Dq | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Dq | 2025 Custom Writing

What types of resources would you use in helping a client deal with their own mortality? Research and post a minimum of three websites or other resources that might be beneficial in helping a client deal with death, dying, loss, and/or questions regarding immortality. Include an annotation as to what the resource contains and why you think it might be helpful.


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Discussion Questions psychology | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Discussion Questions psychology | 2025 Custom Writing

Need to post 4 discussion questions tonight.


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Applied Ethics Presentation human euthanasia | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Applied Ethics Presentation human euthanasia | 2025 Custom Writing

Prepare an applied ethics presentation (12-15 slides, with speaker notes)creating a 12-15 slide power-point presentation. I’m included a sample of a strong powerpoint below, but it was done for a slightly different assignment, so keep this in mind.I first want to give you a formatting tip: you need strong argument and aesthetic/rhetorical effectiveness. In a powerpoint, the best way to achieve this is to keep your slides reserved for bullet-points and visual aids, and put the majority of your argument in the notes.For this powerpoint, you will need to choose a particular ethical debate that is currently relevant in your field. You will need to:1) Explain the issue from an ethical perspective, equally presenting the strengths and weaknesses of both sides of the debate: why does each side think what they think? In doing so, make sure that you identify the crux questions: those questions on which the debate as a whole turns.2) You will need to choose two of the primary moral theories/thinkers that we’ve covered in this course and explain how each would respond to/solve the ethical dilemma in question. Make sure that you explain their theories before attempting to apply them.3) Discuss how Christian Ethics (including the relevant biblical, theological, philosophical, and historical aspects) would address the ethical issue and compare or contrast this to how your two ethical theories would solve the issue.4) Choose a model of moral decision making and, given the data that you’ve presented in the points above, use that model to work through finding a solution to the issue.5) Provide a concluding summary argument for your own solution to the debate, which should be reflected in the work that you’ve done on the above points.attached is an example


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Responding to Important Child Development Issues Please follow Rubric | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Responding to Important Child Development Issues Please follow Rubric | 2025 Custom Writing

Responding to Important Child Development IssuesAssignment ContextFrom the perspective of a professional who has knowledge and expertise in child development, you have been invited to address an audience that includes parents as well as other professionals on a specific issue. Select one topic under early childhood, middle childhood, or adolescence as the focus of your paper and written presentation. Your textbook introduces various issues linked to biology and the environment, health, education, and cultural influences. Start exploring the material in the text that is relevant to your selected issue and then expand your research to include current secondary literature.Your assignment is divided into two parts:Part 1Develop a 5–7-page paper on the selected topic supporting ideas with current research from the scholarly literature that fully explores the topic. The paper will provide the basis for you to explain the impact of the issue facing the child in the scenario you selected from the Scenarios media piece. The paper should have APA structure, formatting, and referencing.Part 2Prepare 2-page a presentation for the intended audience based on the research you conducted on the topic. Write out the presentation on two double-spaced pages. This does not need APA in-text referencing, but you can refer to important scholarly sources that support your ideas. Remember to consider the level of understanding the audience may have on the topic so that you avoid jargon or provide clarification. This presentation needs to have objective support, but, as a presentation, it can be in more informal first-person language.Assignment RequirementsYour paper should meet the following requirements:•Written communication: Use the accepted form and style of the psychological professions, employing grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of graduate-level composition and expression.•References: Include a minimum of six academic, peer-reviewed resources. The course text can be used, but it is not considered one of the peer-reviewed articles.•APA style and formatting: Format the references and in-text citations according to current APA style and formatting guidelines. Use the MEAL Plan document (given in the resources) to organize the content and include APA headings and subheadings.•Length of paper: 5–7 typed, double-spaced pages.•Length of presentation paper: Two typed, double-spaced pages. Note: Your submission for this assignment should be a total of 7–9 pages that includes both Part 1 and Part 2.•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.Note: Your instructor may also use the APA Writing Feedback Rubric to provide additional feedback on your academic writing. The writing feedback rubric does not affect your assignment grade, but its feedback may factor into the grading criteria, if professional communication and writing is a course competency. Evaluate your own work using this rubric. Refer to the Learner Guide for instructions on viewing instructor feedback.ResourcesWebsite icon Responding to Important Child Development Issues Scoring Guide.Website icon APA Style and Format.Website icon MEAL Plan.PDF icon APA Writing Feedback Rubric.PDF icon Learner Guide to APA Writing Feedback Rubric.Presentation icon Scenarios | Transcript


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Lin DiscussionWeek 7 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Lin DiscussionWeek 7 | 2025 Custom Writing

Competencies in PsychologyResourcesAttributes and Evaluation of Discussion Contributions.Professional Communications and Writing Guide.Graduate Psychology Discussion Rubric.PSY5002 & PSY5005 Research Guide: Practitioner Resources.As mentioned in the unit studies, you have covered a wide range of competencies essential to your success as a professional in psychology and a graduate learner. For this discussion, reflect on your career exploration in the unit studies and the competencies most relevant to your vision as a psychology practitioner-scholar. In your post, respond to the following questions:What skills and abilities are most critical to your success in your psychology specialization?What did you learn from your professional interview that helped you clarify your vision and the competencies necessary for your success?What relevant information did you gather from the Practitioner Resources tab in the PSY5002 & PSY5005 Research Guide?What additional information do you need to clarify your vision as a professional in the field of psychology?Psychology CompetenciesThroughout the course, you worked toward establishing a vision for your future career in psychology based on your passions, interests, and aspirations in the field. You have also covered a wide range of competencies relevant to your success as a psychology professional and graduate learner.Workplace competencies are capabilities needed to accomplish tasks that are central to one’s profession. They comprise critical skills, knowledge, and attitudes. Understanding the competencies that are critical to your success is essential for preparing yourself to become a practitioner-scholar in your specialized field. You may know that education in such competencies is fundamental to Capella’s mission and philosophy. The syllabus of each course lists the competencies that learners will acquire and demonstrate in the course. At the levels of programs and specializations, these competencies are generalized as learner outcomes.Investigate the following resources to identify the competencies needed for the specialization you are most interested in.Following are the program outcomes for psychology and clinical psychology:Determine the scientific merit of the professional literature.Apply theoretical and research findings from the discipline of psychology to professional and academic activities.Apply ethical principles and standards of psychology to academic and professional activities.Embrace, respect, and respond to individual differences and diversity in the practice of psychology.Communicate psychological concepts effectively using the professional standards of the discipline.To find the outcomes for a specialization:Go to the Master’s in Degrees in Psychology: Harold Abel School of Social and Behavioral Science page.Click on a specialization on the left navigation menu.Click What You’ll Learn on the left navigation menu.Scroll down to find the list: Your Degree Outcomes.Click Career Outcomes & Job Titles on the left navigation menu (if you want) to see Potential Employment Settings and Common Job Titles/Positions.Visit the PsychologyJobs.com Web site and browse job openings by category or search with keywords related to your specialization. Make note of the competencies, requirements, and qualifications that employers desire for these positions.Use these sources to develop a comprehensive list of about 10 competencies you will need for the specialization you are interested in. Be sure to note the sources of your information.Reminder: Interviewing a Psychology ProfessionalIf you have not already done so, as soon as possible, you should complete your interview with a professional in psychology who works in the specialization you are most interested in. Your questions should be formulated to find out about the nature of work in in the specialization, and what competencies, requirements and qualifications are needed for your success, and clarify appropriate goals and milestones. You will use this information in this unit’s discussion and in your final assignment.


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PSY 114 Assignment 2 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

PSY 114 Assignment 2 | 2025 Custom Writing

Please see attachment. Needs to be original, no plagarism.


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CJ233: Unit 8 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

CJ233: Unit 8 | 2025 Custom Writing

Civil Commitment and the Mentally IllCreate an 8–10 slide informative presentation on the following issues related to civil commitment of mentally ill individuals:Identify the difficulties in apprehending and treating mentally ill offenders in a state of your choice. Provide a summary of the insanity statutes in a state of your choice. Be sure to include how often the statutes are used in court proceedings, some major criticisms, and the success rate.Describe the process that a psychologist would use to provide an expert opinion for insanity cases. Should a psychologist be allowed to give expert opinion on sanity? Why or why not? What are some ethical issues that can be raised?What are some common psychological treatment options for offenders that are incarcerated? What are some of the roadblocks to providing this treatment?Be sure to support your answers with material from the Reading and outside research (at least two outside sources from scholarly journal articles, Internet sources, the textbook articles from the Kaplan Online Library, and other course material.) Also discuss how you evaluated the credibility of the resources used.The presentation should contain a title slide and a slide of references in APA style. All internal citation of outside sources plus the listing of all references should also adhere to APA style.


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Cultural Psychology Paper | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Cultural Psychology Paper | 2025 Custom Writing

Papers will be a minimum of 4 pages each (approximately 1350 words) and no longer than 6 pages. Proper spelling and grammar, format APA, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12pt font, 1” margins, Don’t plagiarizeI have uploaded the content chapters 1 & 2, feel free to pick any definition to write the paper. Please answer the following questions: Your task is to write about what it would be like for you to become a part of this culture.What would be easy?What would be difficult?Would you be accepted by this group or is your way of life too different?What benefits would you have from joining this group?What would you lose?Make sure to incorporate how the topic you picked from the reading related to your new experiences.Writing Prompt: Travel to a place that has a culture that is unfamiliar to you. This may be a religious place (church, mosque, temple, etc.), a cultural area (a cultural museum, park, gathering, festival, etc.), or you may seek out a group of people that share a cultural background that is unfamiliar to you (a student club on campus). Before you go, pick a topic from the reading that is interesting to you (motivation, emotion, development, etc.). Meet and speak with people there and learn about them and their culture so that you can learn firsthand about the differences between your own culture and theirs.


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Phasde 4 DB | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Phasde 4 DB | 2025 Custom Writing

USING THE THREE OPINIONS COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 400-600 WORDS APA FORMAT. TIME IS ESTWhat have you learned from others’ responses?What were the most compelling points from the interaction with your fellow students?How did participating in this discussion help in your understanding of the Discussion Board task?What approaches could have yielded additional valuable information in the students’ networking?What is still unclear after the discussion with your classmates that needs to be clarified?I personally do not believe that there is any one more critical aspect of developing a plan for a client. I believe the whole plan has to work together in order for the client to succeed. However, the most critical aspect would be the client’s willingness and positive participation in their own recovery.Goals for the client are very important in a treatment plan that is designed around the client’s issues. It is important to discuss with the client what his/her goals are for their future and to maintain sobriety.  As the client works through the goals set, things can change and adjusting the goals is sometime necessary for the client to reach their ultimate goals. However, the goals must be clear and understandable by both the client and the therapist.The client being proactive in their treatment plan and working the treatment with their therapist is key. If the client is not fully into their own recovery then there is a high change of relapse. Setting goals and working with therapist and also finding a support group that is specific to the client’s addiction and similar goals towards recovery and lower the chances of relapse.  Help the client find the support they need, group, family member, hobbies, or exercising, etc.Making notes as the client progresses with their goals and improvements is an essential part of the therapist to communicate with the client and make sure that the goals are still good or need to be adjusted; or if the goals are going as planned and individual sessions to discuss any issues the client may be having with their progress towards sobriety and reentering life (work, school, social functions and relationships) with a positive outlook on the future.The last important aspect of the written plan is the outcomes, or success. Make sure to write these down at various intervals. Maybe you visit the outcomes so far once a month, maybe every three months, etc. Choose what interval works best for your client and your style and make sure to plan to talk with them about it (Hall, 2015).I personally believe that any client that has needed an inpatient facility to help with understanding their addiction and learning tools to cope with stress and trauma without going straight to the drugs or alcohol, after care is necessary. A client cannot just jump into after care without working all the steps needed to understand their thinking process and addiction. Aftercare is to help the client reinforce the tools for coping that were learned in the inpatient and how to use them out in the real world. Aftercare is imperative for the client as to if they have an issue and cannot handle it with the tools they were taught, there is the aftercare meetings or appoints that the client can go ask for help and talk out the problem.The primary goal of aftercare is to prevent a relapse into drug or alcohol use. By providing continuing counseling, group sessions and other schedule meetings, aftercare programs provide an extra level of accountability that helps insure that the individual has not fallen back on old habit (Aftercare for Drug and Alcohol Rehab, 2017).Keys to improve the client’s chances of success are learning what their triggers are and implement the coping skills that the client has learned to strive off cravings and stress. Having the access to a counselor/mentor at any time needed to talk when one starts to feel that they cannot handle the problems and having issues with implementing coping skills learned.Prevention plans to prevent relapse, clarifies to the client to estimate possible consequences of slipping in advance of giving into the craving of the drug or alcohol. Just because a client may slip and have a drink or use a drug once is a lapse, but does not mean that it will turn into a full blown relapse. Because the chances of relapse are so high, it’s important to learn how to cope with the occasional slip if it does occur (Aftercare for Drug and Alcohol Rehab, 2017).**********************************************************************Successful Treatment PlanWhat aspects of developing a treatment plan do you think is most critical to the success of the client?The aspect of developing a treatment plan, I think is the most critical to the success of the client is well developed   treatment plan, which is understandable by both parties, the client and the doctor, who is currently working alongside with the client and set of tools and tactics that address the client’s distinguishable strong point as well as her or his issues and deficits. It presents an approach for putting in order the main resources and activities, and identifies benchmarks of successful treatment plan to guide great work for stabilization.Lastly, a developed treatment plan to be successful can be mapped out with particular where clients are in recovery from ingredient use and criminality, where they need to be at that point in their lives, how they can best use available resources  individual  program-based, or criminal justice) to get to their climax.https://www.google.com/search?q=what+are+the+aspects+of+developing+a+treatmentplan+for+the+most+critical+success+of+the+client%3F&oq=what+are+the+aspects+of+developing+a+treatmentplan+for+the+most+critical+success+of+the+client%3F&aqs=chrome..69i57.43733j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8How do you get the clients from treatment to ongoing stabilization of care? For example, for they all need to follow the same steps from inpatient to aftercare, or can a client come somewhere in the middle and still move forward and be successful?How do you get the clients from treatment to ongoing stabilization of care?Example: The way I would get clients from treatment to ongoing stabilization of care is by 1st setting up a goal and a plan. Which both the client and I as the pyhchartist fully agree on.The 1st step in treating my clients for treatment plan for ongoing stabilization .I would get them involved in some counseling and therapy that might deal with their treatment. Man planned need for that client specifically.  Since, this class is dealing with drugs and alcohol; I would help my client find some type of detoxifying group for those who use either drugs or alcohol. Immediately while  going in to this   treatment,  my  client  is to participates in a brief stabilization phase  created for  detoxify him or her while getting over the  addictive drugs, to get the  psychosocial stability, and/or to begin to establish basic recovery supports. The group counselor works with the client throughout the stabilization period.Lastly would use my goals of stabilization phase of treatment to help the client be successful by establishing their abstinence from drugs and alcohol with the assistance from other professionals and drug rehab centers.In conclusion: I would assist the client to be successful by helping them become encouraged to go to the ongoing treatment plan to become stabilized. Assess the client’s psychosocial stability for example; decide if he or she nonexistence a stable, drug-free living community or has significant psychopathology that might obstruct with his or her help or assistance from the drug and alcohol recovery program. I would help   make available education and support to help the client increase his or her knowledge of drug and alcohol addiction and recovery and encourage him or her to get involved in treatment and the recovery processes.https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+get+clients+from+treatment+to+ongoing+stabilization+of+care%3F&oq=how+to+get+clients+from+treatment+to+ongoing+stabilization+of+care%3F&aqs=chrome…69i57.24046j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8What steps might you take to increase the client’s potential for success?The steps that I might take to increase the clients potential success is #1once take the steps to clients assist my clients and help them get involved and acclimated with in the daily activities in order for the treatment to work well. Other, steps I would take to help client my client to be successful is by having the treatment, retention becoming a mandatory. Many challenges might grow or developed during treatment. Lapses may happen.  There are multiple times, clients are not capable or cooperative to adhere to program necessities. Repeated admissions and defaults can might happen. Clients may have altercation, which mandates from various service systems. There are many thoughts about client and staff associations, involve setting the right boundaries, can finding the middle ground care. Intensive outpatient treatment (IOT) programs require having clear decision-making processes and preservation tactics to state these and other issues.Finally, decreasing client slow destruction during treatment must be a priority for IOT providers. Compared with clients who drop out, those who are retained in outpatient treatment tend to be White, male, and worked ( McFaul et al. 2001 ). Client characteristics supplementary with higher dropout rates are addressed “red flags” by  White and colleagues (1998) ; these red flags involve marginalized status (e.g., racial minorities, people who are economically disadvantaged), decrease of an armature skill, recent hospitalization, and past family history of substance abuse.***************************************************************************The most important aspect of developing a treatment plan that is crucial to the success of the client is the therapist and client relationship. A therapist and client relationship should consist of the therapist being genuinely engaged, having unconditional positive regard for the client, Empathy, and clear communicative attitudes such as eye contact, and positive body language   (Connecting with clients, n.d.) . There are three goals a therapist and client should work towards in achieving to build this relationship goal consensus where counselor and client work on collaborate on tasks and emotional bonding. The counselor being able to listen to the client’s distress and their hopes and then being able to articulate them back to the client by ways of asking questions and then evaluating the many different dimensions of the clients replies. The second would be to incorporate tasks that the counselor and client agree upon to partake in accomplishing. Setting goals and a reward system, reassurance and continued support to help continuation of bonding building of trust between the counselor and client. The final one is the emotional bonding consisting of compassion, empathy, or humor at times or just listening to the client’s strong emotions and providing positive and supportive feedback   (Connecting with clients, n.d.) . So, once the trust and relationship between the counselor and the client have been established it will then be easier to come up with a treatment plan that will most likely be successful for the client.How to get the clients from treatment to ongoing stabilization of care? It is advised that the admission process consist of assessing the person’s readiness for change and then applying strategies that will help motivate the client to enter treatment with the will to participate. Establish the counselor and client relationship, identify and overcome any barriers that may discourage the client from participating in treatment, matching clients to the least intensive and restrictive treatment setting to support recovery effectively, finding and developing individualized interventions that will work for the client’s special needs instead of trying to put them in a predefined program (Treatment Entry and Engagement, n.d.) . Do they need to follow all the steps from inpatient to aftercare or can a client come in somewhere in the middle and still move forward and succeed? There are going to be many goals set, Some short term and some long term. It would be hard to expect a client to adhere to all the steps although it is encouraging to do so there are going to be downfalls, these are new skills being learned and old habits are hard to break. Just stay focused and instill positivity in the client that they can complete the steps required of them. Motivation from counselor to client is a good thing to have especially when the client is somewhere in the middle. Some people require more time than others to reach success.The steps that I would take to increase my client’s potential for success is MOTIVATION! It is the key to change, it is multidimensional, dynamic and fluctuating, it is influenced by the counselor’s style and can be modified through elicit and enhanced motivation. I would apply motivation by giving advice, removing any barriers, provide the client choice, decrease the desirability, provide empathy and feedback, clarify all the goals set out, and be an active participant by helping   (Motivating Clients for Treatment and Motivating Clients for Treatment and Addressing Resistance, n.d.)***************************************************************************Treatment plans are very important for many clients and should be carefully examined. I believe not just one aspect of a treatment plan is more crucial than others because I think the whole plan must work in conjunction with the therapist and the client for it to work successfully. If I had to choose where to begin for it to start working effectively, I would say assessments such as mental exams and psychological examinations are what creates what a plan should be.  It is important to work with clients rather than impose the plan upon them. In the case of a crisis, an emergency plan is put in place until an ongoing plan can be developed. (MUSE,2013) It starts with assessments then from there, the therapist would refer the client to a specific treatment facility or plan for them. It is important that the client and therapist build a level of trust because the client must feel comfortable to talk to the therapist. It is the professionals job to keep their information private and confidential and this can help clients feel more open about their situation and be more willing to participate in getting the right treatment.Getting clients from treatments to ongoing stabilization of care is important because treatment does not just stop after recovery as many people relapse and have their urges because counseling therapies has stopped. I think treatment plans are more successful when clients start from the beginning and receive the counseling needed even after therapy as support can continue to prevent chances of relapse. I believe each client would benefit better when going through all the steps required and even after however, I also believe for some people they can have success in treatment when coming in the middle as many just are motivated to get help and continue with support groups. I do think for these clients who don’t start in the beginning do have more challenges and must have more patience and trust for their therapists and the plans they incorporate. Some clients do require more time than others in treatment and each client must be willing to participate for any step to work successfully.For each client, there will be long term or short-term goals set by them and the therapist and it will help shape their recovery plan. One step I would start with is Motivation as this is key as well as perseverance. I would encourage the client to keep a positive attitude as far as their recovery goes as many people lose motivation which causes relapse. Taking responsibility, getting involved with those of like minds, pursuing dreams, and achieving short- and long-term goals are an essential part of moving forward. Aftercare, self-help groups, 12-step groups, and other supportive activities can help the client continue stabilization and reduce recidivism. Reducing stress to avoid the stress-regress problems associated with relapse is essential. (MUSE,2013) Many clients will achieve their goals as long as they stay focused and motivated and continue to trust their therapist. They can succeed regardless of their level of addictions as many people are worse off than others.


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Assignment 3: LASA: Working Ahead | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Assignment 3: LASA: Working Ahead | 2025 Custom Writing

In this assignment, you will be able to identify and understand the steps in the proposed ethical decision-making model presented in your textbook by Bush et al. (2006). In addition, you will be able to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of this proposed model.Tasks:Write a 3- to 4-page paper, including the following points:A summary of the eight steps in the ethical decision-making model proposed by Bush et al. (2006).A critical analysis of the ethical decision-making model (i.e., analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the model in ethical decision making).Submission Details:Save your paper as M1_A3_Lastname_Firstname.doc. By Wednesday, June 28, 2017, post it to the M1 Assignment 3 Dropbox.Assignment 3 Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsClearly explained the eight steps in the ethical decision-making model proposed by Bush et al. (2006).40Critically analyzed the model and accurately described the strengths and weaknesses of the model in ethical decision making.40Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.20Total:100


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