I need help with this paper. I did it but the teacher said I have too much plagiarism. | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

I need help with this paper. I did it but the teacher said I have too much plagiarism. | 2025 Custom Writing

Psychological Treatment PlanIt is recommended that students review the e-book The Complete Adult Psychotherapy Treatment Planner (Jongsma, Peterson, & Bruce, 2014) for additional assistance in completing this assignment.Clinical and counseling psychologists utilize treatment plans to document a client’s progress toward short- and long-term goals. The content within psychological treatment plans varies depending on the clinical setting. The clinician’s theoretical orientation, evidenced-based practices, and the client’s needs are taken into account when developing and implementing a treatment plan. Typically, the client’s presenting problem(s), behaviorally defined symptom(s), goals, objectives, and interventions determined by the clinician are included within a treatment plan.To understand the treatment planning process, students will assume the role of a clinical or counseling psychologist and develop a comprehensive treatment plan based on the same case study utilized for the Psychiatric Diagnosis assignment in PSY645. A minimum of five peer-reviewed resources must be used to support the recommendations made within the plan. The Psychological Treatment Plan must include the headings and content outlined below.Behaviorally Defined SymptomsDefine the client’s presenting problem(s) and provide a diagnostic impression.Identify how the problem(s) is/are evidenced in the client’s behavior.List the client’s cognitive and behavioral symptoms.Long-Term GoalGenerate a long-term treatment goal that represents the desired outcome for the client.This goal should be broad and does not need to be measureable.Short-Term ObjectivesGenerate a minimum of three short-term objectives for attaining the long-term goal.Each objective should be stated in behaviorally measureable language. Subjective or vague objectives are not acceptable. For example, it should be stated that the objective will be accomplished by a specific date or that a specific symptom will be reduced by a certain percentage.InterventionsIdentify at least one intervention for achieving each of the short-term objectives.Compare a minimum of three evidence-based theoretical orientations from which appropriate interventions can be selected for the client.Explain the connection between the theoretical orientation and corresponding intervention selected.Provide a rationale for the integration of multiple theoretical orientations within this treatment plan.Identify two to three treatment modalities (e.g., individual, couple, family, group, etc.) that would be appropriate for use with the client.It is a best practice to include outside providers (e.g., psychiatrists, medical doctors, nutritionists, social workers, holistic practitioners, etc.) in the intervention planning process to build a support network that will assist the client in the achievement of treatment goals.EvaluationList the anticipated outcomes of each proposed treatment intervention based on scholarly literature.Be sure to take into account the individual’s strengths, weaknesses, external stressors, and cultural factors (e.g., gender, age, disability, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, etc.) in the evaluation.Provide an assessment of the efficacy of evidence-based intervention options.EthicsAnalyze and describe potential ethical dilemmas that may arise while implementing this treatment plan.Cite specific ethical principles and any applicable law(s) for resolving the ethical dilemma(s).The Psychological Treatment PlanMust be 8 to 10 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).Must include a separate title page with the following:Title of paperStudent’s nameCourse name and numberInstructor’s nameDate submittedMust use at least five peer-reviewed sources in addition to the course text.Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.


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PS505 testing and measurements | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

PS505 testing and measurements | 2025 Custom Writing

For this week’s Assignment you will be creating a hypothetical case assessment in your area of interest involving a client presenting with an issue that merits an adult (18 years – 70 years) personality assessment.Write a minimum 10-page essay incorporating the following elements:Include the following demographic and personal information: fictional name, age, marital status, number of children, educational level, income level, and relevant medical history. Describe clearly the nature of the client’s presenting problem (e.g., consideration of inpatient substance abuse treatment, a candidate for successful completion of a behavior analysis/application program, or a patient with a psychiatric diagnosis, etc.).Explain the initial problem in sufficient detail to make clear your decisions regarding assessment.Based on the above, answer the following questions in essay format:What would be the most appropriate instrument in personality assessment for evaluating the primary presenting problem?What are the strengths regarding what this instrument can tell us about the client?Why is this the most appropriate instrument? (Be sure to include appropriate reference to source materials.)What are the limitations of what this instrument can tell us about the client?Discuss some of the concerns or issues that might arise in a workplace setting with an individual that has this personality disorder. Elaborate on how this disorder could affect the workplace culture/climate in regards to behavior, interpersonal and group interactions, and productivity.In your discussion of the assessment process, including administration and interpretation, consider professional competencies that reflect the professional characteristics, culture of a given work setting and how these practices are essential to an effective multicultural competency environment.Select an adult personality test – (four) websites for psychological test databases are provided on page 30 of your textbook. Discuss what type of data the test provides and how you might use this particular test to assess a client.Along with the text, and the four articles listed below, locate an additional two peer reviewed journal articles. (7 total references)Note: Find a test measuring a construct in your area of interest; do not purchase a review of any test. You will use the websites to look up the name and brief description of a test and then conduct further research on your own about this test.Read the following articles which are accessible through the following Library links:Fine, S. (2013). Practical guidelines for implementing preemployment integrity tests. Public Personnel Management, 42(2), 281-292. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com.libauth.purdueglobal.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=88923808&site=eds-liveDiscuss the following in essay format: Address the purpose of preemployment integrity testing.Describe the primary purpose many organizations include integrity testing during the hiring process of new employees.Describe the differences between overt integrity tests and personality-based integrity tests, including when an organization would choose one over the other type.Discuss the guidance the author provides in regards to fairness and adverse impact from integrity tests.Meyer, G. J., & Kurtz, J. E. (2006). Advancing personality assessment terminology: Time to retire objective and projective as personality test descriptors. Journal of Personality Assessment, 87(3), 223-225. Retrieved  fromhttp://search.ebscohost.com.libauth.purdueglobal.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=mdc&AN=17134328&site=eds-liveDiscuss the following in essay format:  Address the historical use of the terms objective and projective to classify a personality test, as well as problems with such classification.Naugle, K. (2009). Counseling and testing: What counselors need to know about state laws on assessment and testing. Measurement & Evaluation In Counseling & Development, 42(1), 31-45. Retrieved  fromhttp://search.ebscohost.com.libauth.purdueglobal.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=tfh&AN=43205692&site=eds-liveDiscuss the following in essay format: Review the local laws on assessment and testing, using a comparison between licensed and nonlicensed professionals.Discuss how psychological test publishing companies monitor the competencies of those who purchase and utilize assessment instruments they sell.Using Table 2 – Assessment Legislation via a State-by-State Basis (pgs. 38-39), look up your home state and describe what types of assessment activities the legislation allows a counselor to engage in.Describe why the authors contend that professionals who possess the appropriate coursework, experience and supervision, but are not licensed psychiatrists or psychologists, are being discriminated against when it comes to laws regarding psychological testing.Scroggins, W., Thomas, S., & Morris, J. (2008). Psychological testing in personnel selection, part I: A century of psychological testing. Public Personnel Management, 37(1), 99-109. Retrieved fromhttp://search.ebscohost.com.libauth.purdueglobal.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=31579029&site=eds-liveDiscuss the following in essay format: Review prior and local hiring practices and the challenges with using personality testing.Why had many industrial psychologists traditionally rejected the use of personality testing while many human resources manager maintain an optimistic and enduring faith in the ability of them to discriminate between good and poor job candidates?Discuss how military psychology and the role of psychological services were considered essential to the nation’s defense efforts during World War II?Describe three ways in which the use of personality tests in employment selection is considered controversial?The assignment should:Follow assignment directions (review grading rubric for best results).Use correct APA formatting per the APA Publication Manual, 6th Edition.Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American English.Be written in Standard American English and be clear, specific, and error-free. If needed, be sure to use the Writing Center for help.Be a minimum of 10 pages (not including Title Page and Reference List).


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2 Assigment Serious bidders | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

2 Assigment Serious bidders | 2025 Custom Writing

Looking Ahead: Final Project: Psychological Aspects of Offender BehaviorNot all mentally ill individuals exhibit violent behavior and commit violent crimes, and not all criminals are mentally ill. The mental health of the offender, however, does play a role in the execution, investigation, and prosecution of a crime.For your Final Project, you analyze a current or historical mass murder case. This could be any case involving killing three or more persons at a single location with no cooling-off period between murders; however, there must be enough information about the case for you to make an in-depth analysis.To prepare for this Assignment:Review pages 305–309 in the Bartol and Bartol course text.Select a current or historical mass murder case.By Day 7 of Week 3In a 1-page paper:Summarize the murder case you selected.Provide at least two references from which you will obtain information about the case.By Day 7 of Week 10Write an 8- to 10-page interview strategy that includes the following:A summary of the murder case you selectedAn analysis of the offender’s personality, including any personality disorders or comorbidity that may be presentAn explanation of how aggression, attachment, and empathy factor into the offender’s personalityAn explanation of how “state” versus “trait” factors into the caseRecommendations for the interview, including the following:Selection of the interviewerEnvironment of the interviewHow to manage the interviewer’s responseDescription of how to ask the interview questionsMain Discussion Posting ContentPoints Range:21.6 (54%) – 24 (60%)Discussion posting demonstrates an excellent understanding of all of the concepts and key points presented in the text/s and Learning Resources. Posting provides significant detail including multiple relevant examples, evidence from the readings and other scholarly sources, and discerning ideas.Points Range:19.2 (48%) – 21.57 (53.92%)Discussion posting demonstrates a good understanding of most of the concepts and key points presented in the text/s and Learning Resources. Posting provides moderate detail (including at least one pertinent example), evidence from the readings and other scholarly sources, and discerning ideas.Points Range:16.8 (42%) – 19.17 (47.93%)Discussion posting demonstrates a fair understanding of the concepts and key points as presented in the text/s and Learning Resources. Posting may be lacking or incorrect in some area, or in detail and specificity, and/or may not include sufficient pertinent examples or provide sufficient evidence from the readings.Points Range:0 (0%) – 16.77 (41.93%)Discussion posting demonstrates poor or no understanding of the concepts and key points of the text/s and Learning Resources. Posting is incorrect and/or shallow and/or does not include any pertinent examples or provide sufficient evidence from the readings.Reply Post & Peer InteractionPoints Range:7.2 (18%) – 8 (20%)Student interacts frequently with peers. The feedback postings and responses to questions are excellent and fully contribute to the quality of interaction by offering constructive critique, suggestions, in-depth questions, use of scholarly, empirical resources, and stimulating thoughts and/or probes.Points Range:6.4 (16%) – 7.16 (17.9%)Student interacts moderately with peers. The feedback postings and responses to questions are good, but may not fully contribute to the quality of interaction by offering constructive critique, suggestions, in-depth questions, use of scholarly, empirical resources, and stimulating thoughts and/or probes.Points Range:5.6 (14%) – 6.36 (15.9%)Student interacts minimally with peers or the feedback postings, and responses to questions only partially contribute to the quality of interaction by offering insufficient constructive critique or suggestions, shallow questions, or providing poor quality additional resources.Points Range:0 (0%) – 5.56 (13.9%)Student does not interact with peers (0 points) or the feedback postings and responses to questions do not contribute to the quality of interaction by offering any constructive critique, suggestions, questions, or additional resources.WritingPoints Range:7.2 (18%) – 8 (20%)Postings are well organized, use scholarly tone, contain original writing , proper paraphrasing, follow APA style, contain very few or no writing and/or spelling errors, and are fully consistent with graduate level writing style.Points Range:6.4 (16%) – 7.16 (17.9%)Postings are mostly consistent with graduate level writing style. Postings may have some small organization, scholarly tone, writing, or APA style issues, and/or may contain a few writing and spelling errors.


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PSY 352 -2.2 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

PSY 352 -2.2 | 2025 Custom Writing

Memory loss is frightening. The purpose of this assignment is to make you think of memory loss realistically. Complete the steps listed below:Watch the video, Living Without a Memory (Links to an external site.), which provides an overview of memory and discusses actual cases of memory loss.Select a movie that has featured a character with memory loss. Describe the main features of the impairment exhibited by the movie character.Engage your critical thinking skills. How accurately is memory loss featured in the selected movie? Specifically, does the memory loss in the movie resemble actual cases? Is appropriate terminology used? Is the prognosis realistic?Note that statements regarding the accuracy or inaccuracy of the memory loss illustrated in the movie are to be supported by evidence collected by cognitive psychologists and neuroscientists (i.e., experts). Thus, review the literature on memory loss and use at least two peer-reviewed articles that can answer the questions above. Although your opinion is valuable and always welcome, it needs to be supported by scientific evidence.Express your thoughts about how the movie could have more realistically depicted memory loss, its cause(s), time-course, and prognosis.Describe the memory loss featured in the selected movie as well as discussing its accuracy Keep in mind that accuracy refers to the description of symptoms, potential cause(s), prognosis and actual time-course.Your paper must begin with an introduction to the selected topic in which you define all concepts that will be discussed in the paper. You must also include a conclusion expressing your thoughts about how the movie could have more realistically depicted memory loss, its causes, time-course, and prognosis.The Understanding Memory Loss Paper:Must be four to five double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).Must include a separate title page with the following:Title of paperStudent’s nameCourse name and numberInstructor’s nameDate submittedMust use at least two peer-reviewed source in addition to the course text.The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.


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Discussing Program Costs and Benefits | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Discussing Program Costs and Benefits | 2025 Custom Writing

This discussion will help you prepare your Unit 10 assignment. Your peers and instructor will provide feedback that will help you polish your plan.In the studies for this unit, you reviewed Step 5 in the Program Evaluation Guide. While your course project does not address program cost, any program for which you provide services will need to address these questions in order to survive and thrive in your community. After completing the multimedia piece, how would you make the case that the benefits of your program are worth the cost?Similarly, our Royse, Thyer, and Padgett textbook (Chapter 13) and the Sridharan and Nakaima (2011) article discuss how pragmatics and political pressures can come into play when evaluators report their findings. Which of these issues might you anticipate arising when presenting your hypothetical program evaluation? How would you plan to handle these constructively?


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Depression Case Study | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Depression Case Study | 2025 Custom Writing

Please see attached instructions.


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Anger and violent offenders | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Anger and violent offenders | 2025 Custom Writing

Review the article “Understanding Clinical Anger and Violence: The Anger Avoidance Model” in this week’s Learning Resources. Focus on the relationship among processing stress, clinical anger, and aggression as they relate to violent offenders.Review the article “The Role of Impulsivity in Antisocial and Violent Behavior and Personality Disorders Among Incarcerated Women” in this week’s Learning Resources. Focus on the aspects of anger and aggression specific to female offenders. Think about how female offenders are similar to and different from general violent offender populations.Review the article “Violent Men: The Importance of Impulsivity and Cognitive Schema” in this week’s Learning Resources. Consider the relationship among anger, aggression, and violence.Review the article “Emotion Regulation, Coping, and Psychological Symptoms” in this week’s Learning Resources. Focus on the concepts of stress and aggression.Synthesize what you have examined concerning the concepts of anger, stress, and aggression as they relate to violent offenders. Think about the implications of this relationship to the treatment of violent offenders.The assignment (1–2 pages):Briefly explain the concepts of anger, stress, and aggression as they relate to violent offenders.Explain the relationship among anger, stress, and aggression.


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Quantitative Versus Qualitative Research Designs | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Quantitative Versus Qualitative Research Designs | 2025 Custom Writing

Research studies in forensic psychology that utilize quantitative research designs are more common than those using the qualitative approach. As previously pointed out, qualitative designs have only recently been accepted in forensic psychology research. However, many forensic psychologists and forensic psychology professionals are realizing that much can be learned in many areas of study by using qualitative research designs instead of quantitative. Furthermore, the differences between quantitative and qualitative designs are not as distinct as you might imagine.To prepare for this assignment:Review the article, “From Single Case to Database: A New Method for Enhancing Psychotherapy Practice.” Pay particular attention to how both quantitative and qualitative research designs are used to evaluate individual case studies.Using the Walden Library, choose and review a research study in the area of forensic psychology that uses a quantitative design and another that uses a qualitative design. If possible, try to find articles that focus on similar or related topics or research questions in forensic psychology.Consider the similarities and differences between the two studies in terms of the designs of the studies, the data collection and analysis methods, and the nature of the interpretation of results and conclusions drawn.The assignment (2–3 pages):Briefly describe the quantitative study you selected.Briefly describe the qualitative study you selected.Compare (similarities and differences) the two studies in terms of the designs, the methods of data collection and analysis, the nature of the interpretation, and conclusions drawn.Explain an insight you had or conclusion you now might draw as a result of/based on your comparison.Learning ResourcesReadingsArticle: Fishman, D. B. (2005). Editor’s introduction to PCSP: From single case to database: A new method for enhancing psychotherapy practice. Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy, 1(1), 1–50. Retrieved from http://ejbe.libraries.rutgers.edu/index.php/pcsp/article/view/855/2167


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Psy 3500 number 1 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Psy 3500 number 1 | 2025 Custom Writing

PreparationIn preparation for this assessment, select a research question that addresses the relationship between learning, cognition, and memory. Take time to use the Capella University Library to familiarize yourself with key topics for this assessment:The relationship between learning, cognition, and memory.The approaches and goals of researching learning and memory.Please remember to review the scoring guide as you work through this assessment to ensure that you have completed all required elements.Choose one of the following scenarios as a guide for your research:A dementia patient has difficulty remembering major life events, such as the loss of her spouse. She is also typically not oriented to people, places, time, or situations. She can, however, sing along to some of her favorite oldies songs when she hears them. How can her selective memory be explained?You are part of a marketing team for the Walt Disney Company, which now owns 21st Century Fox. The acquisition includes Marvel characters such as the X-Men and Fantastic Four. What are some strategies for developing memorable and persuasive advertisements for some of these newly acquired Marvel characters?A parent is having problems with his adolescent child, who is becoming increasingly defiant. When offering advice, you want to incorporate information about how the brain can influence behavior. How would you explain the typical brain functioning of a teenager compared to an adult? Also, share how a teen’s cognitive processes can cause behavioral changes during adolescence.You see a news story about a person who vanished from his home and was missing for several years. He was found in a city (far away from his original home) with a lack of memory for the past, including his original name, relationships, former place of residence, and former occupation. He has taken on a completely new identity. Explain what could have caused this rare condition.An older adult is considering going to a postsecondary institution to earn an undergraduate degree, because she always wanted to graduate from college. She is concerned that she will have difficulty learning new things because of her age. Are her concerns warranted?For the purpose of this assessment, you will not be expected to answer the question or solve the problem. You will be exploring different approaches to researching the components of the question in order to address the topic from different angles.InstructionsFor this assessment, complete the following:Choose one research question from the list above that you would like to explore related to learning and memory.Find three scholarly sources in the Capella University Library, such as peer-reviewed research articles, that are related to the research question you chose. These articles should be no more than five years old. At least one article must describe empirical data collection. (Typically these articles contain headings such as participants, measures, instruments, and results.)For all articles, summarize what you learned from each source regarding your research question, and how this knowledge contributes to or changes your understanding of learning and memory.For the empirical article, summarize the research methods and measures (when applicable) used in each of the articles you read. Different approaches will measure memory or learning in different ways, based on the conceptual approach.Describe the practical impact that the research question or information from the articles you read might have on your personal and professional life. In what ways can this knowledge of learning and memory be applied to your life or work?Strive to be as concise as possible. Limit the length of your completed assessment to 2–3 pages, excluding the title page and reference page.Support your statements and analyses with references and citations from your scholarly resources.Note: You may (but are not required to) use the APA Paper Template, linked in the Resources.Self-EvaluationWhen you have finished your research paper, write a separate, one-page self-evaluation of your work compared to the scoring guide criteria. Use this self-evaluation to:Ensure that you have completed all assessment requirements (ideally at the distinguished level).Evaluate your performance using the criteria in the scoring guide.Indicate the proficiency level you met for each criterion.Include the scoring guide (including comments) with your self-evaluation.Submit as a separate attachment when you submit your research paper.Additional RequirementsWritten communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.APA formatting: Resources and citations should be formatted according to APA style and formatting.Length of paper: 2–3 double-spaced pages, not including title page or references.Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.References: A minimum of three scholarly resources (no more than five years old) is required.


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Compare and Contrast: Best Toothpaste | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Compare and Contrast: Best Toothpaste | 2025 Custom Writing

Research two of the leading toothpaste’s recommended by the American Dentist Association (ADA). You may research two of either; Aim, Colgate, Crest, or Listerine. Based on the research , compare and contrast the two kinds of toothpaste you choose. Include any case studies that may have been used by ADA in their research. Must be at least 200 words in length. Give credit to your source and provide a reference at the end of the assignment. Must use APA format.


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