Ethical Vignette Paper | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Ethical Vignette Paper | 2025 Custom Writing

After viewing the video below, write a 2–4-page response paper. The paperMUSTincludeat least 2 referencesand be in currentAPA format.Video for paper:


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Assignment: Evaluating Significance of Findings | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Assignment: Evaluating Significance of Findings | 2025 Custom Writing

Part of your task as a scholar-practitioner is to act as a critical consumer of research and ask informed questions of published material. Sometimes, claims are made that do not match the results of the analysis. Unfortunately, this is why statistics is sometimes unfairly associated with telling lies. These misalignments might not be solely attributable to statistical nonsense, but also “user error.” One of the greatest areas of user error is within the practice of hypothesis testing and interpreting statistical significance. As you continue to consume research, be sure and read everything with a critical eye and call out statements that do not match the results.For this Assignment, you will examine statistical significance and meaningfulness based on sample statements.To prepare for this Assignment:· Review the Week 5 Scenarios found in this week’s Learning Resources and select two of the four scenarios for this Assignment.· For additional support, review the Skill Builder: Evaluating P Values and the Skill Builder: Statistical Power, which you can find by navigating back to your Blackboard Course Home Page. From there, locate the Skill Builder link in the left navigation pane.For this Assignment:Critically evaluate the two scenarios you selected based upon the following points:· Critically evaluate the sample size.· Critically evaluate the statements for meaningfulness.· Critically evaluate the statements for statistical significance.· Based on your evaluation, provide an explanation of the implications for social change.Use proper APA format and citations, and referencing.


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Depression Case Study | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Depression Case Study | 2025 Custom Writing

Please see attached instructions.


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Anger and violent offenders | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Anger and violent offenders | 2025 Custom Writing

Review the article “Understanding Clinical Anger and Violence: The Anger Avoidance Model” in this week’s Learning Resources. Focus on the relationship among processing stress, clinical anger, and aggression as they relate to violent offenders.Review the article “The Role of Impulsivity in Antisocial and Violent Behavior and Personality Disorders Among Incarcerated Women” in this week’s Learning Resources. Focus on the aspects of anger and aggression specific to female offenders. Think about how female offenders are similar to and different from general violent offender populations.Review the article “Violent Men: The Importance of Impulsivity and Cognitive Schema” in this week’s Learning Resources. Consider the relationship among anger, aggression, and violence.Review the article “Emotion Regulation, Coping, and Psychological Symptoms” in this week’s Learning Resources. Focus on the concepts of stress and aggression.Synthesize what you have examined concerning the concepts of anger, stress, and aggression as they relate to violent offenders. Think about the implications of this relationship to the treatment of violent offenders.The assignment (1–2 pages):Briefly explain the concepts of anger, stress, and aggression as they relate to violent offenders.Explain the relationship among anger, stress, and aggression.


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Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

FOR NICOHWILLIAM ONLY WK 8 DQ2 | 2025 Custom Writing

#2. You are conducting a research study on the long-term effects of functional family therapy on promoting gang-affiliation resistance within a group of Mexican-American families with adolescents. Describe the variables being explored within this study; discuss the process by which you would ensure culturally relevant and ethical report writing will be achieved by you in considering reporting of significant and nonsignificant data results, summary, and conclusions.


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3 Assignments 1 Feed back paper | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

3 Assignments 1 Feed back paper | 2025 Custom Writing

Assignment #1 Part 1 Due Wenesday the 17 by Midnight CST.· Identify one 19th or early 20th century philosopher or psychologist from this unit’s assigned readings.· Analyze and summarize the individual’s major contributions to scientific, philosophical, or psychological thought.· Explain how the individual’s ideas adhere to psychophysiological, evolutionism, empiricism, materialism, creationism, intelligent design, phrenological, vitalism, scientific, sensational, perceptual, psychophysics, comparative, psychometric, statistical, eugenic, LaMarckianism, neuroanatomical, functionalism, structuralism, pragmaticism, phenomenological, or dynamic psychology system of thought.Assignment #1 Part 2 Due Thursday the 18 by Midnight CST.Summarize the article and provide the URL link to where it is located; identify any relationship between the research article and the main points of the assigned chapters; and discuss how it relates to any main point(s) in this unit’s assigned chapters. Article abstracts are not sufficient for analysis of relationships between the article and the assigned readings historical ideas main points. You must read the entire article to come to your conclusions.Assignment #2 Due Thursday the 18 by Midnight CST.Each student will provide a short biography and summarize the prominent individual’s major ideas and contributions to the development of psychology.Each student will also evaluate and explain how the individual’s ideas and contributions are significant to modern psychology today.This paper will need to be written in APA style and citations, and will need at least three APA style references retrieved from expert sources or professional journals.  Other credible references can be obtained from the internet or other means. Wikipedia is not considered a credible academic source.The Biography and Analysis Paper is due by Thursday 11:59 PM CST . The paper is required to contain a minimum of 600 words(approximately 2.5pg), not including title and references page. This paper will be graded on overall quality of content, critical thinking, writing style, and adherence to minimum references and word count guidelines. A minimum of 4 academic references are required.Reply to at least one other classmate’s ( I will supply you with the other student paper.) posted paper and will discuss how their own chosen philosopher/psychologist/scientist’s ideas and contributions compare and contrast to those of their classmate’s identified eminent individual. Each student will be expected to come up with information that is not found in another student’s paper. The student peer reply is required to be substantive, containing at least 300 words. The peer response reply is due Unit 6 by Sunday 11:59 PM CST.


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week2 flow chart | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

week2 flow chart | 2025 Custom Writing

There are many steps in the process of memory, and it is important to understand how each step works in order to improve your own memory. In this assignment, you outline the processes of memory formation and retrieval.Imagine your team has been asked to present to a group of high school students on the process of memory. You have been asked to create a visual representation of the memory process to hand out to students as a resource that they can take with them and use in the future.Create a descriptive flowchart that outlines and describes the processes of memory from perception to retrieval. At each stage of your flowchart, describe how the stage affects memory. You can use a variety of programs to complete your flowchart, such as Microsoft® Word or Microsoft® Visio®.Begin your flowchart through the following steps:Identify the order in which the stages should progress in the process of memory.Describe what is occurring at each stage.Explain how information progresses to the next stage.Build your flowchart.Format any citations within your flowchart according to APA guidelines.Submit your completed flowchart.


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Resource File | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Resource File | 2025 Custom Writing

RESOURCE FILE: Students will develop a resource file containing at least 5 disorders discussed in class.  Each disorder entry should include a summary of the disorder(summary should be a half page to full page in length), books, articles, websites, support groups, and literature. Topics that may be included in the resource file are: Stroke, TBI, Alzheimer’s Disease, Pick’s Disease, Dementia, Frontotemporal disorders, Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA), Aphasia, Parkinson’s Disease, Traumatic Brain Injury, Multiple Sclerosis, ALS, Huntington’s Disease, Arterial Venous Malformation (AVM), Aneurysm, Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, HIV Encephalopathy, Primary Progressive Aphasia.  All of the aforementioned accepted topics must refer to the adult population only.  Please refer to rubric for content and criteria.


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Should humans use animals | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Should humans use animals | 2025 Custom Writing

Should humans use animals for psychological research? Give examples from this week’s assigned readings or other sources to defend your position.Attempt Start Date: 25-Jul-2019 at 12:00:00 AMDue Date: 27-Jul-2019 at 11:59:59 PMMaximum Points:  5.0


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Code of ethics | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Code of ethics | 2025 Custom Writing

You are a young, single, male counselor with your own private agency. You saw a family for a year in 2011. During the counseling sessions, you realized there was an attraction between you and the oldest daughter. Since you did not want to hinder the therapeutic relationship you had built with the family, you did not pursue a romantic relationship nor did you say anything about your feelings. After one of the family sessions, the daughter mentions this attraction to you and admits her romantic feelings. You and she talk honestly about this and agree not to pursue this attraction. Later, the family seems to improve and the counseling is terminated. It has been 24 months since your last counseling session, and you see the daughter of your former client at the gym. In a brief conversation, the two of you decide to have dinner together next week. Have you, as a professional counselor, conducted yourself in an ethical manner?


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