Cultural Differences Paper | 2025

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Cultural Differences Paper | 2025 Custom Writing

Entertainment often provides consumers with examples of cultural differences. Films portray verbal and non-verbal communication through actors, and it may be the only exposure an audience has with that culture. This is important because it shows the value of the impact and importance of cultural communication.Select 1 film that demonstrates examples of cultural communication.Watch the film you selected, and take notes on the cultural identity and cultural bias throughout the film.Write a 525- to 700-word reflection about the cultural differences portrayed in the film.Address the following in your reflection:Evaluate both cultural identity and cultural bias within the film.Explain the concept of cultural patterns. What types of cultural patterns are exhibited in the film?Provide examples of both verbal and nonverbal intercultural communication within the film. How do these examples relate to a particular intercultural communication theory?Provide specific examples of how both Hall’s perspective of culture as a screen and Hofstede’s 5 dimensions are reflected in a particular cultural pattern.Evaluate your opinion on the accuracy of cultural differences presented in the film.Cite the film you selected.Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Citations and references are required in all work. Include citations from the course materials to support key points. Ensure that the paper has an introduction and conclusion.Submit your assignment.


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Final Project Milestone 2 | 2025

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Final Project Milestone 2 | 2025 Custom Writing

A City Museum: Permanent ExhibitRecall that for the Final Project, you are the director of a museum and you must select a permanent exhibit for the museum. You are committed to ensuring that the objects, themes, and ideas in the exhibit represent all the important groups and peoples that have created your city’s identity.In Final Project Milestone 2, you will consider the connection between group and ethnic identity and how that is represented in your city.To prepare for this Assignment:Review the “Final Project Summary” document in the Week 1 Learning Resources area.Review the resources you chose using the guidelines provided in the “Student Contributed Resource Worksheet” document, located in this week’s Learning Resources area for applicability to this Assignment.


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NEED ASAP, PSYCH SEMINAR | 2025 Custom Writing

This will be needed within the next 18 hours, the paper will be 8 page and it’s a summary with corrections of the paper attached. Also need new articles that include the research done for this topic. I need this ASAP. Articles below. Please also include the articles in the attachment, no need to research new articles, you can get all the information from the attached.Topic: How MDMA can help treat PTSD


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History of women and minorities | 2025

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History of women and minorities | 2025 Custom Writing

Can someone help me?


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Discussion: Policy Process and Public Opinion wk4-Dis/6361 | 2025

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Discussion: Policy Process and Public Opinion wk4-Dis/6361 | 2025 Custom Writing

Managing public opinion and understanding the balance between its influence and your advocacy goals is a delicate matter. It is a task fraught with uncertainty because, as a policy advocate, you must navigate through the territory of politicians, bureaucrats, and lobbyists whose primary goals are to appease and please their constituents.In this Discussion, you select a social problem that is of interest to you and identify how public opinion influences the process and political approaches involved in addressing that social problem.To prepare: Refer to your Week 2 Small Group Discussion Forum for ideas.By  (2 to 3 Pages)Post a description of the importance of public opinion in addressing the social problem you have selected. How does public opinion influence political approaches to the problem? Explain. What policy advocacy approaches and skills can you use to address the problem with political leaders? What are the social justice implications of your approach?Be sure to support your post with specific references to this week’s resources. If you are using additional articles, be sure toRequired ReadingsSOCW 6361 WebliographyThese websites will be required throughout the semester. Become familiar with these websites, especially when doing research for your assignments.Burns, J. C., Paul, P. D., & Paz, S. R. (2012). Participatory asset mapping: A community research lab toolkit. Retrieved from Toolbox. (2016). 2. Assessing community needs and resources. Retrieved from, B. S. (2018). Becoming an effective policy advocate: From policy practice to social justice. (8th ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning Series.Chapter 4, “Understanding the Ecology of Policy in Government, Electoral, Community, and Agency Settings” (pp. 100–140)Rome, S. H., & Hoechstetter, S. (2010). Social work and civic engagement: The political participation of professional social workers. Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, 37(3), 107–129.


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Study Of A Life Journey due in 24 hours | 2025

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Study Of A Life Journey due in 24 hours | 2025 Custom Writing

DUE IN 24 HOURSStudy Of A Life JourneyThe final paper reflects a culmination of your learning throughout this course. Choose one of the following two topic categories:Your life journeyThe life of a historical figure, such as Florence Nightingale, President John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Ghandi, or Muhammad Ali. (These are just examples; select your example from any period and from any historical category you find meaningful.)Write a paper on the life journey of you or the person you selected. Your paper should do the following:Describe the life journey of the person who is the subject of your study.Apply Freud’s, Erikson’s, or Maslow’s theory to discuss and explain the development of the person’s life that is your subject, addressing each of the seven stages listed below.Evaluate whether and in what ways the theory has explanatory power for each stage of the life under examination.For any life stages for which the theory was unable to adequately explain, model, and/or otherwise cast light on the life, critique those shortcomings of the theory and identify those unique characteristics of the life that explain the divergence between the life and the theoretical conception.The following stages of life must be included:Prenatal and InfancyEarly childhoodMiddle childhoodAdolescenceEmerging adulthoodAdulthood (assuming you or your historical figure has reached 30)Late adulthood (if you or your historical figure have reached or did reach that stage).Writing requirements are:3,000-4,000 words in lengthSupport your application and evaluation of the theory to the life with citations from the course textbook and at least four outside peer-reviewed resources.Document and citation formatting should adhere to APA style, with the exception that if your study is of your own life, you may write in first person.All requirements noted on the grading criteria are to be followed.


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Online Scavenger Hunt For Success | 2025

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Online Scavenger Hunt For Success | 2025 Custom Writing

Online Scavenger Hunt for SuccessThe Basics (each question worth 5 point) 20 pts total1. From the first section in the book what are 5 environmental concerns you will learn about in this class? Question worth 5 points.a.b.c.d.e.2. Every field is impacted by the environment, be it being the source or a product, source of a service, a concern to meet an environmental regulation…. How do you feel learning about the environment will impact your future career? (minimum of 50 words; question worth 5 points)3. Everything is made from chemicals. In blogs or news articles, you might hear about chemicals being a concern, but this is too vague. For example you can say water is a problem because it is a chemical, but this is still not saying why. Find an example of a chemical you want to learn about. Question worth 5 pointsa. What is this chemical made from?b. How can it be helpful?c. What it is likely to pollute (air, water, or land)?d. How can the problem be lessened?e. Provide a full reference for yourauthoritative sourceyou used to answer this question4. Ozone is a complex chemical. In the1980’s a big concern was the hole in the ozone. What is the current status of the ozone hole? Now, you might hear more about ozone warning while driving. What causes this and why is it is problem? What references did you use to answer this question? (minimum of 50 words; question worth 5 points)Completing Research (5 points each- 3 for correct example, 2 for reason) 20 pts totalIn science a research paper needs to have authoritative sources and all facts need to be cited. This does not mean you want to have lots of quotes, but instead paraphrase your material and cite the sourceMany times if it tempting to use popular media as a source. However, this means it could be biased.Go to: Find one source that could be considered Left biased and explain why (minimum of 20 words; question worth 5 points).2. Find one source that could be considered right biased and explain why (minimum of 20 words; question worth 5 points).3. Find a source that is considered conspiracy-pseudoscience and explain why with an example of pseudoscience (minimum of 20 words; question worth 5 points).4. Find a pro-science source that might be ok for a research paper to get more current information then a peer reviewed source. (minimum of 20 words; question worth 5 points)Citing and referencing help (each topic 10 pts) 30pts totalUsing the library, find3 separate articlesto help you write about 3 of the following topics below (remember to choose 3 topics, not just 1).  Please pick3 topicsfrom this list:endangered species, environmental toxin,farming, sustainable building materials, orwater pollutionto answering the following questions:1. Why would you use this article? (3 pts)2. Create a full reference for this source (2 pts)3. Paraphrase a fact from this source and insert an in-text citation (2.5pts)4. Find a quote Create an intext citation (2.5pts)


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ASSIGNMENTWK50924 | 2025

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ASSIGNMENTWK50924 | 2025 Custom Writing

Assignment: Comparing and Contrasting Biological and Behaviorist TheoriesDo you have a sibling who is the polar opposite of you, or do you know siblings with temperaments that are night and day from each other? Bring to mind those examples. From what you know, how do children grow up in the same environment and yet react to the world so differently? Is that proof of biology as the main influence on temperament, or could other factors be at work as well?These questions are the focus of your Assignment this week. But rather than draw from your examples, you will consider a case study: Jane and John. They are fraternal twins who have grown up together in the same family, but who have very different temperaments. You will compare and contrast biological and behaviorist theories to understand and explain the differences between Jane and John.To prepare:Consider these descriptions of Jane and John. Keep in mind they are fraternal twins. Although their age is not given, from their activities they are teens in high school.Jane is very outgoing. She enjoys large gatherings of friends, participates in many extracurricular activities in school, and is a cheerleader and captain of her volleyball team. She loves to travel, meet new people, and experience different cultures.John is a quiet and studious young man. He loves to read and to listen to classical music. He has a small, intimate circle of friends who share the same interests. He is captain of his school’s chess team, and his idea of the perfect sporting event is a chess competition. He is not interested in travel—unless he is going to a chess competition.Review the Learning Resources for Week 5 and consider the similarities, differences, strengths, and limitations of the biological and behaviorist theories of personality.Consider how both biological and behaviorist theories would explain the differences in Jane and John.Consider which approach you agree with more and your reasoning. (Note that you may take the same basic position that you have in the Discussion this week or a different view based on these siblings.)Be sure your analysis applies specifically to Jane and John. Your Assignment should not address siblings in general.By Day 7Submit a 2- to 3-page paper that includes the following points:Compare and contrast biological and behaviorist theories by explaining the strengths and limitations of each theory.Apply the behaviorist theory in explaining the differences in the siblings Jane and John.Apply the biological theory in explaining the differences in the siblings Jane and John.Explain which approach is most effective for understanding the differences between Jane and John, and defend your reasoning.Note: Support the responses within your Assignment with evidence from the assigned Learning Resources. Provide a reference list for resources you used for this Assignment.Submission and Grading InformationTo submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK5Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.Click the Week 5 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.Click the Week 5 Assignment link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK5Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.Grading CriteriaTo access your rubric:Week 5 Assignment RubricCheck Your Assignment Draft for AuthenticityTo check your Assignment draft for authenticity:Submit your Week 5 Assignment draft and review the originality report.Submit Your Assignment by Day 7To submit your Assignment:Week 5 Assignment


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PSY 5107 Week 5 – Assignment: Assess Scales of Measurement | 2025

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PSY 5107 Week 5 – Assignment: Assess Scales of Measurement | 2025 Custom Writing

Prepare a voice-over PowerPoint presentation to present to an undergraduate class on research methods and begin by briefly describing the four different scales of quantitative research measurement that scientists use (nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio). Provide additional clarification to illustrate your understanding of the four different levels of measurement when presenting this information. Then, provide one example for each of these types of measures for your chosen topic of research. Which measures might you want to use here, and why? Briefly explain how each variable that you select fits within the four different scales of measurement.Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics as well as speaker notes for each slide. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists, and should cite material appropriately.Support your presentation with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources may be included.Length: 12-15 slides (with a separate reference slide)Notes Length: 100-150 words for each slide


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Watch and review video | 2025

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Watch and review video | 2025 Custom Writing

Watch video and write 250 words minimum of a new situation you have been in recently where you had to be around new people. What did you notice about the different interactions that took place? Did you speak to strangers in the room? Did you not? What influenced this decision? Consider your worldview, ethnicity/cultural background (including religion, sexuality and gender) in this scenario.


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