Assignment: Family Life-Cycle Stages | 2025
Psychology Assignment Custom Writng
Assignment: Family Life-Cycle Stages | 2025 Custom Writing
The family life-cycle stages you will consider for this assignment are:Single adulthoodCommitted, long-term relationshipsBecoming parentsDivorce/relationship termination and remarriage/re-partneringOlder adulthoodThe Assignment (2- to 3-page paper):Use the five family life-cycle stages listed in the Sexuality in Adulthood Across the Family Life Cycle chart to organize your thoughts for this assignment. For this paper:Describe two common sexuality-related transitions or concerns at each stage.Provide two examples of how research and theory characterize positive sexual functioning during each stage.Briefly describe how you might intervene or use this information to assist clients.Notes:Please make sure the posted assignment is Zero Percent Plagiarism.Running heads are not to be on the paper.Make sure paper is in APA 7 formatting.Make sure paragraphs are indented and aligned to the left.Please provide a reference page and references throughout the paper.Please use the following references for this assignment:ReferencesHensel, D. J., & Fortenberry, J. D. (2014). Life-span sexuality through a sexual health perspective. In D. L. Tolman & L. M. Diamond (Eds.), APA handbook of sexuality and psychology (Vol. 1) (385–413). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.Levine, S. B., Risen, C. B., & Althof, S. E. (Eds.). (2016). Handbook of clinical sexuality for mental health professionals (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge. Chapter 26, ‘Optimal Erotic Intimacy: Lessons From Great Lovers’ (pp. 310-317)
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