can somebody write me a response paper over the film “The Deadly Deception” | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

can somebody write me a response paper over the film “The Deadly Deception” | 2025 Custom Writing

Response Paper(Film):The Deadly DeceptionSocial life and human behavior can be interpreted from one of the three major theoretical perspectives (conflict, functional analysis, and symbolic interactionism). In your paper, you are to type a film analysis the documentary “Deadly Deception”. You should include the following: •Describe the film in general terms. Describe the plot and setting. What issues does it raise? What do you see as the main purpose of the film?•Relate the film to the textbook, class discussions, notes or knowledge. Is this film historically (or factually) accurate and realistic? Does it contradict or support anything you have learned?Plagiarism Warnings:•Donot use anyother films other than thisfilmand your own ingenuity to write this paper. Your borrowing from other critics will not fulfill the goal of this assignment, which is to demonstrate your fluency with our film terms and concepts.Do not consult any outside sources.


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Discussions regarding Professional Competency Concerning Corporal Punishment | 2025

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Discussions regarding Professional Competency Concerning Corporal Punishment | 2025 Custom Writing

One of the purposes of this week’s readings and information is to assist students in engaging in careful self-reflection about their personal values concerning physical punishment, and if needed, identify potential therapeutic blind spots which may interfere with competent social work practice according to the principles and values provided by the National Association of Social Workers and as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatricians for healthy parenting practices.Regardless of your stance on physical punishment, your profession requires you to adhere to the NASW Code of Ethics.The NASW article provides “The practitioner’s role then is to help parents understand the negative consequences of corporal punishment and help parents find new ways of reinforcing positive behaviors in their children.”From the readings for this week, identify three ways that you can respond competently to a client who has requested support for discontinuing physical punishment with their child(ren).  Cite your sources properly.  Discuss two personal challenges of providing this competent practice, and what you could do to increase your competency.


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Final Project Milestone 2 | 2025

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Final Project Milestone 2 | 2025 Custom Writing

A City Museum: Permanent ExhibitRecall that for the Final Project, you are the director of a museum and you must select a permanent exhibit for the museum. You are committed to ensuring that the objects, themes, and ideas in the exhibit represent all the important groups and peoples that have created your city’s identity.In Final Project Milestone 2, you will consider the connection between group and ethnic identity and how that is represented in your city.To prepare for this Assignment:Review the “Final Project Summary” document in the Week 1 Learning Resources area.Review the resources you chose using the guidelines provided in the “Student Contributed Resource Worksheet” document, located in this week’s Learning Resources area for applicability to this Assignment.


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NEED ASAP, PSYCH SEMINAR | 2025 Custom Writing

This will be needed within the next 18 hours, the paper will be 8 page and it’s a summary with corrections of the paper attached. Also need new articles that include the research done for this topic. I need this ASAP. Articles below. Please also include the articles in the attachment, no need to research new articles, you can get all the information from the attached.Topic: How MDMA can help treat PTSD


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Wk 2, IOP 490: DR 1 | 2025

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Wk 2, IOP 490: DR 1 | 2025 Custom Writing

Substansive response. Please further discussion. End response with question.APA formatCite 1 reference175-265 wordsRespond to the following:Rita Olivares11:00 PMHello,According to Herman Aguinis “doing good” is being socially responsible, “doing well” is making profit for shareholders. Aguinis states, “Organizations are successful in the long run only if they do both: please shareholders and also please other stakeholders” (p. 862, 2011). An example of this at my current workplace is how the finances are being spent. I work at a hospital and because of covid the hospital had to spend a ton of money on personal protective gear to keep employees safe. The budget effects are very noticeable. We went from a staff of 12 to 8 (in a 24 hour department). They will not fill positions when employees leave the department. It is cheaper to pay for overtime than paying a new employee six weeks full time training and health insurance. We also are limited on ordering office supplies. The hospital is trying to make stakeholders happy by staying within their budget. The hospital is a non-profit so it does not have investors. I think it has to do with the price of health care insurance not going up even higher. They are doing good by keeping employees and patients safe with the personal protective equipment.ReferenceAguinis, H. (2011). Organizational responsibility: Doing good and doing well. APA Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 3, 855-879.


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250 word essay Explain how action potentials change in response to stimulus intensity. Use an example from the human visual system to illustrate this process | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

250 word essay Explain how action potentials change in response to stimulus intensity. Use an example from the human visual system to illustrate this process | 2025 Custom Writing

250 word essay


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Sunday, November 1, 2020 APA STYLE | 2025

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Sunday, November 1, 2020 APA STYLE | 2025 Custom Writing

Research Design: In this part of the paper, use your previous analysis of the existing research in the field to develop your research design. You will re-identify a gap in the research you have reviewed (utilizing the feedback that I left you in the worksheet), explain how the research supports further exploration of that aspect of cognitive psychology, and develop a research question addressing the gap. You will then determine an appropriate research design and explain how it could be implemented, and how you will account for issues of ethics in your proposed research question.The following critical elements must be addressed:A. Using the feedback I provided to you in the worksheet, restate the gap you identified in the research that is unexplored or underdeveloped. For example, is there an unexplored aspect of your topic you believe could be further explored?B. Using the feedback I provided to you in the worksheet, develop and provide a basic research question addressing the identified gap. In other words, create a question that you could answer in potential research further investigating your identified gap. Be sure to support your developed research question with examples from research to support your claims.C. Determine an appropriate research design that addresses your research question regarding your topic and explain why this design was chosen and why it’s appropriate (e.g. correlational, observational, longitudinal, and so forth). Be sure to also explain how you envision implementing your research (number of subjects, the location where you might conduct your study, and what type of measures you might use to evaluate what you are studying).D. Explain how you will ensure that your own proposed research design follows ethical guidelines. In other words, how will you ensure that issues of ethics associated with your proposed research have been managed appropriately? Be sure to utilize the APA ethics code and support your explanation with examples from the research you presented in your worksheet.E. Explain how your approach to accounting for issues of ethics was informed and influenced by your review of the existing research in the field. In other words, what did you learn from the reviewed research in terms of how to address issues of ethics that you were able to incorporate in your own design?RubricGuidelines for Submission: You will upload the milestone as a Word document to Blackboard for grading and feedback. Once the submissions are graded, you will be able to review the feedback provided to you in the grading rubric. Your worksheet should be completed following proper APA citation and reference format.Any thoughts that are not your own MUST be cited in proper APA format. Direct quotes (short and long) MUST be cited and formatted following APA guidelines. Even if you paraphrase information, it MUST be cited. Papers are being evaluated through SafeAssign. Plagiarism will NOT be tolerated. If plagiarism is discovered, it will result in a grade of 0 for the assignment and possible disciplinary action. AU’s writing center can assist you if you are unsure. You can also use the following Purdue OWL link: help you with your citations and references and you can avoid plagiarism by also using one of the following plagiarism checking links:,, and the attached grading rubric for more details.RUBRICLiterature Review: Main Elements of Cognition10(12.50%)Levels of Achievement:Proficient 10 (12.50%) pointsSummarizes the evidence presented in the existing research in the field regarding the main elements of cognitionNeeds Improment 8 (10.00%) pointsSummarizes the evidence regarding the main elements of cognition, but summary is superficial or contains inaccuraciesNot Evident 0 (0.00%) pointsDoes not summarize the evidence presented in the existing research regarding the main elements of cognitionFeedback:you did a great job summarizing the general information from each article you chose for your worksheet. You stuck to the facts and did not use any fluffLiterature Review: Cognitive Processes Influence10(12.50%)Levels of Achievement:Proficient 10 (12.50%) pointsSummarizes the evidence presented in the existing research for how cognitive processes influence human behaviorNeeds Improment 8 (10.00%) pointsSummarizes the evidence for how cognitive processes influence behavior, but summary is superficial or contains inaccuraciesNot Evident 0 (0.00%) pointsDoes not summarize the evidence in the research for how cognitive processes influence human behaviorFeedback:a very good job explaining how the cognitive processes you identified influence behaviorLiterature Review: Research Designs8(10.00%)Levels of Achievement:Proficient 10 (12.50%) pointsDescribes the specific research designs used in the presented research to address research questionsNeeds Improment 8 (10.00%) pointsDescribes the research designs used in the presented research to address research questions, but description is superficial, contains inaccuracies, or response does not reference specific research designs from the researchNot Evident 0 (0.00%) pointsDoes not describe the research designs used in the presented research to address research questionsFeedback:Only in the third study did you specify that it was a brain imaging study. In the first one you gave me the results. Not what the design was (e.g. experimental, correlational, etc.)Literature Review: Conduct Research10(12.50%)Levels of Achievement:Proficient 10 (12.50%) pointsExplains how research designs were used by authors in the sources to conduct researchNeeds Improment 8 (10.00%) pointsExplains how research designs were used in the sources to conduct research but explanation is superficial or contains inaccuraciesNot Evident 0 (0.00%) pointsDoes not explain how research designs were used in the sources to conduct the researchFeedback:You did an excellent job presenting how the research was conductedLiterature Review: Ethics0(0.00%)Levels of Achievement:Proficient 10 (12.50%) pointsDiscusses how ethical issues were addressed in the presented research, using examples from the researchNeeds Improment 8 (10.00%) pointsDiscusses how ethical issues were addressed in the presented research, but discussion is cursory, contains inaccuracies, or lacks examples from researchNot Evident 0 (0.00%) pointsDoes not discuss how ethical issues were addressed in the presented researchFeedback:There was no explanation at all as to how each of the studies followed ethical guidelines (e.g. informed consent, confidentiality, etc.)Literature Review: Overall Conclusions10(12.50%)Levels of Achievement:Proficient 10 (12.50%) pointsExplains the general conclusions that can be reached based on analysis & review of the presented research using examples from the research sourcesNeeds Improment 8 (10.00%) pointsExplains the general conclusions that can be reached based on analysis and review of the research but explanation is cursory, contains inaccuracies, or lacks examples from researchNot Evident 0 (0.00%) pointsDoes not explain the general conclusions that can be reached based on analysis and review of the presented researchFeedback:Great job presenting your conclusions. I could really tell that you utilized critical thinking skillsResearch Plan: Gap0(0.00%)Levels of Achievement:Proficient 5 (6.25%) pointsIdentifies a gap in the existing research that is either entirely unexplored or underdevelopedNeeds Improment 4 (5.00%) pointsIdentifies a gap in the existing research that is entire unexplored or underdeveloped, but identification contains inaccuraciesNot Evident 0 (0.00%) pointsDoes not identify a gap in the researchFeedback:A gap in research is an area of research that has either not been studied at all or has not been studied enough. What you provided me were facts (good facts) but there was not clear identification of a gapResearch Plan: Research Question5(6.25%)Levels of Achievement:Proficient 5 (6.25%) pointsDevelops a basic research question addressing the identified gap and is supported by examples from the researchNeeds Improment 4 (5.00%) pointsDevelops a basic research question addressing the identified gap, but the research question is superficial, contains inaccuracies, or lacks examples from the researchNot Evident 0 (0.00%) pointsDoes not develop a basic research question addressing the identified gapFeedback:Great research question.Writing Mechanics8(10.00%)Levels of Achievement:Proficient 10 (12.50%) pointsWriting is in APA format, easily understood, and clear, using proper citation methods where applicable with no errors in citations, references & grammarNeeds Improment 8 (10.00%) pointsWriting is understandable using proper citation methods where applicable with a number of errors in APA format, citations, references, & grammarNot Evident 0 (0.00%) pointsWriting is very difficult to understand, does not use proper citation methods & has significant errors in APA format, references, & grammarFeedback:You have basically copy/pasted entire sections of information that has not been properly placed in quotation marks nor have the secondary sources been cited properly. Copy/pasting information shows me that you can identify important information but it does not show me how you critically analyze that information. Paraphrasing at least some of the information would have demonstrated thatRaw Total: 61.00 (of 80)Name:PSY319-MILESTONE 1


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Assignment: Performance Appraisal Applications and Implementation (5pages) | 2025

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Assignment: Performance Appraisal Applications and Implementation (5pages) | 2025 Custom Writing

Organizations that develop, implement, monitor, and update performance appraisal systems need to make sure that the selection process considers all intended and projected uses (Kleiman & Simmering, 2011). These considerations include providing for the validity, reliability, utility, and legality of the process as it is employed in each application. Further, industry type, company size, occupation, and job level are factors that shape appraisal procedures and reporting. It is important for organizations to periodically review their performance measurement systems to ensure appraisals continue to meet acceptable standards and address company requirements.For this Assignment, review the media for this week and consider the following scenario: Greenway Inc. has asked you to review its performance appraisals and uses. Consider the recommendations you might provide to management, and think about suggestions that you might give concerning appropriately handling and using the results of those performance appraisals. Then, consider how you might revise the performance appraisal process for Greenway Inc. to make it more effective and standardized. (link the performance appraisal process and explain how appraisals might be used at Greenway Inc. for the following:Employee developmentPay raises or bonusesPromotionTalent managementExplain how you might revise the performance appraisal process for Greenway Inc. to make it more effective and standardized. Justify your recommendations with the literature. Provide an APA reference list and use appropriate APA citations throughout your assignment.


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ARTICLE REVIEW DUE IN 3 HOURS!!! | 2025 Custom Writing

I NEED IT ASAP. DUE IN 3 HOURS!!!!For assignment 3, you will read a peer-reviewed journal article related to this week’s topics. You will notice that the article is missing some key components. Namely, the article is missing a title, abstract, and a conceptual model that offers a visual representation of the relationships being tested. Therefore, your task this week is to populate the pieces that are missing from this journal article. The purpose of this assignment is to identify and succinctly describe the central elements of the article and provide some explanation of what the researchers were examining.As a first step,readthe study, then address the items below (1.5 points per item):Write a short abstractsummarizing the important details in the article. To get a sense of the structure, feel free to lookup other journal articles or consider using the articles from previous assignments as examples. At a minimum, abstracts for journal articles should include (a) the purpose of the study (including a breakdown of the research questions), (b) a description of the research design, (c) major findings from the study (or studies), and (d) a brief summary of interpretations and conclusions. Do not copy complete sentences directly from the article, you should be able to paraphrase these different pieces in your own words. Typically, abstracts are approximately 250 words or less (most journal publications are very strict about this!).Draw a conceptual model. Visual diagrams help an audience understand the relationships being examined among variables. For this, you’ll first want to identify the focal variables in the article (HINT: There are four–not including controls, and they are the same in studies 1 and 2). Next, you’ll want to diagram the relationships being tested using shapes and arrows to display the variables and direction of the relationships. This can be done in MS Word or PowerPoint (and most word processing applications). In case it helps, here aresome templates(HINT: you can draw the relationships as one model or two separate models, your choice). Also, make sure the model captures each hypothesis that is being tested as determined by the arrows in your diagram.Provide a brief explanation of the model. Now that you have visualized the model, provide an explanation for what the model posits. Specifically, what is the relationship between the independent (predictors) and dependent (outcomes) variables (i.e., positive, negative? Strong, moderate, weak?). What about mediators or moderators (if any)? (HINT: this can probably be explained in 3-4 sentences or less).Come up with a title for this study. Be as creative as you like, but keep it concise and make sure it captures the article’s main contribution.


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Wk10 inter | 2025

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Wk10 inter | 2025 Custom Writing

Consider the responsibilities you would likely be given if you are currently working with the military, plan to work with the military, or if you are simply interested in learning more about military psychology. A civilian forensic psychology professional may develop and evaluate psychological services, conduct research, or provide assessment and treatment for military clients. An active duty military psychology professional may have any of these responsibilities in addition to responding to other needs and orders of the military. Review the two topics below and pick the one that either is most relevant for you or is of interest to you.Choose one of the topics below and read the instructions that follow:Choice 1: Ethics in Multiple RelationshipsMultiple relationships and ethical issues for military forensic psychology professionals.To prepare for this Discussion:Review your Learning Resources for this week, particularly the article “Multiple-Role Dilemmas for Military Mental Health Care Providers.”Review the various ethical guidelines first presented in Weeks 2 and 3.By Day 3Post by Day 3 a response to the following:Explain specific ethical guidelines that are at risk of being violated during situations in which the forensic psychology professional might be involved in multiple relationships.Identify possible strategies to resolve these ethical dilemmas.Choice 2: Ethics in InterrogationThe role of military forensic psychology professionals in their compliance with ethical guidelines during interrogation and the APA’s brief about findings from the Hoffman report that investigated ethical interrogation issuesTo prepare for this Discussion:Review your Learning  Resources for this week, particularly the APA brief about the Hoffman report and the role of psychologists during interrogation.Review the various ethical guidelines first presented in Weeks 2 and 3.Week 2&3 guideline links 10 articles


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