrakis23-year-old female of Greek descentWorks as a sales consultant for a local department storeLives with her parents, John, age 60, and Helen, 52, and with a brother, Alex, age 27, and a sister, Athina, age 18Has a grandmother, Magda Petrakis, age 81, who lives about 30 minutes from the family homeAthina Petrakis18-year-old female of Greek descentWorks part time as a hostess at a family friend’s restaurantIs an honors student at a local collegeLives with her parents, John, age 60, and Helen, 52, and with a brother, Alex, age 27, and a sister, Dmitra, age 23Has a grandmother, Magda Petrakis, age 81, who lives about 30 minutes from the family home


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Wk 3, HCS 335: DQ | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Wk 3, HCS 335: DQ | 2025 Custom Writing

APA formatAt least 1 referenceWrite a 175- to 265-word response to the following:What is the role of a health care manager when facing an ethical decision? How would you handle an ethical conflict?


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Article Review on Theory and EThiology of Addictions | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Article Review on Theory and EThiology of Addictions | 2025 Custom Writing

Instructions on Article Review on Theory and Etiology of AddictionsFor this article review:  You should look for an article that specifically has discussion about theory and etiology with the addiction – what is it all about and what causes or influences it. The article should also provide some discussion on strategies that can help with prevention, intervention, or treatment (one, two, or all three of these).  In your review, you will have a description of the article and three sections: (Article: “Eating addiction”, rather than “food addiction”, better captures addictive-like eating behavior.) Source: Neuroscience & Behavior Reviews. November 2014 pages 295-306Johannes Hebebranda, Özgür Albayraka, Roger Adanb, Jochen Antel a, Carlos Dieguezc,d,   Must include the following with at least 4 sentences per description below:Description of the specific addiction per the articleDescription of the theory about the specific addiction per the articleDescription of the etiology the specific addiction per the articleDescription of a strategy for prevention, intervention, and/or treatment with the specific addiction.Students must submit a copy of the full article reviewed with their submission.


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Cultural Differences Paper | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Cultural Differences Paper | 2025 Custom Writing

Entertainment often provides consumers with examples of cultural differences. Films portray verbal and non-verbal communication through actors, and it may be the only exposure an audience has with that culture. This is important because it shows the value of the impact and importance of cultural communication.Select 1 film that demonstrates examples of cultural communication.Watch the film you selected, and take notes on the cultural identity and cultural bias throughout the film.Write a 525- to 700-word reflection about the cultural differences portrayed in the film.Address the following in your reflection:Evaluate both cultural identity and cultural bias within the film.Explain the concept of cultural patterns. What types of cultural patterns are exhibited in the film?Provide examples of both verbal and nonverbal intercultural communication within the film. How do these examples relate to a particular intercultural communication theory?Provide specific examples of how both Hall’s perspective of culture as a screen and Hofstede’s 5 dimensions are reflected in a particular cultural pattern.Evaluate your opinion on the accuracy of cultural differences presented in the film.Cite the film you selected.Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Citations and references are required in all work. Include citations from the course materials to support key points. Ensure that the paper has an introduction and conclusion.Submit your assignment.


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Psychology Assignment Custom Writng


COURSE TEXTBOOK (FOR REFERENCE) : Psychology in Everyday Life, by Myers and Dewall, 5th Edition: 1) what specific theory you read about struck you as most important to the field of psychology as a whole; 2) what aspect of psychology do you feel is underexplored based on our readings; 3) which researcher we discussed in the course do you feel contributed the most to psychological though – explain why you feel this way compared to other researchers; 4) how do you feel the material in this course can be integrated with other courses you have taken in high school or college e – explain; 5) how do you feel you may be able to apply things you have learned in this course into aspects of your life outside of school – explain (and if you feel you cannot, explain why you feel this way). There are 5 writing prompts; be sure to address each prompt for full credit.  Everything in this paper must be in your own words, or put in quotes and cited if from an article, textbook or outside resource of any type, otherwise it will be considered plagiarism and a zero will be given. Avoid just rehashing definitions presented in the readings and do not rehash a previous paper. This should be between 650 – 1000 words typed, with times new roman 12 point font, with 1 inch margins. Your name and any title you give it (or references) will not count toward the 650 word minimum or 1000 word maximum. Turnitin will be utilized. This is due by 11:59pm, Sunday 10-4PreviousNext


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Psychological Theories of Crime | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Psychological Theories of Crime | 2025 Custom Writing

In this assignment, you will build upon your Journal Article Reviews and/or may build upon a topic or chapter from the Linebach & Kovacsiss text. In other words, as noted in the constraints above, you will have some limited flexibility in choosing your topic. The Research Paper must be a minimum of 8–10 pages. The project must use current APA style, and the page count does not include the title page, abstract, reference section, or any extra material. You must incorporate a Christian worldview throughout your paperorhave a specific section of your paper dedicated to Christian Worldview. You must use a 10–15 recent, relevant, and academic (peer-reviewed journals preferred and professional journals allowed if used judiciously) sources with at least 1 source being the Holy Bible and no more than 2 sources being books.


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