Essay: Intelligence and Behavior | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Essay: Intelligence and Behavior | 2025 Custom Writing

Instructions: Even highly intelligent people sometimes behave in foolish ways. Locate an example of a famous person—a political figure, athlete, scientist, or artist—who is clearly intelligent but who engaged in spectacularly unintelligent actions. What potential scientific explanations might you offer for the causes of her or his behavior?


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Assignment 1: The Problems of Evil and Suffering | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Assignment 1: The Problems of Evil and Suffering | 2025 Custom Writing

Assignment 1: The Problems of Evil and SufferingAll human beings encounter pain and suffering in life. This can present some difficult questions to organized religions.On some level, all religions answer fundamental questions of human existence, including, “why are we here?” Pain and suffering complicate these basic questions of human existence, whether the religion is monotheistic, polytheistic, or atheistic.Some people endure much more pain and suffering than others. Why is this so? What is the origin of suffering? Is evil external or internal? Does it have any meaning? How should we respond to it?Even more difficult is the problem of moral evil: some people deliberately cause other people to suffer. Why? If there is meaning in the universe, and especially if the universe is ruled by a beneficent deity, how can this be?Write an essay of 1,000 words that examines the basic positions of each of the five religious traditions considering these human questionsIn your essay, address the following questions:How does each religion respond to the problems of evil and suffering?How are those responses similar?In what ways do the responses differ?What factors account for these differences?Which way of addressing evil is the most similar to your own? What role does reason play in your personal understanding of evil? How does that overlap or contradict with the major religions’ uses of reason in explaining evil?Assignment 1 Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsIntroduce how each of the five religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism) responds to or address the problems of evil and suffering.68Compare the five religions and identify commonalities or similarities between them in addressing both the problem of evil and the problem of suffering.40Compare the five religions and identify differences between the five religions and how they address the problem of evil and the problem of suffering.40Discuss the factors that account for these differences in how the five religions address the problem of evil and the problem of suffering.40Describe which way of addressing evil is the most similar to the student’s personal belief system. What role does reason play in your personal understanding of evil? How does that overlap or contradict with the major religions’ uses of reason in explaining evil?48Style (8 points): Tone, audience, and word choiceOrganization (16 points): Introduction, transitions, and conclusionUsage and Mechanics (16 points): Grammar, spelling, and sentence structureAPA Elements (24 points): In-text citations and references, paraphrasing, and appropriate use of quotations and other elements of style64Total:300


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Human Behavior and the Environment | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Human Behavior and the Environment | 2025 Custom Writing

Describe ecosystems theory and provide an example of how a hypothetical client might interact within various systems in their local community. Provide an example of micro and macro systems within your own communities and environments as well.What is the strengths perspective? Why is it an important perspective within the field of human services?Reference:Zastrow, C. & Kirst-Ashman, K.  (2012). Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Understanding Human Behavior and the Social Environment. Cengage Learning, Vital Source Bookshelf Online.Need in 200-300 words, does not need to be in essay format


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Please help me, thank you | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Please help me, thank you | 2025 Custom Writing

Requires spss and due today. Please help me


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PSY 325 Correlation | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

PSY 325 Correlation | 2025 Custom Writing

CorrelationPlease read instructions carefully before sending me a handshake blindlyIn this post, you will be challenged to look at how statistical tests, such as correlation are commonly used and the possible limitations of such analyses. In addition, you will need to identify the appropriate application of course-specified statistical tests, examine assumptions and limitations of course specified statistical tests, and communicate in writing critiques of statistical tests.Much has been written about the relationship between students’ SAT test scores and their family’s income.  Generally speaking, there is a strong positive correlation between income and SAT scores.  Consider and discuss the following questions as you respond:What does this correlation tell you?Is this correlation evidence that having a high family income causes one to have high SAT scores?Is this correlation evidence that high SAT scores are a cause of higher income?  Or, does this tell you something else? Explain your answer.Explain why correlation alone is rarely sufficient to demonstrate cause.


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Please do my homework No Plagarism Please follow instructions | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Please do my homework No Plagarism Please follow instructions | 2025 Custom Writing

Read the health record to identify the patient’s diagnosis and trace the course of treatment. Download the following heath record to begin this assignment:Patient Medical RecordReport the following information from the health record:Health Record #DiagnosisRelated HistoryPhysical FindingsLab/X-Ray FindingsCourse of Treatment–including medications administeredCondition on DischargeResearch the disease identified to supplement the information documented in the health record. Do not use your text, you must use a valid health resource such as the Merck Manual or the NIH (National Institutes of Health):Pathology of the diseaseSymptoms and signsLaboratory findingsDiagnosisPrognosisTreatment alternativesWrite 2-3 paragraphs comparing what you found in the health record to what you found in the references. You must state whether or not you feel the disease was treated appropriately in the hospital based on what you found in step #2.Include a Reference page in APA format. The patient chart does not need to be included on the reference page. For more information on APA, navigate to the Resources tab in this course.Use proper spelling and grammar..


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Ethics Paper for Group Counseling Course (Psychology major preferred) | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Ethics Paper for Group Counseling Course (Psychology major preferred) | 2025 Custom Writing

Address the hot topic of ethics within groups in an 8–10-page research paper. In addition, you will need to address the ethical issues unique to group therapy and how these issues compare to those from individual counseling. Discuss why a therapist would choose group therapy over individual counseling or vice versa. You must use a minimum of 10 empirical articles to support your readings.  Must be done in APA format and plagiarism free!!References:Forsyth, D. (2010). Group dynamics. Belmont, CA. Wadsworth.Jacobs, E. E., Schimmel, C. J., Masson, R. L., & Harvill, R. L. (2016). Group Counseling: Strategies and skills.In additon to the above references, a list of articles that may be helful and used is attached.Must reflect graduate level work.


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LASA 1: False Memories | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

LASA 1: False Memories | 2025 Custom Writing

The US legal system places a lot of importance on eyewitness memory. Most people would report that they can accurately convey what they saw in a particular situation. However, these ideas are not supported by research. Instead, research shows that memory is quite malleable and is affected by many factors. This research repeatedly demonstrates that people do not remember exactly what they experienced. This module’s experiment will show you firsthand how memory for events is not always one hundred percent accurate.Access the CogLab demonstration False Memory. Follow the instructions to complete the demonstration to familiarize yourself with false memory. Then locate at least one research study from a peer-reviewed journal that examined how eyewitness memory can be affected by false memories.Based on your research, respond to the following situation:You are considered to be an expert in false memories, and a local district attorney has therefore requested your expertise on the following case:On Tuesday, March 6, 2007, a bank was robbed in Slidell, LA. It was just after opening time, 9:04 a.m., and there were barely any customers, when a car arrived and parked in the side parking lot of the bank. Two men came out of the car and walked to the entrance. Both wore dark clothing. Upon entering the bank, they held out guns and asked for the manager. When the manager identified herself, the smaller of the two robbers ordered her to open the safe. Meanwhile, the other robber, a tall, and burley man, walked around holding his gun in his outstretched arm, and threatening the remaining employees and customers. The manager complied and the smaller robber collected all the money and valuables from the safe. After five minutes, the big robber asked if his companion was ready to go. When he was, the two ran back to their car, and drove away.The district attorney has asked that you create a presentation about false memory and explain how it might influence this case. He asks that you specifically address the following:Describe false memory and false memory experiments. Use the CogLab experiment to illustrate false memory experiments, special distracters, and normal distracters.Describe at least one research study from a peer-reviewed journal that investigated how eyewitness memory can be affected by false memories.Explain how false memory might influence this particular case. Use specifics from the description of the case, the CogLab experiment, and research to support your answer.Using evidence from the case, the CogLab experiment, and outside research, justify why eyewitness testimonies should or should not carry weight in criminal proceedings.Discuss any procedures which can increase or reduce the occurrence of false memories when reporting eyewitness events.Remember, your presentation is designed to help the jury understand false memory and how it might influence the eyewitness testimony of this case. You will have ten minutes to present.Since this is a legal case, you must include formally written slide notes (proper grammar, proper paragraphs, APA formatting, and academic tone) with research to support your claims. The presentation will be a legal document in this case, so make it worthy of being legally binding!Develop an 5–6-slide presentation in PowerPoint format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M3_A2.ppt.By Wednesday, July 8, 2015, deliver your assignment to the M3: Assignment 2 Dropbox.


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Due 7/15 – Psychology Discussion Questions | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Due 7/15 – Psychology Discussion Questions | 2025 Custom Writing

Discussion 1 – Explain in 100-150 WordsWhy is problem solving considered the highest level of mental activity? What makes an individual skillful at solving problems? Explain your answer.Discussion 2 – Explain in 100-150 WordsWhat is the most difficult step in the decision making process? Explain why.Discussion 3 – Explain in 100-150 WordsWatch the “Make Up Your Mind” video located in this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. the video.Discussion 4 – Explain in 100-150 WordsWatch the “Sheena Iyengar- The Art of Choosing” video located in this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. the video.Discussion 5 – Explain in 100-150 WordsReasoningReflect on the process associated with reasoning and discuss the following:Consider the following choice. I will give you a free $5 bill, no strings attached. Optionally, I will allow you to flip a coin: heads you win $10, tails you win nothing. Do you want the $5, or do you want to flip the coin? What does expected value theory tell you that you should do? Does this accurately represent your feeling about the decision?Discussion 6 – Explain in 100-150 WordsProblem SolvingReflect on the process associated with problem solving and discuss the following:  When trying to solve a problem, you might have been instructed to “stop thinking about it and come back to it later.” Based on what you have learned this week about impasses, do you think this is good advice? Why or why not?


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I have 2 questions that I need done with no plagiarism at all (question in box below) | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

I have 2 questions that I need done with no plagiarism at all (question in box below) | 2025 Custom Writing

Question 1Suppose you are faced with a terminally ill client who is in a great deal of pain. The client indicates to you in a calm, reasonable way that she is going to drive out to an isolated spot in a state park, go sit under her favorite tree, and after making a farewell message to her family, will kill herself. Discuss the ethical, legal, and moral dilemmas you would be faced with in this situation.Question 2Take a position, for or against. Is it better/more important to have online crisis intervention, or face-to-face crisis intervention, and why? Think of yourself                    in a crisis location where both are available.1. What are the concrete specific advantages of one over the other for you?


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