2023 1 What are three questions you should ask yourself when you begin your job search 2

Nursing 2023 Resume And Job Interview

1 What are three questions you should ask yourself when you begin your job search 2 2023 Assignment

1. What are three questions you should ask yourself when you begin your job search?

2. What are the most common mistakes people make in preparing their résumés?

3. What should you know about your prospective employer before the job interview?

4. What should the interviewee try to achieve during a job interview? What should you look for? What red flags should you watch for?

5. What can you do in advance to prepare for the changes during the first year of employment?

6. Create your own SWOT analysis. How would you respond to your personal strengths and weaknesses if you were a prospective employer? How can you enhance your strengths and improve in areas of weakness?

7. Draw a career path for yourself, beginning with the present year and extending to the age of retirement. Be sure to include any “twists and turns” of the path you expect to experience along the way and any barriers you expect to encounter. How will you handle these experiences?

Do an online nationwide search for information about current job prospects in nursing.Compare opportunities in various regions of the country. Why do you think these opportunities are the same or different?

5. Develop a list of questions that you should ask a potential employer. What “homework” will you need to do to prepare for an interview? 

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2023 Introduction and Alignment Understanding legal and ethical issues in mental health as well as the stigma related to


Introduction and Alignment Understanding legal and ethical issues in mental health as well as the stigma related to 2023 Assignment


Introduction and Alignment

Understanding legal and ethical issues in mental health as well as the stigma related to this field is extremely important. You must be able to assess your own bias and develop a style of practice. Another important aspect of patient care is developing resources that can be used by you and the client to provide education and community-based resources.

Upon completion of this assignment, you should be able to:

  1. Apply legal and ethical principles to the practice PMHNP practice
  2. Apply reflection to your practice



  1. Navigate to the discussion topic and respond to the following:
    1. View both of the above videos and script a 2-3 paragraph overview of key concepts that you took away from the videos. Reflect on your own biases and how they were addressed.
    2. Find 3 reputable online sites for the following populations: child/adolescent, adult, and older adult to use as patient education resources on mental illness for each population.
    3. Post a summary that includes the website URL, name, and a brief paragraph on how and why you would use this resource. This means you will write on a minimum of 9 on-line resources (3 for each population discussed).
  2. Your initial post is due by the end of the workshop.
  3. Read and respond to at least three of your classmates’ postings, as well as all follow-up instructor questions directed to you, by day 1 of workshop 2.
  4. Your postings should also:
    1. Be well developed by providing clear answers with evidence of critical thinking.
    2. Add greater depth to the discussion by introducing new ideas.
    3. Provide clarification to classmates’ questions and provide insight into the discussion.

Click here to access the discussion topic.

Assessment Criteria

Assessed Item


Reflections on both videos fully developed and includes personal reflection (at least 3 paragraphs in length)20Minimum of 9 on-line resources discussed (1 paragraph supporting each resource)25

Writing style/punctuation/grammar/APA


Total Points


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2023 Questions asked Discuss some common causes for coding errors and the preventative measures you can

Nursing 2023 discussion post response

Questions asked Discuss some common causes for coding errors and the preventative measures you can 2023 Assignment

 Questions asked: 

Discuss some common causes for coding errors and the preventative measures you can use to avoid them.

2) What are some other measures you can add to the list that might not be in the course materials?

3) What is the Fraud and Abuse Control Program? What is the HHS OIG and what is it’s major concern?

Halle Pietras Week 3 :

             OIG stands for the office of inspector general, they are an oversite agency that works for the United States department of Health and Human Services (HHS.) There goal is to promote and protect our healthcare programs. That also means they look out for things like fraud and abuse when it comes everything, even coding and billing. 

When it comes to coding there is a lot to remember, but there’s also a lot left up to assumptions which is where people can get into trouble. There’s also a lot of “gray area’s” according to our book, which leaves things open to different interpretations. Those are hard things to combat but some suggestions and or rules help to eliminate them the best they can. One mandate to remember is that coding MUST be supported by a health record. Another one to prevent fraud would be to use outside auditors to review the claims and make sure things check out. Other basic things would be to monitor and double check the claims, to make sure everything is the most correct you can make it. Make sure you understand what you’re doing and if not ask someone who could advise you.


Aalseth, P. (2015). Medical Coding: What Is it and How It Works (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning

Post 2 

 Richard Matos Week 3 – Discussion forumCOLLAPSE

Richard Matos

Professor J. Pryor

CPT Coding for Health Services Administration

Coders generally make two types of errors when making coding decisions; Performance errors and Systematic errors. Performance errors include misreading words, missing important details to the code assignment, failing to pull together details from various parts of the record and transposing digits in code numbers. Systematic errors include lack of sufficient medical knowledge to understand the documentation, lack of knowledge of or misapplication of coding rules.

To avoid errors coding departments should verify the patient’s insurance benefits and personal information, double check diagnosis and procedures codes, write clearly and implement an EHR billing system.  Conducting charts audits are also a good way to avoid submitting claims twice.  Proper training, care and attention to details is the best policy to avoid coding errors. also, managers should implement policies and programs to help staff better understand the importance of avoiding errors.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services established a Fraud and Abuse Control Program, effective January 1, 1997, to fight health care fraud, waste, and abuse.  The Office of Inspector General (OIG) carries nationwide audits, investigations, and inspections in order to protect the integrity of the HHS.  The OIG also has the authority to investigate hospitals, pharmaceutical manufacturers, third-party billing companies, ambulance companies, physicians practices, nursing facilities, home health agencies, clinical laboratories, hospices and companies that supply durable medical equipment, prosthetics, and orthotics.  The OIG also works with the FBI and other federal agencies in the investigation of fraud and abuse.





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2023 The Neuman System Model uses a systems approach that is focused on the human needs of protection or relief

Nursing 2023 Discussion Response approx 100-150 words

The Neuman System Model uses a systems approach that is focused on the human needs of protection or relief 2023 Assignment


The Neuman System Model uses a systems approach that is focused on the human needs of protection or relief from stress (Neuman & Fawcett, 2009). Neuman believed that the causes of stress can be identified and remedied through nursing interventions. She emphasized the need of humans for dynamic balance that the nurse can provide through identification of problems, mutually agreeing on goals, and using the concept of prevention as intervention. Neuman’s model is one of only a few considered prescriptive in nature. The model is universal, abstract, and applicable for individuals from many cultures (Neuman, 1995; Neuman & Fawcett, 2009).  Neuman used concepts and theories from a number of disciplines in the development of her theory. In her works, she referred to Chardin and Cornu on wholeness in systems, von Bertalanfy and Lazlo on general systems theory, Selye on stress theory, and Lazarus on stress and coping (Neuman, 1995; Neuman & Fawcett, 2009).

In her work, she defined human beings as a “client/client system, as a composite of variables … physiological, psychological, sociocultural, developmental, and spiritual (Neuman & Fawcett, 2009, p. 16). Environment in the model represents the three environments, internal, external, and created environments, which influences the client’s adaptation to stressors. Neuman’s System Model in the nursing realm, is to maintain client system stability through accurately assessing environmental and other stressors and assisting in client adjustments to maintain optimal wellness. Neuman model consisted of  a three-step nursing process model in which nursing diagnosis (the first step), nursing goals as determined with the client and family (the second step), and lastly, nursing outcomes that confirm and evaluate the client’s healthcare goals. I have always look at the total picture when encountering individuals from a personal standpoint, professionally in the clinical setting, and in the community to address issues that constitutes the total person outside of the health/illness continuum.

Neuman’s System Care Model can be used in a practical setting where I work on the stepdown unit.While caring for a 67 yr old AA male who was post-op day1 prostatectomy with a hx of hypertension, diabetes, colon cancer, TIA, anxiety, and depression became symptomatic during shift change. The patient’s family called to the nurse’s station because he became weak and unable to ambulate back to his bed. Upon arriving to the patient’s room I found him sitting on the commode with c/o nausea and vomiting which is common after this type of surgery. With further assessment, I noted the client became diaphoretic and dizzy while attempting to stand. Vitals were stable at this time but I my intuition told me that something just wasn’t right.First thing that came to mind was that the pt vasovagal while trying to have a bowel movement. The Scip protocol was in place at this time, IV fluids infusing, foley in place with adequate urinary output noted, telemetry on with no ectopy noted. I told the family to call the nurse’s station to bring a wheelchair to the room to assist with transferring the pt back to bed. The patient had expressed to me that he was under a lot of stress due to  the lost of his mother, his second bout with cancer, and the financial strain he was under for being out of work for his health conditions. While attempting to place the patient in the bed he had another diaphoretic episode with generalized weakness. My intuition lead me to believe this patient was having an MI. I took an additional set of vitals, revisited the lab work, placed the pt on oxygen at 2 liter, and ordered a stat EKG. I viewed the EKG and noted an elevated ST segment and paged the cardiologist on call; while simultaneously informing the house supervisor of my findings. Within 10 minutes or less the client was in route to the cath lab for stent placement.

Re examining Neuman’s System Model, I was able to utilize the three step nursing process to 1.) identifying a nursing diagnoses that includes but not limited to: risk for decreased cardiac output, anxiety, activity intolerance, ineffective coping, risk for falls, nausea, and imbalanced nutrition just to name a few. 2.) Establishing patient/family centered goals that constitutes their beliefs, values,and  customs such optimizing cardiac output with stent placement, ensuring the client is hemodynamically stable, addressing nutritional status with the interdisciplinary team to ensue dietary requirements are met, providing counseling to assist with helping the client cope with his loses that internally and externally precipitated stress. 3.) Evaluation and clarification of the client’s outcomes. The patient underwent angioplasty with stent placement and was transferred to the ICU without incident. Neuman’s model allowed me to assess the patient from a holistic point of view that lead to favorable outcomes. The physicians, house supervisor, and staff was so impressed with my knowledge and skills that I received the Daisy’s Award for exceptional nurses that year. 

To this present day, that patient stills comes to the facility I work at to thank me for saving his life. Often healthcare professional become overwhelmed with the everyday task of the discipline that little signs such as nausea/vomiting goes unnoticed. The patient did not complain of pain at anytime during the assessment. Neuman’s model can be used in any nursing setting because it directly ties the patient to the nurse and the environment that are in constant motion either propelling towards health, where energy is conserved or towards illness that depletes the storage of energy. The clinical and critical skills I’ve acquired and taking an holistic approach while caring for patients and families allowed me to be present with the patient and family thus addressing his healthcare needs while optimizing his overall quality of health.


McEwen, M. (2014). Theoretical Basis for Nursing, 4th Edition. [VitalSource Bookshelf version]. Retrieved from http://online.vitalsource.com/books/9781469899992

Neuman B, Fawcett J. The Neuman Systems Model. 5th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall; 2010.

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2023 To Prepare Assume that you are leading a staff development meeting on regulation for nursing practice

Nursing 2023 10 Slide Power point NO PLAGIARISM Due Tomorrow at 1200 noon

To Prepare Assume that you are leading a staff development meeting on regulation for nursing practice 2023 Assignment


To Prepare:

  • Assume that you are leading a staff development meeting on regulation for nursing practice at your healthcare organization or agency.
  • Review the NCSBN and ANA websites to prepare for your presentation.

The Assignment: (9- to 10-slide PowerPoint presentation)

Develop a 9- to 10-slide PowerPoint Presentation that addresses the following:

  • Describe the differences between a board of nursing and a professional nurse association.
  • Describe the geographic distribution, academic credentials, practice positions, and licensure status of members of the board for your specific region/area.
    • Who is on the board?
    • How does one become a member of the board?
  • Describe at least one federal regulation for healthcare.
    • How does this regulation influence delivery, cost, and access to healthcare (e.g., CMS, OSHA, and EPA)?
    • Has there been any change to the regulation within the past 5 years? Explain.
  • Describe at least one state regulation related to general nurse scope of practice.
    • How does this regulation influence the nurse’s role?
    • How does this regulation influence delivery, cost, and access to healthcare?
  • Describe at least one state regulation related to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs).
    • How does this regulation influence the nurse’s role?
    • How does this regulation influence delivery, cost, and access to healthcare?

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2023 Question 1 Manuscripts of the Early Middle Ages Before the invention of the printing press books were

Nursing 2023 Art 5

Question 1 Manuscripts of the Early Middle Ages Before the invention of the printing press books were 2023 Assignment

Question 1: Manuscripts of the Early Middle Ages

Before the invention of the printing press, books were copied by hand one at a time by illuminators, and the vellum was often embellished with beautiful calligraphy and intricate patterns and designs.

Using your course textbook locate three examples of illuminated manuscripts from the early Middle Ages. Read about each one in your textbook, course lectures, and through reliable internet resources

First, completely identify each manuscript and/or manuscript page by title, date, and location where it was created.

In a minimum of 2 well-developed paragraphs address the following questions:

  1. Who commissioned the creation of the manuscript? Why?
  2. What was the purpose of the manuscript?
  3. How do the visual characteristics of each manuscript contribute to or enhance its message or meaning?
  4. How do the reasons these manuscripts were created compare with religious texts created today?

Be sure to explain your ideas clearly and support them by discussing specific details about each manuscript.

Question 2: Romanesque and Gothic Cathedrals

Both Romanesque and Gothic architecture displayed distinctive characteristics and features. For this assignment, select one example of Romanesque church architecture and one example of Gothic church architecture from your course textbook. Read about each one in your textbook, course lectures, and through reliable internet resources.

First, completely identify the two cathedrals you have selected by name, date, and location.

Then, in a minimum of 3 well-developed paragraphs, address the following questions:

  1. What architectural details are evident in each cathedral that make it representative of either the Romanesque or Gothic style?
  2. What sort of decoration (interior and exterior) was employed in each cathedral? What was the meaning of the sculptures, paintings, windows that adorned each cathedral?
  3. What was the visitor or viewer experience in each cathedral?

Respond to both questions as thoroughly as possible, making sure to use information from the readings and the lectures. All responses should be in complete sentence form, using proper spelling and grammar.

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2023 Follow instructions in the attached file carefully and make sure to answer all the questions Avoid

Nursing 2023 Pay for performance

Follow instructions in the attached file carefully and make sure to answer all the questions Avoid 2023 Assignment

 – Follow instructions in the attached file carefully  and make sure to answer all the questions
      – Avoid Plagiarism 
      – 1 page not include the cover page and the references. 
      – follow APA style. 
      – provide in-text citation

– Use 3 articles not later than 2013
      Kindly stick to your price if you change I will dispute

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Consider your experiences at work school and in your personal life You

Nursing 2023 Competency 6

Consider your experiences at work school and in your personal life You 2023 Assignment


Consider your experiences at work, school, and in your personal life. You have, at some point, been asked to work with a group to achieve a particular goal. It might have been a group research project, a new marketing plan, a learning plan, a schedule to roll out new technology, planning a wedding, or even planning and creating a large family meal. In many collaborative efforts like these, there are disagreements. Select one collaborative experience from your past that involved some disagreements or significant differences of opinion.

Write a short (2-page) paper in APA style discussing the following elements:

  1. Describe the project that you were working on, including the people involved.
  2. Explain the problem that you encountered with the group. How was that problem overcome? What was the end result of encountering and dealing with that problem?
  3. What do you think was the cause of the problem? How much of the problem came from miscommunication, either from you or from other people involved? What did you do to help resolve the problem?
  4. If you were able to relive that experience, how would you change the way that you approached the encountered problem? How would you communicate differently?
  5. How, ultimately, was the conflict resolved?

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Topic Pollution Lead and Radiation You are assigned to one of the community

Nursing 2023 In need of a Health Related Power Point presentation ( Nursing School Assignment)

Topic Pollution Lead and Radiation You are assigned to one of the community 2023 Assignment

 Topic : Pollution : Lead and Radiation 

You are assigned to one of the community health related issues or department . 

1. Research each area and connect the health issues ( locally , nationally, and or globally) that have appeared in the news . 

2. Create a power point presentation 

3. presentation should include , when applicable the purpose if the department, famous cases or most recent issues this department has addressed , the impact on the community ( locally , nationally , or globally ) 

3. should include , when applicable , statistics about the health problem , the prevalence ,causes , medical complications and most recent cases ( locally , nationally , or globally ) 

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2023 Comparison of APN Practice Interviews of Two APNs The work for this paper entails

Nursing 2023 APN PRACTICE

Comparison of APN Practice Interviews of Two APNs The work for this paper entails 2023 Assignment


Comparison of APN Practice

Interviews of Two APNs 

The work for this paper entails interviewing in person (not by telephone or e-mail), TWO different categories of advanced practice nurses (APNs). One APN has to be a primary care nurse practitioner (e.g., family NP, adult NP, pediatric NP); that is, the NP cannot be one who is an acute care NP. Furthermore, the NP must work in a primary care setting such as a “doctor’s office” or community health center—that is, in a setting the buzz-word for which is now medical home. An NP who works in a retail clinic or free-standing urgent care center would also be acceptable (but NOT an emergency department). Yes, there are many APNs who are prepared as FNPs or adult NPs who take jobs in non-primary care settings (e.g., as hospitalists and as providers in nursing homes). But a common premise with health care reform and the Affordable Care Act is that there already is and will be a huge need for primary care providers, thus paving the way for even greater opportunities for NPs in this area. It is important that you get a firm grasp of how NPs are prepared for primary care, and thus why NP organizations assert an important solution to the primary care provider shortage is educating more NPs which is why every state should allow full independent practice authority for APNs, especially NPs. 

The other APN may be your choice of one of the following: a certified nurse midwife (CNM) or a certified nurse anesthetist (CRNA) or a clinical nurse specialist (CNS). There is no limitation regarding the types of settings these APNs might work. Be sure to indicate the state(s) where the APNs practice.

Although the information gathered from these APNs will be acquired via an interview, the paper should be written in summary format (i.e., it should not look like a dialogue between you and the APN). Information on both interviews should be in a single document. It is not necessary to provide the APNs’ full names. Most elements of APA format should be used, including a title page and abstract. Most students’ papers that address all of these questions for both APN are about five double-spaced pages, without counting the title page or abstract (be sure to read your APA manual regarding what an abstract should look like!). An exception to the APA format requirement is that a reference list is not required, since all of the information will be derived from two sources (the APNs whom you interviewed). Although you have free range to discuss other topics about advanced practice nursing, you must address the following issues with each APN (please follow the order of list below):

1. Reason for their choosing their specific APN specialty.

2. Descriptions of: (a) the type of setting where they work (e.g., community hospital, major medical center, private primary care practice, clinic for the underserved, etc.), and (b) a “typical” day as they render care. 

3. Level of satisfaction with their role in general, and specifically within the system where they are currently employed.

4. The type of APN certification that they hold, including identifying the accurate name of the certifying body with which they are certified (Note: Review your textbooks for the correct names of these certifying bodies. Also note there are several different certifying bodies for NPs).

5. Whether they have prescriptive authority and whether they prescribe controlled substances. If they do prescribe controlled substances, you must indicate from which schedules of controlled substances they are allowed prescribe.

6. Whether they must practice according to an agreement with a physician. If so, is the relationship supervisory or collaborative?

7. Are they credentialed and privileged by a hospital or health system?  If the answer is “yes,” ask them to explain what the credentialing and privileging process entails at their organization (e.g., are the documents reviewed by only the human resources department, the nursing department, or the medical staff office, a combination of all three, etc.).

8. Whether they belong to a professional organization(s) that specifically addresses APN issues. If so, which one (s)? If not, why not?

9. Their understanding about the DNP degree (i.e., have them actually explain what they know about the degree) and whether they have this degree already or intend to pursue it. Be sure to probe to see if they have positive or negative feelings about the DNP—and why.

10. Final grading criterion: Paper’s adherence to APA format (with the exception that references are not required for this particular paper), including grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, etc. 

Total points for this assignment is 100; each question above is worth 10 points. 

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.